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the *NEW* Official Madden Xbox League Thread Season I: F U EA (Now with poll!)

Do you want 5 minute quarters, or 6 minute quarters?

Results are only viewable after voting.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Lonestar said:
Sorry about that Matrix, was out most of today. Try for our matchup sometime tomorrow?

Yea,if DJ is around he can play you,if not I'll be on tomorrow nite past 9 pm eastern time.


Steroid Distributor
JayFro said:

You around?


You available?


I guess we could play man. I don't see CP around for last weeks game so there is no point in just sitting here.

"I didn't get all dressed up for nottin."

What's your AIM?

mine is Truelize


Truelize said:
I guess we could play man. I don't see CP around for last weeks game so there is no point in just sitting here.

"I didn't get all dressed up for nottin."

What's your AIM?

mine is Truelize

Mine is JayFroGAF

Can we play in like 10-15 minutes, I'm on the phone waiting for customer service right now...........argghhhhhhhhhhh.



Was there even any reason for me to really show up for the game?

Any time I drop back to pass I don't even have time for a 3 step drop before I am sacked or pressured. It got to the point that down 13-0 late in the 3rd I had to just start running the hell out of the ball because there was absolutely no time to even get a pass off. I love when Lenny Walls picked off a pass and fucking Daunte Culpepper chased him down from the other side of the field. Brilliant.

Then of course you have the hail mary at the end of the game picked off and should have been a win and I get called for some bullshit PI, giving you the ball in easy FG range with 0 seconds left on the clock for the win. Complete bullshit.



I refuse to fill out the stats for the game against Truelize. Anyone else want to take over the Pats? I absolutely can't play with them.

#1 He starts running out the clock in the 3rd quarter with over 3 minutes left in the game and he's up by 2 TD's.

#2 He's up 24-17 in the 4th with 20 seconds left and inside my 10 yard line, he passes and scores another TD.

Nice game dickhead.



I'd take the pats, but I have to play them after Wellie.


Rorschach said:
I'd take the pats, but I have to play them after Wellie.

Anyone that wants them can have them, I like the Bengals better. This was just one of those bullshit Madden games for me, Tim Dwight muffs a friggin punt and he ends up with the ball inside my 15. I throw an INT inside my own 20 that gets returned for a TD. He starts running down the clock in the 3rd because he knows I can move the ball well. He throws a bomb and finally a score with almost no time left in the game to pad those stats. Nice.......


Steroid Distributor
JayFro said:

I refuse to fill out the stats for the game against Truelize. Anyone else want to take over the Pats? I absolutely can't play with them.

#1 He starts running out the clock in the 3rd quarter with over 3 minutes left in the game and he's up by 2 TD's.

#2 He's up 24-17 in the 4th with 20 seconds left and inside my 10 yard line, he passes and scores another TD.

Nice game dickhead.

What????? I went for another play cause you got an offside that looked deliberate. I figured you didn't want me taking a knee. I took my first knee with 1:20 something on the clock man. I did not want to score at all. I got my first down. You were outta timeouts, so I was running out the clock and then you got the penalty. I've done that exact thing before. You can ask some of the guys that have played against me. I couldn't care less how much I lose by. A loss is a loss.

As for running down the clock???? You are way off. I am absolutely freakin horrible at this game. And I don't know my playbooks so I wind up scrambling to find a play. Sorry man there is no way I'm just gonna pick a random play against a defense as good as the Pats. You are the second person (Demon J was the first) to accuse me of running down the clock. Um.... I suck. Sorry. If I can't find the play I want then well,,,,,, I don't know what to tell you.

Add in the fact that the Oline supposedly will pick up the blitz better if you wait for your centre to do his little pointing animation. Geesh

I freakin punted 5 times in the second half man. You think I was trying to NOT get first downs there?

So in other words I made no attempt to run up the score. Miscommunication. And I made no attempt to run down the clock until I had the punt with 2:30 left in the game and you switched to a defensive lineman and ran him across to get a penatly to stop the clock. Which is the exact thing you did at the end of the game. Or at least what I thought you did. I didn't see the play I was trying to print out my stats sheet.

The name calling is not needed man. An edit of that would be appreciated.


