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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Here's some shots of a game of Kingdom of Heaven I played with my girlfriend a couple weeks ago. I've been on a huge CDG historical strategy kick lately. Picked up Wilderness War, Sword of Rome, Hannibal, and Kingdom of Heaven in the span of a month. All amazing. Also gotten some multiplayer games of The Napoleonic Wars in on Vassal with some friends. Super tense, epic stuff. I really enjoy the narratives that come out of strategic, operational level wargames that you share with your opponents/allies.


Red is Christian (me), green is Muslim (her). Goal of the scenario is that by the end of turn 6, red needs to have a net point gain of 1 or more. Green needs a net point gain of 6 or more. Points are attained mostly through capturing the various cities around the map (square spaces). There's also a diplomacy system where players can roll to see if the neutral Fatimid Empire in Egypt joins them or not (in this game, they joined her, which led to my downfall).


This is Zengi sieging the city of Edessa as Crusader Sigurd comes to the rescue...


This is Crusader Sigurd being killed and the besieged forces in the city being cut down to their deaths :( Lord Joscelyn II is captured by the enemy (and would end up finishing the game rotting in a Muslim prison somewhere; I couldn't be arsed to ransom him, time was not on my side).


Meanwhile, the aforementioned Fatimids have marched all the way from Egypt and begin the siege of Jerusalem, as most of the forces in the city had marched north against Damascus (I needed the points after losing Edessa).


A group of French and German Crusaders arrive from Europe to retake Edessa. They succeed in destroying the garrison...


...but Zengi escapes.


After a violent illness wipes out most of the attackers and defenders both in Jerusalem, the Fatimids decide on the final turn to build a battering ram to blow the gates down. The gates hold. Channeling Theoden of Rohan, the lone Christian regiment of cavalry in the city survive to the end. Sadly, my siege of Damascus couldn't quite breach the gates, and my girlfriend won as the Muslims in this scenario.


I'm super close to making that Inceptor kickstarter the first kickstarter I've ever backed. Thanks for the heads up. *edit* Pledged.


I don't think I could afford either, this year. :(

Here's another pic from our Zombicide session last week:

Thaissa read to meet her demise; but not without killing all of them with her only Molotov...



I just got an Inceptor Kickstarter update. It looks like one of their goals is getting funded, to use a 4-panel board instead of a 6-panel board. This apparently results in a sturdier board and it is less confusing because of the intersections the 6-panel board would have caused.

It says they are also looking into a cooperative mode since several people have asked about that possibility. My group normally only plays competitive, but if they can do a decent cooperative mode without hurting competitive possibilities that's cool too!


Has anyone here played Earth Reborn? I kinda wanna pick it up.

That's one I've been meaning to sample at my FLGS. Minis look great and the gameplay intrigues me. Looks almost like a Metal Gear Solid boardgame, to me.

Saddam version, even.

Yuuuuuuuuup, I saw that. Legit.

So I picked up the Vengeance Expansion for Sentinels of the Multiverse and unpacked it last night. Didn't realize it can be played as a full PvP game! Nice. However, my groups are mainly into co-op, but we'll definitely start battling when we get the itch. I just love the continued theme, with Baron Blade making his big, suped-up return!!

Bad ass...



Not usually the term I would use with that art.... but I guess they are improving....

Well I dig it. Yes, it's not top-notch stuff. But with playing the game enough, it fits the theme well. Here's hoping the Baron is much tougher this time around. he certainly seems like it.


We have a game-changer, people:


No longer will I ever have to wonder waste time asking who last fed their pet or got sick.

Um, that's exactly what it does make you figure out... ;)

We always throw fingers. On the count of three, kinda like rock/paper/scissors, everyone throws a hand in with 0-5 fingers showing. Count them all up, then count round from the person who owns the game.

Start Player is cute, but gets dull ;)

Someone is going to make a lot of money off this

Start Player's been in & out of print for years so yeah, they've done okay off it ;)
My sure fire start player method. After everyone has chosen a color, take one token of each color and shake them up in your hand. Then either drop one piece or have someone pick one out of your hands without looking. The color that gets chosen is the player who starts.

If you are playing a card game with no pieces get x number of the same card and 1 card different from the others and shuffle it up. Deal the cards out and the odd man is the start player.

Rolling the dice is ok, but it will lead to ties and we ain't got time for that.


I like quirky start player conditions. Every game's rulebook should try to have a thematic, ice-breaking sort of way of choosing a start player.
Um, that's exactly what it does make you figure out... ;)

We always throw fingers. On the count of three, kinda like rock/paper/scissors, everyone throws a hand in with 0-5 fingers showing. Count them all up, then count round from the person who owns the game.

Start Player is cute, but gets dull ;)

Start Player's been in & out of print for years so yeah, they've done okay off it ;)

That's super handy! Wow haha.
I like quirky start player conditions. Every game's rulebook should try to have a thematic, ice-breaking sort of way of choosing a start player.

