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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Each of my decks is 162 cards, which ran about $18. Unlike Artscow, you can have a different back and front for every single card if you want. Since I have ten different faces and five different backs, I needed their flexibility. I'll post some pics tomorrow, probably.

Cool! That actually sounds reasonable for a small quantity of decks of that size. Do post some of them.
So I picked up Ticket to Ride: Asia and can't figure out the rules. Specifically tunnels. For example, if there is a four car blue path with a tunnel would I need four blue cards to play and then I draw three more cards from the blind draw and if one turns up blue I have to then play five blue cars to place the train? And if that's so, do we then discard the drawn cards?

And then an even stupider question. Are the tunnels the black "X" locations on the board? What if a path his pure "X"s?


For example, if there is a four car blue path with a tunnel would I need four blue cards to play and then I draw three more cards from the blind draw and if one turns up blue I have to then play five blue cars to place the train?

Yes, and if any of the drawn cards are wild you will also need to pay extra for them.

And if that's so, do we then discard the drawn cards?

Yes, all cards go into the discard pile.

And then an even stupider question. Are the tunnels the black "X" locations on the board? What if a path his pure "X"s?

I have never played the Asia map but in all of the previous iterations, tunnel tracks are all bolded with a thicker black outline.


So I picked up Ticket to Ride: Asia and can't figure out the rules. Specifically tunnels. For example, if there is a four car blue path with a tunnel would I need four blue cards to play and then I draw three more cards from the blind draw and if one turns up blue I have to then play five blue cars to place the train? And if that's so, do we then discard the drawn cards?

And then an even stupider question. Are the tunnels the black "X" locations on the board? What if a path his pure "X"s?

The Team Asia map has tunnels while the Legendary Asia map has "Mountain Routes".

The tunnels on the Team Asia map work just as you described and are the paths with a black outline. In previous versions of TTR with tunnels, you always flip three cards, but in TTR Asia you flip the number of cards indicated on the path.

On the Legendary Asia map, the paths with X's are the mountain routes, which require you to discard a train from your supply to the Mountain Crossing area in the lower right side of the board for each X on the path. You'll have less trains to use for your routes, but you do get bonus points for the discarded trains at the end of the game.


First tragedy, then farce.
So, Dragon Rampage.

It's kind of a dice roll-a-thon version of Shadow Hunters. Could makle a pretty decent beer and pretzels game. It's based around rolling dice that let you take actions, and if you don't like them you can re-roll some of the dice, but risk the dragon symbol showing up. This can wind up both dealing you damage and locking the die from rerolls.

It has some interesting ideas.

If a warrior escapes the dungeon you get bonus points for either getting out of the dungeon or being near the exit (plus loot you take with you), and take negative points for being the furthest from the exit.

If the dragon is killed you get bonus points for most damage inflicted and negative points for being the closest to the exit.

If a warrior dies, pretty much everyone gets negative points.

So you wind up forming rough alliances trying to either kill the dragon or run away, but you are at the same time competing against the people helping you. If you are on a dragon killing strategy you need help to kill it before someone escapes and you lose, but you need to make sure they don't help you too much and win themselves.

The biggest issue is the game has some major errata. Like, the games core mechanic was left out of the book entirely.

In the rules once all the spots on a particular action are taken no one else can take that action. In the errata you can bounce people already on the spots by rolling more dice of that type than they did. changes the game 100%.

So, yeah. Rule Book fail.


First tragedy, then farce.
Yeah, I don't don't why I waited, either. I just put up $55 tonight.

Congrats on reaching the target, Stooge! Can't wait for the game.


I'm pretty pumped. Undead Viking has a review that should be up soon, but it's an hour long, so I imagine it takes a while to encode and upload.