Steroid Distributor
CP: I'm outta town for the next three days man. We'll have to make that game up later this week.

What happened to you anyways tonight??


Truelize said:
What????? I went for another play cause you got an offside that looked deliberate. I figured you didn't want me taking a knee. I took my first knee with 1:20 something on the clock man. I did not want to score at all. I got my first down. You were outta timeouts, so I was running out the clock and then you got the penalty. I've done that exact thing before. You can ask some of the guys that have played against me. I couldn't care less how much I lose by. A loss is a loss.

As for running down the clock???? You are way off. I am absolutely freakin horrible at this game. And I don't know my playbooks so I wind up scrambling to find a play. Sorry man there is no way I'm just gonna pick a random play against a defense as good as the Pats. You are the second person (Demon J was the first) to accuse me of running down the clock. Um.... I suck. Sorry. If I can't find the play I want then well,,,,,, I don't know what to tell you.

I freakin punted 5 times in the second half man. You think I was trying to NOT get first downs there?

So in other words I made no attempt to run up the score. Miscommunication. And I made no attempt to run down the clock until I had the punt with 2:30 left in the game and you switched to a defensive lineman and ran him across to get a penatly to stop the clock. Which is the exact thing you did at the end of the game. Or at least what I thought you did. I didn't see the play I was trying to print out my stats sheet.

The name calling is not needed man. An edit of that would be appreciated.

That bullshit about you not knowing the playbook is rediculous considering the person wearing the headset can hear if you are picking plays or just picking your ass. As far as me going off sides when you were punting with 2:30 left in the game, damn right I'm gonna do that if it keeps you from chewing an extra 20 seconds off the clock because you were most certainly going to run it down. It saved me from using a timeout and made it 4th and 17 instead of 4th and 22.

I call em like I see em man, you can deny whatever you want but it didn't take you that long to select plays in the first half and when there is silence on the buttons the person is most certainly running the clock down for a reason. I ran off sides when you were inside my 10 to try to stop the clock to see if I could get the ball back. The clock kept running and you decided to sling one in the end zone for another TD, I will not edit my forum post. I call em like I see em.

I deliberately went off sides two times in this game. Once when you were punting with 2:30 left in the game to stop the clock so I could have the 2 minute warning and my 3 timeouts. The second time was when you were inside my 15 and I tried to stop the clock because I was out of timeouts.

If you don't know the playbook after god knows how many online games and 13 league games you are so full of this you grew an extra foot saying it.



Steroid Distributor
JayFro said:
That bullshit about you not knowing the playbook is rediculous considering the person wearing the headset can hear if you are picking plays or just picking your ass. As far as me going off sides when you were punting with 2:30 left in the game, damn right I'm gonna do that if it keeps you from chewing an extra 20 seconds off the clock because you were most certainly going to run it down. It saved me from using a timeout and made it 4th and 17 instead of 4th and 22.

I call em like I see em man, you can deny whatever you want but it didn't take you that long to select plays in the first half and when there is silence on the buttons the person is most certainly running the clock down for a reason. I ran off sides when you were inside my 10 to try to stop the clock to see if I could get the ball back. The clock kept running and you decided to sling one in the end zone for another TD, I will not edit my forum post. I call em like I see em.


Nothing I can say then man. I'm not a liar.
But if you could see how many times I'm switching players outta formations, choosing a play, backing back out, changing my HB etc.. you would never accuse me of what you are doing right now.
I think my record stands for itself when I say that I don't know my playbook. Every single play I ran in the first half is pretty much scheduled man. That's all the gameplan I have. Once I get to the second half I'm pretty much lost. You also started blitzing and putting more pressure on Vick in the second half so I was trying to choose between the playaction play I'm comfortable with and the play I know will give me time to actually throw the ball.
And I've lost more than 50% of my games in the last minute (you can go back through the Madden threads and read my whining for proof if you don't believe me)
And there is nothing wrong with running the clock down with less than 2 and a half minutes left in the 4th man. Nothing at all.


Truelize said:
Nothing I can say then man. I'm not a liar.
And there is nothing wrong with running the clock down with less than 2 and a half minutes left in the 4th man. Nothing at all.

