did anyone try Air Playit HD? seems like it's a decent free alternative to Air Video.
I'm not sure whether I should stick with this or purchase Air Player if it's much better.
EDIT: RushPlayer dropped to 99 cents. Bought.
This shot is hilarious:
Welp, it just got another update. It's a tiny bit less laggy on the high res canvas, and the 1024x768 canvas is now usable... although at the same level of lag as the high res canvas. It wasn't like that on iPad 2. Anyway... it's fine now.
Eh I've been using the 2048 canvas for a while cause it wasn't hugely worse than the 1024 one...I remember being disappointed when the iPad 2 came out that SketchBook didn't perform that much faster. It's like they limit it to 30fps input/refresh or something, really annoying. Makes me wonder how SketchBook Ink will be, the demo looked pretty smooth.
Owning this iPad has made me more excited for the next one, because of the CPU/GPU improvements that will make it possible to do crazy shit on the display. Right now, feels like performance is a wash with the last iPad, considering it's pushing 4X the pixels. The next one will employ a completely new CPU/GPU architecture and will enable some crazy stuff when it comes to 3D, etc.
Performance probably feels like a wash cause they didn't bump the CPU
at all.
What's the best PDF reader for iPad.
I use GoodReader but I don't think it's necessarily good (and apparently it hasn't been updated for the new screen), the UI is horrible...but it's a really really flexible app. You can connect to pretty much anything and use it as generic file storage in a way. Jack of all trades, master of ugly.
ReaddleDocs and PDF Expert (same thing but can do more stuff with PDFs) are pretty good in a similar vein, maybe not as capable as GoodReader but can still do quite a bit while not being ugly, or so I've been told.
For barebones stuff you could use iBooks, there's a bunch of free ones too iirc.