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The new iPad |OT|


If you have an iPhone and a 3G data plan, can you use that with the iPad?

If I buy this it will be my first iPad. Need to figure out if I should get the wifi or 4G one. Also will 16gig be enough space if I don't put any music/movies on it and just use it for internet/netflix streaming/iOS games/apps (just a few at a time)? I have a 16gig iPhone4 and I don't even use more than 3-4gigs of it not counting music.

You can pay $20 a month to att (assuming you have att) for tethering or you can jailbreak your iPhone, buy PDAnet and tether all you want at no additional cost.
nah, it won't get scratched from using the cover, IME... but to be honest, the whole 'propping it up to watch a movie/etc' aspect of the smart cover is something I have used... once? I'd rather just laze about with it in my lap or propped up with a pillow. The screen is pretty much indestructible as far as I'm concerned, as my son has knocked it off the coffee table, open-palm smacked it, and drug it along the floor more times than I care to recall >_<


I see. I still may get something like this


or this


or this


I really like wood :3
A lot of people bought white iPad2's just to show everyone that it was the second version and new version. I've seen both and had to decide and I picked black and glad I did. It seems to frame the screen better.

Yep. I agree. I was really close to getting white when I bought the iPhone 4 but ultimately decided on the black.
What do you guys use so much space on?

I have a 16GB model and never use more than, I don't know.... 3GB?

do you have like, any apps at all? infinity blade alone is over a gig.

i upgraded to a 64GB ipad 2 purely because i was sick of moving stuff around on my 16GB 1 (plus it's good to have as much space as possible for photos).
What do you guys use so much space on?

I have a 16GB model and never use more than, I don't know.... 3GB?

1080p videos, large apps (games, magazines, education apps tend to get around 1GB these days), high-quality music files. It can add up quickly.

Check out the Targus 360. I've been very pleased with ours.

It's not wood though

looks good. I already ordered the smart cover, but if it doesn't suit my needs, I'll probably pick this up. ty!
Nice. I think that's what I'll wait for, unless my iPad 2 somehow dies on me before then.

The new iPad sure is sexy though.

Oh for sure. I thought I would be able to hold out until the 4th gen iPad until my sister said she would buy my iPad 2....I knew it was a matter of time that I would cave. Glad I did! This is looking to be one sweet upgrade, particularly for reading.
I realise this. But you're saying that the icons are the only thing that can make use of the screen without apps being updated. I disagreed. Text, and I assume some pictures that scale to the resolution (as opposed to the screen size - not sure how many apps would do that) would still look great. For example, your photos and Safari would both be improved (obviously the apps are updated, but even if they weren't, the content would scale automatically, I would think).

scaled apps won't look anything close to the quality of apps with the native retina display, and it will be many months before our favorite apps take advantage of this if the iPhone 4 retina app adoption rate was anything to go by


Still Alive
What do you guys use so much space on?

I have a 16GB model and never use more than, I don't know.... 3GB?
iPad 1:

iPod 3rd gen:

iPhone 4:

I could fill up my i4 easily if I wanted to, but I try to leave as much extra space as possible. My iPad has basically become mainly for movies and videos exclusively for the kids. I barely use it anymore.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Rogers confusion here:

One thing I can't figure out is if I'm using a "4G" smart phone and I have an LTE iPad, is if Rogers will allow me to use the iPad over LTE when I have it on plan as a data shared device or on "4G"

It will bother me if I have to drop the data sharing to get LTE working on the iPad


...hate me...
Sentry, you stole my originality. I was doing the same. Might as well go through with it anyway.

iPad 1:



looks good. I already ordered the smart cover, but if it doesn't suit my needs, I'll probably pick this up. ty!

It adds a little bulk (of course), but the case is great for reading & playing games on a table, or on your lap. We use it a lot, and I'll def be considering a new one when I get another iPad.

Oh for sure. I thought I would be able to hold out until the 4th gen iPad until my sister said she would buy my iPad 2....I knew it was a matter of time that I would cave. Glad I did! This is looking to be one sweet upgrade, particularly for reading.

