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ATT or Verizon?
Verizon. My upload over LTE is faster than when I'm connected to Wi-Fi less than 5 feet away from the freaking modem!
ATT or Verizon?
Verizon. My upload over LTE is faster than when I'm connected to Wi-Fi less than 5 feet away from the freaking modem!
Are you on a PC? My work machine used to do that - ther's an 'ipod service' that runs in the background, and if that wasn't running it would shit itself. Perhaps you can go into services.msc and make sure it's enabled. (I think it's start/run/services.msc.... but my memory isn't greatMy iPad AND my iPhone have decided they don't want to show up in the iTunes sidebar now. They charge, but aren't recognized. I've got all my software up to date, tried multiple cables and have restarted, too :/
Help, GAF! I don't know what else to do, outside of uninstalling iTunes at this point.
Good! Cause I have Verizon on mine.
Speaking of which, wonder why Sprint wasn't included? They were on iPhone 4S.
I guess getting in on the iPad party wasn't part of their $55 billion deal Yikes!
Are you on a PC? My work machine used to do that - ther's an 'ipod service' that runs in the background, and if that wasn't running it would shit itself. Perhaps you can go into services.msc and make sure it's enabled. (I think it's start/run/services.msc.... but my memory isn't great)
Damn. One hundred of those, and it would be throttle time on a 10GB data cap.LTE YouTube = HD
Fuck yes.
Though watching one little video was 100 MB LOL
Is there a quick way to scroll to the bottom of the browser in Safari?
So I'm guessing iMessage on the iPad can only receive messages sent to an email address?
Whoa, with four fingers you can swipe between apps? Any other cool gestures I should be aware of?
Whoa, with four fingers you can swipe between apps? Any other cool gestures I should be aware of?
Whoa, with four fingers you can swipe between apps? Any other cool gestures I should be aware of?
1080p movies look SO GOOD.
I've converted a few with Handbrake to m4v @ 3000mbps, ~3GB/movie (the same movies were a bit choppy in AVPlayerHD as raw 1080p MKV's)....and oh my sweet jesus.
So crisp! So clean.
1080p movies look SO GOOD.
I've converted a few with Handbrake to m4v @ 3000mbps, ~3GB/movie (the same movies were a bit choppy in AVPlayerHD as raw 1080p MKV's)....and oh my sweet jesus.
So crisp! So clean.
any way to check in my contact who i can send imessage directly ? got few thousands contacts...
How do I transfer HD movies into AVPlayerHD? I just downloaded the program but I'm not sure how to make it work.
Has anybody tested Infinity Blade 2 on the new Ipad yet? It looks as if it's been updated to run at the retina's native res, and I'm wondering about that frame-rate.
My iPad AND my iPhone have decided they don't want to show up in the iTunes sidebar now. They charge, but aren't recognized. I've got all my software up to date, tried multiple cables and have restarted, too :/
Help, GAF! I don't know what else to do, outside of uninstalling iTunes at this point.
Has anybody tested Infinity Blade 2 on the new Ipad yet? It looks as if it's been updated to run at the retina's native res, and I'm wondering about that frame-rate.
they were stuttering on ipad3?
Because MKVs don't play back natively and would have to be remuxed on the fly with avplayerhd. The app might not even do hardware acceleration for those files either.yes. very much so. but my converted 1080p files are just fine. idk what's up with that, but it was pretty bad.
yes. very much so. but my converted 1080p files are just fine. idk what's up with that, but it was pretty bad.
im getting used to this yellow tint
anyway i bought 3 retina game
infinity blade 2 - gorgeous, so crisp its kinda insane ! and doesnt seems to stutter from the resolution
Because MKVs don't play back natively and would have to be remuxed on the fly with avplayerhd. The app might not even do hardware acceleration for those files either.
i see. it didn't bother me. I have lots of files I won't have to convert that AVPlayer will be perfect for. It's fine for all my 720p MKV's, it appears. So anything @ 720p or below will require no conversion, no matter what container or format (so far as I've tested).MKV has to be decoded or remuxed by the CPU still no? Only quicktime/mp4 containers can be sent through the hardware decoder.
could you go into this more? This interests me.thats right (actually multiple emails). but if you have an iPhone, you can just set your called ID to the email address so that messages show up on all your devices.
i was using this today. works great
i see. it didn't bother me. I have lots of files I won't have to convert that AVPlayer will be perfect for. It's fine for all my 720p MKV's, it appears. So anything @ 720p or below will require no conversion, no matter what container or format (so far as I've tested).
I've got a queue of like 6 movies converting for when I'm on the road. The rest, I'll just stream over my network from Air Video. I'm a happy camper. Oh, and already down 20 14GB free on the 64GB pad. lol.
20GB of audio, 5GB apps, 16GB videos (and counting). I should be able to max it out by morning.![]()
Another odd problem I'm seeing is with the photo viewer.
All of my photos appear obscenely low resolution as if I'm looking at a thumbnail. When I hit "edit", however, it shows the full resolution. Hitting cancel after that returns to the ugly low resolution version.
What the hell?
Here's what it looks like:
Did you get it figured out? Mine does not do that. How big are your pics? Here's what mine looks like:
What brightness is everyone running at? Do you use auto-brightness? I turned it off and set my brightness to like 60.
The yellow tint doesn't irk me too much, the iPod 4 I have has a worse tint to it, you get used to it though.
Most of those MKVs could be remuxed much quicker than reconversion for you with something like MKVTools. Though reconverting would allow you to make things smaller.