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The Official Camera Equipment Megathread

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Posted this in the other thread as well:

So the rumours have already started. I got one just now.

Olympus are supposedly going to make an E-Mount camera with the same 24MP sensor as in the NEX-7. This will allow them to port over their m43 lenses to E-Mount without riling up investors that they are damaging their own ecosystem in favour of their new sugar daddy's one. It is going to be part of the OMD range. The source also said that an official m43 to E-Mount adapter is in the works, with electronic aperture controls and full AF.

If this is true then it pretty much kills m43 as a serious system as the adapter alone will give E-Mount users access to Leica lenses from Panasonic and obviously the excellent Zuiko lenses. Not only that but with Oly making E-Mount as well as Hasselblad it makes E-Mount look more like a consortium than just a Sony lens mount.

No way! This is bigger betraylton than FF7 and DQ9 add together.

Didn't Panasonic throw some money to save Olympus too. How can Panasonic allow this to happen.

I assume when the m43 lens+adaopter is attached, the camera body will automatically change to 2X crop and output a.... 14mp image? When a NEX lens is used, it will use the whole APSC sensor.

Although that would immedatedly give NEX system a 28mm and a 40mm equivalent focal length lens.


Someone from my FB friends is selling all of his gear. 2 body 5 lenses tripods filters flashes and even his dry box.

And I just missed the $700 Nikkor70-200VR1 and $100 50 1.4.

Fuck. Fuck.
No way! This is bigger betrayton than FF7 and DQ9 add together.

Didn't Panasonic throw some money to save Olympus too. How can Panasonic allow this to happen.

I assue when the m43 lens is attached, the camera body will automatically change to 2X crop and output a.... 14mp image?
When a NEX lens is used, it will use the whole APSC sensor.

Although that would immedatedly give NEX a 28mm and a 40mm equivalent focal length lens.

No money from Panasonic. Leica will be mad pissed at this move though. Panasonic are having massive money troubles and couldn't afford the $650m price of entry.

I think the adapter will work in crop mode, but native E-Mount Zuiko lenses would be native and take full advantage of the APS-C sensor.

Huge betrayal though, but when your sugar daddy is giving you $650m and saving your business from ruin you pretty much have to do what they want. I guess you haven't heard the rumours of Sony looking at buying Fuji yet. Sony are getting serious about imaging and dethroning Canikon...


Posted this in the other thread as well:

So the rumours have already started. I got one just now.

Olympus are supposedly going to make an E-Mount camera with the same 24MP sensor as in the NEX-7. This will allow them to port over their m43 lenses to E-Mount without riling up investors that they are damaging their own ecosystem in favour of their new sugar daddy's one. It is going to be part of the OMD range. The source also said that an official m43 to E-Mount adapter is in the works, with electronic aperture controls and full AF.

If this is true then it pretty much kills m43 as a serious system as the adapter alone will give E-Mount users access to Leica lenses from Panasonic and obviously the excellent Zuiko lenses. Not only that but with Oly making E-Mount as well as Hasselblad it makes E-Mount look more like a consortium than just a Sony lens mount.

Wow true this should be very interesting.
All major camera dealers. They had 999 limited bundles. All gone in an hour.

Wow..wish I knew about this though I doubt I could've gotten one. Only reason I'm getting the zoom lens with the XE-1 is just cause it's a better deal than the body alone. I'd much rather have the 35mm with it.


the holder of the trombone
So... product photography. Thinking of 2 lenses.

Oly 45mm 1.8 or the new 60mm 2.8 macro?

The 45mm is alot cheaper ($150 means alot to me :p) and available now. 60mm seems alot nicer for product photography but 45mm seems like it would be a better general purpose lens too. Plus for what I want to do I don't really need macro.

If you're not interested in macro photography, why pay more for a slower lens? The 45mm is significantly smaller too and you're more likely to get more out of it in terms of photo ops (45 is wider than 60).

The 60mm is quite a bargain for what it does, but you don't need it. :)


the holder of the trombone
It's just that I'm wondering if the 60mm is just better for product photography, and if the 500mm minimum distance of the 45mm is enough. The 60mm is more versatile in that sense, but the 45mm is more versatile in everything else.

But I'll most likely lean towards the 45mm anyway. Ming Thein does make the 60mm look gorgeous though, but it's probably mostly the lighting.
so if i understood this correctly, I should hold on to my e-420 camera and lenses and wait for a new E-Oly camera? sweet

Where did you hear that? All I see are vague rumors about some kind of 43 product, could be a pricey E7 camera, some kind of new 43-to-m43 adapter or some kind of hybrid camera. Nothing confirmed, nothing certain, Could be nothing in the end.

