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The Official Camera Equipment Megathread

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Rentahamster said:
Hmm, this makes me curious as to what the percentages are for beginners, enthusiasts, and pros.

...which in turn makes me curious as to what Canon and Nikon think about all of this when/if they release a MarkIV/D4 with video.
Check out Flickr's camera stats:
Dominated by entry level slrs


wow, that 7D looks pretty nice. that 100mm macro too.

I have a 50D and kind of regret upgrading from my 40D (felt half-assed). but this is a nice jump up (although increase in price too)

Finally canon builds in wireless flash control, so no more wasting a flash on top of the camera, or buying ST-E2s.

Pitch and roll sensors? It'll be like a flight sim :p

Key for me is how the AF is implemented. Is it 5D based, or a cut down 1D? Do we get them close enough to the centre circle that they can properly hand off when tracking, and will the colour metering help with tracking objects against a changing background?

Will wait for impressions, and for the price to drop. But its tempting to sell off my 50D.

edit: Just got an email from warehouse express about the 7D. £1700 body only!? Fuck off


mrklaw said:
wow, that 7D looks pretty nice. that 100mm macro too.

I have a 50D and kind of regret upgrading from my 40D (felt half-assed). but this is a nice jump up (although increase in price too)

Finally canon builds in wireless flash control, so no more wasting a flash on top of the camera, or buying ST-E2s.

Pitch and roll sensors? It'll be like a flight sim :p

Key for me is how the AF is implemented. Is it 5D based, or a cut down 1D? Do we get them close enough to the centre circle that they can properly hand off when tracking, and will the colour metering help with tracking objects against a changing background?

Will wait for impressions, and for the price to drop. But its tempting to sell off my 50D.

edit: Just got an email from warehouse express about the 7D. £1700 body only!? Fuck off

You know, I kind of always wondered why you went from a 40D to 50D. As a 40D owner myself, I didn't see anything compelling. Perhaps the iso, but even then, one thing wasn't enough, and it wasn't THAT much better (some would argue not at all).


mrkgoo said:
You know, I kind of always wondered why you went from a 40D to 50D. As a 40D owner myself, I didn't see anything compelling. Perhaps the iso, but even then, one thing wasn't enough, and it wasn't THAT much better (some would argue not at all).

tell me about it. rear LCD is very nice, couple of other things, but its really just a spec bump, and I got burnt badly on it buying so early.

Can't belive that UK 7D pricing though. Cheaper to fly to New York and buy one at BH


Rodent Whores
mrkgoo said:
it wasn't THAT much better (some would argue not at all).
I thought so too. In fact, I oftentimes prefer to use a 30D instead only because the controls are more similar to a 5D so they are easier to use together.

I got so confused the first time I tried using a 40D and 5D at the same time.




Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
golem said:
Check out Flickr's camera stats:
Dominated by entry level slrs
Yup. All the manufacturers make good entry level products.
There's a lot of people, including "pros" that are going the route of not buying any camera over 800 bucks. Why? because the next year that new fangled badass camera will no longer be the new hottness and its price will have come down, sometimes significantly and most of its popular features will have been passed down to the "lesser" cameras.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
BlueTsunami said:
For you Canon Macro shooters...

Canon EF 100mm F2.8L USM Macro with Hybrid IS: http://www.dpreview.com/news/0909/09090102canon100mmmacro.asp

How Hybrid IS works...


I read that its going to retail for $1049

I am fairly disappointed that there was no update on the 70-200 f2.8L and the 24-70 f2.8L. The former is becoming impossible to find, with the price going up by a THOUSAND dollars since late July. The latter, many people were hoping for a version with IS. I was hoping for IS, just because it will force the price down on the version without it (I don't need IS, I have a monopod).


Man, I hope I'll be able to get a 7D on day one... something tells me they're gonna be difficult to find until 2010 (and that's when Canon is going to conviniently announce they're upcoming DSLR-technology-based prosumer video cameras.)


there is joy in sucking dick
Canon 100mm f/2.8 Macro L MTF


Good lawd

Wide open performance and stopped down to f/8 are nearly identical

Also, for those who can't read lens MTF's....

Ignore the squiggly lines for a moment and look at the vertical and horizontal axes. The vertical axis shows numbers from 0 to 1, which is really shorthand for 0 to 100%. Therefore .10 means 10% contrast, .5 is 50% contrast, and 1 is 100% contrast.

The horizontal axis is in millimeters and shows the distance from the center of the image toward the edges. In other words, 0 on the horizontal axis is the center of the lens and 20 is 20mm out from the center. Since a 35mm frame is nominally 36mm across this point is therefore at the edge of the frame.

Are you with me so far? To summarize — the higher a point is on the chart the higher the contrast transfer capability, and the further to the right one is the further from the center of the image.

The thick lines are measurements taken at 10 LP/mm (low spatial frequency, or low resolution) and the thin lines are at 30 LP/mm, at higher frequency / higher resolution.

The black lines are measurements taken with the lens wide open, and the blue lines are with the lens at f/8.

The solid lines are meridonial while the dotted lines represent sagittal measurements.


— the higher up the chart the 10 LP/mm line is (the thick lines), the higher the contrast reproduction capability of the lens will be.

— the higher up the chart the 30 LP/mm line is (the thin lines), the higher the resolving power and thus subjective sharpness of the lens will be.

