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The Official Burnout Paradise Thread. Restarting Events Patch!

Agent X

Kingpen said:
I'm 1p too mainly, and I don't think random events on the map are going to keep me motivated to play for very long. Seems like something I'll be enthralled with for a few hours, and then get bored with it. I like Revenge because of the Stars ranking system and all the different events that are easily accessible. I used Crash mode a lot in Revenge and Takedown, so I will sorely miss them for showtime mode which looks completely stale to me and un-enticing. The only thing I see appealing to Paradise is the Marked Man events a la Chase HQ/Burnout 2 and the pokemon 'gotta catch them all' aspect of earning cars. I think I'll pass on this...

That's how I feel, too. I really want to like this game, but ever since the demo and some of the other recent details they've revealed, it's been a huge letdown. And yeah, I really wanted to try Marked Man mode.

I also have more of a single-player inclination for Burnout, but still ended up spending 30% to 40% of my time on B3/BR playing online because it was so much fun. This looks like a mess all around, though. I'm not talking about the "seamless" online interface or USB cameras, I'm talking about the core gameplay which seems to have dumped all the distinctive events that made Burnout stand out from the rest of the pack, and instead attempted to build some sort of Test Drive Unlimited clone meets MySpace. This is a game that was evidently designed in a board room to with a list of bullet-points in hand. I don't really give a darn about this social networking community junk they're trying to push, I just want a fun game.

The online portion, with its heavy emphasis on esoteric challenges, seems more about nailing achievements rather than on strong multiplayer interaction. The challenges in the demo are proof of this...none of them were directly interactive. Again, it seems like stuffed suits in a board room trying to pander to the whims of achievement grinders, rather than providing something that's actually entertaining. Everyone I know that played B3/BR online loved Road Rage mode...so Criterion lovingly removed it from the multiplayer game. Crash mode was such fun to play multiplayer, both online and offline (great pick-up-and-play party game), so naturally they saw fit to cut it. What were they thinking?

Criterion said they don't want to remain stagnant, they want to "evolve" the game. Well, then instead of deleting those features, they should have actually evolved them. Build a bigger and better Road Rage. Turn the single-player Marked Man into an online "King of the Hill" style game. Have "deathmatch" games where players form two teams, each trying to get a set number of takedowns on their opponents. They could have done all of this and still maintained the "big open city". So many missed opportunities!

I finally listened to one of Criterion's podcasts, their most recent one. Near the end (around the 48 minute mark), they petition the community to find out what they would want for downloadable content. They even say that "they're listening" now. Oh, really? NOW they're willing to accept user feedback?

I see how it goes. That's likely the reason why they held back entire modes and features that their longtime fanbase had cherished. I think I understand their true intentions now.

You want to play Road Rage in multiplayer? That'll be 5 bucks.

You want Crash mode? Fork over 10 bucks.

You want retries and selectable start points in single-player mode? Open your wallet.

I want to like this game, really, but it's looking more and more like Criterion (or more appropriately, their EA overlords) designed this game as a DLC trap and not to evolve the gameplay as they claim.


a Master Ninja said:
So...somebody explain to me how and where to Power Park.

There are sometimes a few cars parked on the side of the road with enough space between them. Drive by, do a 180° e-brake turn and depending on your parking angle and overall placement between the parking cars you'll receive a power parking score between 0 and 100%. Damage the parking cars and the power parking fails.
CartridgeBlower said:
With regards to the coupon, does anyone know where I could get a printable one? They are supreme sticklers at my Best Buy. Gracias in advance for any info on making this coupon/deal work.
that's the exact one I've used 4 times before so I don't know what else to say other than what I already said.
bune duggy said:
well I can't help bad decisions. :p

