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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Finally got Manhattan Project to the table with my friends, it was a blast and everyone really enjoyed it. Pretty easy to pick up but really tense and tight in spots when everyone starts getting more workers.


Neo Member
The destroyer of friendships, COSMIC ENCOUNTER.

Is it that nasty? I would bet it depends on the group, but my wife hates games where people are "mean". She refuses to play Munchkin anymore.

I have been deciding between Cosmic Encounter, Mice and Mystics, or Curse: Escape the Temple for my next pickup...


Is it that nasty? I would bet it depends on the group, but my wife hates games where people are "mean". She refuses to play Munchkin anymore.

I have been deciding between Cosmic Encounter, Mice and Mystics, or Curse: Escape the Temple for my next pickup...

It depends on the group but yeah it can be brutal. Like Munchkin it is very much take-that, and unlike Munchkin you can have shared wins which just elevates the begging and backstabbing. I have had people stop talking to me for the rest of the day because of this game.


First tragedy, then farce.
Why aren't you fools playing Yedo?


Also, I played two solos of Pathfinder to make sure I had the rules down. I used Sajan and really liked him, especially for a solo game since he has a ton of blessings of the gods and get a 2d10 on combat rolls (without a weapon), and recharges the blessings automatically.

I won the first scenario very easily. The second scenario ended in poor Sajan's death as I had enemies that required a magic traight to defeat and I (stupidly) discarded my amulet that added a D4 and a magic trait to my combat rolls so I couldn't kill anything.
Is it that nasty? I would bet it depends on the group, but my wife hates games where people are "mean". She refuses to play Munchkin anymore.

I have been deciding between Cosmic Encounter, Mice and Mystics, or Curse: Escape the Temple for my next pickup...

It can be, but it doesn't have to be. It's one of the things that makes the game great. It would be way more mean if you chose who you attack, but a deck decides that for you, which makes the other "take that" mechanics more interesting. I really can't imagine having a sizable game collection and not having Cosmic Encounter in it.

I played Board Game of Thrones again last night...third time in about 2 weeks. I really, really like it, but I'm starting to see the imbalances of the different houses. I'm honestly not sure how Stark ever wins if the Greyjoys and Baratheons know how to play. I really, really like that it is a war game with almost no luck involved (and when there is luck it happens to everybody).
So I bought the Pathfinder card game last Thursday and by Sunday we had 4 characters finish the introductory adventure and the first proper one. That isn't to suggest that you can blow through the scenarios quickly. We just binged haaaaard over the weekend and got absolutely engrossed with the game. The amount of scenarios finished with 1-5 blessings remaining was heart-stopping. This game is seriously great. Going to get the add-on pack on Wednesday if the shop has it in. It's been selling out pretty quickly so they're gonna give me a call once it comes in.

Seriously though, this game is fantastic. As someone who enjoys PnP rpgs and board/card games, this just feels soooo right. I love the 'artificial' feel of the roleplaying elements in the game. The example that comes to mind is the shopkeeper who you either use stealth or charisma to essentially rob him or haggle an item off of him. There is even the downtime after big events! I saw that and was blown away.

Can't wait for early October to roll around. In the meantime, I should be sending two more characters on the journey to catch up with the rest of the party. I play 4 characters usually with my friend. We each control two and then whenever someone else is around to play, they just take over one of the spare ones.

This game...


First tragedy, then farce.
So I finally got to play Chaos in the Old World tonight.

It's a fun game. I was the blood god and won on points (extremely close) with lots of negotiation going on at the table late (I was one counter move away from winning, so everyone conspired to keep that from me).

Really fun game, I like the asymetric play, but it's a bit hard to keep up with what everyone else is trying to do for a new player so I largely let a few people go unchecked or accidentally got in their way.

Still, very very fun. Much more Euro than I was expecting.
So I finally got to play Chaos in the Old World tonight.

