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The Official Bionic Commando Thread

Am on my way to the Oil Rig, so the game is throwing everything at me at the moment, so I can normally beat the Hadouken Mechs fine, but now there are deadly snipers, rogue machine gun fire and several hadoukens at once to worry about!

Others have said it, but the soundtrack in this game is outstanding. Need it! Immediately!
SecretBonusPoint said:
How do you do the Adrenaline Finisher on Biomechs? I always seem to just end up doing the whip :/

to their back's exposed, grapple, jump then Andrenline instead of zip kicking.

SecretBonusPoint said:
Damn, the Hadouken Mechs really don't mess around. Grab me, sock me into the side of an oil pipe, hadouken my body into oblivion :lol

the easy way to beat them is to soot their hands when they are building up their Hadoken....
then jump, grapple, zip, kick em in the back...

i had a rough time against them until I figured out the 'easy' way of beating them


Even if i'm not a fan of the original (never had the chance to play it, but the Rearmed did NOT click with me...) i've always been intrigued in this one...
And despite the reviews i've decided to pick it up today: 2 hours in, i'm glad i did.
It's not immediate AT ALL, and globally it feels kinda imperfect... yet it's really fascinating.
Quite different from what one would imagine (like the swing mechanic is pretty hard at first and not that smooth...), but if you're interested definitely give it a chance.
Mdk7 said:
Even if i'm not a fan of the original (never had the chance to play it, but the Rearmed did NOT click with me...) i've always been intrigued in this one...
And despite the reviews i've decided to pick it up today: 2 hours in, i'm glad i did.
It's not immediate AT ALL, and globally it feels kinda imperfect... yet it's really fascinating.
Quite different from what one would imagine (like the swing mechanic is pretty hard at first and not that smooth...), but if you're interested definitely give it a chance.

See I think thats what I love about the game. It has some issues but the gameplay is so different from most action games, its just a really cool game imo.
Wrapped up SP this evening. Game got progressively greater as it went along, really hitting it's stride. Hope it gets a sequel with more of a focus on giant mechanical boss encounters, because the Mecha-Worm fight was classic Capcom awesome. I really think the game should have started off in caves, or warehouses or something. The "invisible radiation" of the city settings is a massive imbalance to the later more open levels. Anyway, really great, wacky plot (could have hammed it up a bit more like ReArmed did though) and some great battle encounters. The aerial stuff towards the end was delicious. Really well done.

Lets get to the not so good. The Multiplayer should not have been included in this state. Its frankly an embarassment. 4-8 player matchmaking only, a bizarre full unskippable 70-80 seconds before each match, the maps are often massively unbalanced with large death oceans beneath them, and the lag just breaks the whole thing. No radar in a quick zipping around deatmatch? Really? I understand the need for devs to have multiplayer in to prevent trade-ins, but this feels like they made an MP Beta a year ago and havent touched it since. Awful.


I don't think I'll find any answer for my last question. I even checked the Capcom forums to see if there was anything about a patch fixing the challenges; the moderator on the forums was trying to justify the design decisions - but that's neither here nor there.

I think I'm going to get the PS3 vers tomorrow. Are there a decent number of people playing this game online?


ruxtpin said:
I think I'm going to get the PS3 vers tomorrow. Are there a decent number of people playing this game online?
Nah, online is a wasteland on both consoles. I also don't expect a patch. I doubt BC will get the sales to justify the expense and effort. All that talk was just wishful thinking.


Why does this fucking game keep splitting up my friend and I? Did Grin not think people might want to play with their friends in public games?
I am about 85% done and having a lot of fun with this title. It is truly amazing how consistent Capcom has been this generations with their releases.

+ The graphics are solid. They stand above the pack when compared with other games and they hold up to the rest of Capcom's releases (Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Resident Evil) this generation.

+ The swinging mechanic is seamless and feels natural. Nothing about it feels forced and the gameplay was built around it rather than it just being a gimmick.

+ The story is campy fun. Just like everyone expected it to be. It pays homage to the absurdity of the NES game.

+ The game has a lot of replayability. With the extra difficulty modes, challenges, and collectibles, this will keep anyone busy for a long time.

Can't wait for a sequel.


Aaron said:
I also don't expect a patch. I doubt BC will get the sales to justify the expense and effort. All that talk was just wishful thinking.

That's about what I expected, but I'm still thinking I'm going to pick it up.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Teknoman said:
It might just take awhile. Im sure you'll be able to find games just as much as Lost Planet back in the day.

