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the *NEW* Official Madden Xbox League Thread Season I: F U EA (Now with poll!)

Do you want 5 minute quarters, or 6 minute quarters?

Results are only viewable after voting.


intangibles, motherfucker
Good God that might have been the worst game ive played Offence wise in a looong time. Of course it didnt help Brees went out the first series of the game but I felt like a fish out of water. GG Anyway Azyuma, i promise the next game will turn out in a different way :)


intangibles, motherfucker
the play i will refer to as "The Catch" just killed my spirit :lol I was so man but laughing at the same time like WTF just happened. Its one of those plays that you never recover from. Shame because that 10-7 game would have been a good 4th quarter.

AZ Greg

Fifty said:
By "The Catch" do you mean Driver's 75 yard catch?

Yeah. It was to Walker and it bounced off his hands a few defenders hands. And then Driver came streaking up the middle out of nowhere, grabbed it and ran for a td.


intangibles, motherfucker
:lol :lol might have been, it was one of those that bobbled around all my D players then is somehow swatted into his hands with no one around him. It was then i knew it was over.

AZ Greg

Wellington said:
Azyuma, I can play Wednesday night.

Jayfro if you want a practice game sometime tomorrow I would love to own... er show you a few things.

Wed. Night should be fine.
Ok, umm since I think Ramirez has school or works during the day, I don't think we'll be able to play until Wednesday causing a delay of the league. UNLESS he is on tommorow morning (Tuesday) since my days off are coming up. But yeah, once your in the 4th quarter with 20 seconds left and the EA servers go down, it makes you not want to replay that same game but we have to anyway.


Damn, I was perusing leaguedaddy and I saw my sad stats. Total rushing yards, 177 on 47 carries. As one of the leading rushers since season 2 last year, this is an abomination. Tiki has 118 yards on 29 carries. :( My only consolation is that my two games were against the Pats and the Skins, not the easiest teams to run on! My offense will regain it's greatest show on turf status from season 2, just you wait!

PS: :lol @ Eli having a 128.6 passer rating.


Michael Bennett: From Season 3 leading rusher to 39 yards on 15 carries. :( The Bucs and the Ravens didn't help, but still.


What's the hold up for these week 2 games? I know Ando doesn't have an Xbox, but what is the excuse for DM and True? Hasn't it been longer than four days since the league advanced the week? It's an extra couple of days' worth of practice for me, but this 'week' has seemed really really long.

I am anxious to lose my game to Azyuma and get it over with.


You now belong to FMT.
was your game at the end???? if so why are we going through a second full game?? is this for the stats or something/??


Malleymal said:
DCX... Let me know when you want to get this game in for week 3.... I am available most nights after 8
Well i work until 11PM, should be home by 11:20 and ready to play sometime after that...i'm free mornings til 2PM. I work 3-11Pm...let me know.



You now belong to FMT.
Drey1082 said:
I can only imagine orton's vision cone, it's probably less like a cone, and more like a single white line.

yea, basically, it looks like the first down line turned vertically..

and DCX, 11-30 is fine with me, well not exactly 11-30 because u need to get settled in and all, we can play after that


Tet, when can you play our week 3 game? Assuming the league advances by tomorrow, can you play wednesday night? Any time past 9 eastern.

And also, may I suggest paragraph breaks in your league news ;p it's really hard to read in one giant paragraph


Fifty said:
Tet, when can you play our week 3 game? Assuming the league advances by tomorrow, can you play wednesday night? Any time past 9 eastern.

And also, may I suggest paragraph breaks in your league news ;p it's really hard to read in one giant paragraph

Wednesday is no good for me, and neither is Thursday night until late (after midnight eastern I'd imagine). Thanks for the PRO-Tip, I think the article is much better with the paragraph breaks. Sometimes you forget these things with informal writing.

ps. If it looks like I'm in no hurry to play you, you're right ;) But I really can't play tomorrow and Thursday "real" football takes precidence. Gotta watch Stephen Davis play. We'll hammer it out though, no worries.


Ok,I'm really getting tired of this game's stupid shit that pops up in like every game I play...People throwing it into 5 of my defenders,no INTs,I throw it into single coverage and it gets picked off...people tackling Ben before the play even starts...average ass WRs like Lavarneous(sp?) Coles absolutely smoking my DBs and people just lobbing it up and getting easy TDs,I'm tired of TE abuse,I get PI calls on me when the play clearly had no chance in hell of being caught by anyone except my defenders,I get a punt catch interference called on me when the guy calls a fair catch,runs away then runs back into my people,etc. etc. etc. -_-


Slo said:
:lol Tet, you basically just said you're busy for the next week.

Not really. It's Tuesday now, the league hasn't advanced yet. I can't play tomorrow at any time, and Thursday I'm watching a Panther game. I can play Thursday day or late night, but seeing how Fifty wanted to play after 8 eastern, that time's not good for me on Thursday. Last I checked we had 4 days per game, we'll get it in.

Fifty if you'd rather play Thursday day (if that's possible) that would be fine too, otherwise I'll hit you up after the preseason game.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
DJ,you messed up one thing in the recap of the game...I missed a 51 yard fg :p not 48.


