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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Got through two solo games of Zombicide this afternoon. The game is pretty good. There isn't anything that will wow you in it but it works and works well. The tutorial is easy, stupid easy and I would just use it as practice solo game to get used to the rules. The rules themselves are straight forward and I only had to check the rules a couple times during my games.

A couple of things that struck me about the first scenario. First, the tiles are big so the map was a lot bigger than I was expecting. You are going to need a good amount of table space for this one. Second, it's not easy, in fact it's down right hard. You have to collect five objectives scattered on the map, search for canned food, water, and rice, plus exit the map. I was able to grab two objectives and canned food before I was overrun. The scenario starts off quietly but quickly escalates as zombies spawn in their normal zones plus in the buildings were you need to search.

Anyway, it's fun and has the potential to be as fun as Last Night on Earth which is saying a lot for me. It's a good zombie game and in a sea of bad ones it really stands out.

Gonna play tomorrow, very nice package. Simple game really that I think will greatly depend on creativity of the scenarios as at the core it's not that meaty of a game really, just amazing production values. Can see the game not sitting well with some players who end up dying real quick in a scenario and basically having to just sit there doing nothing or leave for something else. That was the nice thing about other zombie games in that eliminated players could return in some form. Survivors can die very quick in this game and can see things going bad quick leading to sour experiences.


And are there any good 7+ player games on the cheap that you guys would recommend?

Does the game have to start and end within the same day? If not:


Edit: On the cheap too...huh....hm.....well, maybe you can find it used?
Alright so we did Zombicide. Fun game, though right off was disappointed in the game tiles as almost half of mine are warping so they do not lay flat on the table :( . Also not crazy about how thing the character sheets are, as they too are warping. Game itself plays quick and easy, really simple game and never had issue with the ranged weapon allocation. Everyone liked the game and we blew through the first scenario and kicked it's ass. We got real lucky with all the card draws really, the enemy spawns were always in our favor and our searches kept getting all survivors the items they exactly needed, so luck was heavily in our favor. Still the rules have the issue where if you play with 4 players, your at a disadvantage as you only have 4 survivors, and the game does not scale at all depending on survivors. 5 players also will have only 5. If you play with 2,3 or 6 players you always get 6 survivors and have an advantage. Playing with certain player counts put you at a disadvantage otherwise.

The game is very streamlined and think many players will like it over LNOE which has alot more finicky rules because of all the unique cards. LNOE has a ton more flavor taken from horror movies than Zombicide, as Zombicide is straightforward and almost like a video game made into a board game. Will probably be playing and enjoying both games for some time.

We also pulled out a game that I've had for some time, Road Kill Rally. The game was a big hit, which surprised me as the game has been put on clearance by various shops so far and it doesn't have the greatest rating on BGG. But it's a really fun game, essentially Formula D with a sick dark humor to it. Very simple game that everyone had fun with. The art on the game cards is bad, and the rules are written very sloppily with odd wording and mistakes. But once you learn that game, it's just lot of chaotic fun. Everyone talked highly of it and want to play it again especially with more players. Game is nice also in that there are many ways to score points in it and just winning the race in first itself doesn't mean victory.
I know it's common sense but until it only gets to you once you live it. Recently I sold about 5 games, gave around 15 to family/friends and I still got 500 liters of games packed up in plastic bins. My collection is not even that big compared to others here. Everyone should try to keep its collection small!.


Hail to the KING baby
I'm actually selling about ten games in the next week or so, but I always buy more than I can sell. :D

Part of my weakness is that I run a game group and I also try to be a boardgaming ambassador to friends and family, so I like keeping a really wide variety of games on hand.
I'm actually selling about ten games in the next week or so, but I always buy more than I can sell. :D

Part of my weakness is that I run a game group and I also try to be a boardgaming ambassador to friends and family, so I like keeping a really wide variety of games on hand.

Exactly my dilemma. That's why most of my games are gateway/light games. The sad part is that even when I know I've 100 games packed back home I know I'm going to buy a few more once I get to the states. I'm dying to try the new Agricola game.


i have been looking at them,as well as summoner wars master set..do any of these not require you to build decks to play?

Reason I ask is I have hecatomb(its like a lovecraftian Magic the gathering game) but the problem is since Im the only one that has the cards its up to me to make all these decks to play with and I'd rather stay away from needing to do that..just want ones that work well drawning from a stack and building as you play.
Oh wow hecatomb looks great. Card art looks way creepy. Found some cheap decks so I'm definitely ganna pick this up.
I know it's common sense but until it only gets to you once you live it. Recently I sold about 5 games, gave around 15 to family/friends and I still got 500 liters of games packed up in plastic bins. My collection is not even that big compared to others here. Everyone should try to keep its collection small!.