Maximum Throwdown! has players yell that out as loud as possible to determine who goes first. My group just looked at me with blank faces. "I don't think so Tim"


Maximum Throwdown! has players yell that out as loud as possible to determine who goes first. My group just looked at me with blank faces. "I don't think so Tim"

haha, oh man. Heartland Hauling Company (a game about truckin') has one that's like, "the player with the best mustache or the longest hair is the first player. If there is a tie, they should arm wrestle"

Mista Koo

Latest games I played:
  • Alibi: Who the hell thought set collectionmeshes well with deduction?? It just made me wanna play Cluedo/Clue (although to be fair we got the rules wrong for a portion of the game).
  • Smash Up: My first impression was "too memetic," but I enjoyed it. I wish the guy who explained the rules told us each group's specialization.
  • 7 Wonders: It took me 3 games to realize how different each game is depending on which wonder you are playing as and what your strategy is, that's a great selling point. Also realized how simple the game is had I been familiar with the game before the leaders expansion.
I like quirky start player conditions. Every game's rulebook should try to have a thematic, ice-breaking sort of way of choosing a start player.
Me too. I once went first in Once Upon a Time because my stubble was apparently "the longest beard," not as awkward as a group of girls playing one of whom had a strand of hair on her chin :p
Hanabi makes us look at our clothes and decide who has the most colorful getup.
The worst one was a game where the youngest goes first, we played this in a class and some undergrads were ~7 years my junior :(

Although I got these novelty dice as a promotion:


They are pretty cool and who starts first is one of the only uses for them.


"Youngest player goes first" is borrrring. "Randomly choose a first player" is downright apathy.

Actually, what really stinks is when games are super-fixated on putting players through a labyrinth of conditionals to decide the next round's turn order, or games where the turn order is not the simple and easy clockwise order.....but the game tells you in the setup to pick a starting player at random.

Really, game? You see it fit to slow the game down by having us deal with all this extra bookkeeping just to figure out who's going next, and yet it's up to random chance to see who gets the first turn of the first round?


This thread is making me pick up random things. I just ordered the first player card deck since that seems to come up a lot, and the host normally likes the "youngest player rule" since they're usually the youngest. :p

I do understand the concern that the first player cards can get old, or themselves cause more discussion, but it might at least be a cute idea to use occasionally.


Actually, what really stinks is when games are super-fixated on putting players through a labyrinth of conditionals to decide the next round's turn order, or games where the turn order is not the simple and easy clockwise order.....but the game tells you in the setup to pick a starting player at random.

While not totally applicable, Power Grid is a bit like that. At least that led my group the last time we played to google for alternate starting player order determination. But I guess the main consternation is with the random aspect of player choice and perhaps my co-players believe that starting order is more important than it actually is.


Hail to the KING baby
This thread is making me pick up random things. I just ordered the first player card deck since that seems to come up a lot, and the host normally likes the "youngest player rule" since they're usually the youngest. :p

I do understand the concern that the first player cards can get old, or themselves cause more discussion, but it might at least be a cute idea to use occasionally.

First player app is actually pretty fun too. And has not only the cards but also other things like a spinner and a bunch of other nonsense.


This weekend I had one of those rare moments of walking into a store, determined to buy a board game and not caring about the price. I was craving a competitive game in which you build and upgrade things for victory points but without direct conflict, like Agricola / Caverna, and ended up buying Terra Mystica. I played it with 4 players yesterday and had a really great time, it felt like some sort of streamlined Civ / Age of Empires / Settlers (video game) type of game and the special abilities for each of the races made sense and seemed balanced. And although I've only played it once it wouldn't surprise me if it ends up there with Agricola and Puerto Rico for me, which are two of my favorite games.
Kingsburg was a lot of fun. It's a nice casual worker placement game and my group of non gamer friends really enjoyed it. They even want to play again, so success!
This weekend I had one of those rare moments of walking into a store, determined to buy a board game and not caring about the price. I was craving a competitive game in which you build and upgrade things for victory points but without direct conflict, like Agricola / Caverna, and ended up buying Terra Mystica. I played it with 4 players yesterday and had a really great time, it felt like some sort of streamlined Civ / Age of Empires / Settlers (video game) type of game and the special abilities for each of the races made sense and seemed balanced. And although I've only played it once it wouldn't surprise me if it ends up there with Agricola and Puerto Rico for me, which are two of my favorite games.

I've been sitting on Terra Mystica for some time because I haven't gotten with my gaming group in a while, and I'm not sure the group of "non-gamer" types I play with is ready for it. So alas, I haven't been able to play it yet. I may end up getting them to try it in a week though.


It's 5$/person and they have sufficient, and decent, food to keep you there for hours. The staff is very friendly too and they can also help teach you a game.

Every FLGS (that hosts games) should really strive to be like a cafe. It feels bad to not support game shops while being at a game night there, but I really don't want to have candy and soda for dinner.

Mista Koo

Actually, what really stinks is when games are super-fixated on putting players through a labyrinth of conditionals to decide the next round's turn order, or games where the turn order is not the simple and easy clockwise order
Tokaido did this in a really awesome way: the person furthest in the back goes first. Makes a lot of sense in a game where the board is literally a road.