yeah. make sure you use the highest setting on your printer so it'll scan though. and cut it out of the paper when you're done. and absolutely don't say you downloaded it. say you found it in a magazine or something.
Ok so I bought the Xbox 360 version because I read here that it's much improved over the demo... and guess what, it is. Slowdowns are not as obvious anymore, but hasn't gone away completely either. It's still there, but better disguised. For e.g when you're boosting, you can't really tell the framerate drops because screen is shaking and what not, but you do get to feel the input lag that comes with a framerate drop. But it is very slight tho, and most people won't notice. Maybe this is due to the Xbox having to stream in data from disc as opposed to having the demo installed on the PS3 hard disk. But possible streaming issues aside, there is the occasional slowdown when you try and execute certain maneuvers, such as a flatspin - as you pull the handbrake and the car starts to spin, the game will chug a little every now and then.

But there are certain spots in which you can recreate a slowdown everytime; like the building under construction at the beach area. Run up to the ramp on the opposite end of the superjump and do a flatspin at the end of the jump to see some significant chugging. There's none of this engine choking business at this same point in the PS3 demo. So yeah for all you folks who think that both version run as well; well they don't. The PS3 demo runs smoother than the retail 360 version. It's pretty much unflappable framerate-wise. And in a game like Burnout where 60fps control and feel is all important, it may be the deciding factor for you.

Lastly, the 360 version is much jaggier and somewhat blurrier - details like hotel signs can be much more aliased and hard to make out in comparison to the PS3 version. I may be wrong, but it seems like the 360 version may just be running at a slightly lower resolution. Edit: Did more tests, and some things look jaggier on the PS3 and better on the Xbox, so not a question of resolution.Both are pretty much the same.

I'm not qualified to comment on sound as my amp is not hdmi ready. But in comparing hdmi audio output through my tv, the PS3 also seems to have clearer sound and effects.


Thanks for you impressions, memecomplex, although they seem to be limited to the technical ascpect of the game. Care to comment on the game itself?

Looks like i'll get the game in the mail tomorrow (one day before release here), that's not bad at all. I'll throw some of you 360 people a friends request when i get home.
Joe211 said:
a camera? for what?

The game snaps pictures during take downs and being taken down so that you can see your opponents frustration at being taken down.

A cool idea, but I suspect it won't end up being quite as neat in practice. Could be wrong though.


Joe211 said:
a camera? for what?

The mugshot feature. The camera makes a picture of the player the second he is taken down, and sends it to the other player on the screen. The other way around for the player who takes down, he sends a victory shot. If both players have a camera, they exchange loser/winner pictures.

I bought an Xbox Vision Cam just for this game, can't wait to wave my junk around.
Rowsdower said:
The mugshot feature. The camera makes a picture of the player the second he is taken down, and sends it to the other player on the screen. The other way around for the player who takes down, he sends a victory shot. If both players have a camera, they exchange loser/winner pictures.

I bought an Xbox Vision Cam just for this game, can't wait to wave my junk around.
that's actually what i'm using on my PS3. i was amazed when i plugged it in and it worked. i'd used it on my pc, but it only worked with windows live messenger... really wasn't expecting it to work on the PS3.
Felix Lighter said:
Oh god I hope that isn't true. This thread won't survive it.

I'm not sure if it is, I could be way off base. However might I add that after I'm done with comparing and got to playing it really doesn't matter at all. I stopped noticing any framerate drops, aliasing, etc. and having a lot of fun unlocking the achievements. Game rocks!!
Rowsdower said:
Thanks for you impressions, memecomplex, although they seem to be limited to the technical ascpect of the game. Care to comment on the game itself?

Looks like i'll get the game in the mail tomorrow (one day before release here), that's not bad at all. I'll throw some of you 360 people a friends request when i get home.

Game is the best Burnout yet! Gotta get back to playing!


Just got the PAL PS3 version, i saw some requests asking if it has the logo on the spine: Here ya go,
so can anyone recommend 360 vs PS3 for single player only? is rumble worthwhile?

will be playing at 1080 so is the 360 version same framerate at 1080?

-edit woah surprised this much difference from memecomplex...

