Guardian Bob
neptunes said:Sidney Crosby scoring that goal is something straight out of a movie.
I'm still in shock.
Poetic justice.
Earth quake in Vancouver. We had to win that game. I'm so happy.
neptunes said:Sidney Crosby scoring that goal is something straight out of a movie.
I'm still in shock.
I think you owe an apology for that possibly racist remark to the people of Korea.Y2Kev said:enjoy it while you can because I'm sure china will win every event in both olympic games by 2046
canova said:yonge st toronto is going crazy, everyone is honking
Y2Kev said:no no no no. they really need a show with comedians who don't give a shit making unfunny 1 liners about people who should be divorced.
AAK said:
criesofthepast said:Holy crap yongue street.
Threi said:Am I late to join in the shit-talking?
I mean damn rename your country to "United States of Silver Medals" or somethin goddamn
then what happened?BolognaSoup said:Come on in! The US won 92 more medals than Canada in the 08 games. :lol
Solo said:I think these Olympics have replaced Montreal hoisting the Cup in '93 and the Jays winning the World Series in '92/'93 as the most memorable, meaningful sporting event ever for me.
Threi said:then what happened?
fuck it, I'm with little to no moneycanova said:Street partaaaaayyyyyyyy
Solo said:CTV gets an A+ for these Olympics from me. MUCH better than CBC has ever done. 3 networks rolling unique content all the time, everything live/no tape delays, amazing online streaming of all three networks (complete with real-time updating annoted bookmarks), etc. Fucking incredible. I hope CBC never gets another Olympic contract. CTV is fucking godly at this.
timetokill said:I would never have guessed that based on your recent posts.
Dr.Acula said:Are you kidding? Playing "I Believe" every five seconds? No Ron MacLean? Misspelling "Ladie's" for Ladies' events? Referring to Rochette's competing in ice skating after her mother's death as being, "under duress?" Plus all those TSN jokers all over the place. No Peter Mansbridge?!
CTV is full of illiterate frat-boys.
Nice having the multiple channels though.
Dr.Acula said:Are you kidding? Playing "I Believe" every five seconds? No Ron MacLean? Misspelling "Ladie's" for Ladies' events? Referring to Rochette's competing in ice skating after her mother's death as being, "under duress?" Plus all those TSN jokers all over the place. No Peter Mansbridge?!
CTV is full of illiterate frat-boys.
Nice having the multiple channels though.
canova said:Street partaaaaayyyyyyyy
Solo said:- CBC would just have had their own version of "I Believe" spamming the network constantly
- dont give a fuck if Ron MacLean is there or not
- dont give a fuck about Peter Mansbridge
Most importantly, CBC would have had ONE channel running the games, meaning tape delays and all that garbage that our US friends are enduring.
I for one welcome our CTV overlords.
ah so you "let" a Country 1/10th your size grab more golds than you to let them have their moment.Valkyr Junkie said:Nothing. We won more medals in this Olympics, and we'll win more in 2012 as well.
Solo said:CTV gets an A+ for these Olympics from me. MUCH better than CBC has ever done. 3 networks rolling unique content all the time, everything live/no tape delays, amazing online streaming of all three networks (complete with real-time updating annoted bookmarks), etc. Fucking incredible. I hope CBC never gets another Olympic contract. CTV is fucking godly at this.
Firestorm said:I am tempted to buy the BluRay set.
snack said:Where at? I'm down to party wherever. Robson? :lol
Threi said:ah so you "let" a Country 1/10th your size grab more golds than you to let them have their moment.
Of course.
Dr.Acula said:Are you kidding? Playing "I Believe" every five seconds? No Ron MacLean? Misspelling "Ladie's" for Ladies' events? Referring to Rochette's competing in ice skating after her mother's death as being, "under duress?" Plus all those TSN jokers all over the place. No Peter Mansbridge?!
CTV is full of illiterate frat-boys.
Nice having the multiple channels though.
On the streets too. People singing it all over downtown. It spreads too. InfectiousDr.Acula said:Question: does any other country get as much mileage from their national anthem as Canada does? The Canadian crowd spontaneously broke into it during last night's curling final. Seems like Canadians were singing it all the time during the Olympics.
Possibly The French.
Threi said:ah so you "let" a Country 1/10th your size grab more golds than you to let them have their moment.
Of course.
Solo said:- CBC would just have had their own version of "I Believe" spamming the network constantly
- dont give a fuck if Ron MacLean is there or not
- dont give a fuck about Peter Mansbridge
Most importantly, CBC would have had ONE channel running the games, meaning tape delays and all that garbage that our US friends are enduring.
I for one welcome our CTV overlords.
Obama loses boozy bet with Harper
Barack Obama will have to shell out $45.40 for a case of 24 Molson Canadian, after losing a bet to Stephen Harper.
The U.S. President can blame Sidney Crosby, who scored the winning goal in overtime to win the Olympic gold medal in men's hockey.
The leaders' wager follows a bet between White House spokesman Robert Gibbs and the Prime Ministers spokesman, Dimitri Soudas. They bet on the outcome of the womens gold-medal hockey game.
The Canadians prevailed, and Mr. Gibbs must wear a Team Canada jersey at his next press gaggle.
criesofthepast said:Do we have to watch all the countries enter the stadium in the closing ceremonies?
u mad?Qwerty710710 said:WOW fuck Canada and it people and it's piece of shit country. There fucking worthless that was the luckiest goal in the history of hockey.Americans are by far the superior hockey team and superior country. That piece of shit Crosby might as well stay in canada he dosnet dereve to earn our american dolars fuck him. USA should of won gold. Canada will never be as good as the United States.
Qwerty710710 said:WOW fuck Canada and it people and it's piece of shit country. There fucking worthless that was the luckiest goal in the history of hockey.Americans are by far the superior hockey team and superior country. That piece of shit Crosby might as well stay in canada he dosnet dereve to earn our american dolars fuck him. USA should of won gold. Canada will never be as good as the United States.
:lol :lol :lol You mad?Qwerty710710 said:WOW fuck Canada and it people and it's piece of shit country. There fucking worthless that was the luckiest goal in the history of hockey.Americans are by far the superior hockey team and superior country. That piece of shit Crosby might as well stay in canada he dosnet dereve to earn our american dolars fuck him. USA should of won gold. Canada will never be as good as the United States.