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The neighbor's dog went inside their house, and the neighbor scolds you for doing so.

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He had to vacuum for an entire hour to clean up the mess he was responsible for, why would she pay him for that lmao

I was talking about he babysitting he did. You can't do something, not ask for payment and then in the future be like yeah but remember that time I sat in the stands for your kid?
Not sarcasm. What do you disagree with? If a neighbor wants a teenager to watch their kid, house etc. they could at least throw a few bucks their way. Not use their services for free. You don't ask other peoples kids for a favor as an adult.

'You made my house a mess by doing something you knew you weren't supposed to do. How much do I need to pay you to clean it up?'

I did favours for my friends parents on more than a few occasions, as did my friends with my parents. I don't think that in itself is out of the ordinary.
Take the dog home, over a period of a few days have him love you more than the other family (VIA FOOD AND CUDDLES NO WEIRD BUTT STUFF), avenge your humiliation.


He had to vacuum for an entire hour to clean up the mess he was responsible for, why would she pay him for that lmao

He didn't HAVE to do anything. I mean no, he shouldn't be paid for it obviously. I would have refused on principle for being scolded and being demanded to. I would have said I was sorry, I won't return to your home and walked out the door.


I was talking about he babysitting he did.
it doesn't even sound like it was babysitting. it just sounds like he watched her skate.

He didn't HAVE to do anything. I mean no, he shouldn't be paid for it obviously. I would have refused on principle for being scolded and being demanded to. I would have said I was sorry, I won't return to your home and walked out the door.
...you would stop being a family friend with someone because they had you clean up a mess you were responsible for?


it doesn't even sound like it was babysitting. it just sounds like he watched her skate.

...you would stop being a family friend with someone because they had you clean up a mess you were responsible for?

Up to her. Had she asked me to clean it up I would have. Had she demanded it of me, no.


Coddling? If you think you can demand other people to do things, even late teens, then we'll just have to disagree fundamentally. That's not even considering the context which you seem to ignore that the OP is in the habit of doing favors for this person.

Oh and it absolutely would be a big deal to me. I think you're missing the point entirely. I would be pissed. I would complain. But no, I would not call over that person so I could scold them and demand they clean up like they are my child. They are not.

I'm not for demanding people to do things outside of their fault or purview. I am for demanding children to pick up after themselves in other people's homes after knowingly making messes by disobeying the rules set forth beforehand. If I were to let my own teenager go to someone's house, I would expect them to follow that person's rules regardless of whether or not they put a please on anything. And I'd tell them to get over themselves if they actually came to me crying about it. Any child or minor that doesn't want to be ordered around by an adult shouldn't be in that adult's home.

This is a grown woman using the services of a teenager for free on more than one occasion because her son is his best friend. She doesn't pay him for his time or even respect him.

His prior services have absolutely nothing to do with his initial disrespecting of the rules of her home. Even if he were being paid, it wouldn't give him the high ground to complain.
Up to her. Had she asked me to clean it up I would have. Had she demanded it of me, no.

Given that OPs posted had to be revised more than the bible before it was readable, I'm not sure we should take at face value that he was scolded and that she demanded he cleaned.


Up to her. Had she asked me to clean it up I would have. Had she demanded it of me, no.
it doesn't matter if she asks or demanded, the point is that he was responsible for a mess and he just left without cleaning it up. then she rightfully scolded him for it and made him clean it up.


I'm not for demanding people to do things outside of their fault or purview. I am for demanding children to pick up after themselves in other people's homes after knowingly making messes by disobeying the rules set forth beforehand. If I were to let my own teenager go to someone's house, I would expect them to follow that person's rules regardless of whether or not they put a please on anything. And I'd tell them to get over themselves if they actually came to me crying about it. Any child or minor that doesn't want to be ordered around by an adult shouldn't be in that adult's home.

His prior services have absolutely nothing to do with his initial disrespecting of the rules of her home. Even if he were being paid, it wouldn't give him the high ground to complain.

