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The neighbor's dog went inside their house, and the neighbor scolds you for doing so.

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You cleaning up the dog mess was only fair. That said I wouldn't be dogsitting anyone's dog for free. Next toime she asks you to babysit/dogsit you should get some money out of it.


So she is not just a neighbour, she is your best friend's Mother? That's a pretty big distinction. Also sounds like she is taking advantage of you a little bit, asking you to do things. But you should respect the rules of her house and I have no issues with her making you clean up. Even though I agree with you and do feel bad for the dog; It should be allowed indoors. But unfortunately It's not our decision to make.


You shouldn't let an outdoor dog inside the house they aren't allowed in, but I think your neighbor's reaction is a bit harsh to make you do the vacuuming. They could have probably reacted like oh well kids will be kids.

This pretty much. I would had just cleaned it up and the next time he came over, told him to make sure he doesn't let the dog in and to go outside if he wants to play with the dog.
I'm not going to make someone clean up my house even if it was their fault.


Yeah saw statements that many dogs prefer it outdoors and that they shouldn't be on chains. Saw no reason why dogs can't spend the majority of their time outdoors.
It's less about them being outdoors and more about neglect. A lot of people leave their dogs outdoors and just ignore them for prolonged periods of time. As long as you give them proper attention and make sure not to do stupid things like leave them out on a hot day without water, it's fine.

And you have to be careful if you live in an area with other wildlife; I've seen dogs and cats killed by coyotes. The coyotes will eat everything but the head.


So she is not just a neighbour, she is your best friend's Mother? That's a pretty big distinction. Also sounds like she is taking advantage of you a little bit, asking you to do things. But you should respect the rules of her house and I have no issues with her making you clean up. Even though I agree with you and do feel bad for the dog; It should be allowed indoors. But unfortunately It's not our decision to make.

She definitely is. It's a power play. She isn't his peer asking for a favor, she is an adult asking a kid to do things that people get paid for and she is asking him to do it for free. Then after the free work because the job isn't perfect she chews him out and makes him clean. No. If I were his parents I would have been pissed.


I love everything about this thread. The OT needs more of these to make it a better place.

On topic, it sounds like you're a bit young, she was mad that you let the dog in, you vacuumed the hair, she was mad, but now it's over. I'd just let it slide.

Also, if you really like that dog, get a furminator and brush it. My dog sheds a lot too, and I have to do this several times a year to get his undercoat out.


So between 15-19, got it. Explains everything, I'm gonna go on the low end and guess 15.

If he is around that age, the neighbor is just trying to teach the op some responsibility. It might come out wrong, but she could had some good intention.

OP: The good that you did does not cancel out the bad, so nothing wrong to have you fix your own mistake.
What I am taking away from this thread is, in a nutshell it's a cute little, suburban coming of age story.

A teenage boy finally becomes a man and stands up for himself against an irrational, abusive mother of two, divorcee next door.

Well, I guess he hasn't stood up for himself and told the lady to chill yet, guess he hasn't come out yet.
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