I think you do understand what it's like to be a minority.
I am not saying this in a way to dismiss what you went through because trust me, I am of Chinese descent and I think I understand that racism is not a white people thing.
I grew up in America. I'm American. What you experienced in China is basically my entire life, with the added bonus that I'm
actually American. It seems like you, too, have gone through the different phrases of how you choose to deal with being a "foreigner." At a certain point... I just gave up trying to educate and it's mostly just bitching from me

. Like you said, after awhile, the general obliviousness from the hegemony that never had to really question how they thought... *my* reaction is just to throw my hands up and not confront it, because... I like my friends, and I don't think nonmalicious racism is something drop friends for.
But yeah, I think you get what it means to be a minority, and hopefully what I said makes more sense to you in the context which it was said.