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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Anybody play Manila? It's been out of print for a while, but I found it in a little shop while on vacation. It's a risk/reward game, almost like horse racing, where you setup 3 ships to ship various commodities towards the port in Manila. It has dice rolls to determine movement of the ships, bidding for control of who places the starting positions of the ships and starts the turns, and strategic pawn placement to score points for which ships reach specific ports. It was a total hit with the people I played with.
soldat7 said:
Anyone have any experience with Saint Petersburg, from Rio Grande?

It's supposed to be very good, but the art has somehow kept me away from it. Stone Age, from the same designer, is very good. His new game, Pantheon, seems very fun too, although I'm pretty sure It'll be overlooked with Olympos and Olympus coming out with a similar theme.


Neo Member
I picked up Ghost Stories (iOS) last night and was able to play a few games. It has two modes of play: solitaire or a 2P pass and play. Apparently, 3 and 4P are being added in an upcoming update. No online play. Price was $5.99.

I have never played the board game. However, after watching a few video guides it seems to be faithful to the original game. The graphics are fairly nice, with an ability to zoom in on tiles and cards to view their actions. It does not look as crisp as Ascension on the iPad but looks nicer than Kard Combat for comparison. One nice addition is that at the end of a loss (I have not won yet) you get a fairly detailed breakdown of the match and a score based on how well you did. I believe that it keeps track of your scoring but I didn't really investigate.

One thing that is sorely lacking is a tutorial. The game just throws you in with no introduction. There is a 40 pg. or so instruction manual but a tutorial mode would be much much better. I ended up watching a few tutorials on BGG to get this gist of it.
Doublethink said:
I have the Goodies expansion and the animeeples alone were worth it to me. It makes the game more "cutesy" for my friends who would otherwise never touch something as heavy as Agricola. Although if you already have a set of animeeples, I don't think it'd be worth it just to get the resource-eeples. I haven't even touched the other parts of the Goodies expansion. I also have Farmers of the Moor, the Gamers' Deck, and the Legendairy Deck. All of them remained unplayed :(

Cuteness is a huge factor to get someone (non gamer) to play a game. I guess I'll buy it anyway since it has more chances to hit the table than a new game.


First tragedy, then farce.
Animeeples make the game more fun in any case, but may be the entire reason my girlfriend plays the game.

She also saw and wants zooloretto for similar reasons.


StoOgE said:
Animeeples make the game more fun in any case, but may be the entire reason my girlfriend plays the game.

She also saw and wants zooloretto for similar reasons.

Zooloretto's one of the few games my wife will request to play (along with Ticket To Ride & Dragon Parade).
StoOgE said:
Animeeples make the game more fun in any case, but may be the entire reason my girlfriend plays the game.

She also saw and wants zooloretto for similar reasons.
Yeah, cute graphics do a lot for a game. If only the art for O Zoo le mío wasn't so awful I'm pretty sure it'd more popular.


Hail to the KING baby
hell yes aesthetics are awesome -- bummer that the only companies that really focus on them consistently are mostly nichey ameritrash companies (with some notable games as exceptions). lots of non-ameritrash games would benefit a ton from the FF treatment


AstroLad said:
hell yes aesthetics are awesome -- bummer that the only companies that really focus on them consistently are mostly nichey ameritrash companies (with some notable games as exceptions). lots of non-ameritrash games would benefit a ton from the FF treatment

Or Mike Doyle. Too bad he retired.


AstroLad said:
hell yes aesthetics are awesome -- bummer that the only companies that really focus on them consistently are mostly nichey ameritrash companies (with some notable games as exceptions). lots of non-ameritrash games would benefit a ton from the FF treatment

Troyes with a FFG theme and component work over...ooohhhh man. Pants just got tight.
ultron87 said:
Gen-Con Indy is the weekend after next. Anyone going?

Ah good. And it has the port rule right out of the gate. Therefore the base game is actually playable.

