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the *NEW* Official Madden Xbox League Thread Season I: F U EA (Now with poll!)

Do you want 5 minute quarters, or 6 minute quarters?

Results are only viewable after voting.


You now belong to FMT.
hgplayer1 said:
cmon guys if a team with a 0-7 record is playing against a team that is 7-0 and the 0-7 team is leading, are you saying they shouldnt start using up some precious time early in the 4th to give themselves a better chance at the win? I sure as hell would though I might not take the clock down to the very last second every time. I wouldnt be rushing to the line thats for sure.

thats the point, if all game you are playing and getting your plays picked by the 20 sec mark of the play clock, the fourth shouldnt take you to the 5 sec mark, I guess if you are 0-7 you wouldnt have a lead on a 7-0 anyway, but that is cheap as hell to me... those people that play not to lose, instead of playing to win tend to lose in the long run any way... i guess its whatever


keep your strippers out of my American football
Fifty said:
the real NFL doesn't have 5 minute quarters, True. Anyway, I agree with FMT in that I don't do it, or recommend it, but you should have taken care of business earlier. It still is weak IMO.

Word. That crap will make for some boring games


keep your strippers out of my American football
AZYUMA86 said:
dskillzhtown, I couldn't play yesterday, sorry.

I'm free anytime today, just send me a message on AIM - yumagreg1986

If I don't respond hop online and send a friend request to AZ Greg
I'll prob. be on live if I'm not on aim.

Sent you a friend request on Live.


intangibles, motherfucker
GG True. You didnt catch some breaks, but i know all too well about that.

P.S Fuck Fifty stop getting so many rushing yards!


Jayfro......I'm posting for Matrix since the forum is going really slow and it's not loading for him.

He's ready to play and waiting on aim.

*takes off his messenger hat*


I'm down 24-17 with plenty of time on the clock and Matrix kicks off............my fucking kick returner fumbles the damn ball and he runs it in for a TD. He kicks off again, I get the ball and start a little mini drive up the field but I'm down 31-17 now. I hand it off to Rudi Johnson and he coughs up the fucking ball Matrix recovers (AGAIN) and he kneels for the last minute thirty or so. I hate this fucking game! This is the second bullshit game in a row I've had. This will be my one and only Madden season.



keep your strippers out of my American football
Jay, I am with ya brother, this is my last season of 06. Still going to play online, but not in a league. Maybe I will come back once EA gets the leagues up. But this is not really fun at the moment. After playing Burnout and having a blast then coming back to this...it hasn't been too much fun.

BTW, I don't have my stats for the game. As AZ can attest to, the lag was horrible in our game, I hit a few too many times trying to skip the end of game cutscene and "a'd" my way right out of the game.


Probably has more to do with how they're losing than actually just the fact that they lose...getting sacked when you hike the ball,no fun...havin the same play run on you,no fun...TE abuse,no fun...you get the picture :lol

AZ Greg

Great Game dskillzCHEESEtown!!!!!

Wow playing with you guys from GAF has been awesome, I'm loving the league, and the ability to play with sim players. Just when I think I'm safe from cheese I have to play dskillzcheesetownit.

Our game was the laggiest game I have EVER played. Hitting holes was super hard as was playing defense after someone catches a bomb.

Anyway, lag isn't the main problem I had playing him. Nearly every completion was a play action pass to either Givens or Branch I forget (not both just one of them), who ran a corner router and caught it nearly everytime. In single coverage, double coverage, and even triple coverage. And I love when a play action even works on a 4th and long. :) Countless times he ran this same play. Luckily Al Harris finally picked one of them or I probably would have lost.

To anyone who plays dskillzcheesetown in the future, prepare for the corner route, and if you show that you have him heavily defended prepare for a bullet to the tight end. But he'll probably still throw it in double or triple coverage, and probably still catch it.

I won the game, its not like I lost and I'm bitter. So just be ready. Also :lol at him "accidentaly" not getting the stats. I'm not suprised. Luckily I don't have to play him again.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
JayFro said:
I'm down 24-17 with plenty of time on the clock and Matrix kicks off............my fucking kick returner fumbles the damn ball and he runs it in for a TD. He kicks off again, I get the ball and start a little mini drive up the field but I'm down 31-17 now. I hand it off to Rudi Johnson and he coughs up the fucking ball Matrix recovers (AGAIN) and he kneels for the last minute thirty or so. I hate this fucking game! This is the second bullshit game in a row I've had. This will be my one and only Madden season.