That's all nice but in the scenario you presented, you are the parent demanding your own child. Your expectations here are meaningless. You don't order people around, you don't order kids around that aren't yours unless they are under your supervision, either.

She invited him over for a favor. He wasn't there uninvited.

Let me ask you this. What if he refused? Do you call the cops? Do you bend him over and spank him? No of course not because there is nothing you can do and hence why you don't make the demand in the first place. You have no authority over this person.


Dogs shouldn't be kept outside. Kidnap it and give it a home with people worthy of its affection. Also check local code a lot of areas forbid dogs from being kept outside all day.

Edit: Don't really kidnap the dog. You live near this person she'll probably notice. If the dog is being neglected do report her though.


it doesn't matter if she asks or demanded, the point is that he was responsible for a mess and he just left without cleaning it up. then she rightfully scolded him for it and made him clean it up.

Nah. Scolding ok fine. How did she make him clean it up? Did she hold him down? She has no authority over him and shouldn't make demands of him.

I'll be honest here, some of you people I would want no where near my own kids. You don't tell my kids what to do unless you are watching them or something like that. Ask them, call me if there is a problem if you must, but that's not your kid. He doesn't have to do anything you say.

Edit: A late teen specifically is what I mean, a late teen that was doing you a favor and was asked to be there.


ya go kidnap your neighbors dog op

Yeah my neighbor next door leaves his dog out all the time. When it rains, storms. Always whining. It's Arizona and he's out there in the 100s. I mean he has water but still. I hate it. My dogs are inside dogs. Why even have a dog if you just want to say hello to it once in a while.


Can't stand when people don't let there dogs inside. What's the point of having it? There was a family on my street growing up that did this the whole year round and the dog unsurprisingly ended up dying one particularly cold winter.


Nah. Scolding ok fine. How did she make him clean it up? Did she hold him down? She has no authority over him and shouldn't make demands of him.

I'll be honest here, some of you people I would want no where near my own kids. You don't tell my kids what to do unless you are watching them or something like that. Ask them, call me if there is a problem if you must, but that's not your kid. He doesn't have to do anything you say.

Edit: A late teen specifically is what I mean, a late teen that was doing you a favor and was asked to be there.
She does have authority over him as he was in her house disobeying her rules. He's old enough to be held responsible for his actions. The fact that he's complaining about the fact that he had to clean up his own mess is insane. He knew it was an outside dog that wasn't allowed in the house yet he allowed it in and let it make a mess then left. This is a complete non issue and you're acting like she took advantage of some innocent kid.


That's all nice but in the scenario you presented, you are the parent demanding your own child. Your expectations here are meaningless.

If you're talking about the initial expectation to follow another adult's rules in their house, fair enough. But if he wasn't told this or instilled with this value at any age, then his parents failed in that area.

You don't order people around, you don't order kids around that aren't yours unless they are under your supervision, either.

I will happily corral your children for the sake of my property if you won't or aren't able for whatever reason. I will also tell you what will and won't go down, and I will tell you to pick up after yourself. If that bothers you, go be a slob somewhere else.

She invited him over for a favor. He wasn't there uninvited

This is still irrelevant to the situation. Doing a favor doesn't entitle you to mess up someone's home, especially by knowingly breaking the rules.

Let me ask you this. What if he refused? Do you call the cops? Do you bend him over and spank him? No of course not because there is nothing you can do and hence why you don't make the demand in the first place. You have no authority over this person.

The legality is irrelevant because this topic is about a matter of ethics and respect. You have the ethical right to set the standard of conduct your own house, which includes telling people what will and won't happen. And people can be shitty to you and disrespect those rules like OP did in this instance and like people are continually championing him to do. Just because the law says people can be shitty doesn't mean they can't be berated for being shitty.


She does have authority over him as he was in her house disobeying her rules. He's old enough to be held responsible for his actions. The fact that he's complaining about the fact that he had to clean up his own mess is insane. He knew it was an outside dog that wasn't allowed in the house yet he allowed it in and let it make a mess then left. This is a complete non issue and you're acting like she took advantage of some innocent kid.

