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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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The new Legendary expansion is great, pretty much doubles size of the game. The new characters, scenarios, and villains have lot of fun unique mechanics that are quite flavorful.


I just picked up the reprint of Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition. What have I got myself into?

Welcome to the circle. Prepare your lunch in a box and reschedule your day cause this is gonna take your entire weekend.

If you ever take the game out to actually play that is.


I'm starting a new job in September and surprisingly me answering "board games" as one of my hobbies helped me get the job!
not the only reason of course, but it helped
Turns out they have a board game group that gets together a couple of days per month.

When I visited the office I took a look at their board game collection (bought by the company) and they had a lot of good games. Twilight Imperium was one of the games... there's no chance I could get my regular group to dedicate 6 hours to TI, so I hope I get to play it at work :)


Unconfirmed Member
Sounds like Zombicide Season 2 is going to start shipping a month earlier in August. I can't wait. It has become my wife's favorite board game,
Sounds like Zombicide Season 2 is going to start shipping a month earlier in August. I can't wait. It has become my wife's favorite board game,

It might ship earlier it sounded like, they might ship later still due to gencon so they aren't sure if they will get it in time to ship it before or after the con.

Im sure it can be played in 6 hours, and im it gets played in less. But the couple times I played it, it took a bunch more than 6 hours and it was amazing the whole fucking time.

6 hours is a good average for the game from my experience. More players you have the longer it will take though and their experience will be important. Also what rules you use and version of the strategy cards.
Sounds like Zombicide Season 2 is going to start shipping a month earlier in August. I can't wait. It has become my wife's favorite board game,

Sounds like the same situation my buddy is in. He went almost $500 deep cause his wife really got into it. I only have season 1 myself, and I don't think I could spend that much and miss out on so many other good games.

We're trying to arrange a board gaming weekend in the fall centered around the release of season 2. Plus, our group has a board gaming bonanza this weekend to coincide with the Canada Day long weekend. So much gaming goodness to come.


Unconfirmed Member
Sounds like the same situation my buddy is in. He went almost $500 deep cause his wife really got into it. I only have season 1 myself, and I don't think I could spend that much and miss out on so many other good games.

We're trying to arrange a board gaming weekend in the fall centered around the release of season 2. Plus, our group has a board gaming bonanza this weekend to coincide with the Canada Day long weekend. So much gaming goodness to come.

Cool. I didn't go too crazy. I picked up the $150 pledge and Dakota.
Zombicide looks interesting. Wanted to get the base game and it is $90! I wish I got into board games sooner. Missed out on all the good stuff.
It might ship earlier it sounded like, they might ship later still due to gencon so they aren't sure if they will get it in time to ship it before or after the con.

6 hours is a good average for the game from my experience. More players you have the longer it will take though and their experience will be important. Also what rules you use and version of the strategy cards.

Yeah, for sure, people and the experience of those people will dictate the time a lot.

We played with 6, and it took us closer to 10 hours our first game though, haha. There was a pizza break in there though. :p

Fun as hell 10 hours though, haha. We could have brought it down to 8 easily im sure, but 6 seems like it would be hard with the group I played with. Even Eclipse will take 4+ hours with the 6 of us.


So my next game night with my four man group is going to be 2v2 night. On the agenda:

Summoner Wars. I've never played with more than two, but it looks interesting. Got two gameboards ready to go and everything.

Eclipse. I figure we'll use the alliance rules from the ROTA expansion and predetermine/lock the teams.

Ticket to Ride. This is the only one we've actually played 2v2. We've played the Team Asia several times, so I think I'm going to trick it up and use the team rules with either the US or the Africa map.

Carcassonne with an expansion or two. Use the normal rules, and average teammates' scores together to get the team score at the end of the game.

Neuroshima Hex. Really looking forward to this. I really enjoy this game.

Anyone play Axis & Allies 1941? I like the idea of the shorter A&A, but haven't gotten around to reading about this one.

Any other good'ns I should look into? Any thoughts on the above? Has anyone played Lost Cities with 4? I'm tempted to see if I can find another deck to try that out.
Trying to find a good gaming table for my game room. I have a big circular one right now that's plastic and folds up, it's nice sized but the fold up legs have these big bars in the way that make it difficult for people to sit around it easily. Really failing at finding a good simply table that could give everyone more leg room. I so would splurge on a geek chic table but to ship to me in Florida would cost more than the table itself.