Definitely looks nice. There's no way I could sell my iPad 2 because the fam would kill me. lol
But I figure I'll just give my daughter the iPad 2 next year, and pick up the 4th gen with next year's tax return.
Spending two weeks of my life without an iPad is out of the question :(

That's what I did. I got $500 for my 64gb WiFi. Not the greatest, but better than what I'd get now considering that Apple is selling official refurbs for $549. I dealt with my iPad-withdrawl by buying a Vita at launch. It's been a great distraction for the past couple of weeks!

...but soon, yes... soon... daddy will be back in business.


I just got a 16, I only used about half my space on the 2 even with occasionally larger files, but I usually made it a thing to consume the content on there then erase it and replace it rather than store for any long term outside of a few simple things.


Still Alive
Is 16gb too small if using it for comics/tv shows/games?

Once I watch/read I delete so no hoarding of stuff on it.
That's probably good enough for you, tbh. All depends on how much content you want to put on there, but if you're content with deleting stuff that you have already 'experienced', then it shouldn't be an issue.

I wish I could do that, I sometimes feel that my iPhone 4 or iPad is like a demo device with all this shit on it that I never use. :lol

Sentry, you stole my originality. I was doing the same. Might as well go through with it anyway.
:lol, great minds and all that. :p


Damn at those pics. Looking forward to seeing it in person.

No no, you don't sound like a jackass at all. I get what your saying completely. It's just the conflict between what's best for Apple and what's best for consumers. I just think with the vast amount of money they're making, they could give in a little.

Best for the specific set of consumers you are referring to, perhaps. But if the demand was that considerable they wouldn't be buying and Apple would get the message, regardless. LC is right; it's much more of a niche desire than you may believe.
I have the 64 GB iPad 1 and have about 10GB free at the moment. I have more than 8GB of music on it alone, lots of apps and photos, and full seasons of The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. Not to mention a couple of movies, books, magazines, and more.


Glad I checked LTE coverage first, looks like AT&T doesn't have it in the Philadelphia area yet, could be wrong though.
Question, I have an iphone 4 and getting a 32gb wifi only ipad. Can I tether from the iphone to the ipad? If I'm out, I'll always have my phones on me.


So I bit and ordered a black 32gb wifi iPad. My first iPad.

The only way I was able to convince myself to spend that kind of money was with the idea that I'm going to share it with my dad. Let him use it most of the time and just borrow it for when I am going somewhere. We work together so I figure it could be a general business device for our office.

My question then is...can you have multiple accounts on an iPad? Like can we have both our e-mails on there, but password protect them so we can't access each others? I think e-mail is probably the only thing we need to keep separate for privacy reasons. I don't care if he uses my apps or I see his apps on it and we'll just have a general netflix one that is tied to one of our netflix accounts for streaming videos. Will there be a quick solution for the e-mail problem of sharing an iPad between two people?


So I bit and ordered a black 32gb wifi iPad. My first iPad.

The only way I was able to convince myself to spend that kind of money was with the idea that I'm going to share it with my dad. Let him use it most of the time and just borrow it for when I am going somewhere. We work together so I figure it could be a general business device for our office.

My question then is...can you have multiple accounts on an iPad? Like can we have both our e-mails on there, but password protect them so we can't access each others? I think e-mail is probably the only thing we need to keep separate for privacy reasons. I don't care if he uses my apps or I see his apps on it and we'll just have a general netflix one that is tied to one of our netflix accounts for streaming videos. Will there be a quick solution for the e-mail problem of sharing an iPad between two people?

You could just use the browser for email.
That's probably good enough for you, tbh. All depends on how much content you want to put on there, but if you're content with deleting stuff that you have already 'experienced', then it shouldn't be an issue.

I wish I could do that, I sometimes feel that my iPhone 4 or iPad is like a demo device with all this shit on it that I never use. :lol
It's liberating.


Can anyone give me some advice as to what carrier to go with? I've only had experience with AT&T and I don't really have any complaints.
Can anyone give me some advice as to what carrier to go with? I've only had experience with AT&T and I don't really have any complaints.

I bought the iPad2 3G version because I was driving cross country from California to New York and picked Verizon cause they said they had the best coverage. Outside of a few tiny black out areas in the middle of crazy no where I would say that I almost always had service even when my phone went dead with no bars.

I was pretty impressed.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Looking like I'm just going to stick with the STM Skinny case... not much else out there that's awesome.


SMH at the people thinking that the retina screen isn't a big jump.

Funny since a good number who feel that way didn't own a iOS device that was released before 2010.
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