Jay when you got the ball on that kickoff only 1:40 something was left on the clock, and I agree that was pure luck on the fumble I got and returned for a td to put away the game.The 2nd fumble with Rudi was cause of me hitsticking you and I didnt kneel for the last 1:30 or so,it was about a min 1:10 cause I didnt want to rub in the score,i'm not sure if that pissed you off by kneeling,but you were out of timeouts and I didnt want to act like I was stat padding.

GG anyway man,you played great pass D.


hgplayer1 said:
newsguy can you play at all tonight? Im pretty much free all night unless something comes up i forgot about.

Shit man, I just saw your post cause I didn't catch it in-between all the long posts. If you're still up we can play, if not tomorrow night is cool too.


Matrix said:
Jay when you got the ball on that kickoff only 1:40 something was left on the clock, and I agree that was pure luck on the fumble I got and returned for a td to put away the game.The 2nd fumble with Rudi was cause of me hitsticking you and I didnt kneel for the last 1:30 or so,it was about a min 1:10 cause I didnt want to rub in the score,i'm not sure if that pissed you off by kneeling,but you were out of timeouts and I didnt want to act like I was stat padding.

GG anyway man,you played great pass D.

1:40 was more than enough to get it to 24-24 in the 4th. It was gracious of you to kneel down and not run up the score at that point, I'm just pissed that I coughed up 3 fumbles and wasn't able to recover a single one of them. Not only that but the kickoff fumble cost me the game. You played a great game, I'm just sick of getting BS plays that give me no chance of winning a game. This is the second game in a row I've had a guy fumble and the other team ran it in for a TD, that same crap cost me the game against KingV as well. I'll be glad when this season ends, it's not even about trying to get wins now it's about getting the best possible stats I can get.



Ramirez said:
Probably has more to do with how they're losing than actually just the fact that they lose...getting sacked when you hike the ball,no fun...havin the same play run on you,no fun...TE abuse,no fun...you get the picture :lol

And cough, everyone throwing high on third down to keep the drive alive. :lol

I'm definitely a person that's better at games with no bullshit factor. Topspin and Moto GP are the games I'm best at and neither of them counts on the CPU or random bullshit AI. Madden definitely takes skill to play as you can see the top guys in the league aren't using anything close to the highest rated teams, but the random bullshit factor of this game really turns me off.



People can deny it all they want,but the Maddens of this gen are tired,people use the same play style they've used for years and most of the BS plays still work,TEs being overpowered has been a problem for years,I'm so ready for the 360 version and a clean slate and new engine,this engine has ran it's course with me.Hopefully the 360 version isn't just a copy cat of the Xbox version :lol


Ramirez said:
People can deny it all they want,but the Maddens of this gen are tired,people use the same play style they've used for years and most of the BS plays still work,TEs being overpowered has been a problem for years,I'm so ready for the 360 version and a clean slate and new engine,this engine has ran it's course with me.Hopefully the 360 version isn't just a copy cat of the Xbox version :lol
...you really think the 360 version will give the engine a full overhaul? I'm guessing it will play very similar, if not exactly, like the xbox version.

[edit] bleh you edited :p


Ramirez said:
People can deny it all they want,but the Maddens of this gen are tired,people use the same play style they've used for years and most of the BS plays still work,TEs being overpowered has been a problem for years,I'm so ready for the 360 version and a clean slate and new engine,this engine has ran it's course with me.Hopefully the 360 version isn't just a copy cat of the Xbox version :lol

We play eachother in week 9, and one of us has to win! :lol


Nearly every completion was a play action pass to either Givens or Branch I forget (not both just one of them), who ran a corner router and caught it nearly everytime. In single coverage, double coverage, and even triple coverage. And I love when a play action even works on a 4th and long. Countless times he ran this same play.

The PA corner route is pretty much unstoppable. Don't blame him, blame the game >_<


Ramirez said:
I swear I think my XBox is about to kick the bucket...it makes weird noises like it's starting and stopping =\
Madden is teh XBOX killer, PS2 coded ;) I'm going to be out of town guys until Sunday night...just a heads up.



Is it really a problem that I held the ball for most of the 4th?