It's a fun game. I was the blood god and won on points (extremely close) with lots of negotiation going on at the table late (I was one counter move away from winning, so everyone conspired to keep that from me).

Really fun game, I like the asymetric play, but it's a bit hard to keep up with what everyone else is trying to do for a new player so I largely let a few people go unchecked or accidentally got in their way.

Still, very very fun. Much more Euro than I was expecting.
You won on points as Khorne? Did everybody just bunch up or what? I've played the game a few times and every time Khorne won was on clicks.


First tragedy, then farce.
You won on points as Khorne? Did everybody just bunch up or what? I've played the game a few times and every time Khorne won was on clicks.

The people who played it previously said that it was very strange. I nearly won on clicks, but I wound up contributing to several corruptions and I got two big bonus payouts with deck cards that rewarded you for killing peasants.

I upgraded early to let my lowliest guys (the ones that spread corruption) attack, so I wound up bringing a lot of them on the board and wound up getting tons of corruption out there as a result and got some big corruption bonuses for it.

We probably had a few rules wrong, but based on the rules we were playing it worked out :p

Edit: Yes, everyone else bunched up by round 3. I had decimated everyone in most of the board and managed to corner them for a good chunk of the game.


I bought my brother Android Netrunner, so I'm looking forward to playing it. I considered Pathfinder Adventure Card Game but somehow I'm sceptical of its replayability, whereas I've been interested in Netrunner for a while already.
Remember for rule issue, stick to the Paizo forum. They have stated they want it kept on their forum and were going to try and avoid giving any official clarifications on other sites to avoid conflict.


I bought my brother Android Netrunner, so I'm looking forward to playing it. I considered Pathfinder Adventure Card Game but somehow I'm sceptical of its replayability, whereas I've been interested in Netrunner for a while already.

I think you will really enjoy Netrunner. I just picked it up last week and I am already hooked. Haven't gotten a chance to dig into Pathfinder yet though.


First tragedy, then farce.
My big issue with Pathfinder is I worry the theme is going to run basically everyone I know off. I'm jazzed about the theme and setting, but I think there are themes that I might have an easier time selling.

The rules are *really* simple and pretty elegant and work well for a single person who knows the intricacies to walk new players through.

I want to ideally put together a weekly/bi-weekly group to run through these things.

I figure we have 8 weeks to get through 6 scenarios as a general rule.. and while we can handle 6 players with my deck, I think trying to get 4-5 together is a better bet. I have a regular group that hits up the bar for College/NFL games. Maybe we could get this in prior to kickoff? Might be the nerdiest thing that has ever happened at the sports bar we go to :lol


I think you will really enjoy Netrunner. I just picked it up last week and I am already hooked. Haven't gotten a chance to dig into Pathfinder yet though.
Good to hear, I've just watched the Fantasy Flight tutorials and it looks really interesting, mechanically.


So I've spent several hours on BGG and it doesn't seem like there are any "great" two-player horror-themed games that don't have zombies? I've read reviews and forum posts of all these games and they seem to be either blah in 2P mode or just blah games in general:

Mansions of Madness (few good 2P scenarios, also same problems as Arkham Horror)
Betrayal at House on the Hill (all luck, "used up" after you go through the 50 scenarios)
Arkham Horror (heavy, difficult, long, etc.)
Witch of Salem (gameplay just uninspired?)
Elder Signs (glorified Yahtzee?)

Fury of Dracula looked good, but we already own Letters from Whitechapel which seems quite similar.

Anything I'm missing? Was hoping for a good October game with my wife.


Hi. My family and I are working on a miniature based war-board game called: 'Wormhole Warfare: Escape from New Orc City'. All 65 unique miniatures are painted to tabletop quality. It's a casual game featuring cooperative and free-for-all modes where you build and conquer surrounding forces. Players upgrade their heroes and miniature units through deck building and winning in combat (which uses a D6 and card modifiers to help make your own luck). A full gameplay video will be released this week, and the game is designed with expansions in mind which will also be reflected in updated stretch goals. All models and artwork are works in progress. Thanks for your time.