Lost Planet had a pretty great community for a while, but then I think it was better online game all round.

Saying that, this game is hella fucking frustrating, but when it's not it's so fucking awesome. I wish they'd gone with a more Crackdown/inFAMOUS/Prototype style of openworld game, though. The corridor, water-lined, radiation soaked barriers are annoying as all hell.


Teknoman said:
It might just take awhile. Im sure you'll be able to find games just as much as Lost Planet back in the day.
Lost Planet had a lot going for it though. 16 players, diverse modes, unlocks with ranks, and a core group of Japanese players. Bionic Commando has none of these things, and the multi is pretty plain despite the grappling. Don't expect conditions to improve.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Aaron said:
Lost Planet had a lot going for it though. 16 players, diverse modes, unlocks with ranks, and a core group of Japanese players. Bionic Commando has none of these things, and the multi is pretty plain despite the grappling. Don't expect conditions to improve.

It's like they didn't even think what the arm could bring to the table in regards to game modes. Capture the flag is a reasonable start.


McBradders said:
It's like they didn't even think what the arm could bring to the table in regards to game modes. Capture the flag is a reasonable start.
I've tried CTF. Don't really like it. Post grab in LP is so much better. Problem with the multi is the arm is the only difference (and limited from what you can do in the single player). The weapons and modes have both been done to death, while stage design is okay but nothing special. The front end is also pretty cocked up with all the waiting involved.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Aaron said:
I've tried CTF. Don't really like it. Post grab in LP is so much better. Problem with the multi is the arm is the only difference (and limited from what you can do in the single player). The weapons and modes have both been done to death, while stage design is okay but nothing special. The front end is also pretty cocked up with all the waiting involved.

Aye. Post grab would be cool, hook your arm to the post, have your team mates defend you... yep, would be rad.

A king of the hill would be cool, too, climbing up to the top of really tall skyscrapers with the arm, shooting fools on the way up. And all this from simple brainfarting... surely Grin could have done better?


McBradders said:
Aye. Post grab would be cool, hook your arm to the post, have your team mates defend you... yep, would be rad.

A king of the hill would be cool, too, climbing up to the top of really tall skyscrapers with the arm, shooting fools on the way up. And all this from simple brainfarting... surely Grin could have done better?
Have hordes of enemies rush at you with targets in the distance. The commando who hits the targets with the most bodies wins. They could even call it something like... tosser. :D

Speed swinging races (time trails should be in single player too), grapple tag, mechs vs commando... plenty of potential, all ignored.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Aaron said:
Have hordes of enemies rush at you with targets in the distance. The commando who hits the targets with the most bodies wins. They could even call it something like... tosser. :D

Speed swinging races (time trails should be in single player too), grapple tag, mechs vs commando... plenty of potential, all ignored.

Let the speculation of paid MP DLC commence...
MP I think isn't going to get any better, its a dead end they plonked on the disc just because. Disappointing because the arm and grappling could have made for an interesting experience. I think this game has been 'done' since late last year and theyve held it back wisely to launch in the quiet months. Maybe they wanted to polish it a bit more and didnt get the chance due to working on Wanted and the Terminator games back to back.

I am however surprised there isn't a Challenge/Time Trial mode in the VR style like what was in ReArmed. That was like crack to some people, and wouldnt be surprised to see one turn up as DLC.

I am still curious as to what the first biggest crab Spencer has ever seen though :lol


I finished this last night.

I enjoyed a lot of parts to it, basically all the parts using the arm.

The loading bugged me a little at the start but then I got used to it.

Falling into water really pissed me off though as did the radioactive areas that I would always end up swinging into while I was running for health to restore and die.

The final boss was ok when you got his pattern down but it took me afew goes along with some other frustration part.

Also didn't have a clue with the story.

I would have enjoyed it alot more it this was more open world in its nature I swung through the game really quickly and the multi hasn't clicked for me so I'll be taking advantage of my Game full refund and will put the credit down to a game coming out on Friday.

Put my thoughts in a AudioBoo (audio twitter type thing) here
Bionic Commando AudioBoo


I enjoyed the game a lot, but I wish there were more boss battles. I don't count the Mechs as bosses. :D

And I really, really, really hope they are working on a sequel, because the ending.....umm...yeah. A big ?WTF?
Does Grin/Capcom not think that gamers like closure? :lol
SecretBonusPoint said:
The Multiplayer should not have been included in this state. Its frankly an embarassment. 4-8 player matchmaking only, a bizarre full unskippable 70-80 seconds before each match, the maps are often massively unbalanced with large death oceans beneath them, and the lag just breaks the whole thing. No radar in a quick zipping around deatmatch? Really? I understand the need for devs to have multiplayer in to prevent trade-ins, but this feels like they made an MP Beta a year ago and havent touched it since. Awful.