But something is wrong with taking your sweet time with 3+ minutes left in the 3rd. You aren't a liar huh.........


Steroid Distributor
JayFro said:
But something is wrong with taking your sweet time with 3+ minutes left in the 3rd. You aren't a liar huh...........

You honestly don't even think it's possible for me to be flustered and not know what to do? Against the Pats? The best freakin defense in the game? I threw the ball like 5 times man cause I was so worried about throwing a pick.


Truelize said:
You honestly don't even think it's possible for me to be flustered and not know what to do? Against the Pats? The best freakin defense in the game? I threw the ball like 5 times man cause I was so worried about throwing a pick.

This is hilarious...........8 for 14 with 3TD's and a 141 passer rating. Those numbers look pretty flustered to me, certainly you had no clue as to what play to pick. You didn't seem to have that problem in the first half. I've had zero problems with anyone else in this league, I have no reason to make this up nor would I. You on the other hand according to yourself have already been accused of crap like this.


Steroid Distributor
JayFro said:
This is hilarious...........8 for 14 with 3TD's and a 141 passer rating. Those numbers look pretty flustered to me, certainly you had no clue as to what play to pick. You didn't seem to have that problem in the first half.

Ugh my gosh man. Here's some stats.

4th lowest points per game
5th worst point against
7th worst total offense
6th least amount of first downs
6th least amount of offensive TDs
And I am the lowest ranked team in this leauge.

I am a great first half player man. I do very well usually. And I did extremely well in the first half this game. And then I get stressed cause I'm so used to falling apart.

I can't believe you are accusing me of being better at this game then I am.
That's flattering and all. But I've explained everything man.
I wasn't working the clock until there was less than 2 and a half minutes left in the game. And the score at the end was miscommunication. I am very sorry about that. I don't really care about stats man (what good are they to the lowest ranked team in the league).

But ask around. Lets see how many peolpe here on GAF can remember kiling me in the second half after I've played a good first half. Ask around. It's pretty sad.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.



This fight is cool but depressing at the sametime....WHERE IS THE LOVE!



I have no love for bullshit, it takes the fun out of the game. It's a game afterall, but too many morons have to win and they will cut corners to do so. I could have easily run the clock down on you in our last 2 games Matrix. Did I?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
JayFro said:

I have no love for bullshit, it takes the fun out of the game. It's a game afterall, but too many morons have to win and they will cut corners to do so. I could have easily run the clock down on you in our last 2 games Matrix. Did I?

No you didnt run the clock down and in our previous Texans games I didnt run up the score,but you did make me play in lag! :( Im was lucky to beat the Pats with that horrid lag.See you were not meant to be playing with that team,its just brought you one lag game and one fight.

Ive always said anyone who starts running down the clock early is weak,but I didnt witness this game and True has never done that to me.

I cant take sides and I like you both,but I'll grab a bucket of popcorn instead.


Steroid Distributor
JayFro said:

I have no love for bullshit, it takes the fun out of the game. It's a game afterall, but too many morons have to win and they will cut corners to do so. I could have easily run the clock down on you in our last 2 games Matrix. Did I?


Just wont bend eh?

it wouldn't be a madden league without drama!

who could forget the awesome drama of nfl 2k5!?


relax fellas! i dont think true would milk the clock from the 3rd but only the two of you know what went on. dont worry about entering the pats player stats jay, its cool. they dont have a true full-time owner so its no big deal.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
FrenchMovieTheme said:
it wouldn't be a madden league without drama!

who could forget the awesome drama of nfl 2k5!?


relax fellas! i dont think true would milk the clock from the 3rd but only the two of you know what went on. dont worry about entering the pats player stats jay, its cool. they dont have a true full-time owner so its no big deal.

:lol :lol :lol


Steroid Distributor
JayFro said:
Why exactly would I bend on what you did? You want me to pretend it didn't happen? That's pretty weak man.

:lol. I didn't do anything deliberately man. Nothing at all. I never intentionally took my time calling my plays. Heck I didn't even once wait for the centre to do his pointing animation. Not once. I don't know how you came to this conclusion man.

