What articles are these? You have to be at the web page of an article, not a homepage, for it save that article in your instapaper. Try NYT, CNN, The Verge, etc.
Elena and Tisa are gorgeous. Twilight mode is genius.
Odd. Something is not configured right. It should just work. Let me setup instapaper on my new ipad and see whats up.Went to the Apple Tv review on The Verge.
Saved page
Goto Instapaper website to check, it's there
Goto app, it's not.
I am logged in on both the same
I might cave in and get one, but the best buy here only has it in 16gb. Should I get it?
edit: 64gb also, hmm
Beautiful, but how do you get it to show text on the back of the page? Mine just shows a faint impression from the other side.
Landscape. Portrait isn't double sided.Beautiful, but how do you get it to show text on the back of the page? Mine just shows a faint impression from the other side.
In the app, try logging out and logging back in, redownload all articles, or sync with Safari. If all else fails, just contact support.Went to the Apple Tv review on The Verge.
Saved page
Goto Instapaper website to check, it's there
Goto app, it's not.
I am logged in on both the same
Trash can icon at the top of the email, or from the sidebar, swipe on the message to the right to reveal the delete button.
You have to turn the iPad into landscape mode to get it to do that.
Edit: ... by the way, have I told you how much I love to use dictation?!
I might take my iPad back and get a road bike.
I am currently in a weird state of thought.
I have no qualms about the new iPad. It is an amazing device.
I think I'm losing my mind.
Ok that's very pretty. But surely most people read in portrait? Pages look a little small in landscape
I might take my iPad back and get a road bike.
I am currently in a weird state of thought.
I have no qualms about the new iPad. It is an amazing device.
I think I'm losing my mind.
We Gave People an iPad 2, Told Them It Was the New iPad, and They Loved It
Apple's advertising onslaught is already battering down doors and TVs around the nationyou're gonna upgrade to a new iPad whether you like it or not. But based on our little test, most people can't tell the difference anyway.
We figured that if weenormous nerds who fixate on pixel densitywere underwhelmed by the screen, then what about non-gadget geeks? We rounded some coworkers and handed them a "new iPad." The "new iPad" was an iPad 2. They loved the new iPad.
Apple doesn't even need to try anymore.
Here's a weird thought: I'm probably going to use my iPad's LTE Internet to tether to my iPhone frequently
Something about that sentence really creeps me out...
It's a PhD program. I told you, I am in a weird state of mind right now.Don't you 'need' the iPad for reading PDFs docs in your masters program?
To anything with wifi.Wait, the Verizon iPad can tether, for no additional charge, to an iPhone?
Wait, the Verizon iPad can tether, for no additional charge, to an iPhone?
If sure can. Up to 5 devices at a time, no additional charge.
Okay so looks like I just decided which data model to get ..
Yeah, I got the 50 GB worth of data a month on this thing just because I wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to blow past it by using it on my iPad as well as tethering it to my iPhone all the time on the train ride to and from work.
I'll be bumping it up or down depending on how much I end up using.
In the meantime I'm reducing my AT&T data plan for the iPhone... no need to tether on that thing anymore...
50 GB WTF?
You know 50 GB, 5 GB It's the same thing!
You know 50 GB, 5 GB It's the same thing!
Yeah, I got the 5 GB worth of data a month on this thing just because I wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to blow past it by using it on my iPad as well as tethering it to my iPhone all the time on the train ride to and from work.
I'll be bumping it up or down depending on how much I end up using.
In the meantime I'm reducing my AT&T data plan for the iPhone... no need to tether on that thing anymore...
It shows archive for me, not delete.
no retina wallpaper app?
I don't know why it took me so long to run a proper speed test Holy shit!
ATT or Verizon?I don't know why it took me so long to run a proper speed test Holy shit!