90% disagree. 8 player matchmaking for the team games? Yeah, I could stand more. But for deathmatch? It's pretty frantic with just 8. The "unskippable" 70-80 seconds is only if you don't have a full game. The maps are well balanced -- people fail to realize that MP is about outswinging, not outshooting. No radar -- that's right! Learn to find and peg a moving target. A radar would detract from swinging, hiding, and pulling nice reversals on people wondering where the hell you just went when you dived (dove?) off the side of that building.

Matchmaking can be flaky, I've been split onto separate teams from my party, and I've had a few laggy games. It's not perfect. It's still tremendously fun, though, and is in fact the thing that will keep me from trading this one in.


I dont like the radiation, but dont see how people are getting so frustrated. I havent suffered a radiation death yet...and thats even when running away from heavy fire. Just dont release the grapple until you're absolutely sure it's safe.


Teknoman said:
I dont like the radiation, but dont see how people are getting so frustrated. I havent suffered a radiation death yet...and thats even when running away from heavy fire. Just dont release the grapple until you're absolutely sure it's safe.
Today I was heading up ledges towards a sniper position, when the developers decided one of these ledges, which are backed by impassible forest anyway, was super radiated, and I died almost instantly. This was the only path to reach the sniper without getting gunned down by the other snipers.

I also tried to climb up to the top of an area with absolutely no enemies where the statues are just to admire the view, and died almost instantly of rad poisoning. I could have escaped this one if I wasn't stunned over how stupid it was.


The game arrived today, haven't played much but I like it so far. The fact that the areas, at least to this point, have been so small is a bit annoying however. Still, that's no big deal.


Just wanted to post some of the concept art i did for the game here rather than starting another thread. oddly enough ive not played the full game myself, only some sections as they were being developed...but yeah i must agree the story is beyond cheesy movie quality:lol and speaking of multiplayer modes... there actually used to be a race mode and blocked out maps for people to race through.... time constraints got the better of them.







Arcipello said:
Just wanted to post some of the concept art i did for the game here rather than starting another thread. oddly enough ive not played the full game myself, only some sections as they were being developed...but yeah i must agree the story is beyond cheesy movie quality:lol and speaking of multiplayer modes... there actually used to be a race mode and blocked out maps for people to race through.... time constraints got the better of them.

That would of been way fucking cool. Like, BC multiplayer mode redeemed cool. Here's hoping it comes as DLC!

Sweet concept art too man! Glad to see GRIN pretty much nailed it.
Arcipello said:
Just wanted to post some of the concept art i did for the game here rather than starting another thread. oddly enough ive not played the full game myself, only some sections as they were being developed...but yeah i must agree the story is beyond cheesy movie quality:lol and speaking of multiplayer modes... there actually used to be a race mode and blocked out maps for people to race through.... time constraints got the better of them.

Hah, cool, had seen some of that on your DA account. Would have loved to see some magazine cover quality art of the Retro Spencer model from you! Still not convinced that the dreadlocked surfer dude did anything to establish this more in the mass market than what the awesome red-haired walking 80's stereotype would have achieved.

My main issue with multiplayer is just how long it takes to get any sense of action and game going. Often I'll be stuck in a 2 v 2 game and half of that will be spent just finding someone and hoping to be able to aim through the lag. more than any other deathmatch game, this needed ultra-tight net-code and it just doesn't. Race mode should have been a priority so its sad to hear that was cut. I had the great concept of a sort of Challenge mode between 2-4 players where someone does a route around the map first planting 10-20 markers with a button press as swinging past and its up to other players to match that persons route as best they can. Things like that wouldve interested me more than the clumsy deathmatch on offer.

Anyway, hopefully the game gets a sequel but I'm not so sure it will? Either way, Retro Spencer model would have to be in that too!


Arcipello said:
Just wanted to post some of the concept art i did for the game here rather than starting another thread. oddly enough ive not played the full game myself, only some sections as they were being developed...but yeah i must agree the story is beyond cheesy movie quality:lol and speaking of multiplayer modes... there actually used to be a race mode and blocked out maps for people to race through.... time constraints got the better of them.

...looks like I need to keep shooting for collectibles:D also...race mode dlc semi-confirmed?