Maybe you were having a bad day. You had a ton of bad breaks. That fumble was lame. The interception you threw to Brooking. You had some bad breaks.
And for once I didn't. That might have been my first game without a turnover. Not positive on that. But it might have been. First game I've ever completed over half of my passes though.
But I'm not sure how you having some bad breaks turns into me cheating.

But you call em like you see em. I must be a cheater I guess. And I guess it's working too cause I won soooooooo many games. Yup I'm just stealing games with my amazingly cheap playstyle and with all the running the clock down skill.
Soon I will be unstoppable.
Yes soon. I will hold the ball forever. FOREVER I tell you!!! I wont even try to move the ball forward anymore. I will just take a knee 4 plays in a row. :lol. I can't imagine how much time I could eat up doing that. That's what I'm gonna do next. Whahahahah

Matrix save me some popcorn man.

Dude gets hung out to dry by a bad game and I become a liar, a cheat and a dickhead.

Great day for me. :D


Truelize said:
:lol. I didn't do anything deliberately man. Nothing at all. I never intentionally took my time calling my plays. Heck I didn't even once wait for the centre to do his pointing animation. Not once. I don't know how you came to this conclusion man.

Maybe you were having a bad day. You had a ton of bad breaks. That fumble was lame. The interception you threw to Brooking. You had some bad breaks.
And for once I didn't. That might have been my first game without a turnover. Not positive on that. But it might have been. First game I've ever completed over half of my passes though.
But I'm not sure how you having some bad breaks turns into me cheating.

But you call em like you see em. I must be a cheater I guess. And I guess it's working too cause I won soooooooo many games. Yup I'm just stealing games with my amazingly cheap playstyle and with all the running the clock down skill.
Soon I will be unstoppable.
Yes soon. I will hold the ball forever. FOREVER I tell you!!! I wont even try to move the ball forward anymore. I will just take a knee 4 plays in a row. :lol. I can't imagine how much time I could eat up doing that. That's what I'm gonna do next. Whahahahah

Matrix save me some popcorn man.

Dude gets hung out to dry by a bad game and I become a liar, a cheat and a dickhead.

Great day for me. :D

You can spin it a full tree sitty for all I care and you still threw a pass at the end of the game for a score with 20 seconds left. I'm not talking about how long it took you to snap the ball, you know what I'm talking about but just keep dancing around it. This is the second time you've been called out this season...........hmmmm.
You can't have a league without drama. Next Madden they should have that Superstar mode...WITH DRAMA! Your having fights with your drunken room mate during the offseason causing you to struggle during your season as a starting rookie.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
If I'm up, it's late in the game, and I'm inside their 20, I'm running on every play, and up the middle. But if the other guy calls a TO, or uses a foul to stop the clock, I can see myself wanting to get that score in. Call it "2 minute drill for any future games"

But hey, I think True said something similar to this about me late "last year." Running up the score or something. Or was it on the corner post route. I ran a play with only 1 slot corner post, not 2. That was available to used, but looked down upon if we used it. Something like that.


Andokuky said:
Was there even any reason for me to really show up for the game?

Any time I drop back to pass I don't even have time for a 3 step drop before I am sacked or pressured. It got to the point that down 13-0 late in the 3rd I had to just start running the hell out of the ball because there was absolutely no time to even get a pass off. I love when Lenny Walls picked off a pass and fucking Daunte Culpepper chased him down from the other side of the field. Brilliant.

Then of course you have the hail mary at the end of the game picked off and should have been a win and I get called for some bullshit PI, giving you the ball in easy FG range with 0 seconds left on the clock for the win. Complete bullshit.

I agree with you about the hail mary. It was crap, and I said so in my post on the previous page. :-\

I did put on a ton of pass rush pressure on you in the first half, because you abandoned the run completely. I'm not sure you ran once out of that bunch formation, and all the receivers seemed to run 10+ yard routes so you didn't really have a dump off route. I was running dime on 1st and 10! Once you started running the ball in the second half you destroyed my D.

Anyway, I think the Madden Gods conspired against you last night. I know how bad that sucks.


JayFro said:
You can spin it a full tree sitty for all I care and you still threw a pass at the end of the game for a score with 20 seconds left. I'm not talking about how long it took you to snap the ball, you know what I'm talking about but just keep dancing around it. This is the second time you've been called out this season...........hmmmm.