I was hoping for something simple and cheap, the folding leg one I have I liked in that I could put it away and I got fold out long tables that I use to play other types of games on. Instead it might be better to just get a dedicated table of some sorts. Ikea was a bust on any decent gaming tables, not sure what other options would work.
I don't know why but I seem to be in no rush to pick up Eclipse.

I do love 4x style games though. I really enjoy Clash of Cultures and Archipelago, and even backed Hegemonic.

Maybe it's because the mentioned games won't get much play in my group due to their length, but maybe I'm just trying to convince myself I should pick it up the next time I see it on sale.
Buy it, you wont regret it. Its not super long, Ive played a 2 player game in under 2 hours no problem, which is pretty quick for a 4x type game.


Unconfirmed Member
Buy it, you wont regret it. Its not super long, Ive played a 2 player game in under 2 hours no problem, which is pretty quick for a 4x type game.

Yeah, once everyone has the game down it can go pretty quick. We played 3 player game in about 2 hours. Also I just picked up RotA. Can't wait to integrate the new races, ancients, tech's, etc.
Yeah, once everyone has the game down it can go pretty quick. We played 3 player game in about 2 hours. Also I just picked up RotA. Can't wait to integrate the new races, ancients, tech's, etc.
I have wanted to play the Rho Indi Syndicate for so long :(

I got the base set and expo about 4 months ago. Still haven't been able to try them T_T

I think i've only played as the Orion Hegemony and humans so far though.
Yeah, once everyone has the game down it can go pretty quick. We played 3 player game in about 2 hours. Also I just picked up RotA. Can't wait to integrate the new races, ancients, tech's, etc.

4 players in 2 hours is easily doable if your group is familiar with the game. Expansion is nice since it really doesn't add a ton of new rules so its a quick addition to the game.


Unconfirmed Member
4 players in 2 hours is easily doable if your group is familiar with the game. Expansion is nice since it really doesn't add a ton of new rules so its a quick addition to the game.

Yeah. I was able to stuff everything for 6 players in the main box nicely. I don't for see ever playing more than 6 even though I would like to.


Hail to the KING baby
The more I read random threads on BGG, the more I real that Lords of Waterdeep has to be the most overrated game on there. The game is decent, and I'll play it once a year or so, but it's by far my least favorite worker placement out of the ten or so I've played. And yet go to BGG and you read about how it's way better than Kingsburg and Agricola. Just the perfect game.

People really get spellbound by pasted-on fantasy theming I guess.
The more I read random threads on BGG, the more I real that Lords of Waterdeep has to be the most overrated game on there. The game is decent, and I'll play it once a year or so, but it's by far my least favorite worker placement out of the ten or so I've played. And yet go to BGG and you read about how it's way better than Kingsburg and Agricola. Just the perfect game.

People really get spellbound by pasted-on fantasy theming I guess.

I'll just say that it was the easiest worker placement game to get my friends to at least try. I've attempted other ones but it's really hard to make many of them sound remotely interesting on description alone.
This looks so nice, but so expensive: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1423575262/dominion-storage-case?ref=live

We made our own ghetto Dominion case that fits it all that simply uses one of those cardboard card holders used for ccg collections. Fits all the cards, rules, and extras from every set.

The more I read random threads on BGG, the more I real that Lords of Waterdeep has to be the most overrated game on there. The game is decent, and I'll play it once a year or so, but it's by far my least favorite worker placement out of the ten or so I've played. And yet go to BGG and you read about how it's way better than Kingsburg and Agricola. Just the perfect game.

People really get spellbound by pasted-on fantasy theming I guess.

It's a good game and it's probably the best way to introduce people to worker placement games. Any time I tried to put Le Havre or Agricola in front of newbs, they are instant lost at all the stupid symbols and poor layout designs of many of these games. It's not the best but can see why many like it. Plus it's a well designed package for quick set up and take down, plus it plays quick.


It's a good game and it's probably the best way to introduce people to worker placement games. Any time I tried to put Le Havre or Agricola in front of newbs, they are instant lost at all the stupid symbols and poor layout designs of many of these games. It's not the best but can see why many like it. Plus it's a well designed package for quick set up and take down, plus it plays quick.


Lords of Waterdeep is far from my favourite game, but it somehow ended up being one of my most played games last year just because it was so easy to teach people from outside of the traditional eurogame groups. Yes, the pasted on theme is pointless & shallow, but it's just enough paste for people to appreciate & feel like they're not pushing cubes around while they push cubes around. It's relatively short, it's not complex, and it introduces worker placement very nicely... I doubt I'll ever suggest Waterdeep at my regular gaming night, but I'm happy to play it when asked.

