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The Official Burnout Paradise Thread. Restarting Events Patch!


I bought the game after I played the demo. I have never played a Burnout game before but the demo totally grabbed me, so I thought I'd get the full game.

It's pretty damn awesome. I go from thinking it's the best 'car game' I've ever played to being kind of disappointed. Racing can be exhilarating beyond belief (it has to be the fastest game I've ever played), but the lack of a retry kind of takes the wind out of it all. As well as this, the navigation seems really really bad. Like, just knowing what races you've done, where you're going, how to get to a specific place, all are really shit. If they are going to drop you into a large city with thousands of roads they could at least provide a navigation system of some sort. It doesn't have to be Test Drive Unlimited calibre. The wrecking gets kind of annoying too, only because you can't skip the damn cut scene. Once you've seen your car hit a Gillette truck a few thousand times it starts to get old.

Other than that though, I'm having a blast. It most positively is the most exhilarating racing game I've played. The sense of speed as you're boosting through the streets is mind blowing. The sound track is pretty good for the most part (until Avril comes on, you've never seen me press right bumper faster).

I haven't gone online yet. But how does it work exactly? Is it actually interesting or is it like TDU where you go online, have a race with your friends then sort of realise you may as well play single player? Are there a large variety of races to have and can you 'stick' to your friends for the duration of the game?


I rented the game for a week and had a great time, but I have a couple complaints outside of the obvious lack of a retry feature:

-The colors seem extremely muted, which is a shame, as it's a really nice looking game otherwise.

-No split-screen is ridiculous.


Would anyone agree that this game is AWESOME for the first 3-4 days and then just completely dies out? I got it on launch, was super pumped, thought it was amazing and now I don't even want to play it.

The final license is a real pain in the ass to get and after you've already raced most of them and had to start over (because of license upgrade) it gets kind of annoying.


strange_booj said:
Would anyone agree that this game is AWESOME for the first 3-4 days and then just completely dies out? I got it on launch, was super pumped, thought it was amazing and now I don't even want to play it.

The final license is a real pain in the ass to get and after you've already raced most of them and had to start over (because of license upgrade) it gets kind of annoying.

I also picked it up at launch. I still enjoy the game, just differently than I did earlier in the month. Before I was playing for around four hours straight just gunning through races and challenges online. Now, its more pick up and play. I'm still working on my Elite and every now and then, I'll just hop in and do a few quick races and Showtime Roadrules. I'm at around 60+ hours and its great fun.


strange_booj said:
Would anyone agree that this game is AWESOME for the first 3-4 days and then just completely dies out? I got it on launch, was super pumped, thought it was amazing and now I don't even want to play it.

The final license is a real pain in the ass to get and after you've already raced most of them and had to start over (because of license upgrade) it gets kind of annoying.

I lasted about 3 weeks strongly with it, but after that I didn't have much motivation to play anymore. And one day I decided I finally wanted to get a DS and despite not fully wanting to do it, I had to trade in Paradise to take an edge off of the DS purchase. :(

I do, however plan to buy it again one day when the price has dropped. :D


strange_booj said:
Would anyone agree that this game is AWESOME for the first 3-4 days and then just completely dies out? I got it on launch, was super pumped, thought it was amazing and now I don't even want to play it.

The final license is a real pain in the ass to get and after you've already raced most of them and had to start over (because of license upgrade) it gets kind of annoying.
Yeah, I'm kind of in the same boat. I'm 24 hours in with about 40 races left to get my Elite license, and I'm tired of it. There's three races to go before I'm done with them entirely (so I'd naturally want to complete them first)... but they're all in the same section of the map, and I have to drive all the way across the city after I win (or lose) one. It sucks. It doesn't help that I crash at least twice per race, and having to endure that shitty crash cam for literally 15 seconds at a time is infuriating.

And I cannot find the last two smash gates to save my life, and I don't really want to print out some black and white map with a bajillion dots on it and hunt them down.

I still like the game and I'm still going to play it, but a lot of the things that previously made it so good are wearing off.
well, it would explain the drop in people online.

I was actually hoping that my "ruling the road" in road times against several people on my friends list would entice them to try to beat said times but it really hasn't happened. I guess it was a "get em all and get the car" thing?


Just got my Burnout Elite ranking for finishing everything.

Though I'm only at 100% and I know there's more... two additional cars, for example.

I'll go back for them. I've put in 67 hours and this game has plenty of life left!
bridegur said:
-The colors seem extremely muted, which is a shame, as it's a really nice looking game otherwise.
Stop leaving your car banged up then.

The color tone of the game reflects your body damage. The more damage you take, the more sepia tone it takes on.


Hard to do split-screen in a free roam game.
I'm positive this could be worked around. The split-screen mode wouldn't have to be free roaming.

AlphaTwo00 said:
Stop leaving your car banged up then.

The color tone of the game reflects your body damage. The more damage you take, the more sepia tone it takes on.