But I enjoy my giant collection. Each week we table two unopened games. One with just the wife and I, the other with the kids added. eventually we may get through them all, if I'd stop adding...which I don't. You never know when something is going to go out of print and become impossible to find. So if something sounds interesting for the family or for my monthly group, then I order it.

I dunno, some people collect video games. I collect board games.


Hail to the KING baby
You guys selling anything good? :)

actually lots of good stuff b/c i'm selling it due to inability to play it regularly rather than any hate for it. i usu just go through ebay but i'll try to post later, still gathering stuff.

I dunno, some people collect video games. I collect board games.

yup nothing wrong with this. for one board games don't get outdated and made obsolete like so many modern video games. i mean you can still easily bust out carcassonne, catan, etc. also they retain their value a lot better
But I enjoy my giant collection. Each week we table two unopened games. One with just the wife and I, the other with the kids added. eventually we may get through them all, if I'd stop adding...which I don't. You never know when something is going to go out of print and become impossible to find. So if something sounds interesting for the family or for my monthly group, then I order it.

I dunno, some people collect video games. I collect board games.

Yep, I do the same. Especially since expansions for game I love are now OOP, so I usually overbuy stuff. That's why I'm in no rush to sell my games, I know when I get back in a couple of years they'll still be great. My only complaint is that it takes an awful LOT of space and let's be real, does anyone really need 200+ games? Moreover, most games usually overlap thematically and/or mechanically.


Hail to the KING baby
Yep, I do the same. Especially since expansions for game I love are now OOP, so I usually overbuy stuff. That's why I'm in no rush to sell my games, I know when I get back in a couple of years they'll still be great. My only complaint is that it takes an awful LOT of space and let's be real, does anyone really need 200+ games? Moreover, most games usually overlap thematically and/or mechanically.
Yeah space is by far the limiting factor and the top reason I sell games a couple times a year.
I don't know the rules about posting kickstarters in here or anything so If this is not allowed I will remove it. Anyways I came across this and it looks pretty cool. I love card games and the theme of this one seems really interesting.

Strategy Of War

the main reason I am posting this is to ask you guys if you know of any other games like this one with a modern military setting?? if there aren't to many I may just back this one.


I don't know the rules about posting kickstarters in here or anything so If this is not allowed I will remove it. Anyways I came across this and it looks pretty cool. I love card games and the theme of this one seems really interesting.

Strategy Of War

the main reason I am posting this is to ask you guys if you know of any other games like this one with a modern military setting?? if there aren't to many I may just back this one.

Have you looked into Memoir '44? I am not sure if its similar to what you're looking for, but I heard is a good intro to military setting.
I don't know the rules about posting kickstarters in here or anything so If this is not allowed I will remove it. Anyways I came across this and it looks pretty cool. I love card games and the theme of this one seems really interesting.

Strategy Of War

the main reason I am posting this is to ask you guys if you know of any other games like this one with a modern military setting?? if there aren't to many I may just back this one.

Card game? Not really. Theres a ton of modern war set board games, though most are of the more wargame variety and often quite complex. World at War series has a bunch of stuff as well as the Lock and Loaded series.

Look into Hornet Leader and Thunderbolt Apache leader for some recent big modern set games, though they are unique as they are single player only board games.


First tragedy, then farce.
I know it's common sense but until it only gets to you once you live it. Recently I sold about 5 games, gave around 15 to family/friends and I still got 500 liters of games packed up in plastic bins. My collection is not even that big compared to others here. Everyone should try to keep its collection small!.

I cut my collection way way down about a 6 months ago.

I very carefully tracked my plays for the prior 18 months on BGG. Anything with less than 5 plays was immedietly on the chopping block. Anything with more than that was automatically safe.

I didn't get rid of all of the games, but I looked at them long and hard and seriously asked myself a series of questions?

1) Do I own a game that is similar to this one? If yes, would I rather just play that game. This led to a lot of my co-op games going out the door. Pandemic, Shadows and BSG survived.

2) Is there something that is preventing me from getting this game to the table? In a lot of cases the answer was 'yeah, this game is awesome but has this fiddly rule that sucks and is hard to explain'. Most of those went away. A lot of 'gateway' games got chopped because they had 1 or 2 concepts that were kind of hard to grasp for new players thus defeating the purpose of owning it.

3) Do I see myself actually playing this game. Like, if I had a gaming group over and I could pick any game to play, would I ever actually pick this game. This got rid of a decent number of titles.

The problem is, I think it's easy to build a collection of games because the game has a great concept, or good theme or seems to do something really novel. I had at one point a collection of 150 or so games. Now I'm down to 30 or so titles. And even then, I feel like I could probably cut another 10 mostly painlessly.


3) Do I see myself actually playing this game. Like, if I had a gaming group over and I could pick any game to play, would I ever actually pick this game. This got rid of a decent number of titles.

