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The new iPad |OT|

Good job trying to sneak in your insane falsehood that this isn't retina. It's retina. Did you even watch the press event? They called it retina and explained why it is retina.

Did you read the article?
If you do happen to have perfect eyes, under ideal circumstances you’ll probably be able to see the pixellation in the screen, but it won’t be that big a deal, I’d wager — and if you hold the iPad 3 about 18 inches from your face, the pixels are too small to see in any case. So, for the majority of people, the claim of a "retina display" is probably accurate.
I'm not of the majority.

Call it by it's real name Retina. Your subtle trolls are still trolls kiddo.
You would love what I engraved on the back of my device. <3


This looks like such crap. It looks large and bulky. It goes against what I love about my iPad: Sleek, portable, disappears into just content. If I had this case, I couldn't ignore the fact that it had a case.

This iPad is far, FAR more of an upgrade than the 2 was to the 1. What did you want to see as more of an upgrade? A new body style?
Haha yea that case is horrific.

I don't get all the stupid articles coming out about how the new iPad is the same old stuff and other tablets are better.


I'm not sure whether to preorder online and have delivery 'between the 16 and 22 March' or just line up at midnight on the 15th of March.. Does anyone have any experience buying launch products from apple.com ?

I would hate to pay now and then not get it till a week or so after launch, while other people just walk into the store on launch day and buy one


Retina Display is official, confirmed, and real. There is no room for debate. The end.

This is the guy who refuses to watch the clip of Steve Jobs stating that retina display is determined by the average distance held from your face because it would go against his belief. He is downright insane.


Does anyone remember how fast the online shipping date was delayed for the ipad2?

I feel like it jumped to 1-2 weeks within hours of the preorders starting.
Have a feeling this'll make a show at the iOS 6 event since they usually show off some software and stuff there too.

But tbh, is Pages not good enough? I haven't used it but I can't imagine what could be inadequate about it that'll be alleviated with an MS Office app.

I personally use office for everything so the idea of cross functionality between office on my Mac and iPad is too good to pas up


I can’t wait for an update to The Elements with higher quality, "retina" images.


I wonder if that would make the file size too large. it’s almost 2 GB as is


Now I'm really tempted by the new iPad. I'd like to replace my HP Touchpad (I read a lot of PDFs and watch videos occasionnally) but I also have an ATI Radeon 4890 GPU that needs replacing (it does play all games fine at 1920x1200, although not with the highest settings). I'm thinking of maybe buying one of the upcoming NVIDIA GPUs but I can't afford both.

Which one would you think I should buy first?

Just depends on what you use more and what's the more pressing need. I could use an upgrade on my Win 7 machine's GPU but really it's not 'necessary' just yet as I can play everything out there fine right now, if not at maxed out settings.
Just depends on what you use more and what's the more pressing need. I could use an upgrade on my Win 7 machine's GPU but really it's not 'necessary' just yet as I can play everything out there fine right now, if not at maxed out settings.
Well, Mass Effect 3 runs fine and the only game I'm really waiting for this year is Assassin's Creed 3... Right now I'm slightly more in favor of buying the iPad.
Here is what I do:

I already have an iPhone with AT&T
I will use the iPad in the office and at home
I will take it most places I visit and travel
I already have a gps in the car and in the iPhone
I play games on iPhone and plan to on iPad but don't install too many. I uninstall them a while later when I am bored
I like to create content on my iPhone and plan to do the same on my iPhone
I like the consume content a lot. Use a lot of apps like Feedly and Flipboard
I don't really do facebook but use twitter, google+ and pinterest a lot
I always try out the latest and greatest apps.
I do a lot of photography and if the software is powerful enough I will do it on iPad but I like to use lightroom for my DSLR photos
I don't have a lot of MP3 files I use streaming software, same goes for Movies
I love comic books and have a lot of CBR files (action comics, archie, old school, asterix, tintin)
I did not buy a Kindle but I have alot of pdf files I want to read. Most are online, some are offline

here are my options:

16 gb wifi (already purchased this but willing to cancel)
32 gb wifi
16 gb 4G

Price cuts me off of 32 gb 4G


This iPad is far, FAR more of an upgrade than the 2 was to the 1. What did you want to see as more of an upgrade? A new body style?

