Got through two solo games of Zombicide this afternoon. The game is pretty good. There isn't anything that will wow you in it but it works and works well. The tutorial is easy, stupid easy and I would just use it as practice solo game to get used to the rules. The rules themselves are straight forward and I only had to check the rules a couple times during my games.
A couple of things that struck me about the first scenario. First, the tiles are big so the map was a lot bigger than I was expecting. You are going to need a good amount of table space for this one. Second, it's not easy, in fact it's down right hard. You have to collect five objectives scattered on the map, search for canned food, water, and rice, plus exit the map. I was able to grab two objectives and canned food before I was overrun. The scenario starts off quietly but quickly escalates as zombies spawn in their normal zones plus in the buildings were you need to search.
Anyway, it's fun and has the potential to be as fun as Last Night on Earth which is saying a lot for me. It's a good zombie game and in a sea of bad ones it really stands out.
Gonna play tomorrow, very nice package. Simple game really that I think will greatly depend on creativity of the scenarios as at the core it's not that meaty of a game really, just amazing production values. Can see the game not sitting well with some players who end up dying real quick in a scenario and basically having to just sit there doing nothing or leave for something else. That was the nice thing about other zombie games in that eliminated players could return in some form. Survivors can die very quick in this game and can see things going bad quick leading to sour experiences.