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The Night Of - new crime limited series - HBO Sundays - 90 on Metacritic


Unconfirmed Member
Four episodes left, and trials usually take months to finish, I'm really hoping they don't rush this stuff as I'm really loving the pacing so far.

I'll take a second season of this story if it means they can take their time telling it, even if we don't find out what exactly happened this season.


I hope this show don't end up with some complex conspiracy shit or any of those usual detective light bulb moment.
Just give me raw, detail, realistic criminal case and court shit. Keep it grounded.
I think he wants Naz to educate him academically

Thanks! Was confused at that.

I think the stuff with John's eczema is meant to mirror Naz's situation. It's John's version of prison. It completely consumes and dominates his life. The doctor (system) gives him nothing but bad choices, where the cure may be worse than the illness. And either way, it's going to cost him a shitload of money with no guarantee of results. Everyone has an opinion of what he should do, but each choice he makes he has to live with. Even the people who sympathize with him look at him with the suspicion he's contagious, the way everyone looks at Naz as if he's guilty. He has no idea if he'll be cured (set free) or if this is a life sentence, which he wouldn't be able to live with - he'd rather commit suicide.

In the end I suspect there will be some joint action that sets Naz free and helps cure John's eczema. Perhaps it's the cat that will set them both free.

Thats really a good way of putting it. Yeah given the amount of emphasis they've put on it it is past the point of just being there for show and that is a really good way of putting it the way you did.

He's not his buddy. He has no buddies. It's a prison, not grade school. The point is that this guy thinks he did it, because odds are, everyone in there is guilty. When he kept up his innocent guy display, it pissed him off more and more and he figures that he's an asshole and coward who refuses to even acknowledge his guilt.

Hmmm. It did seem rather sudden, though. After all he was doing quite a lot to (at least look like) he was trying to protect Nas, but didn't really put in much effort to figure out what Nas's side of the story was.

Anyone else curious about the other black dude that stopped and took a longer look at max as he entered her apt? I feel there will be a revelation relating to that dude

I'm still thinking that as well. Not just that, but the person he was with claimed to be alone when he was being interviewed.

so now I am leaning to my first theory.

She wanted to die and she had one of her rehab friends (the dude who was in the argument with the dad at the funeral) kill her if she could frame Naz.

That is why she wanted to play the knife game. That is why she gave him the drugs. To knock him out while she was killed.

Stone's video from the funeral will shed some light.

Why Nas though? Why him in particular, considering there's nothing that has said that the two knew each other before she got into the cab (which she wasn't supposed to have done anyway). Or was he just a random fall guy?


ikr, that shower scene was so disappointing...


Did y'all watch Show Me a Hero?

Show Me a Hero was fantastic-but that was a mini-series. And although this is being described as a Limited Series, I'm willing to bet it gets a series 2 considering HBO needing some buzz and more hit shows.


Hunky Nostradamus
Show Me a Hero was fantastic-but that was a mini-series. And although this is being described as a Limited Series, I'm willing to bet it gets a series 2 considering HBO needing some buzz and more hit shows.

A miniseries can't be "the best thing on HBO since True Detective S1"?
This is a great show, probably the best thing on HBO since True Detective S1.
This is how I feel as well.

I do like Silicon Valley, but that show scratches a totally different kind of itch. Haven't felt like this about an HBO drama since 2014 (TD S1.)


This is the first series in a while that has made me miss HBO. I've been thinking about picking up HBO Now to watch this and Silicon Valley. Is there any way to get HBO Now on PS4? It's the only device I have hooked up to my TV, a Vizio. If not I will just get it on my iPad.


This is the first series in a while that has made me miss HBO. I've been thinking about picking up HBO Now to watch this and Silicon Valley. Is there any way to get HBO Now on PS4? It's the only device I have hooked up to my TV, a Vizio. If not I will just get it on my iPad.

There was an odd announcement about a week back that work was underway on HBO Now for PS4, so it may be a little bit before it happens.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
He is a superb actor. Everyone in this thread needs to watch Four Lions. It's a total laugh riot (here's a scene). He was also in Nightcrawler.

I can't believe I forgot about him in Nightcrawler.
The one thing I did not like at all was the blonde lawyer lady. That went down exactly as expected and I don't even understand what the hell her motivation was. Unless she's involved in the murder somehow, which would be a very weird coincidence, it just didn't make any sense. Did I miss something?

it's obvious she was doing it for more publicity as the case was being discussed on TV and she knew it would bring the reporters out and would be a big deal.

I mean, I already know prison is scary, and yet the prison scenes in this show are still so fucking intense.

This is probably my second favorite show this year (BCS being first place.)


and what do you of think of Stranger things? For me this show and Stranger things are the 2 best NEW shows so far this year

He wants Naz to owe him, thus making Naz his bitch.

I don't think he wants to make him his "bitch" perse but rather use him in a different way (For his brain), which I think makes Omar's character way more interesting and deep.


it's obvious she was doing it for more publicity as the case was being discussed on TV and she knew it would bring the reporters out and would be a big deal.
Yeah, I didn't really buy it though. If she wanted publicity, she should have either pushed the racism angle much harder (I thought that's what she would do considering how she was established) or actually try to get him off. What's to gain from a lame plea deal? The people who believe he is innocent would be pissed off, and the people who believe he did it would be pissed off, too.

I think the show is great, but her character felt really thin. "We need a hurdle for an episode or two -- oh, let's just bring in another lawyer!" Meh.
Yeah, I didn't really buy it though. If she wanted publicity, she should have either pushed the racism angle much harder (I thought that's what she would do considering how she was established) or actually try to get him off. What's to gain from a lame plea deal? The people who believe he is innocent would be pissed off, and the people who believe he did it would be pissed off, too.

