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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Thanks for the info guys, the reason I ask is that I picked it up yesterday new for $28. Then saw it's outrageous price online.


edit: also I really want to grab Net runner. Would a LCG like that be good for just playing my friends at my house? I am not interesting in competitive play or anything, Basically just using it as a card game.

LCG's are ok but not that good to recommend since deck building is a big part of them. You will have to supply all the cards for players to work with and generally LCG is best to get into with a friend who will also invest in the game and actively want to build decks. Its a strictly two player game also. The LOTR LCG is the easiest since it's coop and you deck build together, but with competitive LCG like Netrunner, you have to build individual decks. You can play the base set alone as a stand alone game, but it's going to get boring after so many play throughs. LCG's don't work so well unless you got a group that can get into it and often put in their own money, as it's not really a stand alone board game.

Otherwise your going to be buying new packs of cards every few weeks and before playing each time having to sit there making decks instead of playing.

The most common responses seen about LCG's on BGG and on this very thread is how people get excited for them, buy the first couple products, and then always seem to just go "meh" after a while. It becomes harder for people to keep up and one person buying all the cards is harder to keep momentum going. People also then don't like getting together and having to dig through tons of cards to relearn the game and slowly build up new decks which can take some players a long time. Netrunner has got the hype right now, but its going to die down in a few months when it no longer works well as a stand alone and essentially becomes a full blown CCG of collecting and building decks.


Hail to the KING baby
The two different friends I've played it with all enjoy it. None of us have ever played ccg / lcg games before. We still learn new rules as we go but it doesn't hamper our enjoyment. It actually is sort of fun knowing the next game will be more fair with certain cards and no one cares if someone had an unfair advantage this game.

Yep, it's by far the best LCG for non-LCG play that I've ever seen (just like the original was for CCGs apparently). 7 different factions (total) and they play great out of the box. They're not optimized for tournament play but they match up in really interesting ways against each other without any sort of customization needed.
Thanks for all the opinions guys! I will probably pick up Netrunner since my FLGs has it for 29.99

After watching some videos it definitely looks cool. I will see if it's something my wife or bother in law can get into and if so we can keep up on releases and see how it goes.


I played the Star Trek Catan game. The character roles are a nice little wrinkle for people who have played vanilla a million times. Though the guy that won sat on one of the characters for half the game and only used his skill once.


Speaking of LCGs, Shadowfist LCG was recently kickstarted. I just got into it and its very fun. Anyone have any cards for trade? :)


Netrunner has me by the parts. I picked up one core set but will end up grabbing another from the shop at some point. That said its a great core set, great theme, art, and deckbuilding is crazy fun. Gonna play some games this weekend, its getting pretty big at my LGS.


I've considered re-buying Formula D recently since I've got a regular game night with 5-8 people, and it's particularly suited for that kind of situation. I sold it a while back because it was in this kind of nebulous zone of being neither a gateway game nor a great hardcore game. I think it helps a lot if you're into racing since the theme and aesthetics of the game are really nicely done.

I'm kind of interested in trying out Rallyman. Racing really feels like a genre I should love, but the only racing game that's truly clicked with me has been RoboRally. Formula D, Snow Tails, K2, and some others I'm probably forgetting -- all good quality just haven't quite grabbed me.
Sorry to drag this out of the thread basement but I chanced upon Rallyman sitting on a shelf in a gamestore I went to this past Saturday. I love racing games on consoles and had been eyeballing Formula De for a while but never took the plunge. From the video reviews I had seen and from what I read on the Geek Rallyman looked like it might be the racing game I was looking for.

But I had back-burnered it a while back and holding a copy in my hands was too much of a temptation so I snagged it.

Played a couple of solo runs yesterday afternoon to learn the rules and a friend came over last night to play. 3 hours later we were both impressed.

At first it seemed like it was just a "push your luck" dice fest but by the third and final circuit we were both really thinking out how we drove as we went into the final leg apart by only 7 seconds. I lost control of my car in the first corner of the last course and shortly after blew a tire taking a shortcut which meant I was running the balance of the route down two dice (each die you roll moves you one space forward so the less you have the longer you'll be on the course and the more gear/time cars you'll pick up). I had to play more aggressively while my opponent tried to play cautiously which ended up costing him precious seconds as he made some tactical errors.

