Here's some shots of a game of Kingdom of Heaven I played with my girlfriend a couple weeks ago. I've been on a huge CDG historical strategy kick lately. Picked up Wilderness War, Sword of Rome, Hannibal, and Kingdom of Heaven in the span of a month. All amazing. Also gotten some multiplayer games of The Napoleonic Wars in on Vassal with some friends. Super tense, epic stuff. I really enjoy the narratives that come out of strategic, operational level wargames that you share with your opponents/allies.
Red is Christian (me), green is Muslim (her). Goal of the scenario is that by the end of turn 6, red needs to have a net point gain of 1 or more. Green needs a net point gain of 6 or more. Points are attained mostly through capturing the various cities around the map (square spaces). There's also a diplomacy system where players can roll to see if the neutral Fatimid Empire in Egypt joins them or not (in this game, they joined her, which led to my downfall).
This is Zengi sieging the city of Edessa as Crusader Sigurd comes to the rescue...
This is Crusader Sigurd being killed and the besieged forces in the city being cut down to their deaths
Lord Joscelyn II is captured by the enemy (and would end up finishing the game rotting in a Muslim prison somewhere; I couldn't be arsed to ransom him, time was not on my side).
Meanwhile, the aforementioned Fatimids have marched all the way from Egypt and begin the siege of Jerusalem, as most of the forces in the city had marched north against Damascus (I needed the points after losing Edessa).
A group of French and German Crusaders arrive from Europe to retake Edessa. They succeed in destroying the garrison...
...but Zengi escapes.
After a violent illness wipes out most of the attackers and defenders both in Jerusalem, the Fatimids decide on the final turn to build a battering ram to blow the gates down. The gates hold. Channeling Theoden of Rohan, the lone Christian regiment of cavalry in the city survive to the end. Sadly, my siege of Damascus couldn't quite breach the gates, and my girlfriend won as the Muslims in this scenario.

Red is Christian (me), green is Muslim (her). Goal of the scenario is that by the end of turn 6, red needs to have a net point gain of 1 or more. Green needs a net point gain of 6 or more. Points are attained mostly through capturing the various cities around the map (square spaces). There's also a diplomacy system where players can roll to see if the neutral Fatimid Empire in Egypt joins them or not (in this game, they joined her, which led to my downfall).

This is Zengi sieging the city of Edessa as Crusader Sigurd comes to the rescue...

This is Crusader Sigurd being killed and the besieged forces in the city being cut down to their deaths

Meanwhile, the aforementioned Fatimids have marched all the way from Egypt and begin the siege of Jerusalem, as most of the forces in the city had marched north against Damascus (I needed the points after losing Edessa).

A group of French and German Crusaders arrive from Europe to retake Edessa. They succeed in destroying the garrison...

...but Zengi escapes.

After a violent illness wipes out most of the attackers and defenders both in Jerusalem, the Fatimids decide on the final turn to build a battering ram to blow the gates down. The gates hold. Channeling Theoden of Rohan, the lone Christian regiment of cavalry in the city survive to the end. Sadly, my siege of Damascus couldn't quite breach the gates, and my girlfriend won as the Muslims in this scenario.