First tragedy, then farce.
Thanks for the post. The Kickstarter edition is a limited run. We will have a graphic showing a full price breakdown within the week. Take care

Good luck on this.

9,000 does seem *really* low. A plastic mold costs about 1,000 to 1,500 each.


"Add $78 USD to ship outside the US"

Holy crap!

Sorry for the confusion, there are cheaper reward options available especially for Canada and the UK. The worldwide option also has a lower shipping cost.

Good luck on this.

9,000 does seem *really* low. A plastic mold costs about 1,000 to 1,500 each.

Thanks, they are resin models which is significantly cheaper for a limited run, but there will be plenty of miscasts which the kickstarter helps cover in addition to other resources.

Thanks for the posts!


Anything I'm missing? Was hoping for a good October game with my wife.

I can't think of anything that fits in the board gaming arena. Spreading the search out to other areas does yield something that I think is worth a look.

Murderous Ghosts might be something that is worth trying for something new and different with the wife. It is a 2-player game only and it is absolutely horror themed. Fair warning though, it is a roleplaying game, but one that is very well designed and really evokes the right feelings that a horror game should. Also, the PDF you can print at home is only $5.

One player takes the role of MC (Game Master) and the other as the player. There are separate playbooks with one for each of the roles. You will need these, a set of cards and, of course, your imagination to play. The rules are very simple where the playbooks guide the story and your imagination, you can be playing in less than 5 minutes after reading the playbook introductions. At the point of each player decision they draw a card into their hand and the total points their cards are worth dictate the outcome of which there are 3 types: the best possible things; the middling thing; and the worst possible thing.

In the end, the player either escapes the ghosts, help them, or they die horribly. Chances do favour horrible death, but that's not the point of the game as you'll see in play. What the game does is very clever to create a real horror game that is perfect for October gaming. I hope you're open to giving it a try, but if it doesn't sound like you bag, that's fine too.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.

My roommate's boyfriend mentioned wanting to set up a D&D session anyway. Never played D&D, neither has my roommate (only her bf). So I figured this would be a good entry-point into "roleplaying" anyway.


I just got my copy delivered last night. HUGE box! I have to go though the cards and read the directions now.

Are the spaces in the box large enough for the expansions to come?


First tragedy, then farce.
I just got my copy delivered last night. HUGE box! I have to go though the cards and read the directions now.

Are the spaces in the box large enough for the expansions to come?

They are too large for the base set, so I assume it's enough for the first years worth.


They are too large for the base set, so I assume it's enough for the first years worth.

Whats the subscription thing? I mean the expansion subscription thing I have heard people talk about. Right now I have the base game and the one expansion pack that is out.

EDIT: Rogue edit because my question made no sense.
I just got my copy delivered last night. HUGE box! I have to go though the cards and read the directions now.

Are the spaces in the box large enough for the expansions to come?

It's meant to fit the entire first adventure series for the year. Also the big trays in the front are there to help organize the cards to use while playing.
I just got my copy delivered last night. HUGE box! I have to go though the cards and read the directions now.

Are the spaces in the box large enough for the expansions to come?

The full year fits in (in fact the names of the expansions are on the black plastic insert)

The sub thing is over at Paizo.com. You can pre-order the full year at a 20% discount (and they include every month's promo cards inside)


The full year fits in (in fact the names of the expansions are on the black plastic insert)

The sub thing is over at Paizo.com. You can pre-order the full year at a 20% discount (and they include every month's promo cards inside)

Oh is the sub worth it? rather than just buying them from Amazon or something? (With Prime shipping)


Oh is the sub worth it? rather than just buying them from Amazon or something? (With Prime shipping)

The advantage for ordering directly from Paizo, minus the small discount which other online retailers will likely beat, is getting promo cards. That's the real reason people are doing it.
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