I'm 3 hours away! I've only seen people coming and going to the Convention center and they're a scary bunch. What is Gen Con anywho?


Gryphter said:
We as a group have a few titles that haven't been able to hit the table yet, so I'm hoping we get them all in during Gencon, including:

Arkham Horror
Battlestar Galactica

omg why does your group hate games.
Teh Hamburglar said:
I'm 3 hours away! I've only seen people coming and going to the Convention center and they're a scary bunch. What is Gen Con anywho?

Giant gaming convention, mostly of the tabletop, rpg, card, boardgame varieties. Some video game companies do go as well as usual convention cling ons like anime fans and shit that will go to anything if they think it's an excuse to dress up. Though it's pretty hardcore and biggest gaming convention for traditional games.


StoOgE said:
The art is nice, but it's also a super pasted on theme.
Didnt we argue this before? Regardless, not getting into that again. An FF treatment would really bring it out.

Fake edit: the cathedral building part IS admittedly pastey.


First tragedy, then farce.
Neverfade said:
Didnt we argue this before? Regardless, not getting into that again. An FF treatment would really bring it out.

Fake edit: the cathedral building part IS admittedly pastey.

and the game is covered with nothing but symbology involving color coding, dice and arrows.

I mean, I guess RFTG and Dominion have "themes" as well.


That all make sense in their context. A baker sells bread to more people (yellow pips) for more money and on and on. Let's change topics.
BattleMonkey said:
Giant gaming convention, mostly of the tabletop, rpg, card, boardgame varieties. Some video game companies do go as well as usual convention cling ons like anime fans and shit that will go to anything if they think it's an excuse to dress up. Though it's pretty hardcore and biggest gaming convention for traditional games.

Oh, that explains all the Magic The Gathering posters I saw. Spanks, BM.
Gryphter said:
I'll be there with 5 friends, maybe more. We as a group have a few titles that haven't been able to hit the table yet, so I'm hoping we get them all in during Gencon, including:

Arkham Horror
Game of Thrones Card Game
Battlestar Galactica
maybe start a Pathfinder campaign for beginners if the DM is ready

as long as vendor prices are good, I plan on buying and hopefully playing:
Formula D
King of Tokyo
Catan Seafarers expansion
Cash N Guns
Claustrophobia (don't expect to play this since it's only 2 players)
Alien Frontiers as long as the price is ~$50

At least 1 of my buddies has a list of things to pick up as well, but I don't know what titles.

How are the vendor prices at GenCon?

I'll be there for the 12th(!!!) year in a row with some friends too. Vendor prices are usually relatively close to MSRP. Any discounts are going to be in the 15-20 percent range. Depending on the product, some stuff will go very close to wholesale or even less, but that's usually reserved for OOP stuff that's been sitting around forever. The auction store and the auction itself are the best place to get deals. If you're willing to buy used, there are lots of complete copies of games for sale, and usually you can get closer to 25-30 percent of retail.
Alright Arkham Horror players...

Finally getting some more expansions on Saturday. I got burned last time picking up the small box "Black Goat of the Woods" expansion. So i am getting a big box and a small box expansion this time. I have my heart set on "Lurker" for the small box, since the relationship cards sound really fun. But for big box, Dunwhich and Innsmouth sound really good, but i mean, Kingsport could be best too. I may get 2 small box ones if i get a decent amount of money too. So help a board gamer out, and give me some advice on a small and big box expansion.
Has anyone picked up Mansion of Madness? How does it compare to Arkham Horror. I've played the latter, but my wife is going to be getting Mansion of Madness for me (they sell both at B&N now!) for Christmas. Just want to make sure I'm not wasting my time with MoM when I should really just go for Arkham Horror.
Has anyone picked up Mansion of Madness? How does it compare to Arkham Horror. I've played the latter, but my wife is going to be getting Mansion of Madness for me (they sell both at B&N now!) for Christmas. Just want to make sure I'm not wasting my time with MoM when I should really just go for Arkham Horror.
MoM is completely different from Arkham. MoM is more of a story based exploration game where one player plays as the Keeper while the other players play as investigators. The thing that is nice about MoM is it shares the same universe as Arkham but feels like a completely different game.