No she has no authority. He had left the house. He was not trespassing.

What authority? Call the police, see what happens. Take him to court I guess?

I'm being hyperbolic but there is no authority there. They are a late teen that made a mess. That's it. They should clean it up, yes. But you cannot make them. How are you going to I'll ask again? You going to hold my kid down and make them clean it up? I'll have you arrested.


No she has no authority. He had left the house. He was not trespassing.

What authority? Call the police, see what happens. Take him to court I guess?

I'm being hyperbolic but there is no authority there. They are a late teen that made a mess. That's it. They should clean it up, yes. But you cannot make them. How are you going to I'll ask again? You going to hold my kid down and make them clean it up? I'll have you arrested.
you are escalating this so far...what the hell are you talking about?

i can't speculate as to how she made him clean it up, but i'm guessing she said something like "clean up this mess you made in my house", to which op said "ok sorry ma'am."
Dude, even as a late teen this is ridiculous. She is taking advantage of you. You do favors for her and for the smallest mistake she runs you through the coals...nope. She doesn't respect you or appreciate the help you provide. Your not her kid and owe her nothing.

It doesn't matter if your friends with her ex and son, don't be available to help her...ever. She wants to be petty, this is what petty gets. You never got paid for the help you provided and all it took was one mistake and she is there with a punishment. Have some respect for yourself and don't help her.

Life lesson: Don't be the overly nice guy. I know TV makes it seem like it works out for them and the girls realize that they are better off with them but that isn't what happens in real life. In real life people ask more and more of you while not reciprocating and you begin to resent them and most likely won't confront them with the problem. Eventually they will be done using you up and you will have nothing to show for it. You can be helpful but respect yourself and your time or they won't.

This is great life advice OP, read it and remember it.



I will happily corral your children for the sake of my property if you won't or aren't able for whatever reason. I will also tell you what will and won't go down, and I will tell you to pick up after yourself. If that bothers you, go be a slob somewhere else.

This is still irrelevant to the situation. Doing a favor doesn't entitle you to mess up someone's home, especially by knowingly breaking the rules.

The legality is irrelevant because this topic is about a matter of ethics and respect.

And we're not even debating the same point here. You're arguing respect. I'm arguing authority. You should totally tell that kid to go be a slob somewhere else. You don't make demands of them.


I'm being hyperbolic but there is no authority there. They are a late teen that made a mess. That's it. They should clean it up, yes. But you cannot make them. How are you going to I'll ask again? You going to hold my kid down and make them clean it up? I'll have you arrested.

This is not a legal matter. This is an ethical matter. Stop deflecting to the legality of it and instead raise your children to not to disrespect home owners' property. You are literally the only one doing this.


you are escalating this so far...what the hell are you talking about?

i can't speculate as to how she made him clean it up, but i'm guessing she said something like "clean up this mess you made in my house", to which op said "ok sorry ma'am."

I'm talking about you thinking you can tell a late teen what to do. You can't. As such no demand should be made in the first place. They can laugh in your face and walk out.


I would argue it is the dog's mess not his. Part of the responsibility of being a dog owner is cleaning up after it.


This is not a legal matter. This is an ethical matter. Stop deflecting to the legality of it and instead raise your children to not to disrespect home owners' property.

I agree with you?

I take issue with you making demands of my child (if this were my late teen, obviously they are not).


I'm talking about you thinking you can tell a late teen what to do. You can't. As such no demand should be made in the first place. They can laugh in your face and walk out.
You can do that to your own family too, so what?

Did someone say that he legally had to clean up the mess? I really don't understand why you keep saying this like he should have laughed at her for telling him to clean up after himself.


They should not have a dog if it is not to be integrated into the family and treated with love. Who the fuck buys a dog then keeps it outside all the time?


I really don't understand why you keep saying this like he should have laughed at her for telling him to clean up after himself.

Technically she told him to clean up after her dog. The most that should be expected is that he apologizes and not let it happen again.