I'm aware of this, but even with zero damage, the game still has a muted look. Burnout 1-3 were all great color-wise, but the last two have failed in this regard.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Where are the junkyards at? Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I dropped about 60 hours into this game over a 2 week span, but once I got the Elite license I was pretty much done with the game. Enjoyed doing online challenges, but once you finish one section you've pretty much done all the types of challenges and the other # of player ones are the same.


strange_booj said:
Would anyone agree that this game is AWESOME for the first 3-4 days and then just completely dies out? I got it on launch, was super pumped, thought it was amazing and now I don't even want to play it.

The final license is a real pain in the ass to get and after you've already raced most of them and had to start over (because of license upgrade) it gets kind of annoying.

Yep i got tired of it after a while. I will probably sell it very soon


I played this game up through my Burnout license, and have wanted to bitch about it on the internet for some time now. So here I go!


-The lack of a "Retry Event" option was unacceptable IMO. Especially because things happen in races that cause you to get lost and completely fuck you over. I lost count of the number of times I took a "shortcut" (without even trying) only to screw over my race completely. Having to stop your car to end an event, and go find a new one completely kills the fun.

-It felt like Burnout for the most part, but the racing events felt too much like racing in GTA, having to make sure I keep a close eye on the map.

-The stunt runs weren't so much fun, and showtime got boring after the first time

-There were times where I would get a takedown in a race right before a crucial turn, and the game would through me on a bad path. Wouldn't have minded so much if there was a damned option to retry the event.

-Hunting down new cars was a decent idea, but I felt it was executed poorly. Later in the game it took a long time to get the cars to spawn, and I just started to not care.

-Aftertouch is missing


-It felt like Burnout

-Traffic checking was nerfed!

-The open world works for the most part

-Online play is executed fantastically

I do see that some people here are really enjoying it, and I'm jealous of that. I really wanted to like this one, but I'm glad I hesitated and Gamefly'd it. There is fun to be had, but some bad design choices keep it from being the best single player Burnout experience. I may pick it up for $20 some day, but for now I'm content with owning just Burnout 3 and Burnout Revenge.


After playing Paradise for about 50 hours, I've got my Elite license, and I'm at 97% currently (lacking about five jumps and smashes). While I loved the game, I'm really not much interested in devoting the time required to get 101%.

I've thought about trading in the game, but the promise of DLC is making me hang onto it for a while.

I really don't share the complaints some people have with the game. I generally didn't mind the lack of a retry option, since until the very end of the game there was always another event closeby. Also, I think if I was constantly retrying every race, I wouldn't have learned the city as well as I did. I enjoyed Showtime for most of the game (although it got old by the end), and Stunt Run was a nice addition.

Overall, I was very pleased with the game. Hard to complain about quality entertainment for about $1/hour.


Has anyone had the game freeze on them when they try to load up the Racing Oval Champ car? Everytime I pick it, it goes to that stupid animation where it zooms in on the front of the car, and then it just stops there.

Sucks, I want to do the burning route!


Ugh, for the love of god EA, release a patch with a reset option. I'm 17 events away from the last license and all I have left are the tougher burning routes and stunts, both of which I fail constantly and rather than spend all that time driving back I throw the game aside.

Wellington said:
Has anyone had the game freeze on them when they try to load up the Racing Oval Champ car? Everytime I pick it, it goes to that stupid animation where it zooms in on the front of the car, and then it just stops there.

Sucks, I want to do the burning route!

Never happened to me (360 version)


Wellington said:
Has anyone had the game freeze on them when they try to load up the Racing Oval Champ car? Everytime I pick it, it goes to that stupid animation where it zooms in on the front of the car, and then it just stops there.

Sucks, I want to do the burning route!

Nope, no problems at all with that car. (PS3 version)

Which console are you on? Maybe exchange your copy for another one?
Wellington said:
Has anyone had the game freeze on them when they try to load up the Racing Oval Champ car? Everytime I pick it, it goes to that stupid animation where it zooms in on the front of the car, and then it just stops there.

Sucks, I want to do the burning route!
it happened to me, try a few different junk yards, that fixed it for me


Little is the new Big
I just rented it and i find the game pretty cool so far, my only (stupid) downside would be that once you get the door smashed, you can't see any drivers inside... IT FEELS LIKE KNIGHT RIDER LOLZ :( (yes, i know i know... but well...)



Oh my... raving hyperbole time... a little bit LTTP, after thinking for a couple of months that this Burnout wasn't for me... too many controversial design decisions, and I'm kind of bored with everything becoming 'sandbox'. Yet... I freaking love this game, already I'm thinking it's the one to dethrone OutRun 2006 as my all-time favorite arcade racer.

Ironically, I think it's some of Criterion's more controversial design decisions that have put this one to the top for me. No more loading, no more bullshit, I just load up the game and I'm driving. A racer that once again is about the means rather than the end (which is why I love OutRun 2006 so much, though that's not a 'sandbox' game).

Let me put it this way... I've spent many hours on the various GTA games just driving around for no good reason, just for the fun of it. It's the thrill of the chase for me. Criterion have a fun enough driving model, and have designed an incredibly fun city to drive around in, that I could spend hours just speeding around the place. It's real visceral, real thrilling.