But you can use your 43 lenses on m43 (via adapter). IQ is the same, but AF performance depends on the lens. Of course, assuming your E420 is in working order, you can still use it, you just don't get new 43 lens/accessory development from Olympus (but there are still some third-party stuff).
I want the stuff zomgwtfbbq is smoking.

So you just don't want it to be true?

These are the facts we know. Sony just pumped $650m into Olympus, saving the company from certain bankruptcy. In the joint statement of intent to the shareholders it says the money will be used to shore up Oly's balance sheet and for the formation of a new JV in medical technology. Another aspect of the tie up, and again this is mentioned specifically, is that Sony and Olympus will work closely on their consumer side as well with Sony providing electronic components (such as sensors, EVF units etc...) and Olympus providing lenses and mirror cells.

Now, Sony only hold 11.5% of Olympus, and porting over Zuiko lenses to E-Mount would be a suicidal move for the remaining 88.5%, only Sony benefit from Zuiko on E-Mount. Yes Oly get to sell a few lenses, but they lose out on profits in selling camera bodies and they would be sabotaging m43 as suddenly E-Mount becomes a hell of a lot stronger in terms of available glass with Sony, Zeiss and now Oly behind it. The statement specifically mentioned that Olympus would bring lenses to Sony mounts and the only way they can do that without pissing off other shareholders is to release Sony mount bodies at the same time. An OMD class camera with the NEX7 sensor makes a lot of sense in business terms as it gives them a new market to sell to, Sony will be happy as they get the Zuiko lenses and a new E-Mount partner over which they have a decent level of control and the shareholders won't revolt as they are just selling lenses for their own system.

Sony putting money into Olympus has a lot of repercussions for us, you can either choose to ignore them (as you are currently doing) or be prepared for them. For Oly this is a win, they continue to exist and fight another day, and they get a long term partner for electronic components at a decent price (this move secures Oly's continued involvement in cameras for a long time) while giving up very little in real terms as they will still own a massive stake in the medical JV.

As for the Fuji rumours, well it all comes down to sourcing of components, they are running into to much the same problems as Olympus were until they struck the deal with Sony last quarter. Fuji don't have the resources to make their own sensors and other components so they must buy them in, this sticks a large margin onto their products and will make them uncompetitive in the long term. Fuji must strike a partnership or be bought by one of Sony, Canon or Panasonic if they are to survive the next few years as the industry transitions away from compacts. That's my theory on the market rumours about Fuji, at least. Again, it makes sense, as electronic components become more important the traditional optically stronger companies lose out to upstarts like Sony and Panasonic (not to mention Samsung).


cr said:
I’ve been told by a couple of people that the Canon EOS 5D Mark II will see a big price drop this coming week in the USA, we should see it in other countries as well. We’re told the new price will be $1699 USD for the body until they’re all gone, which won’t take too long I don’t think.
Oh man, if they change the refurb price too I might have to jump in.
So you just don't want it to be true?

Well, facts are facts, many of which are still unknown. For example, we know this is mostly about Olympus' medical division, but the camera part includes an exchange of parts and components. Olympus needs sensors for X number of cameras so they go to Sony (something they did before this deal) and get to enter an order. I'm guessing Oly is still free to look elsewhere (or aren't they?) , Simple enough. What about the lenses? Nothing prevented Olympus from making NEX lenses before so this must be a contractual obligation. Is Olympus supposed to make X number of lenses and then release them themselves to market or are they making X lenses for Sony (their optical specifications are not very high if you look at Sony's NEX lenses ...). That kind of detail makes a big difference, IMHO.

Rumors and speculations, well, that's another thing. A is fact but B could happen so C would have to happen next making D a reality as this crazy rumor one lonely member at a gaming forum keeps screaming about confirms. Pardon me if I'm skeptical of what sounds like fanboy drivel.

Since I'm not a NEX fan and I have no vested interest in the system, then no, I don't have any particular wish for your "rumors" to be true. As far as I am concerned, I am already backing the stronger mirrorless system. If I were backing the strongest company pushing a mirrorless system (regardless of quality, market share or options) then I would be backing Samsung, wouldn't I?

Edit: 'Collaboration' relates to compact cameras, not system models (lol)
Hi guys

Does anyone have both a 5D Mark II and a T2i?

I bought a refurb Mark II and I've been using it for a few months. I usually shoot a few concerts for my school but I've noticed that the Mark II doesn't perform as well as I hope. Since the lighting is poor, I usually shoot in AV on the lowest stop. I have a 2.8 24-70 and a 1.8 50 that I switch back and forth but every time it seems like the shutter on the Mark II is delayed or something, leaving blurry and over exposed photos. On the other hand my T2i works well, exposes the photo correctly and no blurring.


