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The neighbor's dog went inside their house, and the neighbor scolds you for doing so.

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I think the OP is saying he was at his neighbor's home and he let their dog in when he wasn't supposed to since the dog sheds. And now the dog made a mess in their home and they want the OP to clean it up since he let the dog in.

So I'm thinking OP was at the neighbors house. He let the neighbor's dog into the house. The dog isn't allowed in the house so the neighbor got mad at the op and told him to vacuum because the dog sheds. That right?

Is the OP between the ages of 13 and 15, and/or are his parents going to ground him and take away his PS4 if he doesn't vacuum the neighbor's couch? If, yes, please proceed.

If, no, tell her, "Boy, bye!"


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Let me try to untangle this:
You were over at your neighbor's place and you let their dog inside because you like the dog and wanted to pet it/spend time with it and the dog proceeded to shed everywhere once you let it in? When the neighbour found out you let their dog into their house, the neighbour got upset and wanted you to clean up since the dog wasn't allowed inside.

If the neighbour explicitly told you not to let the dog in beforehand, then that's on you and you should clean up. If your neighbour didn't say anything beforehand about not letting the dog in, then tell your neighbour to fuck off.

You shouldn't assume that people just let their animals into the house and then allow them to get on the couches.


Vacuum the living room, then get them a card and write them a nice apology. Maybe include a gift card to their favorite eatery or cafe. Also maybe have GAF proofread the apology.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Op, what kind of relationship do you have with this neighbor? You're on friendly enough terms with them that you're chilling in their house but they literally yelled at you about dog fur? The circumstances sound weird, honestly. So you're looking after the daughter sometimes too, is that right? Are they paying you for that? It's cool if you're just being helpful but it sorta sounds like you're being treated like a servant.

A normal adult would have reacted like "Oh, we don't really like the dog in the house. Don't worry about it, I'll get that. Thanks for watching my kid."

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your arrangement...
Draw a picture OP.

Did you let the dog in cause it was cold or barking?



I'm convinced you're either an alien trying to decrypt human culture/language or the dog itself at this point OP.


Tell your neighbour that if they don't want fur in the house, then they shouldn't have gotten a fucking dog. Fuck people who force pets to live outside.
So the dog is banned from the house, you let it in and she makes you vacuum? Did you know it was banned beforehand? The way the post is written is really weird. I don't think you need to apologise to her.


just say you're sorry if it's bothering you so much? I mean you already vacuumed, so I would assume everything's square? o_0

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Between this and one of OP's other threads, its pretty clear OP needs to grow some stones and stop being such a doormat.


for those who can't figure it out:

1) OP watches his neighbor's children for a small window of the day while his neighbor is out or something

2) While watching his neighbor's children, he let their dog into the house because he likes dogs. The neighbor was keeping the dog outside in the backyard because the dog was shedding particularly heavily.

3) When the neighbor came back, she demanded OP vacuum up the mess he created by letting the dog in the house, because she was expecting company

OP is asking if he should have vacuumed the mess or not.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
for those who can't figure it out:

1) OP watches his neighbor's children for a small window of the day while his neighbor is out or something

2) While watching his neighbor's children, he let their dog into the house because he likes dogs. The neighbor was keeping the dog outside in the backyard because the dog was shedding particularly heavily.

3) When the neighbor came back, she demanded OP vacuum up the mess he created by letting the dog in the house, because she was expecting company

OP is asking if he should have vacuumed the mess or not.

Point 3 is wrong....she asked a day later.

Maximus P

I take it the dog has outside accommodation in the way of a kennel? I find it bizarre that one would have a pet dog and keep it permanently outdoors.
Haha holy shit. It was her dog? I thought it was your dog lol. Fuck that shit. If she didnt specifically tell you beforehand to not let the dog in the house then she can clean that shit herself.

But if you already cleaned it and are thinking of how to apologize then please dont do that and just stop doing her any favors. Sounds like you are being treated like a dog yourself.
Hopefully this story makes more sense. Sorry Gaf

I was over at my neighbor's house, and I let the dog inside the house so the dog can play with the neighbor's daughter and I. I noticed that the dog doesn't get much love from her family, so why not? Unfortunately, the dog sheds a lot during this season and I should've de-shed her before letting her inside. There's a house rule that the dog can't be inside the house because of the shedding (I'm not sure why my neighbor got the dog in the first place if she won't bother with a bit of fur).

The day after, my neighbor asked me to come over again and scolded me for letting the dog inside the house. My neighbor did not like the fur she found on her couches when she had guests over. She made me vacuum the living room and scolded me more.

I was upset because even though I did help my neighbor recently by watching her daughter at a skating rink from 7AM to 12PM last Saturday and picked her daughter up from school when she was away 2 weeks ago, I still got yelled at and spent over an hour vacuuming,

Now I feel bad because she's a single mother and struggling with the aftermath of her divorce. It was my fault for not respecting her house rules, so I need to find a way to apologize to my neighbor. I can't stay mad at her. She has a lot on her plate.
It all depends on the kind of relation you want to have with the neighbour. Vacuuming their place isn't the worst it's getting yelled at I'd take issue with.

Also depends on how close the relation was beforehand.
Sounds like a psycopath! I can't imagine EVER calling a guest over to my house to reprimand them and stand over them while they clean. That's next-level rude as fuck. Cut ties. Let her enjoy her clean, empty house.
The way the story is written it comes off more like a mother chastising her 8 year old son rather than a grown adult.

Are you at the very least a young child? If you are a full grown adult you're.... something else.


OP, it's not cheating if you spread peanut butter all over your testicles and let your dog lick it off, because it's YOUR dog.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
...your neighbor doesn't respect you, like at all. If you're an adult, you don't need to apologize. If you wanted to vacuum, that's cool. But getting yelled at like a child...nah. Maybe you're like 12 or something but I don't see any reason why an adult would scold another adult several times, and make them clean their living room for an hour over some dog fur. And you want to buy them a gift over this?

Does stuff like this happen to you a lot?
for those who can't figure it out:

1) OP watches his neighbor's children for a small window of the day while his neighbor is out or something

2) While watching his neighbor's children, he let their dog into the house because he likes dogs. The neighbor was keeping the dog outside in the backyard because the dog was shedding particularly heavily.

3) When the neighbor came back, she demanded OP vacuum up the mess he created by letting the dog in the house, because she was expecting company

OP is asking if he should have vacuumed the mess or not.

A key part of all this is whether OP knew the dog was not to come in and/or was specifically told to keep the dog out. Because if so, that considerably changes things.
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