It comes with the territory.

Now if he made a mess (dropped/spilled food, tracked in mud, etc) I might agree it would be polite to clean up after himself, because well...it's his mess.


I agree with you?

I take issue with you making demands of my child (if this were my late teen, obviously they are not).

If you have a problem with people taking ownership over their house and laying down rules for your child to follow, then don't bring them over to other people's houses. Problem solved.


You can do that to your own family too, so what?

Did someone say that he legally had to clean up the mess? I really don't understand why you keep saying this like he should have laughed at her for telling him to clean up after himself.

Maybe I'm the crazy one here. I feel like it's pretty common place not to give demands to kids that don't belong to you, especially a late teen, unless they are really young and you are watching them or something.

But anyway, I'm just going to agree to disagree with you and the other poster since it seems we're at an empasse on this.


If you have a problem with people taking ownership over their house and laying down rules for your child to follow, then don't bring them over to other people's houses. Problem solved.

What are you even talking about? I'm confused now.

Person was invited over for a favor. Made a mess. Left. Was told to come back. Was demanded to clean up the mess.

How does that apply at all here?

How about this? If you invite a teen over and they make a mess, don't invite them over again. Problem solved.


Technically she told him to clean up after her dog. The most that should be expected is that he apologizes and not let it happen again.

It comes with the territory.

Now if he made a mess (dropped/spilled food, tracked in mud, etc) I might agree it would be polite to clean up after himself, because well...it's his mess.
I feel like the crappy way that the OP trickled information to us is effecting how you are seeing this though.

OP is close family friends with them, he lives next to them. There's no doubt that he has spent a lot of time at their house and knows the dog is not allowed inside. Despite this, he lets the dog in and it makes a mess. The mother has people over that night and finds that the OP let the dog in and there is enough dog hair around to warrant an hour of vacuuming. Friend's mother tells him to clean it up and scolds him for fucking up.

What's the issue here.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I once had a friend puke in my bathroom and make a huge mess, I demanded that he clean it up the next morning (he had passed out). He did, we are still friends.

Some of you calling it a beta move to clean up after a mistake need to grow up.


I once had a friend puke in my bathroom and make a huge mess, I demanded that he clean it up the next morning (he had passed out). He did, we are still friends.

Some of you calling it a beta move to clean up after a mistake need to grow up.

In this case your friend should have cleaned it up.

I don't think the two situations are the same.
I feel like the crappy way that the OP trickled information to us is effecting how you are seeing this though.

OP is close family friends with them, he lives next to them. There's no doubt that he has spent a lot of time at their house and knows the dog is not allowed inside. Despite this, he lets the dog in and it makes a mess. The mother has people over that night and finds that the OP let the dog in and there is enough dog hair around to warrant an hour of vacuuming. Friend's mother tells him to clean it up and scolds him for fucking up.

What's the issue here.

There is little dog fur around. I found at most 2 dog fur ball that's as big as golf balls. I ended up vacuuming a lot of dust.

I should've not let the dog in or at least cleaned up beforehand.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
In this case your friend should have cleaned it up.

I don't think the two situations are the same.

A mistake was made and a mess resulted in it....the responsible party was asked (albeit rudely) to clean it up and did so....no harm no foul.


There is little dog fur around. I found at most 2 dog fur ball that's as big as golf balls. I ended up vacuuming a lot of dust.

I should've not let the dog in or at least cleaned up beforehand.
I don't think you were wrong to want to hang out with the dog because it seemed unhappy outside, you just have to follow the rules of the house that you're in.

A mistake was made and a mess resulted in it....the responsible party was asked (albeit rudely) to clean it up and did so....no harm no foul.
Yup that's pretty much it


The only thing I can tell for sure is that the sexual tension is palpable.

Haha. Yeah not sure why I got to emotionally invested in this topic honestly. Looking back it does seem a little silly. Alright I'm out. Good luck OP. I would stop doing favors for her if she's going to be rude to you. That's what I'll end this with.
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