Well, yes. If you've been following Apple's products for any serious length of time then you'll know their products are constantly evolving whether it's the iPhone body or aluminium unibody of the iMac/Macbooks. There's no doubt in my mind that Apple went out of their way to make sure this was marketed as "The new iPad" and not the "iPad 3".


I had a 64GB iPad 2 and it wasn't necessary at all. I tried to fill it up with apps and stuff and got very close (lots of 'hidden object' games which can be quite big) but I rarely listen to music of watch videos on it so I'm going for a 16GB version this time round.

Things I use my iPad for..
1. Garageband
2. Sketchbook pro
3. Pages
4. Web surfing
5. Email
6. Skype
7. Games
Here is what I do:

I already have an iPhone with AT&T
I will use the iPad in the office and at home
I will take it most places I visit and travel
I already have a gps in the car and in the iPhone
I play games on iPhone and plan to on iPad but don't install too many. I uninstall them a while later when I am bored
I like to create content on my iPhone and plan to do the same on my iPhone
I like the consume content a lot. Use a lot of apps like Feedly and Flipboard
I don't really do facebook but use twitter, google+ and pinterest a lot
I always try out the latest and greatest apps.
I do a lot of photography and if the software is powerful enough I will do it on iPad but I like to use lightroom for my DSLR photos
I don't have a lot of MP3 files I use streaming software, same goes for Movies
I love comic books and have a lot of CBR files (action comics, archie, old school, asterix, tintin)
I did not buy a Kindle but I have alot of pdf files I want to read. Most are online, some are offline

here are my options:

16 gb wifi (already purchased this but willing to cancel)
32 gb wifi
16 gb 4G

Price cuts me off of 32 gb 4G

If you plan to buy the SD card adapter to transfer photos from your camera to the iPad, go with 32 gb.


Well, Mass Effect 3 runs fine and the only game I'm really waiting for this year is Assassin's Creed 3... Right now I'm slightly more in favor of buying the iPad.

Yeah, so there you go. I only built mine at the beginning of last year so it's handled everything so far fine. Unlocked i5 and 6 gigs of RAM so it does everything outside of games fine too. On the flip side, I've never had an iPad before.


If you have a proper case, a screen protector is a complete waste, in my eyes.

Why muck up that beautiful cold glass touchpanel with a layer of cheap plastic?
I get why people do it for their phones, but the iPad isn't going to be bouncing around in your bag unprotected, or carried around in your front pocket with your keys all day.
Get a proper book-cover case, and that thing will be kept pristine forever.


If you have a proper case, a screen protector is a complete waste, in my eyes.

Why muck up that beautiful cold glass touchpanel with a layer of cheap plastic?
I get why people do it for their phones, but the iPad isn't going to be bouncing around in your bag unprotected, or carried around in your front pocket with your keys all day.
Get a proper book-cover case, and that thing will be kept pristine forever.

There are a lot of nice anti-glare screen protectors out there that can improve usability.


I have a question... if I get the 4G model and already have a data plan on my Iphone can I combine the 2 or do I have to sign up for 2 seperate data plans?


Well, Mass Effect 3 runs fine and the only game I'm really waiting for this year is Assassin's Creed 3... Right now I'm slightly more in favor of buying the iPad.

This year seems like an iffy year for GPU's thus far. I kind of wanted to replace my 460 with something a little more reliable for 1080p, although I'm certainly not doing badly, but thus far prices and performance ratios haven't exactly impressed me.

I have a question... if I get the 4G model and already have a data plan on my Iphone can I combine the 2 or do I have to sign up for 2 seperate data plans?

I think it has to be separate.


Wow, some of the comments on here are simply unbelievable. It seems if anyone has an opinion on this that isn't completely, relentlessly positive, it gets shot down.

I have an iPhone 4, iPad 2, Apple TV and a MacBook, so by no means would I be regarded as someone who's anti-Apple (in fact, annoyingly their products are so much better than the competition it renders them as the only viable option) but really I don't think this is as revolutionary as people are making it out to be.

Retina is exciting I'll agree, but I just simply cannot see it being as huge a difference as people are making it out to be. The iPad 2 screen is already good, maybe it's because I hold it further away than I do my phone but genuinely I can barely tell a difference in most apps between my iPhone/iPad... it won't be this amazing difference like we saw from the 3G -> 4 simply because the 3G screen was fucking shocking; blurry, washed out, it just looked awful. The iPad 1 and 2 don't have that problem. It'll be a nice update, but not enough for most to justify upgrading I imagine.

