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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Reddit is saying Firefly will be on sale so I will be running to Gale Force Nine's booth first thing Thursday for two copies. Cross your fingers Joey!

Hopefully they have enough copies. I would imagine they would and it's not going to be a Netrunner situation, where they sell out in minutes.


Is anybody backing Zero Hour on Kickstarter? Man, adding in all the expansions is adding up fast.

I'm going to be my usual negative self about random kickstarter projects - what's appealing about Zero Hour as a game? It's got an interesting unusual art style, but the actual game mechanics look incredibly random & poorly thought out for any actual long term play. There's near zero info about it on BGG & the kickstarter page focuses on style over content/details on the rules. I don't think it looks like much of a game.
Firefly will sell out fast unfortunately because the gencon version will come with an exclusive resin alliance cruiser.

Depends, last year they had TONS of copies of Spartacus available and that was quite a hit for them. They will hopefully be much better stocked than a lot of the other games that they are already warning will have limited copies, like most of AEG's stuff. Last year FFG really underestimated how popular Netrunner was going to be, they focused on their Star Wars products and had insane amount of that stuff in stock yet brought little Netrunner.

I'm going to be my usual negative self about random kickstarter projects - what's appealing about Zero Hour as a game? It's got an interesting unusual art style, but the actual game mechanics look incredibly random & poorly thought out for any actual long term play. There's near zero info about it on BGG & the kickstarter page focuses on style over content/details on the rules. I don't think it looks like much of a game.

The game rule description for it also seems quite vague and much more of a really random style of game.
Depends, last year they had TONS of copies of Spartacus available and that was quite a hit for them. They will hopefully be much better stocked than a lot of the other games that they are already warning will have limited copies, like most of AEG's stuff. Last year FFG really underestimated how popular Netrunner was going to be, they focused on their Star Wars products and had insane amount of that stuff in stock yet brought little Netrunner.

Gale Force 9 has already said they will only have a limited number of copies.


Whats the worst or best box design of a game you have owned or seen in regards to holding all the game components?

I got my copy of Zombicide in the mail today and although I haven't played it yet I'm thrilled at the detail in the miniatures and the overall quality. I'm disappointed in the general layout of the box inside though. Sure it's all packed in there nicely but once I open everything I don't think I can even hold the cards in there any sense. With no slots or spaces for each component, everything will be all over the place after opening.

It's not the worst game I have for storage inside the box but It's close. The worst one I own is Axis and Allies 1941. The best one I own is Lords of Waterdeep.
Gale Force 9 has already said they will only have a limited number of copies.

Of the game or the exclusive promo? Not uncommon for them to run out of the promos but still have the game for sale. Odd they would be limited unless they really are just trying to push sales. Last year they had massive stacks of Spartacus and that didn't have much hype behind it and was a surprise hit. Firefly already has some hype just because of the creators and the IP.

I have to try the game before buy though, hopefully can see more about the game at the con because it doesn't look that good, but perhaps it can surprise like Spartacus did.


Played my first game of Kemet: This game is really good. 3 players all first time and it was done in 90 minutes. I can already see this being pretty fast once everyone has the mechanics and cards down.
Whats the worst or best box design of a game you have owned or seen in regards to holding all the game components?

I got my copy of Zombicide in the mail today and although I haven't played it yet I'm thrilled at the detail in the miniatures and the overall quality. I'm disappointed in the general layout of the box inside though. Sure it's all packed in there nicely but once I open everything I don't think I can even hold the cards in there any sense. With no slots or spaces for each component, everything will be all over the place after opening.

It's not the worst game I have for storage inside the box but It's close. The worst one I own is Axis and Allies 1941. The best one I own is Lords of Waterdeep.

Best and worst at the same time for me was Mage Knight. At first I loved how everything fit, but after wanting to sleeve cards and have an easier starting setup solution, and after the expansion, all the Mage Knight box is now is just that, a box.

Otherwise, Days of Wonder has some amazing inside the box storage. But my actual vote goes to Seasons for its amazing insert.


Fail out bailed
Played my first game of Kemet: This game is really good. 3 players all first time and it was done in 90 minutes. I can already see this being pretty fast once everyone has the mechanics and cards down.

Do the mechanics "make sense" when you play the game? Or is it pretty gamey? Am I making sense?


Whats the worst or best box design of a game you have owned or seen in regards to holding all the game components?

