and what boxes are checked exactly?
Several allegations of child abuse, followed by large out of court settlements, followed by further allegations, accusations that Jackson served alcohol to fairly young children (12, 13, 15), admissions of repeatedly hosting sleepovers, a large collection of both adult pornography and naked photos of men, women, and children that weren't pornographic in nature, a collection of doctored images of naked adults performing sexual acts with children or other creatures doctored onto their heads/bodies collected from rooms or areas where he hosted children's sleepovers.
Jackson settled with his 1993 accuser for $15million, who later killed himself shortly after Jackson's death. A settlement and a former accuser killing himself are absolutely not indications of guilt, though both the 1993 settlement, accusations by others close to Jackson (including La Toya Jackson, that she since rescinded in the 2000s) that he paid other settlements and that she witnessed him abuse children.
Further, in 2013, a former child friend of Jackson accused Jackson of molesting him over a 7-year period. He had previously been a witness for Jackson's defense in 2005, but after having a mental breakdown in 2011 which he says was over grief caused by lying for Jackson and having a child of his own, he claims that Jackson sexually abused him.
Underscoring all of this is Jackson's own admissions of sleeping with children and loving children and several decades of drug addiction. The poster who said that Jackson wasn't an addict, he was drug dependent, is thinking of just Jackson towards the end of his life when a doctor was giving him a strong cocktail of drugs, but in the 1990s, Jackson's wife Marie Presley talked about his growing drug addiction and health concerns.
I feel very bad for Michael Jackson. He was a tormented person, a victim of abuse himself, an immensely talented genius, and somebody who was a victim of the public eye and his own forced success. But, still, there is such a strong body of accusations against Jackson, a string of settlements, and a catalog of alleged victims, along with the large body of simply
weird, dangerous, or self-destructive behavior, that many people would consider these "checked boxes" if it were any other person other than arguably the most famous person i the world. It will never be settled, Jackson will never be found guilty. When former adolescent children associates of Jackson come out later in life and accuse him (as they have), they won't have evidence of abuse, only their accusations. Jackson was never proven to sexually abuse children. But he definitively showed a lack of understanding about what the proper role of an adult is around children, this is undeniable, and coupled with other curious habits like collecting explicit adult materials and having them present or near his children's sleepovers, a decades-long drug addiction or drug dependency, and being surrounded by people for most of his life who did not have his best interests in mind, I don't think it's unreasonable to jump to the conclusion that Jackson very well could have abused children sexually.