Gunstarheroes said:
Alright Arkham Horror players...

Finally getting some more expansions on Saturday. I got burned last time picking up the small box "Black Goat of the Woods" expansion. So i am getting a big box and a small box expansion this time. I have my heart set on "Lurker" for the small box, since the relationship cards sound really fun. But for big box, Dunwhich and Innsmouth sound really good, but i mean, Kingsport could be best too. I may get 2 small box ones if i get a decent amount of money too. So help a board gamer out, and give me some advice on a small and big box expansion.

Lurker and Dunwich go together perfectly, there's no question you want that combo. Kingsport is not a great big box by itself but it's worth getting later. Innsmouth is easily the biggest jump in difficulty from the 3 big ones so I'd save that until last. And as nice as the epic battle (Kingsport) is, I'd say injury/madness cards (Dunwich) are even more important.


Yeah I definitely want to try that one out. Man, lots of stuff I want later this year between that, War of the Ring (day one no question sold), A Few Acres of Snow and Elder Sign. I could also be convinced to buy Quarriors if people keep saying good stuff.

Also, it has been said before and will be said again, but Chaos in the Old World is the best thing that ever happened to people. Got to teach it to a few friends last night and had an awesome time with it. We actually called the game because one guy had to go but it was a learning game anyway. I don't even care, I just like being in the room when that game happens. Mmmmmm, Chaaaaos.

Edit: just finished the video, it looks pretty cool! Definitely seeing that he's expanding on Death Angel and maybe adding a little MoM to his Space Hulk? That's probably a stretch, but that's what it looks like. I was a little nervous about the 7 scenarios to choose from but it sounds like there will be good variety when you replay it and unless it's a major flop I'm sure we'll see a lot of expansion content. And hey, nice minis. They went all out.
Cathcart said:
Yeah I definitely want to try that one out. Man, lots of stuff I want later this year between that, War of the Ring (day one no question sold), A Few Acres of Snow and Elder Sign. I could also be convinced to buy Quarriors if people keep saying good stuff.
This actually might not come out.
I've been approached with reports that Italian publisher NG International, which publishes games under the Nexus Games brand, is in trouble and liqudating stock. My request for information from Andrea Fanhoni, PR rep for NG International, bounced with this message: "This mail address is not active anymore." Hmm.

Additional inquiries brought reports from two sources, one stating that Nexus Games publisher Roberto Di Meglio is no longer with the company and the other stating that reports of liquidation are correct. I'm still awaiting official confirmation of these reports from a NG International representative as well as information about what might happen with current stock, the company's current line of games, and the fate of games announced in February 2011 and the Wings of War line; Nexus Games had announced in June 2011 that it was taking over distribution of the line in English from Fantasy Flight Games, but now...?
Considering Nexus were going to be distributing the English reprint and not Fantasy Flight it may spell trouble for that reprint.

Edit: just finished the video, it looks pretty cool! Definitely seeing that he's expanding on Death Angel and maybe adding a little MoM to his Space Hulk? That's probably a stretch, but that's what it looks like. I was a little nervous about the 7 scenarios to choose from but it sounds like there will be good variety when you replay it and unless it's a major flop I'm sure we'll see a lot of expansion content. And hey, nice minis. They went all out.
The is was the first thing that popped in my head after the video. It looks neat but I still want to wait and see. A full co-op Gears of War game doesn't get me too excited.


First tragedy, then farce.
fenners said:
It's worth it :)

Anyone in the Austin area going to the Board Game Bash in a couple of weeks? Stooge?

I might. I'm getting my house fixed for sale, if it's done in time I'm planning on going for at least part of the day. My girlfriend was pretty unamused by my disapearing all day for give to game.

IIRC Xia is from Austin as well.