If I hadn't made the horrible mistake of going into a corner too fast (and causing me to spin out), I might have actually pulled it out. Of course it helped that he also blew a tire after about 3/4s into the route.

I need to play a lot more to make a final judgment (of course) but this looks like it could be a regular rotation fillerish type game. Since you have control of how long the routes are you could easily bang out a series in the 45 minutes posted on the box (once everyone knows what they are doing) or you could make some epic runs by using the 4 track boards included.

I also picked up Empires of the Void on a whim and am curious to see how it plays.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Alright, I am going to try and free my copy of Netrunner from the CSI preorder limbo it is in. I must play it.

I just got my copy from CSI on Saturday. It had been held up since it was on the same order as the X-Wing miniatures. I am really looking forward to getting a chance to play it.


Hail to the KING baby
Netrunner has me by the parts. I picked up one core set but will end up grabbing another from the shop at some point. That said its a great core set, great theme, art, and deckbuilding is crazy fun. Gonna play some games this weekend, its getting pretty big at my LGS.

sogood! Actually going to an informal tournament here at a game store in Santa Clara this weekend. Which I have never done so I'm sure it will be awkward and I will regret going. But that's how much I love Netrunner!


I just got my copy from CSI on Saturday. It had been held up since it was on the same order as the X-Wing miniatures. I am really looking forward to getting a chance to play it.

Mine is getting held up by Mage Wars being in the same order. I just sent them an email asking if I could remove Netrunner from the order, and replace it with something else to keep it at the free shipping price. I'll just get Netrunner from my LGS or Amazon.
I played a learning game of Netrunner last week and I enjoyed it. I understood the rules and the flow of play but I had 0 idea on how to play like I knew what I was doing. I'm sure another game or two will help that. I still don't think I'll buy it and just use the copy a friend of mine has but it's fun. The game actually is getting me motivated to bring the original Android to the table.
I know I've said this before, but I love Kingdom Builder more every time I play it. Really looking forward to the expansion (in my CSI order).

Also: I started a couple Rattus games on yucata. I'm open to more if I missed anyone that wants to play.


Hail to the KING baby
Just grabbed Netrunner at my local game store. Do you guys sleeve your cards?

I don't but I think for LCG it's considered par for the course. Especially when you consider that expansions will come out regularly so there may be different wear on the cards. Then again even still I'd rather just bother with time/expense of sleeving after there's a problem than in anticipation of one.

Also I just don't like the feel of sleeves or shuffling with them though I know that's all second-nature for Magic players.
I don't but I think for LCG it's considered par for the course. Especially when you consider that expansions will come out regularly so there may be different wear on the cards. Then again even still I'd rather just bother with time/expense of sleeving after there's a problem than in anticipation of one.

Also I just don't like the feel of sleeves or shuffling with them though I know that's all second-nature for Magic players.

I think I will just go without sleeves for now.


Edit: man the artwork in this game is something special! Amazing.


Hail to the KING baby
I don't use sleeves and I've never spilled anything on my cards. :D (And I allow eating and drinking at the game table.)

Well I did have a copy of Cranium ruined like 15 years ago, but no big loss. :p
When the heck is Spartacus going to release/ship?! I'm itching for a new game.

After weeks of King of Tokyo and Waterdeep and Blood Bowl, I think we may go for a 5-player BSG again tonight. Looking forward to it!
When the heck is Spartacus going to release/ship?! I'm itching for a new game.

After weeks of King of Tokyo and Waterdeep and Blood Bowl, I think we may go for a 5-player BSG again tonight. Looking forward to it!
Spartacus is supposed to be released by the end of this month/beginning of next month. I'm dying to play it. Everything I read about it or watch a video on it makes the wait that much longer.
I think I will just go without sleeves for now.


Edit: man the artwork in this game is something special! Amazing.