I can see the lack of retry option becoming a bit of a pain in the ass towards the endgame... I still don't really understand why they can't just "beam" you back to the start of the race without the need for a load screen... but I'm not a developer... and I don't see this as being a game I play for destination, anyway.

Stunning visuals, too. As much as I love PGR4... 60 silky frames per second is heaven in a game like this.


Absolutely, I've been playing this since the game came out, it's the perfect game for guys like me that don't have huge amounts of time to sit in one extended session. I can play for 15 minutes, complete a few things, and turn it off. Perfect. :)

Only thing I'd love to see are cops. There's a police car in the game, just wish I could see them cruising around town too. Paradise City is perfect for long-ass cop chases.


h3ro said:
Marked man, steve... marked man. :D

This game rocks. Best purchase this year...

Yeah, I guess Marked Man is kind of a police chase, never looked at it that way. I always looked at them as Mob cars trying to take me down. :p

I'd love to pull up to a street light next to that Police Interceptor, rev my engine, and do a burnout before the light turns green, and watch as the copper hits his lights and starts aggresively chasing me through the city, and watch as his buddies begin to join in the chase at every intersection, maybe have some tire spikes and blockaids laid out at some points along the way...

Sigh... I think I'm in the mood for some PSone Driver action. :D


I'm busy as hell right now with work and Board Exam studying, but who's down for an online Burnout GAF revival at the end of the month?!

the only reason I'm saying this is because I need to finish another set of challenges to get my Carbon Uberschall :p


I pretty much play every night, often not for very long, but I can't resist getting an event or two in per night after my daughter has gone to sleep.
h3ro said:
I'm busy as hell right now with work and Board Exam studying, but who's down for an online Burnout GAF revival at the end of the month?!

the only reason I'm saying this is because I need to finish another set of challenges to get my Carbon Uberschall :p

Sure, why not. Sounds awesome. I haven't played Burnout online in a while. I'm in.


dankir said:
My review of the PS3 version is finally up.

Lemme know what you guys think


Not bad, although I have to disagree with you on a few things. One, your obsession with Crash Mode needs to relax, Showtime is fun, it's a lot deeper than you give it credit for. And watching someone perform Showtime while you're online is hilarity at its finest. :lol

Also, I'm not a huge fan of the crashes in the game. I feel there is a serious lack of debris when you crash, not nearly enough collateral damage for my liking. What breaks is done very well, I just think there should be more carnage flying everywhere.
The Marked Man cars are the Civilian version of the cop car so I guess in a way it's a cop chase?
h3ro said:
I'm busy as hell right now with work and Board Exam studying, but who's down for an online Burnout GAF revival at the end of the month?!

the only reason I'm saying this is because I need to finish another set of challenges to get my Carbon Uberschall :p
I'm good for it, though I'm not online at the same time as most people (during the week and during the day). But If schedules match, I'm there.


Logged online today and raced a few, the game has lost it's magic for me. NO ONE talks online and that makes the game a little dull for me. Also, why does everyone race without traffic?

Is anyone still playing this game daily?


LiquidMetal14 said:

Did this one tonight.

How and where? I'm guessing the big split ramp at the entrance to the Quarry or down the road from the Quarry that jumps down to the Dam. My highest is still only 500 degrees.


h3ro said:
How and where? I'm guessing the big split ramp at the entrance to the Quarry or down the road from the Quarry that jumps down to the Dam. My highest is still only 500 degrees.

the partial ramp on the beach "Big Surf"


hide your water-based mammals
h3ro said:
How and where? I'm guessing the big split ramp at the entrance to the Quarry or down the road from the Quarry that jumps down to the Dam. My highest is still only 500 degrees.
The Beachfront from the demo, I use the Circuit City Hot Rod. You heard me right, the Hot Rod :D


4 smashes away from getting all of them! 2 in White Mountain and 2 in Silver Lake. I will not look at a map...I will not look at a map...I will not look at a map.
I rented this, played it for a week and got my fill. I stopped doing the races since I didn't want to get screwed on the restart so I did most of the other missions.

They lost a sale with me due to the no retry option so I hope they feel it was worth it.

Agent X

AirBrian said:
4 smashes away from getting all of them! 2 in White Mountain and 2 in Silver Lake. I will not look at a map...I will not look at a map...I will not look at a map.

Interesting...I'm also 4 smashes away from getting all of them!
strange_booj said:
Would anyone agree that this game is AWESOME for the first 3-4 days and then just completely dies out? I got it on launch, was super pumped, thought it was amazing and now I don't even want to play it.

The final license is a real pain in the ass to get and after you've already raced most of them and had to start over (because of license upgrade) it gets kind of annoying.
The demo did that to me. I did finally played the retail release. Was fun for a brief moment but nothing to write home about.

Of course anyone will accuse me of trolling but my roots in Burnout are in Burnout 3 and Revenge. I hope to God that they fix it for the next Burnout game.
I need to start playing again. I tend to drop things pretty heavily and suddenly and this was one of those things. I am at about 95% complete and just need a few time and crash records to complete the game 101% but for some reason I just stopped playing about two weeks ago completely. With it getting nice outside and me riding my bike more and more it's not looking too good for gaming.
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