Sailor Stevenson
I tweeted him. They filmed the entire season already, so no room for games this year. I may send them a copy to see if it could get on Season 2.

hey stooge, for the decal sheets, one sheet has all the decals for all of the tokens, right? So to cover both sides of all tokens, you just need one additional sheet?

nm. I see you clarified this now. :-D
Does anyone here play ZOMBIES!!! IRL? I have the Windows Phone pp and I'm completely addicted. I don't know that I could get my friends to play it, though. Any tips for shorter games for drunk people? lol

Zombies!!! Is what got me into board games again. Space Hulk 3rd edition sealed the pact. The base game is obviously the place to start, but expansions are cheap and easy to add layers to the rather simple game. The 4th expansion is also stand alone but based more on an Evil Dead theme in the woods with a Necronomican and zombie dogs. It's not really feasible to play all of the expansions at once. The game would take an eternity and it would require a gymnasium floor to spread out all the tiles. Luckily it's easy to pick and choose new rules from the various expansions and mix n' match your experience. Check out the offical website and read through the instructions for each expansion and buy the ones that you think would take the base up a notch for you or your group of friends. There are lots of ways to shorten the game a bit but I cannot remember any off hand since it has been a long time since I last played. Just search the Internet and I'm sure there are plenty of house rules to choose from.

The game is easy as hell to pick up and play so it's a great for first timers IMO. It's anything but deep, but if you get people to play it once, they will want to play again immediately after the first game. I broke it out at a Halloween party years ago and my friends still bring it up to this day (then want to play video games instead).


This past weekend I played Quarriors! with my family. I had to translate a lot of the cards because I didn't like what's on BGG (spanish translation). I'll submit my translation to BGG after I'm done with the promos and expansion.

It was well worth the time and effort, they liked it a lot. We only got to play one game because it was late when we finished, but I'm looking forward to playing again.


Biggest hits with my family and friends:
Bang! (biggest hit EVER, everyone loves this game and always ask where to buy a copy of the bullet version, we don't use the expansion with the green cards because they find it overwhelming)
Carcassonne (we've only played the easy version, I just bought the traders and builders expansion, we'll see how it goes)
Small World (they like the variety of the combinations you can get)
Forbidden Island
Elder Sign (I hope this year I get to find a copy of Arkham Horror in Spanish, they say they like the atmosphere the most)
Dixit (had to buy expansions because they all learned all the cards and got tired of it)
Apples to Apples

Games no one liked:
Puerto Rico (too complicated, I'll give it another go in a year)
Bohnanza (need more people to play)
Dominion (they say it's boring, but they like Quarriors which is basically the same thing)
Munchkin (SUPER boring, confusing rules, not many got the jokes because the game bought is in English)
Martian Dice (too simple)

Good, but not a massive hit:
Ticket to Ride Europe
7 wonders

And that's basically my collection of games.


Plan to buy and try this year:
Arkham Horror (in spanish)
Mystery of the Abbey
King of Tokio
Agricola (someday, IF I can find it in Spanish)


Eww, I hate Bang. And that Bullet version is the most annoying thing ever to store. I gave it away, but for the longest time, it just sat on the floor because I won't fit nicely on my shelves. I hit my toe on it so many times... ugh...

And I would argue Quarriors isn't all that similar to Dominion. Just the deck(dice)building aspect of it, but the strategies are not at all similar. Dominion is definitely harder to get into and is dry if you're not familiar with card combos.

King of Tokyo is great family fun though. But be careful with the dice on hard tables. Mine are all chipped and stuff :(

I like Pandemic way more than Forbidden Island, but I rarely play it (and Defenders of the Realm) anymore because Forbidden Island is similar enough with like a quarter of the set up/tear down time.

Does anyone have any ideas for games to ease people off Carcassonne? There are a few people in my group who basically play Carcassonne Hunters and Gatherers every time we meet. It's really starting to bother me because when I first brought up the idea of splitting into two smaller groups, I really didn't want to split it into two static groups like this.

I've even tried giving them other versions of Carc and they refuse to play them more than once. Even that one time they're reluctant to even try something else.

I really don't understand it. By now, they must have played Carc H&G more than 100 times.
We've literally had days where we played for many hours (like a Twilight Imperium day or something) and they'd just keep playing Carc H&G over and over again.


I think the problem with Dominion is that they didn't find the game attractive on first impression and it went downhill from there. They don't (yet) care much for stuff where you get to do some thinking, and since the art on the cards is very generic, they lost interest quickly.

Does anyone have any ideas for games to ease people off Carcassonne? There are a few people in my group who basically play Carcassonne Hunters and Gatherers every time we meet. It's really starting to bother me because when I first brought up the idea of splitting into two smaller groups, I really didn't want to split it into two static groups like this.

