My Apple TV came today but I wasn't here to sign for it so I guess I'll get it tomorrow with my iPad!
same. snuck up on me
My Apple TV came today but I wasn't here to sign for it so I guess I'll get it tomorrow with my iPad!
You would think that these people would have figured out the pattern by now.Same people who said the 4s was going to bomb.
You would think that these people would have figured out the pattern by now.
Same people who said the 4s was going to bomb.
791MB it seems.
Another comparison of Ipad 3 vs paper. Pardon the shitty phone camera.
Plenty of people at the time said the 4S would be a flop. They were all wrong.I don't anyone thought the 4s would bomb sales wise, Apple could box up a pile of shit and it would sell at least a million units. That's how powerful the Apple brand is
Plenty of people at the time said the 4S would be a flop. They were all wrong.
Plenty of people at the time said the 4S would be a flop. They were all wrong.
My iPad just landed in Seattle! So close...
Supposedly the new iPad doesn't kick you back to the home screen every time you install an app. Can anyone confirm?
I remember quiet a few people bashing the 4S. I think it also had to do with the fact that a lot of people were hoping for the iPhone 5 so the 4S was just more of the same.
Supposedly the new iPad doesn't kick you back to the home screen every time you install an app. Can anyone confirm?
Just tried it with the iPad OG on iOS 5.1, still goes to the home screen. Ughhh.God I would love this. Maybe it's an iOS 5.1 thing?
Well.... I swear something was different involving the installation of apps. Maybe re-downloading apps from the cloud? When I reset my iPad, I went to the App Store and looked at my app history, that you can sort as 'all' or 'not in this iPad'. When you used to install something from there, it would go back to the home screen each time, but I'm pretty sure the last time I did it, I was able to set loads of them going, without the list resetting itself after each one...
I remember quiet a few people bashing the 4S. I think it also had to do with the fact that a lot of people were hoping for the iPhone 5 so the 4S was just more of the same.
Can confirm while browsing my 'purchased' list and selecting apps to download it did not kick me to anywhere (the button merely changed), though I think that has been the case on my phone too, not sure.
except this is a bigger upgrade from iPad 2 than 4s was to 4
Most definitely. No one should be saying that this isn't a significant upgrade. Everything about it is better. The only legitimate complaint could be the front facing camera. Other than that it's not like they could really do a crazy redesign. It's basically a screen.
Damn, the GSII really struggles with macro shots.
Google "iPhone 4S flop"I question this "plenty" figure
Google "iPhone 4S flop"
just did, commonly listed as a tech flop, not a sales flop, try again
hell, just look in the GAF thread.I question this "plenty" figure
Do you get any notification when the app has finished installing? Does it automatically scroll to the app when you eventually exit to the home screen?
I'm down the street from you! cheers.
I felt the same way when I got my 4S and put it next to my 4. Now I don't even think about it, it's just what is normal to me now.Not sure I like how much warmer the new iPad is compared to the old OG and iPad 2. Referring to the color temp, not the device itself. One of my least favorite parts of going from a DS Lite to a DSi was how warm the DSi screens were. I prefer cooler temps and whiter whites.
So how many of you deviants are actually taking the day off tomorrow to wait for your iPad to arrive?
hell, just look in the GAF thread.