The Real Abed
She looks like the one they always have.. er had on the show back in the day. The one from Phylis' bachelorette party and later from the Fun Run. I think.Who's the female stripper? I think I know her from somewhere.
She looks like the one they always have.. er had on the show back in the day. The one from Phylis' bachelorette party and later from the Fun Run. I think.Who's the female stripper? I think I know her from somewhere.
Who's the female stripper? I think I know her from somewhere.
He's in a shit ton of commercials. Had a really sad guest spot on Southland.Haha. Devon. Creed. Grass Roots. Heh. I want to post spoi.... wait... I know that fake Stanley guy. WTF?
Yeah, he looked familiar. But also like Dave Chappelle for some reason.He's in a shit ton of commercials. Had a really sad guest spot on Southland.
Same stripper from the fun run episode.
Yeah. Auto-tune died out years ago. The internet moves fast and no one cares about Auto-Tune anymore. But I guess we just have to allow it. Would have been funnier as a BLR parody. Autotuning was slowly dying out 4 years ago when Community parodied's always so weird when shows try to use a fake viral video as a story and it's a video that never would've actually caught on
The autotune of that dudes Five Guys review got pretty popular and that wasnt that long agoEdit: Isn't Autotune like not even popular anymore? I'd allow it if it were Michael Scott, but they're implying that people in real life right now still like Auto-Tune.
is steve carell not showing up or what
is steve carell not showing up or what
lol a cat as a gift
Oh.. god... Where is this going?