I've even tried giving them other versions of Carc and they refuse to play them more than once. Even that one time they're reluctant to even try something else.

I really don't understand it. By now, they must have played Carc H&G more than 100 times.
Haha, that's my story with Bang! I've played that thing so many times and with so many people that I now pretend to have forgotten to bring it with me.


Hail to the KING baby
Games are so hit-or-miss you can drive yourself nuts. I've had people be bored-to-death by Dominion and fall in love with it without much rhyme or reason. The one thing you can almost always count on is that casual/new players will LOVE TTR.
Games are so hit-or-miss you can drive yourself nuts. I've had people be bored-to-death by Dominion and fall in love with it without much rhyme or reason. The one thing you can almost always count on is that casual/new players will LOVE TTR.

Yep. TTR was my first board game past the typical Parker Bros. games and my entire group fell in love with it right away. A year or two later, just introduced it to four new people last week and they fell in love with it.


listen to the mad man
Although it doesn't have WiFi and is on a dead platform, this KS might be of interest to board game fans:

It's a two player simultaneous competitive strategy board game with a diamond mining / espionage theme. It would have to be played electronically because of the ability to steal your opponent's information without knowing you have, but it's still very much a board game besides that.


Dick Garfield's Netrunner resuscitated as Android: Netrunner LCG from Fantasy Flight: Hype!
I read this yesterday and got super-excited as well! I loooooved me some NetRunner back in the day. Had a bunch of cards a while back, but they must've gotten tossed out in a move somewhere along the way. :(

The new version looks like it holds fairly true to the original, at least from what little we've seen so far.
I played a couple games of Risk Legacy last night. It's pretty much just Risk. I liked it well enough and glad someone else bought it so I can give it a shot. I think the mystery of what's in the envelopes is more intriguing than the actual game, but I guess that's the point.

Neverfade, I have a question about BSG Express. We played last night and we all questioned , why would a Cylon reveal himself? It seems like an unrevealed Cylon would be more effective than a revealed one.

Also we thought that a revealed Cylon should be able to be on their turn other than the one special Cylon action. Like submit a die and add a ship to Dradis or damage Galactica. Did you guys try this out this in your games?

Anyway we had another go at it last night with the new jump table and the Morale variant. The humans lost and I think that we'll keep playing that way from now on. We also had more to do in this game than the last one, where we literally had nothing to do on our turn but try and jump.


Neverfade, I have a question about BSG Express. We played last night and we all questioned , why would a Cylon reveal himself? It seems like an unrevealed Cylon would be more effective than a revealed one.

Also we thought that a revealed Cylon should be able to be on their turn other than the one special Cylon action. Like submit a die and add a ship to Dradis or damage Galactica. Did you guys try this out this in your games?

Keep in mind I've only played this twice and they are both the new version, but overall I'd agree that role secrecy is more important here than ever. Is there a rule in BSGE that lets the first cyclon pass out the 'suspected cylon' token? If not, it either sows suspicion or doubles that persons reveal power which can put the good guys in a real bad place. Additionally i THINK theres more for cylons to do because the game was skewing too far human. Ive not been a cyclon yet so i could be mistaken. Ill run it by Evan though.


Hail to the KING baby
My ambitious project for the weekend is to learn Space Alert so i can finally play it at game night on Monday. Fingers crossed....


First tragedy, then farce.
Anyone here ever go to Origins?

I'm mulling over two plane tickets, a hotel room and a table in the general games room for Tammany Hall. Maybe print up flyers with QR codes/URL for the kickstarter.

The biggest hurdle will be not leaving my fiancee at the table while I go buy other games...


Cool Smoke Luke
I wish I could go to Origins,one of these days I gotta goto one of these tabletop gaming conversions..maybe one in Toronto. It sounds like a ton of fun, I just could never get any of my friends to go.


Cool Smoke Luke
Welp finished off another batch this times the Companions of the Hall...
all featuring George Hamilton Orange Tans ;-)..
the flesh color wash is more orange then I expected heh.
The Cattie-Brie sculp really is bad..Breunor has great detail tho

Last set to finish is the Anti-Hero's then this game is completed..whew!