Dude, you can't expect the other person to sit on their hands if you're still trying to win the game. If you want somebody to call off the dogs, stop fighting back. If you're still trying to stop the clock, throw hail marys, and intentionaly going offsides to stop the clock at the end of the game, the game is still going on imo.

I HATE when people run up the score on me, but Jesus Christ, I don't expect people to just run-run-run-punt all second half just so I can get back into the game.
Truelize said:
CP: I'm outta town for the next three days man. We'll have to make that game up later this week.

What happened to you anyways tonight??

Ugh, was my fault. After I IM'd you I sat down and started watching a show while waiting for you to reply. I fell asleep =/


Slo said:
I agree with you about the hail mary. It was crap, and I said so in my post on the previous page. :-\

I did put on a ton of pass rush pressure on you in the first half, because you abandoned the run completely. I'm not sure you ran once out of that bunch formation, and all the receivers seemed to run 10+ yard routes so you didn't really have a dump off route. I was running dime on 1st and 10! Once you started running the ball in the second half you destroyed my D.

Anyway, I think the Madden Gods conspired against you last night. I know how bad that sucks.

That hail mary was beyond BS. That was the dumbest play I have ever seen on Madden. My guys didn't even touch your player and even if they bumped him a bit the ball was thrown yards behind him and easily picked off.

Out of the bunch formation my TE is on a short route on every play I use out of it except one where he crosses the middle. I tried to throw to him on a dhort route once and your player leaped 20 feet in the air and ran it back for a TD, which made my pick that Culpepper ran down even funnier. Other than that I have 6 guys blocking and even the guys getting blocked would just plow right over my blockers. Even out of a split I formation with only 3 people going on routes I got pressured right when I snapped the ball. I've never seen any defensive line get that much pressure, even the power lines like the Panthers and Colts. All I gotta say is if I don't make the playoffs it better not be by one game or I probably won't be back for season 2. I ended up with negative passing yards, complete horse shit.


Steroid Distributor
Lonestar said:
If I'm up, it's late in the game, and I'm inside their 20, I'm running on every play, and up the middle. But if the other guy calls a TO, or uses a foul to stop the clock, I can see myself wanting to get that score in. Call it "2 minute drill for any future games"

But hey, I think True said something similar to this about me late "last year." Running up the score or something. Or was it on the corner post route. I ran a play with only 1 slot corner post, not 2. That was available to used, but looked down upon if we used it. Something like that.

Nah that was that game were you kept changing defensive formations and thought that was a cheat. Remember? I just blamed my bad plays on that. And it turned out to be nothing. It was never anything you did on offense.

Slo said:
Dude, you can't expect the other person to sit on their hands if you're still trying to win the game. If you want somebody to call off the dogs, stop fighting back. If you're still trying to stop the clock, throw hail marys, and intentionaly going offsides to stop the clock at the end of the game, the game is still going on imo.

I HATE when people run up the score on me, but Jesus Christ, I don't expect people to just run-run-run-punt all second half just so I can get back into the game.

That's pretty much the way I saw it. If you are still trying to get back into the game then why would I give you a chance?? I don't care if there are only 30 seconds left on the clock. If you start running through the line getting penalties to stop the clock or start calling timeouts then I'm gonna attack. I was up by a touchdown. It is plenty possible that I could have given the ball up with 15 seconds and still let him tie the game.
Heck I think it was against Lone this year where I brought my team up almost 70 yards in less than 20 seconds at the end of a game. It can happen.

You can keep accusing me of running down the clock though JayFro it doens't matter now. A win is a win. I most definelty didn't cheat myself to a win. My domination of the ball in the second half did not cause you to throw 2 interceptions, fumble a punt and to turnover the ball on downs. Nope. This wouldn't have mattered at all if you had played better and not thrown into recievers that I had double coverage on pretty much the entire game.

I'm done with this topic though. If I ever become the best Madden player here and the consensus is that I get my wins by running the clock out then I'll just quit.
None of the top players have ever accused me of anything. It's usually the other way around. :lol.
You are all cheaters. Cheaters I tells ya. Every loss I've had it's because you all cheated and scored more than me and didn't just let me score. :lol

CP: no worries man. I figured you were doing some post game partying. If FMT and Fifty will still let us put our stats in later this week, we'll just play when I get back.