And on the topic of Dominion storage, apparently Rio Grande announced plans for "official" storage solutions at Origins. No concrete info on what that is yet, mind.
The more I read random threads on BGG, the more I real that Lords of Waterdeep has to be the most overrated game on there. The game is decent, and I'll play it once a year or so, but it's by far my least favorite worker placement out of the ten or so I've played. And yet go to BGG and you read about how it's way better than Kingsburg and Agricola. Just the perfect game.

People really get spellbound by pasted-on fantasy theming I guess.
There is just something I really enjoy about Waterdeep. It's odd because it really is super light and the theme isn't really that strong, but it has a certain charm that I enjoy. It plays fast and has enough descisions so it doesn't feel like I'm on auto pilot. Is it my favorite worker placement game? Not by a long shot but its enjoyable and one that I'll keep in my collection.

The one newbie friendly WP game I feel gets forgotten and I think is better than LoW is Pillars of the Earth. Again simple game where you gather cubes and convert them to points but the added element of chance (play order is drawn from a bag) makes the game exciting.


And on the topic of Dominion storage, apparently Rio Grande announced plans for "official" storage solutions at Origins. No concrete info on what that is yet, mind.

About time, I stopped buying expansions because I simply don't have anywhere to put the damn things.

This is what we did for Dominion. Cheap carboard card box with 4 rows you can get from any gamestore usually, has a lid too to close the box. All the dominion sets fit in it along with their extras. The dividers we just printed out from one of the many free pdfs you can find online. Used random foam blocks from other games to separate each set too so it's all organized. Whole thing probably cost less than 5 bucks.


LoW is the game that gets played most by my family. There's something in there that just grabs people. When i told my family that there's an expansion coming out this August, some of family got really excited. It was really weird.


Hail to the KING baby
LoW is the game that gets played most by my family. There's something in there that just grabs people. When i told my family that there's an expansion coming out this August, some of family got really excited. It was really weird.

haha that's really interesting. maybe i'm just an outlier that's ok :D

again i don't hate the game and i will probably even pick up the expansion but it's just ... not in my top 50?
Yeah, you'll want to get the 1910 expansion. Or just get TTR Europe instead, it's arguably the better of the two starter boards. TTR is the perfect gateway game.

The extra rules of Europe only add confusion to new players. Also, blocking routes is more fun!


The extra rules of Europe only add confusion to new players. Also, blocking routes is more fun!

Sure, the US board is the simplest and most straight-forward of the TTR boards and with the 1910 expansion it is a really good game.

I'd recommend the Europe board to people from Europe that wants the familiarity of the known geography.

Also, the rule changes aren't that significant:
1. Tunnels, a bit confusing at first, but easily grasped
2. Ferries, very easy to explain
3. Stations, the most confusing of them IMO, but they can be ignored - just play without them.


Nah, Europe is clearly the best available version of this game.

I enjoy both main boards, but I think Europe has the edge over US because of the more competitive routes. Of the expansions Switzerland is awesome for 2-3 players and Legendary Asia is really good for 4-5 players.


Hail to the KING baby
USA+1910 is bliss. At least for US-based players because everything's so easily found and the balancing in 1910 with the tickets is quite good.

Switzerland is my least favorite because it's just a ticketfest. Have had games where you complete 15+ tickets. :/ ymmv on whether you like that.

Love Team Asia. Such a great value packed into there.


Sounds like the same situation my buddy is in. He went almost $500 deep cause his wife really got into it. I only have season 1 myself, and I don't think I could spend that much and miss out on so many other good games.

We're trying to arrange a board gaming weekend in the fall centered around the release of season 2. Plus, our group has a board gaming bonanza this weekend to coincide with the Canada Day long weekend. So much gaming goodness to come.

Yeah I went about $300 including tons of the extras. Need to double-check my pledge manager now...lol.





Just picked up Resistance: Avalon and a couple Star Wars TMG models (Falcon and Slave I) for this weekend. Really looking forward to Avalon.

Also order King of Tokyo, but that won't come till next week, so it won't be in time for our gaming weekend.

And when the Myth kickstarter went public, I put in $150 for that. $17 for shipping to Canada made it a no brainer. I also showed Myth to a co-worker and he jumped on it too.

Finally, with my Avalon and SW TMG order, a friend got Small World Underground, Kingdom Builder and a Millennium Falcon. I also bought him a Slave I as a thank you for hosting. Plus beer, lots of beer.
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