Matrix said:
DJ,you messed up one thing in the recap of the game...I missed a 51 yard fg :p not 48.

You're free to write up your own article, in fact I wish everyone would write up an article after their games.
Ok,I'm really getting tired of this game's stupid shit that pops up in like every game I play...People throwing it into 5 of my defenders,no INTs,I throw it into single coverage and it gets picked off...people tackling Ben before the play even starts...average ass WRs like Lavarneous(sp?) Coles absolutely smoking my DBs and people just lobbing it up and getting easy TDs,I'm tired of TE abuse,I get PI calls on me when the play clearly had no chance in hell of being caught by anyone except my defenders,I get a punt catch interference called on me when the guy calls a fair catch,runs away then runs back into my people,etc. etc. etc. -_-

look, everyone has to put up with bullshit, it's no reason to pout and not report your player stats. you think drey was happy about being up on bob with 2 mins to play only to have the game disconnect and get blown out on the replay? no. you think i was happy about having 5 drops against malley that arguably cost me the game? no.

you knew when you joined the league that you were going to lose and shit like this was going to happen. EVERYONE knew that would happen to them. i'm all for venting and calling bullshit on things, but to not report your player stats and throw a tantrum about it is a joke. i'm not trying to be a dick but if all you're going to do is write a short story every week about how the game has done you wrong and then give the middle finger to those of us who are putting up our player stats (EVEN WHEN WE LOSE! holy shit!) and putting a lot of effort into the league then maybe you should quit now. there are players in the league who are succeeding with lesser teams and are getting worse breaks, and they aren't crying about it.

you've always been a dependable player, but in every madden season that you've started losing you've started in this way. it's pretty easy to shoot the shit and have a good time when you're winning, but you find out a lot about people and how they react when they get their asses handed to them


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
DJ_Tet said:
You're free to write up your own article, in fact I wish everyone would write up an article after their games.

Only when I win or have enough time write one up :p

Fmt speaks the truth,wtf Ram.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Id like to know why True and Dm,two of the guys that always get their games done quickly havent played.True and Dm were both on aim lastnight,wonder what the hold up is :\
truelize had family over during the weekend. not sure why they didn't play last night, but i know DM was ready to go.

anyways, i am a kind commissioner, and as such i will advance the league in an hour or so... just as soon as the power rankings and players of the week are done.

dm/truelize, please get your game done asap... or you will make me sad :(

also, as a side note for those interested, unless ramirez contacts me and gives me reason to believe he's going to be a dependable player under any circumstances, i will be taking over the steelers for the remainder of the year.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I expect you to lose with the Steelers if you face me with them FMT...thanks a bunch.

True aimed me late last night and never responded back,im not sure if he was trying to get a message to me for dm or not...the world will never know! It seems his family got to him right after he got his aim message out to me.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Week 2...no player stats by Ram and a tie between Dm and True,ugh :(

True,when would you like to play?


Steroid Distributor
You advance the week, you give out weekly awards, and you adjust the power rankings before the weekly deadline???? How does that work?
I thought the week will only be advanced once all games are played (everyone finishes early) or at the planned deadline.

And like I stated earlier in AIM conversations. I had family over until Tuesday morning. There is no way my wife and her family would appreciate me kicking 15 family members out of my entertainment room and missing my nieces birthday party (which we were hosting) for my Madden game. The game is about to go down in a half hour.


You now belong to FMT.
the power rankings MUST BE OFF.... I was 12 last week... beat the number 1 man in Power Rankings and I jump a whole 1 spot... I cry
You advance the week, you give out weekly awards, and you adjust the power rankings before the weekly deadline???? How does that work?

it works because a few people messaged me or pm'ed me stating they could get their week 3 games in tonight, but it would be difficult for them to get it in the next few days. so, i advanced it for the sake of those who had busy schedules in the upcoming days, not to slight you or dm. my apologies chum :D

also i didn't know when you guys planned on playing. i thought you had told me you were going to play monday (which i could be mistaken about), but then that didn't happen. so i had no idea whether you guys would even play tonight, thus not only not getting your game done but also not giving those who could play tonight the opportunity when the week would be advanced tomorrow without you guys playing anyways (which wasn't the case, but i saw no post in this thread about when, what, where, how, etc)


The Cincinnati Bengals finally get some props! Brian Simmons AFC defensive player of the week. Offensive player of the week for the AFC must have been a pretty close call.

My only question is the power rankings and stat rankings. I'm 22nd in the power rankings, but in stats I'm currently ranked 12th. How are the power rankings determined?


When can you play our week 3 game? I'm available tonight and tomorrow night.



ColdBlooded33 said:
sloforce, let me know when you wanna play

Would Wednesday at about 10 Central work for you? If not, please suggest another time. Late nights work best for me.


intangibles, motherfucker
Yeah im usually free at that time on anyday so i should be ok.

Just IM me whenever you wanna play
AIM TheColdOne33


JayFro said:
How are the power rankings determined?

Through an ancient ritual of wizardry and bias performed by yours truly. This early in the season it's a bit of a crapshoot, and wins count > stats for sure, plus I'm giving some early credit to those who did well in prior seasons.
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