Slo said:
Dude, you can't expect the other person to sit on their hands if you're still trying to win the game. If you want somebody to call off the dogs, stop fighting back. If you're still trying to stop the clock, throw hail marys, and intentionaly going offsides to stop the clock at the end of the game, the game is still going on imo.

I HATE when people run up the score on me, but Jesus Christ, I don't expect people to just run-run-run-punt all second half just so I can get back into the game.

Heres the thing, he's inside my 10 yard line and I have no timeouts left. I can't stop the clock because when I tried to do it they called a penalty on me and the clock kept running. It's not like the clock stopped, it kept running even after I attempted to stop it with the offsides. Nobody talked about not passing in the second half to not run up the score, passing is fine because he had no chance to run up the score. He was milking the clock to keep me off the field by taking 20-25 seconds to select his plays when it only took him 5-10 seconds before that. I repeat the second time I tried the intentional offsides it didn't work, the clock kept running and I was out of timeouts.

As soon as I said into the mic "are you seriously trying to run out the clock in the 3rd?" His play calling suddenly sped back up again until the 4th quarter came. And on the last play of the game when there were only two seconds left do you remember what happened True? I kneeled the ball.


JayFro said:
Heres the thing, he's inside my 10 yard line and I have no timeouts left. I can't stop the clock because when I tried to do it they called a penalty on me and the clock kept running. It's not like the clock stopped, it kept running even after I attempted to stop it with the offsides. Nobody talked about not passing in the second half to not run up the score, passing is fine because he had no chance to run up the score. He was milking the clock to keep me off the field by taking 20-25 seconds to select his plays when it only took him 5-10 seconds before that.

As soon as I said into the mic "are you seriously trying to run out the clock in the 3rd?" His play calling suddenly sped back up again until the 4th quarter came.

I don't know what actually happened between you two, I was just commenting on the last score of the game that you seemed to be upset about.


Slo said:
I don't know what actually happened between you two, I was just commenting on the last score of the game that you seemed to be upset about.

He didn't just run one play after I tried that, he ran like 3 more plays to get that score when I couldn't stop the clock and he was inside my 20. I didn't even play defense on those plays because the clock kept running and I thought he would kneel. It was bad enough that he started milking the clock with 3+ minutes left in the 3rd. Suddenly he just got so nervous and couldn't pick plays or even touch his buttons for extended periods of time........ :lol It's a joke, I will not play another Madden season when you have to deal with bullshit like that. I've been on the losing end of games plenty of times this season as you can see by my record and nobody has pulled that kind of crap before. I may not be a vet in this league but I'm a vet in plenty of online games and I know cheese when I see it.


Steroid Distributor
JayFro said:
Heres the thing, he's inside my 10 yard line and I have no timeouts left. I can't stop the clock because when I tried to do it they called a penalty on me and the clock kept running. It's not like the clock stopped, it kept running even after I attempted to stop it with the offsides. Nobody talked about not passing in the second half to not run up the score, passing is fine because he had no chance to run up the score. He was milking the clock to keep me off the field by taking 20-25 seconds to select his plays when it only took him 5-10 seconds before that. I repeat the second time I tried the intentional offsides it didn't work, the clock kept running and I was out of timeouts.

As soon as I said into the mic "are you seriously trying to run out the clock in the 3rd?" His play calling suddenly sped back up again until the 4th quarter came. And on the last play of the game when there were only two seconds left do you remember what happened True? I kneeled the ball.

Well I'm guess I'm not done on this topic just yet.

- I did not have my mic on and I play with the volume low so I can play music in the background. I didnl hear anything other than you screaming a swear at your HB when the pass to him hit him in the back of the head. So if my play calling speeded up it's impossible that it was due to anything you said or did.