Hi guys

Does anyone have both a 5D Mark II and a T2i?

I bought a refurb Mark II and I've been using it for a few months. I usually shoot a few concerts for my school but I've noticed that the Mark II doesn't perform as well as I hope. Since the lighting is poor, I usually shoot in AV on the lowest stop. I have a 2.8 24-70 and a 1.8 50 that I switch back and forth but every time it seems like the shutter on the Mark II is delayed or something, leaving blurry and over exposed photos. On the other hand my T2i works well, exposes the photo correctly and no blurring.

raise the iso?
Hi guys

Does anyone have both a 5D Mark II and a T2i?

I bought a refurb Mark II and I've been using it for a few months. I usually shoot a few concerts for my school but I've noticed that the Mark II doesn't perform as well as I hope. Since the lighting is poor, I usually shoot in AV on the lowest stop. I have a 2.8 24-70 and a 1.8 50 that I switch back and forth but every time it seems like the shutter on the Mark II is delayed or something, leaving blurry and over exposed photos. On the other hand my T2i works well, exposes the photo correctly and no blurring.

I think you should sell me that pos mark ii.
How does $800 sound?
It's just that I'm wondering if the 60mm is just better for product photography, and if the 500mm minimum distance of the 45mm is enough. The 60mm is more versatile in that sense, but the 45mm is more versatile in everything else.

But I'll most likely lean towards the 45mm anyway. Ming Thein does make the 60mm look gorgeous though, but it's probably mostly the lighting.

Depends on your needs.

For a while, I wanted to buy the 4/3 Zuiko 50mm after hearing so much about it, but I was uncertain whether 50mm would be too cumbersome for me. I got a cheap, classic OM 50mm on Ebay instead, played with it for a day or two and concluded 50mm is just impractical to use in my relatively small apartment.


I'm close to getting either a Lumix G5 or GH2, or ponying up lots more cash for the upcoming GH3. Intended purpose will be for wedding videos, and volleyball full matches as well as highlight videos.

The lack of external mic support for the G5 is a dealbreaker I think. Wouldn't be able to use the recorded audio for outdoor volleyball with all that wind noise, any way around this?

Will I be missing the lack of 1080 60p on the GH2 for fast motion volleyball?

Is the GH3 overkill and overpriced for my intended usage?


there is joy in sucking dick
Here's a shot of a pre-production Zeiss 55/1.4 for Nikon and EF mount...


...they state that its a new distagon design that's uncompromising (as you can see, from the damn size). Its a departure from the Planar design they created half a century or so ago. Just... wow.



Hey PhotoGAF, I'm a college student who's looking for a decent camera on a ~$600 budget. I've been looking at a few of Sony's mirrorless cameras like the NEX-C/F3 and the 5/R, and a few from Canon's Rebel brand.

My only nitpicks are that it needs to shoot 1080p video and it needs a fully articulating screen of some sort.

I found a Rebel T3i / EOS 600D bundle online that looks like a pretty good deal. This is a pretty sizable financial investment for me and I just wanted to get some opinions from GAF before I pull the trigger.
Can anyone explain why I have to pay $45 for a Sandisk class 6, 16gb card here in Holland when a Sandisk class 10, 16gb card on Amazon.com is $18? What. The. Hell man.

I have the T3i (it's the 600D right?) and it's really great. It's my first dslr however so I can't compare it to anything else besides point and shoots.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
The T3i is a fine piece of equipment that should meet your demand, great pictures and movie quality.

T3i was my first DSLR camera. Loved it and regret selling it.

I have the T3i (it's the 600D right?) and it's really great. It's my first dslr however so I can't compare it to anything else besides point and shoots.

This. It's a fine piece of gear.

Can anyone explain why I have to pay $45 for a Sandisk class 6, 16gb card here in Holland when a Sandisk class 10, 16gb card on Amazon.com is $18? What. The. Hell man.

Try having a 5D Mk1 that only takes CF cards. Ouch.
So I'll be shooting the step-and-repeat (where people stand and pose as they enter) at an event for work next week. I've never done that before, but I've got the equipment for it. I figure I'll rent a 24-70 for the day just to be sure I can cover the range I need quickly. It'll be like shooting fish in a barrel, I suppose, but I'll probably have to up my game at talking to strangers.