StoOgE said:
I might. I'm getting my house fixed for sale, if it's done in time I'm planning on going for at least part of the day. My girlfriend was pretty unamused by my disapearing all day for give to game.

Gotcha. I know the score with that, tough for me to escape for most of the weekend from the kids.

IIRC Xia is from Austin as well.[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure he's in San Francisco ;)


Hail to the KING baby
Alright, I'm gonna give Quarriors and King of Tokyo a go. After Ascension I realized that I really can't currently get sick of deckbuilding unless it's just super sloppy like Resident Evil.


Kept hearing that Innovation is a great two player game, so I ordered it today. Be here Wednesday. Cannot wait!

Has anyone played Mystery Express? My wife is intrigued.


Hail to the KING baby
eznark said:
Kept hearing that Innovation is a great two player game, so I ordered it today. Be here Wednesday. Cannot wait!
Ha, literally just one minute ago talked to my wife about playing Innovation tonight. I've only ever played it 3-4 but I quite like it even then. By far my most played tabletop game of the past couple months.


Awesome. I can't wait. I hope it's more fun than the videos I watched. I made the mistake of showing my wife the Dice Tower review. She saw the dude and sighed. Then she saw his fingernails, groaned and walked away.


Hail to the KING baby
Hmm. Well just learn it first. :p The cool thing is that the theme is pretty casual friendly, even if slightly serious. I taught it to my total non-gamer father-in-law just a few days ago.


Hail to the KING baby
It's a really easy framework to teach. You can do 4 things:

Meld, which is to play a card.
Draw, which is well duh.
Dogma, which it to use the actions on one of your played cards.
Achieve, which is to claim an achievement and get one achievement closer to victory.


Ya, I'm sure we'll be able to figure it out. Our little girl has taken up just about all of our time recently and the past couple days were the first in weeks that we've had a chance to play anything. A few rounds of Dominion and we're back on board.

Like Clue? Mystery Express is like advanced Clue without the roll and move bits. I like it as do most of the people I've introduced it to.

Perfect. Thanks.


So... I've been playing some board games like Catan, Risk, Carcassone and Dominion (well, this is probably more of a card game, but whatever :p ) with a bunch of friends and since we've been playing those four quite a lot for more than a year now, I've been thinking of buying some new games as good as they are to bring some freshness back to our board gaming nights. Based on us all liking these games (well, Risk can feel like it should burn in hell, sometimes :lol ), what games would you people recommend us? Maybe something completely different to those, though it doesn't have to be.

Also, would anyone recommend the Game of Thrones board game? I'm mostly interested in it due to reading the book series but if it's good, I think it could be a fun game to play since the HBO series brought a few more board game liking friends to the growing number of ASOIAF fans. How spoilery is it? Does it go beyond Game of Thrones or is it not wise to play it if some haven't gotten past the first book's happenings of the HBO show?
Famassu said:
So... I've been playing some board games like Catan, Risk, Carcassone and Dominion (well, this is probably more of a card game, but whatever :p ) with a bunch of friends and since we've been playing those four quite a lot for more than a year now, I've been thinking of buying some new games as good as they are to bring some freshness back to our board gaming nights. Based on us all liking these games (well, Risk can feel like it should burn in hell, sometimes :lol ), what games would you people recommend us? Maybe something completely different to those, though it doesn't have to be.

Also, would anyone recommend the Game of Thrones board game? I'm mostly interested in it due to reading the book series but if it's good, I think it could be a fun game to play since the HBO series brought a few more board game liking friends to the growing number of ASOIAF fans. How spoilery is it? Does it go beyond Game of Thrones or is it not wise to play it if some haven't gotten past the first book's happenings of the HBO show?

Not very spoilery I don't think. It will involve some houses that haven't been introduced by the first book (not talked about much in the first book I mean) so you won't know who you're playing with. Just be sure that you read the rules beforehand because its kind of rules heavy or hard to grasp at first.
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