- I didn't notice the clock not stop. Hmm. I took my first knee and when you reacted like you did I figured we were still playing. There are several guys here that don't care what the score is myself included. If you beat me my 14 it's the same as beating me by 7. And as I've said before, stats mean nothing to me. I'm still absolute last in the rankings (even though I have more wins than the team above me :D)

I am one of the most honest guys you could ever meet. I am actually distressed that you wont understand that anything you saw was never intentional. Never. Sure you can say I didn't snap the ball with 35 seconds still left on the play clock but I made no concious decision to take my time. The only thing I did wrong was score at the end and I just thought you were doing what I normally do. I am definetly sorry about that man.
But I can't apologize for taking too much time with the playclock when I wasn't trying to use up any more time than I needed to choose a play.

You can be mad and call me names and call the game cheese. But if what I did bothered you that much that you wont play next season then I guess you better bail cause I have seen much much worse stuff done to me either intentionally or not. I have blown up at several people here on GAF over AIM. I usually blow off some steam, hear the other players side of the story and then realize I was overreacting (or that even if a certain play that I thought was cheese hadn't had gone through I still would have lost due to my own errors) and we get over it.
And of all the things that happen in online gaming I have a hard time believing that our game and anything that happened during it or even the way I try to present myself here in the forum could ever result in someone reacting so negatively towards me.


Truelize said:
Well I'm guess I'm not done on this topic just yet.

- I did not have my mic on and I play with the volume low so I can play music in the background. I didnl hear anything other than you screaming a swear at your HB when the pass to him hit him in the back of the head. So if my play calling speeded up it's impossible that it was due to anything you said or did.

- I didn't notice the clock not stop. Hmm. I took my first knee and when you reacted like you did I figured we were still playing. There are several guys here that don't care what the score is myself included. If you beat me my 14 it's the same as beating me by 7. And as I've said before, stats mean nothing to me. I'm still absolute last in the rankings (even though I have more wins than the team above me :D)

I am one of the most honest guys you could ever meet. I am actually distressed that you wont understand that anything you saw was never intentional. Never. Sure you can say I didn't snap the ball with 35 seconds still left on the play clock but I made no concious decision to take my time. The only thing I did wrong was score at the end and I just thought you were doing what I normally do. I am definetly sorry about that man.
But I can't apologize for taking too much time with the playclock when I wasn't trying to use up any more time than I needed to choose a play.

You can be mad and call me names and call the game cheese. But if what I did bothered you that much that you wont play next season then I guess you better bail cause I have seen much much worse stuff done to me either intentionally or not. I have blown up at several people here on GAF over AIM. I usually blow off some steam, hear the other players side of the story and then realize I was overreacting (or that even if a certain play that I thought was cheese hadn't had gone through I still would have lost due to my own errors) and we get over it.
And of all the things that happen in online gaming I have a hard time believing that our game and anything that happened during it or even the way I try to present myself here in the forum could ever result in someone reacting so negatively towards me.

I wasn't playing in season 2 regardless, I've already discussed that before. You heard me swear at my halfback but didn't hear me calling you out on taking your sweet time in the 3rd? Again, this is a story that just doesn't make sense. You must have had the music turned down when that pass clanked off my HB's head. I'm gonna let it be, we both know what happened and I'm just gonna leave it at that.



Steroid Distributor
Lonestar said:
I'd say, we need you 2 to bring in some Momma Insults. We can't let this die yet!

:lol. Oh I'm there.

Tell you what. You keep your mom outta my yard and I'll try to keep my yard outta your mom. :lol

CP: I just changed my travel plans. I've spent too much time on GAF defending my honor this morning and I wont be able to get outta town in time for my trip. So I'll just go later this week.
I will be home till Thursday now and I'm ready for loss number 12. Bring it!!


For what it's worth, Ando, Slo had an unholy pass rush against me too even without the line spreading. I just gave up passing and ran my ass off. Fuckin' horseshit, then again it is the Giants O-Line. :lol


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Whats amazing is when I played Slo even with all the pressure and some blitzing Carr was only sacked 1 time and I felt I was able to get off my throws in time,the Madden Texans online loves protecting Cousin David just like in real life o_O I was also able to actually throw for two tds,but I couldnt run for shit againt the Vikes :|


Hoooooly shit @ the shootout between CP and Icedragon. I officially fear meeting CP in the playoffs. :| Goddamn that's a lot of points. :lol
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