I think the show is great, but her character felt really thin. "We need a hurdle for an episode or two -- oh, let's just bring in another lawyer!" That's a bit meh.

i disagree, It makes sense because she did it pro bono while things were moving swiftly and while she was about to get the plea deal done.....Once she realized that the plea wasn't going to happen and there was going to be more work put into the case, she not only dropped it but required payment for her firm to continue working it with the "assistant" at the helm. Those reasons make it believable to me that she just wanted the publicity. And it also brings in the Assistant character to work on the case, which also started happening with her getting help from Stone.

Or he gets five years for stealing the cab.

eh, they will prob charge him to get the cab back, then drop charges


Yeah, I didn't really buy it though. If she wanted publicity, she should have either pushed the racism angle much harder (I thought that's what she would do considering how she was established) or actually try to get him off. What's to gain from a lame plea deal? The people who believe he is innocent would be pissed off, and the people who believe he did it would be pissed off, too.

I think the show is great, but her character felt really thin. "We need a hurdle for an episode or two -- oh, let's just bring in another lawyer!" Meh.
It's not just a lame plea deal, his case is seen as open and shut by everyone else, so her being able to get that from 25 to life to 15 years is pretty remarkable and gives both her and her firm some good publicity.


i disagree, It makes sense because she did it pro bono while things were moving swiftly and while she was about to get the plea deal done....

It's not just a lame plea deal, his case is seen as open and shut by everyone else, so her being able to get that from 25 to life to 15 years is pretty remarkable and gives both her and her firm some good publicity.
Fair enough. I'll admit I have a bit of a hard time grasping the whole plea deal concept because it seems so weird to go behind bars for 15 years or whatever for something you (probably) haven't done and treat it as a win. But, yeah, I guess it's possible that that's what was in it for her.
Fair enough. I'll admit I have a bit of a hard time grasping the whole plea deal concept because it seems so weird to go behind bars for 15 years or whatever for something you (probably) haven't done and treat it as a win. But, yeah, I guess it's possible that that's what was in it for her.

I think that's one of the Main points this show is trying to make. The flaws of the Justice system...Where it's not about what's true, it's about what can be proven and what can be negotiated because of it....these kinda deals happen all the time because the possible results of what can be proven is worse than what can be bargained.


Just caught up. Show's great, it's kinda cool to see so many HBO alumni. Like others have said, what I like the least are the less realistic aspects of the show. Not because they're bad, but because they're at odds with the rest of the show. Like the prison, it seems really over the top. And I wish the Turturro characters was less of a loser to be honest. I really don't understand the focus on his skin issues. It's not funny, it's just disgusting.


The increasing focus on jail life has been such a letdown. Zero progress (or care to show it) on the actual investigation. You know, there was that little thing of not even knowing if the knife Nazir had on him was indeed the murder weapon. They didn't take the time to actually confirm or deny that evidence but the way it's brought up in court i just assume if was indeed found to be the murder weapon - because you know, if there still remains doubt around it then that should be enough for Nazir to be at least transferred to a less life-threatening facility.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
The increasing focus on jail life has been such a letdown. Zero progress (or care to show it) on the actual investigation. You know, there was that little thing of not even knowing if the knife Nazir had on him was indeed the murder weapon. They didn't take the time to actually confirm or deny that evidence but the way it's brought up in court i just assume if was indeed found to be the murder weapon - because you know, if there still remains doubt around it then that should be enough for Nazir to be at least transferred to a less life-threatening facility.

isn't that kind of the whole thing to the show? the legal system immediately jumping to the easiest conclusions and the truth being muddied by over-worked, underpaid or attention seeking people for the sake of their own personal betterment?


isn't that kind of the whole thing to the show? the legal system immediately jumping to the easiest conclusions and the truth being muddied by over-worked, underpaid or attention seeking people for the sake of their own personal betterment?

Well, yes. But they don't cover or address it and it makes Stone and the female big-shot lawyer look bad at their job when they don't follow-up with that crucial piece of information that supposedly still hangs on the balance.

There's a sort of neglect by the show for most of what could be or is occurring beyond Nasir's moment-to-moment jail experiences, You momentarily see the case plasters on front pages but i had expected to already see a journalist investigative angel being highlighted or community tension or some American-Pakistan organization enlist to help Nazir's cause and floating the same questions about the strength of the evidence etc.
The victim's side of things also being marginalized.

I don't know. My excitement after the pilot is being dampened by a much narrower scope and focus on the jail environment. And while our first experience was sort of through the eyes of the cops and officials working there, it's now a learning-the-ropes kind of thing that is less engaging and isn't too notable from other shows or movies dealing with this subject.


Caught up with this show. It's really good but I feel like Nas has kinda stagnated as a character since the first ep. It's all about the players around him,
both in and out of prison
. It's still riveting stuff, but I hope things move forward for him soon.
Just caught up. Show's great, it's kinda cool to see so many HBO alumni. Like others have said, what I like the least are the less realistic aspects of the show. Not because they're bad, but because they're at odds with the rest of the show. Like the prison, it seems really over the top. And I wish the Turturro characters was less of a loser to be honest. I really don't understand the focus on his skin issues. It's not funny, it's just disgusting.
He is supposed to disgust you. Like how people in that subway were disgusted.


I don't think the skin thing is supposed to be funny. I think Jack Stone in public comes across as treating it humorously as a defence, but that scene at the help group shows just how debilitating that must be in your every day life especially one as public as a lawyer.
I predict Naz' parents will go back to Stone for help because they won't be able to afford that high powered lady lawyer's fee. Maybe the Indian girl will join him?

Edit: nvm lol

Stone is just the worst
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