My ambitious project for the weekend is to learn Space Alert so i can finally play it at game night on Monday. Fingers crossed....
I desperately want to get my copied played, but I'm afraid. It just seems like it will be such a bear to teach.

I did have a friend send a random email the other day saying he played it with people at work, so I know it can't be that daunting. As always, it comes down to the group.


Dick Garfield's Netrunner resuscitated as Android: Netrunner LCG from Fantasy Flight: Hype!
I was immediately interested when I read about it because I really like card games and I like FFG's Blood Bowl and am probably going to pick up Infiltration. When I heard it was an LCG though my interest dropped. I'm way too much into Warhammer: Invasion to think about picking up another FFG LCG right now.


My ambitious project for the weekend is to learn Space Alert so i can finally play it at game night on Monday. Fingers crossed....

I feel like I did a decent job of teaching it recently. Set your expectations to first time Galaxy Trucker and you will be happy.


I was immediately interested when I read about it because I really like card games and I like FFG's Blood Bowl and am probably going to pick up Infiltration. When I heard it was an LCG though my interest dropped. I'm way too much into Warhammer: Invasion to think about picking up another FFG LCG right now.

It looks to hold true to the original, which really is very playable with one starter set. I doubt you'll have to invest too much into it for it to be fun.


That Netrunner remake came out of nowhere but I really hope it's good. It's one of those games I always figured I'd just missed out on but now it's back with a cool Android theme.

Nice. I got mine recently too. SO MANY INSTRUCTIONS.
omg instructions are for building furniture. Games come with rules. And Mage Knight? Well, Mage Knight just rules.


It looks to hold true to the original, which really is very playable with one starter set. I doubt you'll have to invest too much into it for it to be fun.

I guess my real concern is that I dive too hard into these types of things, which is why I've always stayed away from CCGs. I had figured with W:I I'd just get the core set (since from what I read the factions were very playable right out of the box) and maybe a few battle packs but I've ended up with close to 1500 cards, that's how much I've ended up loving the game.

I can very easily see the same happening with something like Netrunner, especially considering the concept sounds really cool.

Are there only the two sides? Part of what has driven my spending spree with W:I is trying to keep each of the six factions competitive within my collection. With just two sides maybe it won't be so bad?


And I have to say I like that FFG is still trying to drive their Android universe. I have Android and have only managed to get it to the table once (and we tried to rush through it, which was a bad idea) but it's one of those games I like having in my collection. I really want to try and play it again.


Did our first play testing of the card game with people we didnt know. Played four hands and both of them wanted a copy afterwards. That was nice to hear. We did discover that it's way too easy to end the game in a stalemate in a four player game. So we're going to have to do some rule adjusting.


Cool Smoke Luke
Here we go, the last of the Legend of Drizzt mini's painted.

Overall I'm pretty happy with how they turned out.
I'm definately Buying the Armypainter Quickshade for the next game..the wash's are the hardest part to get right..
I'm curious if at my skill level if I would be better off with just the Dip.

I like how Jarlaxle, Athrogate, and Artemis turned out..mixing colors wastes alot of paint but I think they look good with the deep red leather and BlackGold Armour.



Neo Member
So, after a long break from the boardgame binge-buying phase that stopped with chaos in the old world (which turned into my favorite board game) last november, and a short flirt with some tabletop games, I decided to get some more games for my already needlessly bloated game collection. I got me Cosmic Encounter and The Resistance.

Cosmic encounter fell flat with my 2 gaming groups, which is weird since they all love GoT. Cosmic encounter, probably serving as an inspiration to game of thrones (since its the older of the two) both with the combat mechanics and the omnipresent hostility, should be a given with my gaming groups, but alas it wasn't so. My main gripe with it was that the alien race powers feel rather disconnected from the actual battles, serving only as an annoying intermittence. But again, we only tried the green races so far. We will give it another go in the coming weeks, if diablo 3 lets us.

It was a completely different story with the resistance. After the clumsy explanation phase and some random whining from my fellow gamers in arms, who were impatiently finger drumming the table, we set off to an introductory game which quickly turned from shy finger-pointing to almost abusive psycho-terror. Accusations were flying around like there was no tomorrow; it was confusing but also very fun. Surprisingly (or maybe not ;), I turned out to be a pretty adequate liar myself.