I sleeve mine but I'm well anal. And the artwork for the Android universe is incredible. I'm so glad they found a way to keep the universe going. Android was/is such a great, intriguing game, in many ways the pinnacle of Kevin Wilson's approach to design, flaws and high points. I really liked it.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
To follow up on what I posted a couple months ago - I'm still really really liking The Lord of the Rings Living Card Game. I've had ~6 sessions with it now, and it's on its way to being my clear-cut favorite board game ever.

So why am I not playing it multiple times a week?

My wife (my boardgame partner in crime) doesn't like the game very much :(

She says she's warming up to it, but I think she's basically only sticking with it because she knows I like it so much. The problem for her is the game's extremely high difficulty. She doesn't mind tough co-op games like Pandemic, but she feels like "LotR just throws bullshit in your face each and every turn that you can't even fight." I don't disagree, incidentally. Everything from the encounter deck feels devastating, and I never feel like you're given a break. Losing a full-health hero to a single bullshit shadow card is a little much. The difference is I'm happy to reload and try again. She just gets angry.

We blew through the starter quest no problem, and then got our asses kicked by the next one (Anduin) 2-3 times. I knew our next attempt would be make-or-break for this game in our house, so I painstakingly researched to craft decks specifically designed to take this quest down
and fudged some minor rules in our favor
. THANK GOD we succeeded. The win gave LOTR LCG another shot in our house after all.

So next I loaded up the easiest scenario FFG has made (The 3-difficulty one in the Kazad-Dum expansion)... and we lost. It was close - we were 6 progress tokens from victory - but it was a loss nonetheless.


So outside of the tutorial that's 4 losses and just 1 win, for those keeping track. And that's just the trying easier adventures :/

I dunno where to go from here. I own about half the player cards at this point so I have the tools to build decent decks. I'm not a pro deckbuilder but I know Magic: The Gathering so I should be competent at this.

I'm thinking about trying to come up with a house rule or two to ever-so-slightly ease the difficulty, without completely breaking the game. I don't even know what it would be, though. Of course I could always cheat it and not even tell my wife by thinning the Encounter Deck before each quest... maybe only toss one Moria Cave Troll in there instead of two...

Edit: A good guy I used to work with mentioned he's a big fan of the game too, so if worst comes to worst I'll try to join up with his sessions.


Waiting for my copy of Android Netrunner, really excited for it. Also thinking about putting an order for Mage Knight, have heard so much about that game that I am really interested in it. Anyone have experience of the solo play? Does sound like a interesting feature in a boardgame.


Just grabbed Netrunner at my local game store. Do you guys sleeve your cards?

Sometimes yes and sometimes no. For Game of thrones I just sleeve the constructed decks. LOTR I have never sleeved anything because I never really know what I will be using. Netrunner so far as all sleeved, mostly because its new and I only have the core set, but also because I love the way the cards look. My runner cards are all orange backed, corp cards all blue backed.

Has anyone really messed with deck construction yet? Its a pretty hard game to run test draws and stuff for and I am more used to games that have pretty basic deckbuilding suggestions. I figured out my corp deck needs some more ice and I think maybe my runner could use a bit more credit resources.


Hail to the KING baby
Sometimes yes and sometimes no. For Game of thrones I just sleeve the constructed decks. LOTR I have never sleeved anything because I never really know what I will be using. Netrunner so far as all sleeved, mostly because its new and I only have the core set, but also because I love the way the cards look. My runner cards are all orange backed, corp cards all blue backed.

Has anyone really messed with deck construction yet? Its a pretty hard game to run test draws and stuff for and I am more used to games that have pretty basic deckbuilding suggestions. I figured out my corp deck needs some more ice and I think maybe my runner could use a bit more credit resources.

I've actually built four decks because my friend and I are going to a small tournament on Saturday. Based on all my research, the decks themselves are pretty solid, but I still need to properly wrap my head around basic strategy in actually playing the cards. Good thing is there barely seems to be a consensus about that.

My two decks are NBN (fast advance) and Crim (money + Sneakdoor); though to be honest I've only played a handful of times as Runner so I'm no expert in execution.

Friend's two decks are Shaper (all-around quality especially given their awesome ICE) & Jinteki (trap deck of course :p).