For starters, you have the Ravens defense. It shouldn't be that hard to stop me, Denver is only rated a 74 or 76. Secondly, you have over 200 rushing attempts in 8 games. You're on track to run 404 times in a game with 5 minute quarters. 410 is the NFL record and we are again playing 5 minute quarters.

So I just fail to see the big deal about me doing in the 4th quarter what you essentially do all game, every week. The only difference is mine was in the 4th quarter and resulted in me winning. I fail to see what is "weak" about strategy.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Andokuky said:
Is it really a problem that I held the ball for most of the 4th?

For starters, you have the Ravens defense. It shouldn't be that hard to stop me, Denver is only rated a 74 or 76. Secondly, you have over 200 rushing attempts in 8 games. You're on track to run 404 times in a game with 5 minute quarters. 410 is the NFL record and we are again playing 5 minute quarters.

So I just fail to see the big deal about me doing in the 4th quarter what you essentially do all game, every week. The only difference is mine was in the 4th quarter and resulted in me winning. I fail to see what is "weak" about strategy.


Where's the "OH SNAP" .gif when you need it.


Yeah, it is. It's annoying as fuck, and poor sportsmanship imo. You can run about 2 minutes off the clock in one 3 down series. That means if you get a single first down you can run almost the whole 4th quarter out. If we had 15 minute quarters, this wouldn't be a problem, but we have 5 minute quarters.

And yeah, you can say "just spend time outs", but that's bullshit. I could literally hold the ball the entire second half if I put together an 80 yard drive.


Slo said:
Yeah, it is. It's annoying as fuck, and poor sportsmanship imo. You can run about 2 minutes off the clock in one 3 down series. That means if you get a single first down you can run almost the whole 4th quarter out. If we had 15 minute quarters, this wouldn't be a problem, but we have 5 minute quarters.

And yeah, you can say "just spend time outs", but that's bullshit. I could literally hold the ball the entire second half if I put together an 80 yard drive.

I kept it for about the last 4 minutes of the game and got atleast 3, probably 4 first downs. And I kneeled the last minute and 10 seconds or so off. I see no problem with what I did, especially considering how often he runs the ball. If we kept track of TOP I garauntee he'd have huge advantages in every single game, but I guess it isn't a problem because it wasn't all in the 4th quarter?

Hell we already have a guy who plays without the cone, maybe we should just ask people not to play defense altogether? How about a new rule.. you have to pass when you're up in the 4th quarter and if you run you have to no huddle :lol


Andokuky said:
I kept it for about the last 4 minutes of the game and got atleast 3, probably 4 first downs. And I kneeled the last minute and 10 seconds or so off. I see no problem with what I did, especially considering how often he runs the ball. If we kept track of TOP I garauntee he'd have huge advantages in every single game, but I guess it isn't a problem because it wasn't all in the 4th quarter?

Hell we already have a guy who plays without the cone, maybe we should just ask people not to play defense altogether? How about a new rule.. you have to pass when you're up in the 4th quarter and if you run you have to no huddle :lol

I didn't mean to lump your situation into my rant. I don't know what happened in your game. In general, I think it's bad form to start burning clock before say 2:30 or so. I think that's an appropriate time to force people to burn their TOs.

Also, I don't think running the ball is running out the clock. I'm talking specifically about running the play clock down to <15 seconds every single play. That's intentionally burning the clock. In every game i've played, players come to the line with 20+ seconds on the clock nearly every play.


keep your strippers out of my American football
AZYUMA86 said:
Great Game dskillzCHEESEtown!!!!!

Wow playing with you guys from GAF has been awesome, I'm loving the league, and the ability to play with sim players. Just when I think I'm safe from cheese I have to play dskillzcheesetownit.


Man, you know what, fuck you. Calling my game cheese is bullshit. Ask anyone here. Aske FMT, ask DM, ask CK, ask Slo, you know I am not getting on this board fucking complaining about all your "pick" pass plays, am I? You know that play that had my CB getting picked to leave your WR wide open, you know that play you used everytime you needed critical yardage?

This is exactly the drama I wanted to avoid getting in this league. A Play Action pass is cheese? So how many Play Action plays did you run?

Seriously Fuck you man.

AZYUMA86 said:
But its not the games fault he ran the play 20 times. =/

20 times? I fucking ran the play about 5 times for completions 3 times. And you INT'd the play once!