So yeah for all you folks who think that both version run as well; well they don't. The PS3 demo runs smoother than the retail 360 version. It's pretty much unflappable framerate-wise. And in a game like Burnout where 60fps control and feel is all important, it may be the deciding factor for you.

Lastly, the 360 version is much jaggier and somewhat blurrier - details like hotel signs can be much more aliased and hard to make out in comparison to the PS3 version. I may be wrong, but it seems like the 360 version may just be running at a slightly lower resolution.
cleveridea said:
so can anyone recommend 360 vs PS3 for single player only? is rumble worthwhile?

will be playing at 1080 so is the 360 version same framerate at 1080?
paradise supports rumble already, just waiting for the dual shock 3 to be released. just a heads up.


I've played this for well over 30 hours this past week and despite some flaws it's pretty much everything I wanted from a proper next-gen Burnout. The traffic light system for events takes some getting used to, but on the whole it's far better than the menu system of the past. It looks brilliant on both consoles too - I noticed one minor bit of slowdown in the 360 game in a day's play, and that's really all I could pick between them.

We've put together a Burnout Paradise video review that says all that and more, for those looking for more info on the game.
memecomplex said:
Ok so I bought the Xbox 360 version because I read here that it's much improved over the demo... and guess what, it is. Slowdowns are not as obvious anymore, but hasn't gone away completely either. It's still there, but better disguised. For e.g when you're boosting, you can't really tell the framerate drops because screen is shaking and what not, but you do get to feel the input lag that comes with a framerate drop. But it is very slight tho, and most people won't notice. Maybe this is due to the Xbox having to stream in data from disc as opposed to having the demo installed on the PS3 hard disk. But possible streaming issues aside, there is the occasional slowdown when you try and execute certain maneuvers, such as a flatspin - as you pull the handbrake and the car starts to spin, the game will chug a little every now and then.

But there are certain spots in which you can recreate a slowdown everytime; like the building under construction at the beach area. Run up to the ramp on the opposite end of the superjump and do a flatspin at the end of the jump to see some significant chugging. There's none of this engine choking business at this same point in the PS3 demo. So yeah for all you folks who think that both version run as well; well they don't. The PS3 demo runs smoother than the retail 360 version. It's pretty much unflappable framerate-wise. And in a game like Burnout where 60fps control and feel is all important, it may be the deciding factor for you.

Lastly, the 360 version is much jaggier and somewhat blurrier - details like hotel signs can be much more aliased and hard to make out in comparison to the PS3 version. I may be wrong, but it seems like the 360 version may just be running at a slightly lower resolution.

I'm not qualified to comment on sound as my amp is not hdmi ready. But in comparing hdmi audio output through my tv, the PS3 also seems to have clearer sound and effects.

what resolution are you playing at? does this apply at 1080? if so, ps3 version and a long drive for me (best buy a long way from me, but $10 off coupon...)


cleveridea said:
so can anyone recommend 360 vs PS3 for single player only? is rumble worthwhile?

will be playing at 1080 so is the 360 version same framerate at 1080?

-edit woah surprised this much difference from memecomplex...

The game is not rendered at 1080, so the frame rate should be the same as 720P.


TomO said:
We've put together a Burnout Paradise video review that says all that and more, for those looking for more info on the game.

Good review, except there are some inaccuracies in your account of the differences between the two console versions. You mention in that section of the review that the 360 version has "excellent achievements and rumble controller support". Both these are included in the PS3 version as well and I think should have been mentioned.