I got my copy of Zombicide in the mail today and although I haven't played it yet I'm thrilled at the detail in the miniatures and the overall quality. I'm disappointed in the general layout of the box inside though. Sure it's all packed in there nicely but once I open everything I don't think I can even hold the cards in there any sense. With no slots or spaces for each component, everything will be all over the place after opening.

I was thoroughly perplexed by the wasted space of the cardboxes/plastic trays. I ended up bagging my cards & the various cardboard bits, and I put them "under" the plastic tray containing the heroes, keeping them in the cardboard box they came in. Plenty of room in there.
I would buy Legendary if it weren't for the price...it is significantly more than comparable deck-builders.

How is Kemet for 2 players...it looks like a Euro game with Ameritrash components which means I will probably like it.

As for packaging: in my collection Dominion is still king. Card games that have inserts that allow for sleeves are amazing.
Pricey but decent game. The expansion is well worth it, basically doubles the size of the game and improves on certain aspects design wise.

I would buy Legendary if it weren't for the price...it is significantly more than comparable deck-builders.

How is Kemet for 2 players...it looks like a Euro game with Ameritrash components which means I will probably like it.

As for packaging: in my collection Dominion is still king. Card games that have inserts that allow for sleeves are amazing.

I really like deck building games so this seems interesting to me. I have a copy of Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer and Thunderstone Advanced. Would really like to try out Marvel Legendary.


Unconfirmed Member
With Zombicide, I kept the maps in the bottom with the cardboard surround. Then I ended up separating the different mini's into bags, put the cards in a bag and then all the tokens I put into a plastic fishing container, which is half the size of the box. I also have a binder in the box with the printed revised manual and scenario's in plastic sheets so I can just take out the scenario I want easy. I still have room left over as well.


Do the mechanics "make sense" when you play the game? Or is it pretty gamey? Am I making sense?

You're not making sense but the game is super straight forward. You have the following actions:

Move (and attack if entering enemy controlled territory)
Recruit (Pay prayer points - the game's currency) to put more dudes in your city
Buy a powerup (there's three actions corresponding to the three colored power tiles)
Pray (gain 2 prayer points)
Upgrade your Pyramids (you have three colored pyramids. Highest level on a particular color is the highest level of powers you can buy from that color.

There's copies of some of those powers on your player mat and you take 1 action at a time around the board till everyone's had 5. Reward points based on positioning. Do the "refresh" phase. Repeat.

That's like 80% of the rules right there.
You're not making sense but the game is super straight forward. You have the following actions:

Move (and attack if entering enemy controlled territory)
Recruit (Pay prayer points - the game's currency) to put more dudes in your city
Buy a powerup (there's three actions corresponding to the three colored power tiles)
Pray (gain 2 prayer points)
Upgrade your Pyramids (you have three colored pyramids. Highest level on a particular color is the highest level of powers you can buy from that color.

There's copies of some of those powers on your player mat and you take 1 action at a time around the board till everyone's had 5. Reward points based on positioning. Do the "refresh" phase. Repeat.

That's like 80% of the rules right there.

How hard is it to remember the icons on all of the upgrade cards without needs a crib sheet?


I have a feeling it is going to remind me of Lord of the Rings LCG, but in the Pathfinder universe. I'm looking forward to seeing how it's different, because I got sick of LotR pretty fast.
It looks nowhere near as brutal as LOTR:LCG. It's not going to have near as much deckbuilding for certain scenarios.

I just found out about the Pathfinder game a couple weeks ago, and I'll probably pick it up when CSI gets it next week.
It looks nowhere near as brutal as LOTR:LCG. It's not going to have near as much deckbuilding for certain scenarios.

I just found out about the Pathfinder game a couple weeks ago, and I'll probably pick it up when CSI gets it next week.

You're so lucky that you get their prices without the shipping costs.
It looks nowhere near as brutal as LOTR:LCG. It's not going to have near as much deckbuilding for certain scenarios.

I just found out about the Pathfinder game a couple weeks ago, and I'll probably pick it up when CSI gets it next week.

Apparently Pathfinder has a persistent campaign where each player has a character that they build through each session, and if you ran out of cards in your deck for some reason, you die. If you die, you start with a new character from scratch. This permadeath aspect never fails to excite me in any game.

As I understand from that Watch it played video, deckbuilding only happens at the moment of sharing the loot at the end of the adventure. If so, this makes it quite different from LotR. Which is a good thing since I'd like to keep both games.