Next up, 7 Wonder + Leaders expansion.


Cool Smoke Luke
just picked up cosmic encounter with my last big buy..really hoping our group enjoys it,but I do find its hard to predict whats gonna go over well.
just watched the dice tower review of the resistance..sounds pretty cool


The Resistance didn't work with my group. It sounded so fun, but we're not aggressive or loud enough to really get into the finger pointing.

I picked up Lords of Waterdeep recently. It wasn't at all what I expected. And it seemed too simple, but I think we need more plays. The scores at the end were really low (winner had like 30ish) so I think we're missing something.
At least it has a really nice insert. One of the best I think. I love the card slots where you can push down on one end to make the other come up so you can take them out easily.

I also got Takenoko. Nice family-friendly game. I like stacking the bamboo pieces. Very cute game.

I'm thinking about getting Wiz-War. But the Dice Tower review kind of turned me off it. I find my tastes are pretty similar to Tom Vasel's. But it still seems like something my group might like.


Hail to the KING baby
I feel like I did a decent job of teaching it recently. Set your expectations to first time Galaxy Trucker and you will be happy.

I've already backed off lacking adequate time to prepare. :p

Going to be some combination of TTR Asia/India (Team was a huge hit -- really great variant), Ghost Stories, Agricola, Innovation, and Ascension Storm of Souls (been on a kick b/c of the iOS version though the tabletop has barely clicked with me at all).


I know it's old, but Axis and Allies is very fun.

Also played Arkham Horror and love it.

Also tried Risk Godstorm but found it way too random. I mean, one guy was winning and in one turn lost everything thanks to abusive cards that sank his whole continent (Atlantis) and destroyed all his armies on another continent. Needless to say, he was mad. There are just way too many random events that can totally change the game.

Next we will try Super Dungeon Explore.


Cool Smoke Luke
Also tried Risk Godstorm but found it way too random. I mean, one guy was winning and in one turn lost everything thanks to abusive cards that sank his whole continent (Atlantis) and destroyed all his armies on another continent. Needless to say, he was mad. There are just way too many random events that can totally change the game.

EW that sounds horrible, definitely won't try that version of Risk.


Hail to the KING baby
Just realized I work with the guy who made isotropic. Ha, the random things you learn.

Game night yesterday played Ticket to Ride Asia Team & Ascension Storm of Souls.

Team TTR is really awesome. We played a 6p (3-team) game and I think a couple of people had hesitation/confusion about the table talk rules (we play it basically you can't talk anything game-related) but once that was sorted out it was really tense and interesting. I feel like that map is really tight too, and they make you start out with three tickets each so you're immediately slammed with trying to piece together a strategy. Pacing yourself so that one person doesn't wind up trainless is also really interesting. I was dying for my train-deprived partner to use his turns to pull face-up wilds, but he mostly pulled tickets instead and it worked out in the end.

Storm of Souls is a lot of fun, but as always with iOS apps, the app spoils you. The game has a ton of overlapping effects to track.


First tragedy, then farce.
yay 55k stretch goal! grats stooge, just a another 25k to go... are you already thinking about 80k+?


There are a few ideas I had that I scrapped originally that I can bring back. I need to start getting quotes now in case we get that far.

The most obvious one is putting the games logo on the draw bag. It's not super expensive, and would look kind of nice.

I originally thought about upgrading the draw bag to the velvet like material that crown royal uses, but I don't know if it fits the theme. I've also considered going with a burlap bag look, but it might be too itchy and expensive. But I can always ask for quotes.

The more expensive one that was suggested by the guy who runs slothninja.com is a tracking system for immigrant groups. I'm still trying to figure out a good way to do this, but it's pretty nice online to know exactly how many immigrants of a given group someone controlled the last round so you can easily figure out where to hit them hardest. Might be kind of hard to do so that's more of a "maybe" idea.

Beyond those, I'm not entirely sure. Anyone have any ideas?

By the way, thanks for the shoutout/heads up about it on the Gamers with jobs podcast!
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