So I'll be shooting the step-and-repeat (where people stand and pose as they enter) at an event for work next week. I've never done that before, but I've got the equipment for it. I figure I'll rent a 24-70 for the day just to be sure I can cover the range I need quickly. It'll be like shooting fish in a barrel, I suppose, but I'll probably have to up my game at talking to strangers.
I did that a couple of months ago, i basically just showed the camera to them and pointed them where i wanted them to stand lol.
I have been working towards full frame lately. I have finally decided to sell all my gear to make money for the full upgrade. Good bye crop sensor for ever.

I have my full Canon Camera gear set up in the buy/sell/trade thread.
Canon Camera DSLR OUTFIT

Canon EOS 550D (Rebel T2i / Kiss X4) DSLR - Like new in BOX, perfect condition

Canon 50mm 1.8
Tamron 18-270mm f/3.5-6.3 (with lens hoot)
Tamron 18-55mm f/2.8 (with lens hoot)
Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 (with lens hoot)

Canon Speed Light 430EX (flash)

**Lens carry bag and camera bag**

Everything in MINT condition
I live in Osaka Japan, I am willing to send international or local pickup.

Please check the buy/sell/trade thread to find more info about prices and such.

East Lake

Here's a shot of a pre-production Zeiss 55/1.4 for Nikon and EF mount...


...they state that its a new distagon design that's uncompromising (as you can see, from the damn size). Its a departure from the Planar design they created half a century or so ago. Just... wow.
Man, Zeiss ready to take all the dentists money. Is the thing weather sealed? Rubber look reminds me how I'd like to see more underwater cameras. But then I remind myself they'd all have some ridiculous handicap like no raw support or some bs.
im in need of a secondary camera for video so im looking to trade my intuos4 extra large for anyone not using their 60d or similar video capable DSLR.

im a trusted seller on the buy/sell/trade thread. i have a few stars under my belt.
i was also involved in a ps3 nba paypal league where i handled paypal transactions and returns.
im also in the LA area, im available to meetup.

the intuos tablet is near mint condition and has a warranty until april 2013.


Man, Zeiss ready to take all the dentists money. Is the thing weather sealed? Rubber look reminds me how I'd like to see more underwater cameras. But then I remind myself they'd all have some ridiculous handicap like no raw support or some bs.

I am confused by this design. If they are going to ditch the on going Zeiss look and start making lens in ZA style (with an ugly blue badge) why don't they start offering AF in ZF and ZE mounts?


there is joy in sucking dick
Man, Zeiss ready to take all the dentists money. Is the thing weather sealed? Rubber look reminds me how I'd like to see more underwater cameras. But then I remind myself they'd all have some ridiculous handicap like no raw support or some bs.

Apparently it's a prototype so I can see the body changing a lot (aesthetically) when it hits production. And its said to be priced at around $3K. Some early shooters have said its ridiculous, one stated that it performs at f1.4 what most 50mm perform at f2.8.
Apparently it's a prototype so I can see the body changing a lot (aesthetically) when it hits production. And its said to be priced at around $3K. Some early shooters have said its ridiculous, one stated that it performs at f1.4 what most 50mm perform at f2.8.

Hey, that's a bargain compared to Leica's latest 50/2.

I wonder if this is Zeiss as in made in Germany, or Zeiss as in Cosina. I'm betting on the former.


Lightroom 4.2 is now available! :)

  • Stacked photos were hidden in both the Grid view and Filmstrip. This occurred when photos get unstacked as a result of enabling auto-stacking.
  • Folder stacks with virtual copies were unstacked when moving to another folder.
  • When scrolling through the filmstrip (at somewhat fast rate), occasionally a “gray” image was displayed for an instant and then replaced by the correct image preview.
  • The Navigator Panel in Map did not pan correctly.
  • Parents and synonyms of “do not export” keywords also did not export.
  • Occasionally were unable to publish videos to Facebook
  • Audio did not play in video files after creating a slideshow that contains music (Win 7 only)
  • Image select arrow on keyword list didn’t display when keyword list contained a large number of keywords
  • Unable to edit Lightroom photos as jpegs in Photoshop Elements
  • Carriage Return in either the Title or Caption field invalidated a Flickr upload.
  • Tether capture bar disappeared after deleting photo (Win only).
  • Back Cover of Book layout had Horizontal text on spine rather than Vertical
  • Sharpening was not applied to books that were exported as JPEG files
  • Double-byte characters were not exported to Books saved as PDF files
  • Unable to type accented character in book module in LR4
  • Luminance Noise slider was unresponsive when Clarity is greater than 0.
  • Develop keyboard shortcuts (+ and – keys) no longer worked in older process versions such as PV2010
Lightroom Journal
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