Every 2 years seems to be the sweet spot for updating iOS devices.


Wow, some of the comments on here are simply unbelievable. It seems if anyone has an opinion on this that isn't completely, relentlessly positive, it gets shot down.
Paradox seems to be the only one having a titty attack over anything not totally fellating the ipad.


How so? the iPhone 4/4S has a display with 320PPI. The high-res display on the iPad 2 is ~250PPI.

Its 264. And in viewing distance iPad has a far better retina display. Viewing distance is half of what determines retina. If you watched Jobs press event in 2010 and this one yesterday you will see retina is a formula that Apple uses that is determined by average viewing distance AND PPI. Both go hand in hand in the mathematical formula Apple uses.

And as the handy chart posted many times shows the formula indicates the iPad has a higher retina display than 4/4S.
I agree, from what commentators note about the improved contrast and image saturation, the new high-resolution display appears quite nice. I can finally switch between reading on this new device and the Retina display on my iPhone 4 without feeling wholly discombobulated.

My eyes may still have to adjust to the extra sharpness available on the phone, but it will be far, far easier this time. I'm real excited.


Are we starting this entire Retina discussion again? Dear god.

Fridge decided to claim to the world it isn't retina again. Despite Apple going into detail on how their formula works at their event yesterday and made it clear viewing distance is as important as PPI in their formula to determine retina.

I agree, from what commentators note about the improved contrast and image saturation, the new high-resolution display appears quite nice. I can finally switch between reading on this new device and the Retina display on my iPhone 4 without feeling wholly discombobulated.

My eyes may still have to adjust to the extra sharpness available on the phone, but it will be far, far easier this time. I'm real excited.

Nice job completely ignoring the post that showcased how Apple told you you are dead wrong and average viewing distance is part of the formula to determine retina.

Hopefully that will be harder to ignore.


Wow, some of the comments on here are simply unbelievable. It seems if anyone has an opinion on this that isn't completely, relentlessly positive, it gets shot down.

I have an iPhone 4, iPad 2, Apple TV and a MacBook, so by no means would I be regarded as someone who's anti-Apple (in fact, annoyingly their products are so much better than the competition it renders them as the only viable option) but really I don't think this is as revolutionary as people are making it out to be.

Retina is exciting I'll agree, but I just simply cannot see it being as huge a difference as people are making it out to be. The iPad 2 screen is already good, maybe it's because I hold it further away than I do my phone but genuinely I can barely tell a difference in most apps between my iPhone/iPad... it won't be this amazing difference like we saw from the 3G -> 4 simply because the 3G screen was fucking shocking; blurry, washed out, it just looked awful. The iPad 1 and 2 don't have that problem. It'll be a nice update, but not enough for most to justify upgrading I imagine.

Every 2 years seems to be the sweet spot for updating iOS devices.

How so? the iPhone 4/4S has a display with 320PPI. The high-res display on the iPad 2 is ~250PPI.

iPad3:264ppi. 132ppi increase. Double.
iPad 2:132ppi.

4/4S:326 ppi. 163ppi increase. Double.
3G/3GS: 163 ppi.

ipad3 vs 4/43: 62 ppi difference.

The screen upgrade most definitely will feel the same as it did with 3G/3GS-->4/4s.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
iPad 2 was a pathetic update to iPad 1.

iPad 3 is a massive update to both iPad 1 and 2

Screen already good? Looooooool yes it is IPS, yes that means we have great viewing angles... Just like at iPad 1 launch... But the resolution was meh. Great viewing angles, great colours, good contrast but the resolution was holding back the screen. Just look at how big the jump was from iPhone 3G to iPhone 4, same thing.

I'm no apple fan, either. I am someone who actively goes out of their way to bash Macs (wintel forever!) but you have to give credit where credit is due.

Sad when people are actively trying to make a super high resolution screen as a "meh" upgrade

What are you people on?!
Urgh at the thread title, I cannot believe they're actually calling it 'The new iPad'

It's already ambiguous enough. My girlfriend got me an iPad 2 for Christmas, and having never seen an original iPad before, and it not mentioning anywhere on the box, the device itself, or the about page under settings that it was an iPad 2 I had to simply come out with it and ask her. This is only going to make matters worse...

it's called "iPad". I never knew this was going to be as huge of an issue for people. When you pick out accessories for the iPad or add the iPad to cart you see that it's the iPad (3rd Generation). Same thing with iPods, same thing with the MacBook Air. Apple isn't going to keep playing the numbers game to the point where we have a iPad 12, iPod touch 7, MacBook Air 6.