Havent played online with the retail version yet, but most of my demo matches were pretty smooth and lag free. A few bad ones here and there, but on the average, smooth.


SecretBonusPoint said:
Hah, cool, had seen some of that on your DA account. Would have loved to see some magazine cover quality art of the Retro Spencer model from you! Still not convinced that the dreadlocked surfer dude did anything to establish this more in the mass market than what the awesome red-haired walking 80's stereotype would have achieved.

you can thank the marketing "focus group" tests for that one... red hair wasn't even an option!
Arcipello said:
you can thank the marketing "focus group" tests for that one... red hair wasn't even an option!

Bleeuurrrgghh, literally the worst way to design a character :lol

Game looks gorgeous anyway (as I hope my off-screen shots can indicate), and it's especially nice to see them keep the vivid colour palettes from your concept art. Nothing shits me up more than seeing a game completely disregard the lighting and colours of a concept artist's work. Sort of like "what was the point in hiring him?"

On the plot, I would have to say right towards the end shit gets seriously hurried through. End game spoilers:
Like suddenly we find out that Project Vulture is that they were actually building thousands of angel/bird humanoid robots. With which Joe intended to...take over the world I assume? Because he has such a hard on for bird robots? I don't know. I didn't really like Joe being the villain. He was a stand up awesome dude from the first game, and the intro indeed seemed to infer he outlived Spencer so as to tell his tale one day. Still loved the Metal Gear level of WTF at YOUR WIFE IS YOUR ARM, SPENCEEEERRRRRR!!!!!


Finished it the other night, random questions

Who the hell was that Sniper?

The ending really came out of left field, it was hilarious

Not sure how I feel about the overall angry bitter gritty tone to the story though, I think I preferred BC:R's slightly campier take

The soundtrack was great, is it for sale or online somewhere?

As for actual game critique: It was a lot of fun, and the general swinging and combat mechanics were great, but it had a few cruddy points that dragged it down

- Long load times. Even off the HD. They aren't *that* bad, but in light of...

- Stupid collectible system, they're much worse. If you want to go after collectibles, you're going to die. If you die, you get to load again, which sucks. If they'd let you keep collectibles and...

- Challenges, the system would be a lot more fun, and encourage you to spend time playing around in the world instead of zipping through it.

Lack of a new game+ to carry on into the next difficulty was disappointing, they had a good thing going with the challenges, but I dunno if I'd be interested in tackling them again from the start. Needed an onscreen tracker for current/selected challenges too.

Oh, and it's beautiful. Uneven framerate at times, but some really awesome vistas.


Well, after playing some more I have to say I really like it, I even tried playing some deathmatch, which is a first for me as far as console games go. It was pretty damn fun, swinging around trying to outmaneuver the next guy was awesome. Too bad my phobia for using the headset is keeping me from playing any team based mode (technically speaking I'm as good as fluent in English, but the accent... it's probably pretty bad).

The two annoyances I have so far is not the radiation or my lead-weight bionic arm but how player death is handled. It's incredible frustrating having to redo challenges every time you die. And also the fact that the game isn't always clear when a map is about to end, which makes looking for collectables a god damn pain it the ass, especially since they don't carry over through multiple playthroughs. If you happen to hit the end of the map you're shit out of luck (thanks auto-save). These two issues if pretty much my biggest problem with the game.

Also, while I have heard some complaints about the swing mechanics I had no major issues with it. Aiming is hard at times, but I imagine that's mostly my fault, although if permissible I'd like to blame the game instead.

A question, didn't people say the 360 version had lots of tearing? So far I haven't noticed any, and I'm usually pretty sensitive (RE5 made me sad).

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Bravo Arcipello, your art is amazing but I'm sure you already know that.
I don't even have the game but your art is so in line with my taste that it's making me think about gettin' it :)


Dash Kappei said:
Bravo Arcipello, your art is amazing but I'm sure you already know that.
I don't even have the game but your art is so in line with my taste that it's making me think about gettin' it :)

Please do, it's the best console multiplayer game I've ever played. And i can say that with a straight face.


Victrix said:
Finished it the other night, random questions

Who the hell was that Sniper?

http://ui10.gamefaqs.com/1161/gfs_62781_1_8.jpg Listed in the credits as Thomas "Sniper" Clarke

Maybe that's got some explanation for why
Super Joe was the Big Bad, since the game refers to Super Joe being a part of Mercs before his role in the original "Commando"?

Found this on another forum:

The final mission was not successful, the morse code that doesn't get translated at the end credits says.