As I said I am willing to replay my game if it is an issue.

Man I am so close to clinching a playoff spot I can smell it. All I need is losses for Azyuma and DM. I got one more game with each so if they both beat me it could go down to the wire if they start winning their games. Based on my current conference and division record, I am going to assume I have the tiebreakers in hand.


I'm starting to burn myself out on Madden. If I could just show up to my league games and have fun, it wouldn't be a problem, but I obsess about this crap. Checking here, checking LeagueDaddy, using the in-game practice mode. I just spend too much time on this shit. I make it into work. :(


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
well, I do have DM in about 3 weeks, CK. I won't let you down!!!!!....but I probably will, WOOOOOOOOOO!


Slo said:
I'm starting to burn myself out on Madden. If I could just show up to my league games and have fun, it wouldn't be a problem, but I obsess about this crap. Checking here, checking LeagueDaddy, using the in-game practice mode. I just spend too much time on this shit. I make it into work. :(

That was me last year, this year I check the team, check player tendencies and just fly by the seat of my pants. Slingin' and slangin' 2006 baby!


Steroid Distributor
Ramirez said:
Probably has more to do with how they're losing than actually just the fact that they lose...getting sacked when you hike the ball,no fun...havin the same play run on you,no fun...TE abuse,no fun...you get the picture :lol

This is my exact feelings. It really doesn't matter who I play. I know they are only gonna use like 4 or 5 offensive plays all game. I know the teams with strong TE's are going to their TE's on 3rd and long. I know. Can I stop it with a TE bracket??? NOPE. Never.

I have played and lost several games to players that have no where near the grasp on this game as I do. But come at me with the same running plays all game and unfortunately with the Truck stick will get the yards they want. It's actually possible to be a really bad passer and still win games with the right backfield. I have one of the best Dlines against the run in this game, but I will have games where teams will run strong on me all game and Kerney and Coleman will get 3 tackles between them. WTF?? Are you kidding me?

I might find a way to play this game to win. But for the time being I've completely given up caring about the win. The moment I see a team go for and complete a play for 3rd and long that they used the last time they were in that same situation then I'm done even trying in that game. I've had to happen to me the last 3 or 4 games I've played. Oh well.
Maybe next season I can feel like caring again. But with the amount of fumbles, games with lag and just plain bad luck I've had there is no chance to even have a reasonable record this year.
I think I might start playing Schaub.

And before the big guns come in here and start making comments about what is cheese and how us losers complain and everything please realize that you are obviously good enough to not have to hold the ball for a quarter. But if someone is in a situation where dominating the clock is help them beat an elite player, then so be it. If it irritates you, oh well. Get over it. If you had played better that game then it wouldn't have mattered.
But coming from a perpetual loser this season, there is no way I would give you the ball back in the 4th if I had the oppurtunity to keep it. I doubt I would run the clock down to under 5 each play, but I would most definetely take my time with things. If anything just to add some suspense.
Dont' worry though, I'm usually out of the game by the second quarter.

AZ Greg

dskillzhtown said:
Man, you know what, fuck you. Calling my game cheese is bullshit. Ask anyone here. Aske FMT, ask DM, ask CK, ask Slo, you know I am not getting on this board fucking complaining about all your "pick" pass plays, am I? You know that play that had my CB getting picked to leave your WR wide open, you know that play you used everytime you needed critical yardage?

This is exactly the drama I wanted to avoid getting in this league. A Play Action pass is cheese? So how many Play Action plays did you run?

Seriously Fuck you man.

I don't know how you have played against everyone else, but I do know how you played against me. Nobodys complained about my playstyle either. The play I think your complaining that I used to much was a play action. And at least I would use my play action the right way. There were drives when 1st 2nd and 3rd down you would use that same PA play. Then late in the game on 4 and 15 you used it.

dskillzhtown said:
20 times? I fucking ran the play about 5 times for completions 3 times. And you INT'd the play once!

Don't even say you only ran that play 5 times. You ran it 5 times a quarter. We would all get to see the abuse had you recorded your stats. The game was lag for me too and I got the stats. I guess you didn't want everyone to see the passing abuse. :lol

Anyways, I have no reason to make this shit up. I won the game I have nothing to be bitter about. I'm not the one who lost, didn't get the stats, and is already talking about getting tired of this game.
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