It's just the new "iPad".

Or 3rd gen iPad for those that really want to get crazy.

I understand the identifier is the issue, though. Being able to tell one year's iPad from the next or previous via the retail box or the device itself.

iPad 2 was a pathetic update to iPad 1.

iPad 3 is a massive update to both iPad 1 and 2

Screen already good? Looooooool yes it is IPS, yes that means we have great viewing angles... Just like at iPad 1 launch... But the resolution was meh. Great viewing angles, great colours, good contrast but the resolution was holding back the screen. Just look at how big the jump was from iPhone 3G to iPhone 4, same thing.

The increased color saturation and the resolution are going to make the screen incredible.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
'Dem Ship Dates

Demand for the new iPad, at the very least the LTE models in the US, appears to be as strong as expected with Apple&#8217;s preorder page now listing both the white 16GB and 64GB AT&T LTE models with an delivery date of March 19. The remainder of the models appear to still be shipping on March 16, as announced by Apple during yesterday&#8217;s unveiling. The German Apple store is officially sold out and now lists a delivery date of March 22 (originally March 16) on all models. Preorders in Japan were previously inaccessible, but appear to be functioning as normal now. An international rollout is expected to take place on March 23 with 26 more countries getting access to order the device. Get the full details here.


I find those guys worse than Refrigirator. The guy is madly trolling them and they have to keep responding to him to defend the god damn device. It's Retina for everyone on GAF except one person, that is more than enough for me.
What changes with a high resolution display of the same size and aspect ratio? Things will look sharper on the screen with high-res assets, but how will using the device, or the programs coming out for it be fundamentally altered as it was in the switch from the iPhone to the iPad? Programs and interfaces changed dramatically as apps were rethought from the ground up to take advantage of the new real-estate. That won't happen here.

The increased color saturation and the resolution are going to make the screen incredible.


I agree, from what commentators note about the improved contrast and image saturation, the new high-resolution display appears quite nice. I can finally switch between reading on this new device and the Retina display on my iPhone 4 without feeling wholly discombobulated.

My eyes may still have to adjust to the extra sharpness available on the phone, but it will be far, far easier this time. I'm real excited.

You need to see an eye doctor.
What changes with a high resolution display of the same size and aspect ratio? Things will look better on the screen, but how will using the device, or the programs coming out for it be fundamentally altered as it was in the switch from the iPhone to the iPad?

photo editing
video streaming
non-blurry games, more details
video editing the details
reading, you will have less sore eyes
comics, as sharp as they can be

photo editing
video streaming
non-blurry games, more details
video editing the details
reading, you will have less sore eyes
comics, as sharp as they can be


Yes, doing those things on a high-res screen will be sharper. It's not like the resolution magically changed Apple's recommended size for hit point targets on interface elements, and we haven't gained any physical space to stretch out either - we're still dealing with a 9.7" diagonal screen in which all interface elements will upsize 4x to match the resolution.


Hey Fridgey, Apple called the new iPad screen the sharpest display on any device they ever released. Yet you seem to think 4/4S will be sharper. Did Apple lie?


Elden Member
Im kinda suprised to see you can still preordered any iPad and get it delivered on the 16th... why the heck would anyone camp out and such? If they wanted one that bad they've had the last 20 hours to preorder. I'm actually considering ordering a 2nd one, a 32gb one, and selling the 16gb one i ordered yesterday at launch to see if i can make a profit to pay the difference. Anyone think there will be a market for it on ebay?


I think the people arguing both sides of that "Retina" debate are equally silly. Retina is obviously a marketing scheme that was cooked up after Apple decided that the easiest way to increase resolution without complex scaling issues for legacy apps was to double the pixels in both directions.

Those formula are pointless for real users because there is no agreement on what the maximum resolving power of the human eye is, no guarantee that your eyesight will have the same resolving power as what they use in the formula, and no guarantee that you will hold your screen at the same distance. There is no reason to care about some arbitrary formula when you can actually go look at the screen yourself and use your own eyes to make a judgment.

Does anyone believe that if the iPad's original resolution had been 960x640 that we wouldn't be seeing a 1920x1280 "Retina" screen with a slightly closer estimate on where users hold it?
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