Anyone know when the GameTrailers review and inevitable annoying comparo vid that will destroy this thread are going up?


strange_booj said:
Soundtrack blows except Brand New - "The Archers Bows Have Broken"

Depeche Mode? The Junkie XL cover of Siouxsie's "Cities in Dust"? Soundgarden? I thought a lot of the other stuff all melded together in mediocrity, but the soundtrack had its saving graces.
You get points for parking? How do you park when your doing 250 mph and crashing into stuff? Isn't THAT what Burnout is about? In a real Burnout game, the cars are breaking the speed limit before the starting line, and after the finish line, and NEVER stop unless they're on fire. Now they have us playing DMV? Parking? Stopping at red lights? Looking at a map? Man... I am a huge Burnout fan, but all this confusion and drastic changes has me putting my hands in the air and walking away from Paradise for the moment. I'll rent it later.


The camera function would work a lot better if it gave you only half a second to react after getting taken down, rather than two seconds. By the time it tells me it's taking my mugshot, the natural "that was BULLSHIT" look has disappeared from my face.

Also, I recommend disconnecting the camera if you're playing single player, because it will offer to take your picture every time you clear an event.

You get points for parking? How do you park when your doing 250 mph and crashing into stuff? Isn't THAT what Burnout is about? In a real Burnout game, the cars are breaking the speed limit before the starting line, and after the finish line, and don't stop unless they're on fire. Now they have us playing DMV? Parking? Stopping at red lights? Looking at a map? Man... I am a huge Burnout fan, but all this confusion and drastic changes has me putting my hands in the air and walking away from Paradise for the moment. I'll rent it later.

You don't *have* to power park for any of the single player - unless you want the achievement for doing so. But hey, there's also an achievement for driving in oncoming traffic for a mile, and there's one for getting a 10x or a 20x boost combo. So obviously, parking has ruined the game and it's not about driving fast at all.

There is no achievement for stopping at a red light.


Dark Octave said:
You get points for parking? How do you park when your doing 250 mph and crashing into stuff? Isn't THAT what Burnout is about? In a real Burnout game, the cars are breaking the speed limit before the starting line, and after the finish line, and NEVER stop unless they're on fire. Now they have us playing DMV? Parking? Stopping at red lights? Looking at a map? Man... I am a huge Burnout fan, but all this confusion and drastic changes has me putting my hands in the air and walking away from Paradise for the moment. I'll rent it later.

Being Burnout-appreciative since BO1 and a fan since 2, your reaction reminds me a lot of the fanbase rage after the announcement of BO3:Takedown. There was stuff thrown around like "Burnout is about racing as fast as you can and NOT crashing your opponents, this is an action-game and not a racer!" Did you really want another playing-it-safe sequel after BO Revenge? People shouldn't be so afraid of change.
Rowsdower said:
Being Burnout-appreciative since BO1 and a fan since 2, your reaction reminds me a lot of the fanbase rage after the announcement of BO3:Takedown. There was stuff thrown around like "Burnout is about racing as fast as you can and NOT crashing your opponents, this is an action-game and not a racer!" Did you really want another playing-it-safe sequel after BO Revenge? People shouldn't be so afraid of change.

Change doesn't always = better.

I partially agree with you. I wouldn't want the same old thing over and over, but I'm not sure if they had to take Burnout and make it Midnight Club. I played the demo, didn't care for it, then started to warm up to the game (I REALLY want to like this game). But now I'm hearing about points for parking. I can only speak for myself, but parking is not the reason I became a Burnout fan. And this combined with stop lights, and the map is a reflection of what to expect from Paradise. More stopping, more thinking. That's not Burnout.

I dunno, I saw some long straight roads on the west side of the map in some mountains. Maybe that's where the actual Burnout gameplay is in Paradise. I'll still give the game a chance. I really hope I'm wrong. It's just that at this moment, for me at least anyway, it isn't looking so hot.

Parking in Burnout...:lol


Are you seriously complaining about the parking? You don't HAVE to do it, but I tried it in the demo and it's insanely awesome. I did it Ace Ventura style, with the obligatory "like a glooooove!"
Mmmmm, delicious Burnout Paradise.

Game is great. I spend 20 minutes on a Road Rage event alone. I was skeptical on how Road Rage would work, but it's very well designed.

I will concede that the game needs a restart option, but it's not that bad.

