Sailor Stevenson
Just heard that we're getting a weekend confirmed shoutout!!!
So awesome!
No problem
Just heard that we're getting a weekend confirmed shoutout!!!
So awesome!
I've considered re-buying Formula D recently since I've got a regular game night with 5-8 people, and it's particularly suited for that kind of situation. I sold it a while back because it was in this kind of nebulous zone of being neither a gateway game nor a great hardcore game. I think it helps a lot if you're into racing since the theme and aesthetics of the game are really nicely done.Played Formula D and 7 Wonders both for the first time today.
Really like how Formula D is so simple, yet really nice emulates racing, gear selection, how to approach cornering, driving lines, etc. We played the basic rules. I won after some aggressive driving in the second set of turns and ran away with it from there.
I definitely think playing with more laps and the more complex rules could make the strategy level go up - though the sheer number of dice rolls will always make this a bit too luck-based for my liking. Still, a fun game that works well for a large group.
7 Wonders was also a first time for me. Very cool game. I like the draft elements, a much lighter / easier combination of Dominion/Citadels. Also slick for how fast it plays, and again, how it can accomodate a group of seven. My wife and I both were doing military, and it seems like it's a mistake to focus too much on military if the person next to you is. You really want just enough to win against at least on person per turn.
Wow so I guess they totally changed the gameplay for Innovation Echoes of the Past because setup was taking too long. Gaah I hate missing erratas.
So I'm going to finally upgrade to a smart phone this week, and I decided to go with an Android phone. I know there aren't as many board game apps for Android as there are for iOS, but does anybody have some recommendations?
Posted a bit earlier in the thread if you wanna search but off the top of my head:So I'm going to finally upgrade to a smart phone this week, and I decided to go with an Android phone. I know there aren't as many board game apps for Android as there are for iOS, but does anybody have some recommendations?
Yeah it's not easy to find. I stumbled across it while searching for a PDF of the rules.
Honestly I'll probably stick with the old rules at least until the new expansion comes out.
Thx Man!Those look great!
finished first batch of Minis for Legend of Drizzt.
I like the texturing on the bases, mind sharing how you did that?
So when do Kickstarters usually go up, at midnight? Looking forward to checking out Tammany Hall.
A Game of Thrones is legit. Played last week after work with some friends, and they are all hooked (after getting hooked myself when I played at PAX East).
Game night tomorrow night again. Might be Game of Thrones again. I won as House Martell last time. We'll see how this one goes.
The Tammany Hall game looks interesting. I'll pitch in for the kickstarter, if it's as good as everyone says it is.
It seems to have a good buzz and a pretty high rating on BGG. Interested to see the game for myself.
To answer generally on kickstarter timing, it's pretty straightforward.
You submit your project to kickstarter, then they review it and give it the go ahead (or not).
Once approved by Kickstarter you completely control when you launch the title and when the campaign ends.
I could theoretically push the launch button now, but I decided I'd rather build early momentum towards a launch date. Most titles seem to go with the "launch as soon as kickstarter says so" strategy. Not sure it really matters.
To answer generally on kickstarter timing, it's pretty straightforward.
You submit your project to kickstarter, then they review it and give it the go ahead (or not).
Once approved by Kickstarter you completely control when you launch the title and when the campaign ends.
I could theoretically push the launch button now, but I decided I'd rather build early momentum towards a launch date. Most titles seem to go with the "launch as soon as kickstarter says so" strategy. Not sure it really matters.
can you tell us what the pledge levels get you ?
Sure. Its a paint that is really thick and has fine and coarse grit in it.
comes in a few different colors I used.
then after I used Secret Weapons Wash (stone color) to give it better shading.
What do you do to harden up soft minis for painting?
I've thought about painting minis for Shadows over Camelot before, but the minis are so bendy I worry the paint would crack and come off of them.
What do you do to harden up soft minis for painting?
I've thought about painting minis for Shadows over Camelot before, but the minis are so bendy I worry the paint would crack and come off of them.
Backed Tammany Hall this morning, already looking good, I think
finished first batch of Minis for Legend of Drizzt.
I guess I was beaten, but Tammany Hall is live.
Congrats/Thanks on being the first backer!
I guess I was beaten, but Tammany Hall is live.
Congrats/Thanks on being the first backer!
Got second batch done..probably should have started with these since they have less going on.
I decided to just use the wash to shade the mouth and Eyes on the water elementals then matt varnish them..
they just look so good transparent I think a more minimalist approach is better.
The Yochlol I tried some dry brushing..its abit sloppy but I get how it works technically better now..
think I'll try that on the Howling Spirits and Hunting Drakes next.
whoo $12k gogogo