My most refined deck is my NBN fast advance, which I've been tweaking since the weekend. Yes I do have some singletons in there but it's just to keep things a bit loose. I don't depend on aggro secretary at all. Sweetest common combo in this one is Chum + Data Raven.

Total Cards (49)

Agenda (9)
-Private Security Force 3
-Priority Requisition 3
-AstroScript Pilot Program 3

Asset (6)
-Aggressive Secretary 1
-Adonis Campaign 2
-Ghost Branch 3

ICE (19)
-Chum 2
-Ichi 1.0 2
-Shadow 1
-Ice Wall 2
-Data Raven 3
-Matrix Analyzer 3
-Wall of Static 2
-Enigma 2
-Tollbooth 2

Operation (12)
-Beanstalk Royalties 2
-Hedge Fund 3
-Anonymous Tip 2
-Psychographics 3
-Closed Accounts 2

Upgrade (3)
-Red Herrings 3
In other FFG news, I learned Wings of War last night and now will be getting the X-Wing minis game. :D

Well hopefully that works out well. Wings of War does play much quicker and suited for smaller play, often only 1 on 1 or 2 on 2 play. X-Wing standard level game can take much longer to play. Even with knowing the rules and experience with mini games, it still took almost 2 hours to play a standard sized engagement. You can play the box set alone with it's 3 missions, but that will get old quick.

X-Wing took alot from Wings of War, but it is a more meaty and longer playing game. Wings of War can end in one shot at times.

Game is still simple and easy to play as WoW is, it's just a bit more meaty with the ship customization and options you can do.

How does a Netrunner tournament work? Do you take turns playing Corp and Runner?

Official tourny rules are not out yet, but FFG usually comes out with them soon after release.
Two hours? Maybe I'm misunderstanding terminology here, but BGG lists it as a 20m game. I like the fact that they've added a bit of that FFG rules chrome to the WoW mechanic. At least in the abstract.

As for Netrunner tourney rules, yes you do play both sides -- I am bringing my NBN & Crim decks: http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/ffg_content/android-netrunner/support/ADN_Tournament_Rules.pdf

20min perhaps just the box set alone using the missions in the book. Standard sized games which involves buying extra ships for everyone take longer than that for sure.

With scenarios you can have quicker games since an objective forces game to end instead of one side having to wipe out the other, though outside the three in the books, you got to use fan made or create your own. Otherwise it's a standard set up and dog fight game. But at standard game size, 20 minutes is unlikely. Like I said, twice played 100 point games and the shortest was hour and a half, and we never had to pick up the rulebook to check on anything as it's quite simple game. Unlike WoW where a plane can get shot down in one or two hits, ships in X-Wing take alot more hits and also with right cards can "heal" shields.


Hail to the KING baby
I picked up 2x core so we'd have all the bits for both players and a bit of room to have bigger battles. Will take it from there as it seems to be a great game-group game.
I picked up 2x core so we'd have all the bits for both players and a bit of room to have bigger battles. Will take it from there as it seems to be a great game-group game.

Scenarios will be a big help and I think for tournaments they will want to institute scenario rules like most mini games do. Otherwise when it's just kill all an opponents figs, it can really get dragged out and tourny play has to be quicker rounds than that. The missions in the book give some nice ideas to create ones own games.


Got sick of the oversized Heckmeck box so made this:


Problem solved.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
I'll be playing Fortress America for the first time tonight with my game group. Even though I am used to FFG instruction books by now, this one had some fairly confusing parts. I have a feeling I am going to be spending all of my free moments at work looking through BGG trying to get clarification around some of the movement/invasion mechanics.
I'll be playing Fortress America for the first time tonight with my game group. Even though I am used to FFG instruction books by now, this one had some fairly confusing parts. I have a feeling I am going to be spending all of my free moments at work looking through BGG trying to get clarification around some of the movement/invasion mechanics.

Actually has nothing to do with FFG rules. Fortress America has always had some ambigious rules that FFG basically didn't touch. Folks were surprised as they expected an actual rule revision but really all FFG did was update the components and left the rules mostly untouched from the MB days.