Anyone know of anywhere with Jaipur in stock right now at a good price? I never check CSI for anything, due to their APO shipping prices, but I figured that I would buy from them since I am going to be in the states in two weeks. Of course it would be OOS there though. eBay and Amazon seem to be sitting around $30 (I knew I should have sprung for that 3rd party European seller on Amazon that was $21 shipped...).
Besides Trains (which I am still on the fence about) and maybe Castles of Burgandy, this is the last thing I would like to pick up to play with the wife when I am home. I think Jaipur would go well with the copies of Lost Cities, Love Letter, and Hanabi that I already bought (and the copy of Rampage that I am about to score for $30).


I've been sitting on Terra Mystica for some time because I haven't gotten with my gaming group in a while, and I'm not sure the group of "non-gamer" types I play with is ready for it. So alas, I haven't been able to play it yet. I may end up getting them to try it in a week though.
I haven't played it with non-gamers but the game's really easy to learn; so if they're at least interested in a light and playful civ game (that affords lots of possibilities and depth) you should be good.


Anyone know of anywhere with Jaipur in stock right now at a good price? I never check CSI for anything, due to their APO shipping prices, but I figured that I would buy from them since I am going to be in the states in two weeks. Of course it would be OOS there though. eBay and Amazon seem to be sitting around $30 (I knew I should have sprung for that 3rd party European seller on Amazon that was $21 shipped...).
Besides Trains (which I am still on the fence about) and maybe Castles of Burgandy, this is the last thing I would like to pick up to play with the wife when I am home. I think Jaipur would go well with the copies of Lost Cities, Love Letter, and Hanabi that I already bought (and the copy of Rampage that I am about to score for $30).

Castles might be interesting to see if it sticks because its a little bit heavier and different than the games you already have, and maybe even more fun as a 2p game than love letter and hanabi at least.


Hail to the KING baby
Looking forward to Marvel Dice next month from WizKids. Tom's glowing review got me pumped.

I am trepidatiously interested. Sometimes Tom gets really amped it seems like on theme alone, though I do find that our tastes generally align. I didn't like Quarriors at all so that's a minor negative to start though this looks to change a lot. With FFG making BANK off the LCG model with Netrunner, not sure why they didn't go with something similar here since most board gamers are allergic to collectible anything. Maybe the answer is they aren't totally targeting board gamers and dreaming bigger. :p
I'm eh about dice games, at best they are fun little diversion, but usually get really boring real quick. Combine it with collectible market? Yea that sounds all kinds of awful.

I am trepidatiously interested. Sometimes Tom gets really amped it seems like on theme alone, though I do find that our tastes generally align. I didn't like Quarriors at all so that's a minor negative to start though this looks to change a lot. With FFG making BANK off the LCG model with Netrunner, not sure why they didn't go with something similar here since most board gamers are allergic to collectible anything. Maybe the answer is they aren't totally targeting board gamers and dreaming bigger. :p

Heroclix was huge for them, so yea they obviously have their targets set on the collecting comic book crowd. Most Heroclix players don't touch any other game, it's player base comes from CCG players and comic fans


Not usually the term I would use with that art.... but I guess they are improving....

I actually warmed up to Sentinel's art. I find that consistency with the art style and world, means much more to me than the actually visual appeal of each piece of art. Ascension is like this for me as well.


Hail to the KING baby
I actually warmed up to Sentinel's art. I find that consistency with the art style and world, means much more to me than the actually visual appeal of each piece of art. Ascension is like this for me as well.
Haha yep perfect comparison. I actually like Ascension's art better but they are both sort of hilarious tbh. Sentinels reminds me of the third-place submissions in those fan art contests magazines used to have.
I haven't played it with non-gamers but the game's really easy to learn; so if they're at least interested in a light and playful civ game (that affords lots of possibilities and depth) you should be good.

Cool. I'm cautiously optimistic. I think they'll be able to learn it. As long as it's easier than, say, Eclipse ;)


Looking forward to Marvel Dice next month from WizKids. Tom's glowing review got me pumped.

Yeah I was surprised by it. Both the gf and I gave a look at each other like, "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA....?!?", knowing the Miami group don't care for these licensed games. I'm skipping Quarriors for this.

I actually warmed up to Sentinel's art. I find that consistency with the art style and world, means much more to me than the actually visual appeal of each piece of art. Ascension is like this for me as well.

I did the same thing. When I first saw the game featured at PAX, I immediately went, "Ehhhhhhhh" at the art. Turned me right off from it. Then a friend revealed he had the KS version and we tried it...fell in love straight away. The art is getting a little more solid with each expansion. Vengeance being its best in the series.
I agree with Tom Vassel. You have to remember how big he was into MtG at one point, though. I think he's right on about the comparison to Magic.

One of the designers for Dice Masters wrote that they decided to go collectible to lower the price barrier, and more importantly to get the game into mass market locations. Despite how successful FFG is, Wizkids' biggest seller grosses quite a bit more than something like X-Wing. (at least last I heard Heroclix was behind Magic and Pokemon, maybe Yugo-oh). I think they have their sights set pretty high with this one.
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