Its been more than a decade since I last played DnD and I kinda like the feeling of nostalgia Pathfinder creates in me regarding those days.


What are the opinions about Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords?

I have it pre-ordered at chapters.indigo.ca here in Canada, $40 and free Canadian shipping was a no-brainer. I have a friend going to Gen Con this weekend and he's gonna swing by the Pathfinder booth to hopefully snag me a promo card for this game. LINK

I have a feeling it is going to remind me of Lord of the Rings LCG, but in the Pathfinder universe. I'm looking forward to seeing how it's different, because I got sick of LotR pretty fast.

I'm watching this now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiP_Fi0Xd0k

That's the video I watched just before ordering it. Looks like fun!


Do the mechanics "make sense" when you play the game? Or is it pretty gamey? Am I making sense?

I think I get what you mean. Some of the mechanics are kinda gamey and don#t make sense int he way you might expect in a war game. it's not a lot though so it should not be a problem by the second game. Learning the special powers of the cards is probably the biggest hurdle but nothing that will not be fixed with a couple more plays. There was just a lot of looking up card powers this time around.


Somehow getting a copy of Battlelore in a trade (for a 30$ war game... no idea why he wanted it so bad), made me actually take out and glue my Battles of Westeros copy. I get that people wish that FFG would re-print Battlelore, but for my taste BoW is an amazing tactical game with just enough complexity. It also plays amazing solo because there is way less hidden info in general.

I love my hex and counter games but I feel like I will be putting a lot of time into this and may pick up some expansions.

Still nice to have Battlelore for playing with more casual types and as possible trade fodder.


Fail out bailed
You're not making sense but the game is super straight forward. You have the following actions:

Move (and attack if entering enemy controlled territory)
Recruit (Pay prayer points - the game's currency) to put more dudes in your city
Buy a powerup (there's three actions corresponding to the three colored power tiles)
Pray (gain 2 prayer points)
Upgrade your Pyramids (you have three colored pyramids. Highest level on a particular color is the highest level of powers you can buy from that color.

There's copies of some of those powers on your player mat and you take 1 action at a time around the board till everyone's had 5. Reward points based on positioning. Do the "refresh" phase. Repeat.

That's like 80% of the rules right there.

I think I get what you mean. Some of the mechanics are kinda gamey and don#t make sense int he way you might expect in a war game. it's not a lot though so it should not be a problem by the second game. Learning the special powers of the cards is probably the biggest hurdle but nothing that will not be fixed with a couple more plays. There was just a lot of looking up card powers this time around.

What I've seen of the game made it look a bit like the sort of game where there are rules and mechanics that don't feel connected to evoking an emotion or replicating an action... It's just been on my mind since re-playing arkham the other day. I kept finding myself going back to the rulebook, because that game has a lot of rules and situational stuff that my brain wasn't necessarily connecting because it felt like a game rule.

I don't know. I lack the words to explain it. It sounds like it has a bit of that, but not a shit load.
(an example quins pointed out in his review was the teleporting soldiers)


I played two sessions of Gears of War: The Board Game yesterday. We've cleared the second scenario (China Shop) and the third (Belly of the Beast) but then found out that we misunderstood the rules of the third scenario, we went through a locked door without unlocking it, but honestly it wasn't made clear in the scenario setup rules that it was locked (and how to unlock it). With 1 or 2 players the game does become a bit of a puzzle though, more so than with 3 or 4 players.

I've also played King of Tokyo for the first time and that also was great fun, although I prefer long and strategic games I felt that it certainly afforded enough interesting choices even though at its core you're just rolling dice.


That was completely unexpected. If anything, I thought they'd try to sell off the brand. Interesting.

I want to see the game set up. The only thing that gives me some pause is less figures per unit. BoW and Battlelore look like a nice army on the board and I am not sure how one less figure per hex will look. I would imagine it will be fine. Those big monsters look rad too.


Hail to the KING baby
New BattleLore looks sweet. I love the Command & Colors system though if I had my druthers I'd pay good money for the figures to come pre-painted. :p

Only issue is Netrunner is taking up all my hardcore 2p-gaming time.
I heard so many good things about BattleLore, but due to it being too old most people were referring to picking up Battles of Westeros instead these days.

In either case I was feeling lazy about all those flags and stuff, if I got it right they got rid of it this time.


Has anyone played Civilization The Board Game? I'm considering picking it up as I love Civ 5, but I'm afraid that it's similar to Game of Thrones and thus I won't get my group to play it ever... :/
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