Big confusion folks have is with the various special moves stuff like choppers and bombers can make, like the scout ability of the choppers. Most of these work just as the rules state, but there use is really for strategic use that often doesn't become apparent till you play the game and you won't use them a whole lot. Some of these moves also have no immediate effect and are more for long term plotting. Scout moves with choppers for example often you will do just do draw away your opponent on later turns as if they don't react to your scouts, they could on later turns end up with cut off supply routes.


Just got the Tammany Hall kickstarter update email. Damn Stooge, it's looking really nice. You did a good job bringing this game back.

Hugely agreed here - I can't wait for it to arrive so I can play it :D

Making me regret not being able to afford either of the follow-up Kickstarters for other games. Great Fire of London looked amazing too.


I really regret not getting Descent The Road To Legend while it was widely available. Trying to pick it up now...but it's pretty pricey.
I prefer Descent 1st edition campaign system. I don't think Descent 2.0 is even any better game outside of playing faster, but they are almost completely different games. Decent 1st edition and it's campaign system were just so meaty. Group is full of roleplayers so the bigger rules, adventures, and details we appreciate.
The amount of fan made scenarios and content for Descent first edition is also nothing to sneeze at. I don't really know which one I like better to be honest. I'm glad I have them both, that's for sure!


First tragedy, then farce.
Bachelor party survived. Even played some 5p game of thrones when we got rained out on Sunday.

More importantly I got a copy of here I stand as a gift.

To be played on my birthday.


Hail to the KING baby
Finalizedish another Netrunner deck. Finally starting to enjoy playing the Runner now that I've been working on this deck. Just need to hit my Ices which is made much easier through Special Order, Sneakdoor, and Desperado (underrated), and it's awesome -- you pretty much never dip on cash once it's up and running.

Total Cards: 45
Event (22)
Account Siphon (Core) x3
Easy Mark (Core) x3
Forged Activation Orders (Core) x3
Infiltration (Core) x2
Inside Job (Core) x3
Special Order (Core) x3
Sure Gamble (Core) x2
Diesel (Core) x3

Hardware (4)
Desperado (Core) x2
Lemuria Codecracker (Core) x2

Program (8)
Ninja (Core) x2
Sneakdoor Beta (Core) x3
Gordian Blade (Core) x1
Corroder (Core) x2

Resource (11)
Crash Space (Core) x3
Decoy (Core) x3
Aesop's Pawnshop (Core) x1
Bank Job (Core) x3
Armitage Codebusting (Core) x1


Unlimited Capacity
I really regret not getting Descent The Road To Legend while it was widely available. Trying to pick it up now...but it's pretty pricey.

I feel your pain :(

I can't stress enough how much you'd rather just get Descent 2.0 (with the built in campaign)

My group likes 1st ed A LOT more than 2nd. 2nd ed plays faster, and that is a + and -, as we blasted through the campaign very fast and are waiting for new stuff.


Woo, finally got my Android Netrunner (after it was sent to the other side of Sweden in a error....)!

Going to read up on the rules after work and sleeve all the cards. Hopefully this game doesn't disappoint. Speaking of, if I would like to have a complete set of the cards, do I really have to buy 2 additional core sets? Its an awful lot of money to complete 20 cards that were only delivered in singles. Will FFG release a pack containing the last ones?

My group likes 1st ed A LOT more than 2nd. 2nd ed plays faster, and that is a + and -, as we blasted through the campaign very fast and are waiting for new stuff.

We play rounds of 4 hours once each week (though with some pauses some weeks). We just got into Act 2. :p


Played Netrunner last night for the first time. Just one game and I was the runner using the shaper with mostly anarch cards splashed in. What a frigging fantastic game. My deck seemed to work pretty well, my economy was good enough through re-occurring credits and shaper themed run long strength bonuses that I could break in pretty much at will. Ultimately I should have lost to a Junebug but the corp player spend creds pretty needlessly early in the run and didn't have a single one to trigger Junebug. Can't wait to get my second core in the mail tomorrow and go to town deckbuilding some more. I cannot recommend this game enough to anyone who has an interest in LCGs. Also note that I did buy a second core set, but one core set really is enough to customize and play decks that are very good. Best LCG core set FF has done in that regard.
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