I went back and played Burnout Revenge yesterday, and I honestly had a hard time playing. This just looks and feels better.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I just picked it up from Best Buy. Used the $10 off PS3 coupon, gift card, and reward zone bucks. Paid $19.99. :D

I will be on tonight. I may try to get on this afternoon if I get some free time.
cleveridea said:
what resolution are you playing at? does this apply at 1080? if so, ps3 version and a long drive for me (best buy a long way from me, but $10 off coupon...)

PS3 at 720p.
XBox 360 tested at both 720p and 1080p.
My TV is a native 1080p set.
PS3 version definitely looks better of the two and runs smoother. But I picked the 360 version for the achievements. If I had to do it over I'll get the PS3 version.
Man, you guys are really getting hung up on technical aspects. It's not like we're talking about Geometry Wars Galaxies DS or Odin Sphere boss fight slow-down.
picked it up this morning, ended up switching my preorder to the ps3 version.

i absolutely love it so far, it's a blast. :bow criterion


WHOAguitarninja said:
The game snaps pictures during take downs and being taken down so that you can see your opponents frustration at being taken down.

A cool idea, but I suspect it won't end up being quite as neat in practice. Could be wrong though.

Rowsdower said:
The mugshot feature. The camera makes a picture of the player the second he is taken down, and sends it to the other player on the screen. The other way around for the player who takes down, he sends a victory shot. If both players have a camera, they exchange loser/winner pictures.

I bought an Xbox Vision Cam just for this game, can't wait to wave my junk around.

wow I hope my eyetoy will be recognize with this game


Just picked it up at Target.

PSN: Bill0527

No camera
No headset :( I just bought a Jabra BT135 online for $13 shipped but it won't be here until next week.


So I've never owned a Burnout game, and I have only played the demo that was released on the Ps3.

Tell me GAF, is Paradise is great game that is purchase worthy?


j-wood said:
So I've never owned a Burnout game, and I have only played the demo that was released on the Ps3.

Tell me GAF, is Paradise is great game that is purchase worthy?
Answer one question first...did you like the demo or not? :p
Ok after doing a few more quick A-B tests. I think GFX for both versions are essentially the same. Some things are more aliased on the PS3 and some things are jaggier on the 360. I didn't compare textures though, but really not much difference at all. Framerate though is definitely smoother on the PS3. The difference is liquid smooth on PS3 and just smooth on the 360. I might just get a PS3 retail version later today and see how they both stack up.


Nightz said:
Answer one question first...did you like the demo or not? :p

The demo was fun yes. But if I were to buy the game, I would want more to do than what is in the demo...or is what in the demo basically all you're going to be doing?

Also, does it have split-screen multi-player?


memecomplex said:
PS3 at 720p.
XBox 360 tested at both 720p and 1080p.
My TV is a native 1080p set.
PS3 version definitely looks better of the two and runs smoother. But I picked the 360 version for the achievements. If I had to do it over I'll get the PS3 version.
Both demos were 720p with 2xAA. PS3 had better foliage and Xbox 360 had slightly better reflections and texture filtering.


Prologue Type S Alpha
j-wood said:
The demo was fun yes. But if I were to buy the game, I would want more to do than what is in the demo...or is what in the demo basically all you're going to be doing?
No, from everything I've read and heard, there are FAR more events (120 from the start, am I right?) and types of events to participate in.

j-wood said:
Also, does it have split-screen multi-player?
Again, only from what I've read and heard, but no.
memecomplex said:
Ok after doing a few more quick A-B tests. I think GFX for both versions are essentially the same. Some things are more aliased on the PS3 and some things are jaggier on the 360. I didn't compare textures though, but really not much difference at all. Framerate though is definitely smoother on the PS3. The difference is liquid smooth on PS3 and just smooth on the 360. I might just get a PS3 retail version later today and see how they both stack up.

You just became Dark10X's best friend.
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