Bestaetige ausffehrung von phase zwei vorberitet, aktiviere projekt albatross.

Which would be

confirm execution of phase two prepared, activate project albatross






Picked up the game earlier today and just started fiddling around with it. I'm enjoying it, I thought I would; not game of the year or anything, but it's fun and the arm is an interesting play mechanic.


I'm flipping through the manual and at the back there's a section for notes. Seems like a reasonable idea, if it weren't for the fact that the pages were totally black. Who the fuck has a pen/pencil that can write on these black pages sitting around. First the radiation, and now I've gotta' buy some glow-in-the-dark shit to write in my little booklet.


ruxtpin said:
I'm flipping through the manual and at the back there's a section for notes. Seems like a reasonable idea, if it weren't for the fact that pages were totally black. Who the fuck has a pen/pencil that can write on these black pages sitting around. First the radiation, and now I've gotta' buy some glow-in-the-dark shit to write in my little booklet.

Nyah nyah, the European version has a small white square that we can write on.... though we only get a single page, and only one side of it...
Question for you, achievement-age: so I'm up to the mobile. Is there any place where I'll be able to easily do the Bulldog's Eye challenge in Act III or some strategy or tip that you guys would have for rocking that bad boy?

Also I screwed up and missed a couple collectables. Is the game gonna screw me out of the "complete all challenges" achievement even if I do everything else?


I AM JOHN! said:
Question for you, achievement-age: so I'm up to the mobile. Is there any place where I'll be able to easily do the Bulldog's Eye challenge in Act III or some strategy or tip that you guys would have for rocking that bad boy?

Also I screwed up and missed a couple collectables. Is the game gonna screw me out of the "complete all challenges" achievement even if I do everything else?

First question: Not sure, the game's damn stingy with spots thats good for this achievement, I managed to get it at the map where you have to disable the AA-Guns. There's a perfect spot on the same rooftop as the first AA-gun. After you disable it and hack the beacon a plane will come and drop a couple of paratroopers. Assuming you have the bulldog (I had hung onto it forever just in case) there's pair of smokestacks just a few steps from the AA-gun. Climb the rearmost one and take a shot at the paratroopers, this is were I managed to get the achievement.

As for your second question, even if you miss collectibles you'll get the challenges achievement.
I missed the 5 dead from Death from Above challenge because it was far too fiddly to get 5 soldiers to get near each other towards the end of the game, and they were mostly Heavies by that point so wouldnt die from one stomp.

Theres a very easy place to get Bullseye. When you get to the Giant Enemy Crab mecha, grab the bulldog and scale all the way to the top after learning where the enemies hang out around the reactors down below. Should be easy.


I began playing it yesterday.

I enjoyed it so far.

The only issue I have with the graphics (and you can't miss that one), is with the weird blur glitch. I don't mind blur, but here when you turn the camera around quickly, it takes time for the background to come abruptly from blur to sharp. Not game breaking of course, but still annoying.

About the load times, they aren't long, but they are very often. It's like the game needs to load an area every 5 meters. And it's not "wait a bit 'til I load where you're going" like in HL2 for example, it cuts to the loading screen everytime, so it annihilates any feeling you might have that you're actually playing in a city. It feels like a bunch of separate small areas. And this makes the omnipresence of the "blur glitch" even weirder. If you're going to have a loading screen for such a small area I don't really know why you can't load it properly enough to make me watch the background directly when I look at it. Maybe it gets better later in the game though.

Otherwise, I've got no grips with the gameplay in itself.


Ramenman said:
*stuff about loading*.

I don't really mind loading screens so much, but what really got to me is that they all have the same "this is how the controller works" shit throughout the game, I mean seriously? If they would've had something more interesting to look at they probably wouldn't feel so annoying, one would think.


Took me about 7 hours to beat. Going straight to commando. Good game but I think it could have used some more time.

That ending makes me think there's going to be a sequel. I literally said out loud "that's it?" as the credits started rolling.

Edit: omg the guys kill you with one hit on commando 0_0


I beat it in 2 sittings. that's actually a good thing for someone like me cause I usually don't sit too long on a game. the swinging mechanic worked beautifully. One thing that had me ready to fling the pad was radioactive shit. I would literally beat a ton of guys, try to swing to the next marker only to find out the way I took is radioactive. Game over, start all over. Motherfuck... Other than that I thought it was a fun game, to be honest I have no clue what happened with the story, I didn't follow the tie-in of the arm etc. My favorite thing to do was kill the hadoken bots and fling their dead bodies at their friends.
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