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The neighbor's dog went inside their house, and the neighbor scolds you for doing so.

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Alright, I'm going to take a shot at translating this. Hold on to your butts.

"I recently went over to my neighbors house. During my previous visits I've noticed that their family dog doesn't seem to get much attention, so I decided to to bring the dog indoors to play, despite a house rule stating that the dog is to be kept outside. In hindsight, I suppose I understand the need for the rule, as the dog does shed quite a bit this time of year. I'm not sure why a family with an aversion to dog hair would have acquired a canine known for its excessive shedding in the first place, but I digress.

The day after my visit, I was called over to my neighbors home. It seems my neighbor, a recently divorced mother of two, was quite upset that I let their dog in the previous day. You see, while the dog was indoors, it shed some fur, as dogs tend to do. That fur ended up on the floor, on the couch, and generally speaking, all throughout their abode. Clearly frustrated, my neighbor chastised me for allowing poochie into her home, demanding that I vacuum the dog hair which was strewn about.

Knowing that I was at fault for the dog hair, I obliged to her request, and spent over an hour vacuuming away all trace of the pups' presence. However, I can't help but feel a bit slighted in how I was treated, especially considering I have recently offered up my assistance to the family. For example, only two weeks ago I picked up my neighbors daughter from school when she needed to get home, and recently watched her during skating practice to ensure there would be a familiar face in the crowd. Additionally, as I happen to be good friends with my neighbors son, I felt obliged to take responsibility for the dog's mess, even if the neighbor's request for me to clean up was done so in a less than respectful manner.

And so I ask, dear reader, is how would you have responded if you found yourself in a similar predicament? Would you have cleaned up after the dog, nary a response in your defense despite some demeaning comments from your neighbor, or would you have stood up for yourself, instead informing said neighbor that you don't appreciate her comments, and perhaps suggest that she should pound salt for treating you in such a disrespectful manner?

Inquiring minds want to know."

Unintelligent and my edited version:

I was over at my neighbor's house, and I let the dog inside the house so the dog can play with the neighbor's daughter and I. I noticed that the dog doesn't get much love from her family, so why not? Unfortunately, the dog sheds a lot during this season so I should've de-shed her before letting her inside. There's a house rule that the dog can't be inside the house because of the shedding (I'm not sure why my neighbor got the dog in the first place if she won't bother with a bit of fur).

The day after, my neighbor asked me to come over again and scolded me for letting the dog inside the house. My neighbor did not like the fur she found on her couches when she had guests over. She made me vacuum the living room and scolded me more.

I was upset because even though I did help my neighbor recently by watching her daughter at a skating rink from 7AM to 12PM last Saturday and picked her daughter up from school when she was away 2 weeks ago, I still got yelled at and spent over an hour vacuuming,

What is the right response to this situation? I was being nice since my best friend is also her son, the neighbor is going through a rough divorce aftermath, and I didn't want anything bad to happen to the dog if I acted more like a jerk.

I hope it's clear that I was fine with vacuuming her couches, but she could've been much nicer to me because I picked up her daughter from school 2 weeks ago while my neighbor was away in another state, and I kept an eye on her daughter at a skating rink on a Saturday morning from 7AM to 12PM.

Edit: The neighbor asked me for those favors.
The neighbors dog went inside their house....I don't get this at all

Also what does 9/11 have to do with anything...I am so confused
I love how the OP edited his post but didn't bother clarifying anything, haha.

EDIT: He's edited it twice now but the statement/question still doesn't make sense!


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
My dog did this when I was in 8th grade. He bolted out of the house and started running in the yard, then he saw the neighbor's cat and chased it onto their patio, then onto a chair and into their open window. I panicked and jumped in after him, scooped him up and went right back out the window. They never found out.

If I was getting scolded for it, I'd vacuum their living room or whatever. Mea culpa. How long can that take, 5 or 10 minutes? I'm not dusting the place lol

EDIT: Wait, is the dog that went inside not yours? If it isn't my dog I'm not vacuuming shit. I'm not a maid.


You shouldn't have let the neighbor's dog go inside the neighbor's house. It's your responsibility to vacuum the neighbor's house now.


1. Why is their dog going inside their house your problem? Were you asked to keep an eye on the dog?

2. What does 9/11 have to do with this?

3. On what planet is it acceptable for your neighbor to ask you to vacuum their living room?

I just don't get it, man.


So... Your neighbor came over... Told you his own dog came into his own house... Then demanded that you vacuum his house... And you're mostly upset because he interrupted your 9/11 remembrances??


I'm not going to even try to understand the situation, but if whatever happened is your fault, then you should do whatever is requested if it's reasonable.


Is it that your dog went into the neighbors house and left fur or you let their own shedding down into their house?
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