That's a great criterion. It's not even a statement on the quality of the game, just a statement on whether you'd ever get around to playing it.

I've done the same thing with movies in my Netflix queue (and video games and books). I always catch myself adding movies I feel like I should see -- and they're often movies I think I want to see. But when I actually sit down to watch a movie, I always seem to be in the mood for something else. Some of those "must see someday" movies have been languishing in my queue for years.

When it comes to games, you're not only thinking about what you'd want to play, but what the others in your group would want to play (or what you think they'd want to play). Some games just never do wind up making the cut.
my group loves Puerto Rico.. Is Agricola to similar?

Not really. I think they scratch different itches.

I know it's common sense but until it only gets to you once you live it. Recently I sold about 5 games, gave around 15 to family/friends and I still got 500 liters of games packed up in plastic bins. My collection is not even that big compared to others here. Everyone should try to keep its collection small!.

Of course, you may not want to listen to me, because I am probably the worst person in this thread as far as this practice goes.
I cut my collection way way down about a 6 months ago.

I very carefully tracked my plays for the prior 18 months on BGG. Anything with less than 5 plays was immedietly on the chopping block. Anything with more than that was automatically safe.

I didn't get rid of all of the games, but I looked at them long and hard and seriously asked myself a series of questions?

1) Do I own a game that is similar to this one? If yes, would I rather just play that game. This led to a lot of my co-op games going out the door. Pandemic, Shadows and BSG survived.

2) Is there something that is preventing me from getting this game to the table? In a lot of cases the answer was 'yeah, this game is awesome but has this fiddly rule that sucks and is hard to explain'. Most of those went away. A lot of 'gateway' games got chopped because they had 1 or 2 concepts that were kind of hard to grasp for new players thus defeating the purpose of owning it.

3) Do I see myself actually playing this game. Like, if I had a gaming group over and I could pick any game to play, would I ever actually pick this game. This got rid of a decent number of titles.

The problem is, I think it's easy to build a collection of games because the game has a great concept, or good theme or seems to do something really novel. I had at one point a collection of 150 or so games. Now I'm down to 30 or so titles. And even then, I feel like I could probably cut another 10 mostly painlessly.

I died a little bit inside today.


Hail to the KING baby
Looking at my collection, I don't think I could ever make it below 75 unless I got into a situation where I was not the primary source of games. The desire for variety in themes, mechanics, depth, and # of players will balloon even the most modest collection.

I also have a thing where I really enjoy learning and teaching new games, which means I'm always thinking about my next order. :D

Question to Board-Game GAF: Are any of you guys going to BGG.Con? I've gone each of the last two years but my friends won't be able to make it this year most likely, so contemplating whether it's worth soloing and/or frantically searching for someone anyone to go with.


Question to Board-Game GAF: Are any of you guys going to BGG.Con? I've gone each of the last two years but my friends won't be able to make it this year most likely, so contemplating whether it's worth soloing and/or frantically searching for someone anyone to go with.

I will be there! My first time and I've got a room booked for the week almost... I'll have to double check the reservation times.

edit: hotel booked & reserved from 11/13-11/18. Pretty excited :D Also not sure who else is staying with me since my friends are Dallas locals and may not want/need the room I got.


Looking at my collection, I don't think I could ever make it below 75 unless I got into a situation where I was not the primary source of games. The desire for variety in themes, mechanics, depth, and # of players will balloon even the most modest collection.

I've trimmed about 40 games this year, either through selling at work or trading multiples in math trades. Very happy at doing so - few were "bad", just likely to not get played much or games I shouldn't have traded for in the past.

I haven't bought much to replace them & I'm feeling happy about that too. The only purchases this year has been a PitchCar bundle off BGG which has been by far my best gaming purchase in years, and some Arkham expansions coming in the mail soon (along with some games to play with my kids).

I think it's really easy to own too many board games. I have a bunch of friends, thankfully, who have ridiculously huge collections they've gathered over the years. I don't want to go down that route any more. And I'm bored of random math trade games that "sound interesting" - I've been very particular with what I've gotten in trades this year and I'm very happy with the results.

Question to Board-Game GAF: Are any of you guys going to BGG.Con? I've gone each of the last two years but my friends won't be able to make it this year most likely, so contemplating whether it's worth soloing and/or frantically searching for someone anyone to go with.

I'll definitely be there along with the usual crowd from Round Rock. It's going to be interesting to see how the change of scale & venue affects it for sure.


First tragedy, then farce.
Yeah, I should mention that my gaming group has several members with 300+ game collections. So it makes it very easy for me to trim my collection down.

I only really need to own things that I might play with my non-gaming group friends. Meaning 90% gateway games and a handful of my favorites.

Even when I host game nights for my gaming group they just bring a bunch of games anyway and we usually play those. Even when I had a giant collection, we very very rarely played anything from my own collection.

We have 3 copies of Invaders from Moogha in my gaming group. I think there are 200 copies in existence and they were only ever officially sold at a game convention in Spain.

Makes it easy to chop my own collection up.


First tragedy, then farce.
No BGG for me this year. I'm getting married in early November and have tickets to the F1 race in Austin, which is I think the same weekend as BGG.


Unlimited Capacity
Got our first game of Twilight Imperium finished. I lost on the reveal of Imperium Rex Public Objective card. If it wasn't revealed I would have won on that action. Immediately, we are going to start playing with the modified Imperial card. That mechanic is actually quite terrible if you have players that aren't good at or don't understand strategy. The person who beat me got to choose the Imperial card 4 times for 8 free victory points.

Reading avout hte expansions, they have a lot of stuff that seems like it "completes" the game. Just as banners of War REALLY made Runewars great, seems to be the same with TI.
Got our first game of Twilight Imperium finished. I lost on the reveal of Imperium Rex Public Objective card. If it wasn't revealed I would have won on that action. Immediately, we are going to start playing with the modified Imperial card. That mechanic is actually quite terrible if you have players that aren't good at or don't understand strategy. The person who beat me got to choose the Imperial card 4 times for 8 free victory points.

Reading avout hte expansions, they have a lot of stuff that seems like it "completes" the game. Just as banners of War REALLY made Runewars great, seems to be the same with TI.

The expansion alternate strategy cards is liked by many players, but also can make the game last much longer too. Lot of the expansion extra rules are optional, some are nice but some kinda just add more slog to the game which can already take a bit too long to play.


Cool Smoke Luke
Got our first game of Twilight Imperium finished. I lost on the reveal of Imperium Rex Public Objective card. If it wasn't revealed I would have won on that action. Immediately, we are going to start playing with the modified Imperial card. That mechanic is actually quite terrible if you have players that aren't good at or don't understand strategy. The person who beat me got to choose the Imperial card 4 times for 8 free victory points.

Reading avout hte expansions, they have a lot of stuff that seems like it "completes" the game. Just as banners of War REALLY made Runewars great, seems to be the same with TI.

If you use the Age of Empire variant everyone knows all the public objectives right from the get go. As well you have a built in timer that says max 7 to 10 turns.
Which in TI still takes 5hrs. this way the only surprise objectives are the private ones..

I don't mind the ISC card as is, but no one should ever get it more then once or twice a game. The metagame requires someone new always picks it every turn, as well if you don't get 8, and your next in the picking order, you have to pick 1(initiative) to ensure you get it next turn. If you don't and you let someone double up on picking 8 or 1, they will almost always win.

The Star in the Crown official variant thats ment to be used with AOE reduces it to one victory point for the ISC. We've used that as well and it plays well since if someone plays a card that lets them jump the line to get the ISC or initiative out of turn they don't autowin as much.

I got the Shattered Empire expansion mostly to round out the objective cards. Shattered added more conflict/millitary objectives so the races that are less diplomatic have a better chance and when using AOE and you see half the public objectives can be claimed by conquest ect it really changes the disposition of the players


Cool Smoke Luke
Finally decided on my latest order. Always hard to pick which ones to limit it to.

Mostly Card driven games and an addon that was last one in stock.

A Few Acres of Snow 2nd edition
Cyclades: Hades
Summoner Wars: Master Set
7 Wonders: Cities
Dixit Journey

not sure when it will ship,order won't ship till 7 Wonders Cities arrives in stock(anyone know when thats going out?)


Finally decided on my latest order. Always hard to pick which ones to limit it to.

Mostly Card driven games and an addon that was last one in stock.

A Few Acres of Snow 2nd edition
Cyclades: Hades
Summoner Wars: Master Set
7 Wonders: Cities
Dixit Journey

not sure when it will ship,order won't ship till 7 Wonders Cities arrives in stock(anyone know when thats going out?)

Welcome, brother.
speaking of Innovation, is there two versions of this game? I see cards that look way different in some pictures.

Yes two different publishers. The one in Europe is doing it with all new artwork. The game looks nicer as the art is themed based on the card names of what they are supposed to represent, but some have complained about the terminology used in the new version along with it being harder to see the icons on the newer cards.

US release is still going to be the plain looking version.
Yes two different publishers. The one in Europe is doing it with all new artwork. The game looks nicer as the art is themed based on the card names of what they are supposed to represent, but some have complained about the terminology used in the new version along with it being harder to see the icons on the newer cards.

US release is still going to be the plain looking version.

There is a Iello version for the European market. It has some nicer art, but is plagued by inconsistency problems with it's expansion.

Thanks to the both of you!
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