— keep in mind that the black lines show the lens wide open while the blue lines show the lens stopped down to f/8, so the closer these sets of lines are to each other the better the performance of the lens when used wide open. The very best lenses will have the black and the blue lines close together.

— generally speaking a lens whose thick lines (10 LP/mm) are above .8 on the chart should be regarded as having excellent image quality. Above .6 is regarded as "satisfactory". Below .6 is, well, below.

For more information: http://www.luminous-landscape.com/tutorials/understanding-series/understanding-mtf.shtml


7D would be the perfect camera in my mind if it were full frame.

For now I'll just keep on goin' with my 5D and hopefully get to upgrade to the 5D2 soon (want video BAD).


Ok so I'm getting ready to print a big batch of photos from my Right Coast of the United States trip.

I'm thinking of using snapfish or Sam's Club's printing services.

Any opinions? I've used Clark's photo because I had some free prints with them but their quality left a bit to be desired.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Zyzyxxz said:
Ok so I'm getting ready to print a big batch of photos from my Right Coast of the United States trip.

I'm thinking of using snapfish or Sam's Club's printing services.

Any opinions? I've used Clark's photo because I had some free prints with them but their quality left a bit to be desired.
I get my stuff printed at white house custom color. http://www.whcc.com/
The quality is great.
I got my friends that just got married a float wrap of a picture i took of them and converted to black and white, they loved it.


captive said:
I get my stuff printed at white house custom color. http://www.whcc.com/
The quality is great.
I got my friends that just got married a float wrap of a picture i took of them and converted to black and white, they loved it.

well I already ordered off snapfish, they seemed to be generally favored over the internet.

I'll try this place in the future though.


Neo Member
I really need to upgrade my camera soon. I'm still shooting on a nikon D70s and am thinking of making the switch over to Canon. I don't know anything about Canon really, so does anyone have any suggestions? If i were to stick with Nikon i would be getting the D300 but i don't really want to spend that much...



Bear-tie said:
I really need to upgrade my camera soon. I'm still shooting on a nikon D70s and am thinking of making the switch over to Canon. I don't know anything about Canon really, so does anyone have any suggestions? If i were to stick with Nikon i would be getting the D300 but i don't really want to spend that much...


Both brands are much of the same same, really. They kind of leap in between each other, actually. Go with whatever you're familiar with, or the ergonomics you like better, or has a lens you like.
So are any rich gaffers thinking about getting a Leica M9? No way I can afford one, but I'd like to at least try one sometime, maybe a rental. I've never shot with a rangefinder before and I've heard it's a very different experience from a compact or SLR.


chaostrophy said:
So are any rich gaffers thinking about getting a Leica M9? No way I can afford one, but I'd like to at least try one sometime, maybe a rental. I've never shot with a rangefinder before and I've heard it's a very different experience from a compact or SLR.

I have no idea about range finders, but 5,000 pounds? I don't think I'm gonna learn any time soon :p

I want a 7D.


there is joy in sucking dick
chaostrophy said:
So are any rich gaffers thinking about getting a Leica M9? No way I can afford one, but I'd like to at least try one sometime, maybe a rental. I've never shot with a rangefinder before and I've heard it's a very different experience from a compact or SLR.

The way you focus and frame the image is supposed to be different (I've never used a rangefinder either though).

With that said, the price is ridiculous. I'd rather get a Film Rangefinder (Bessa R!) and use Leica lenses instead of plunking down the price of a like new car.


Is there a reason why the Tamron AF 28-75mm f/2.8 SP XR ZL Di LD Aspherical (IF)

is over $600 off at Amazon? Or is it just a marketing thing?

AT $389 it seems like a decent price.

Should I be looking at any other lenses in that price +/- $50?


Zyzyxxz said:
Is there a reason why the Tamron AF 28-75mm f/2.8 SP XR ZL Di LD Aspherical (IF)

is over $600 off at Amazon? Or is it just a marketing thing?

AT $389 it seems like a decent price.

Should I be looking at any other lenses in that price +/- $50?

Depends on the mount ya have. I have the Tammy for my K20d (got it for about $300 before Bing Cashback off Ebay), and while it's a bit too soft for my tastes wide-open, it sharpens rather nicely by F4.


Zyzyxxz said:
Is there a reason why the Tamron AF 28-75mm f/2.8 SP XR ZL Di LD Aspherical (IF)

is over $600 off at Amazon? Or is it just a marketing thing?

AT $389 it seems like a decent price.

Should I be looking at any other lenses in that price +/- $50?

I was shocked when I noticed recently that the MSRP is about $1,000 for this lens. I bought it for my Canon 20D a few years back for a little under $400.

I must say it's a really decent lens for the price. It won't get you the best in sharpness, contrast or saturation, but what's there isn't bad and the price is hard to beat. I think the bokeh is pretty good too.


there is joy in sucking dick
Canon lens prices in general have jumped (some are saying its due to the weak Dollar and its relation to the Yen, also obvious economic reasons). One example of a dramatic jump is the Canon 200/2.8. It used to go for about $650 new (a lovely price) and now is sitting at $900.


there is joy in sucking dick
Did you guys know that Tamron released a press release in March about a new lens? Apparently its a 60mm f/2 Macro designed specifically for crop sensor cameras. That's fricken ridiculous.


BlueTsunami said:
Did you guys know that Tamron released a press release in March about a new lens? Apparently its a 60mm f/2 Macro designed specifically for crop sensor cameras. That's fricken ridiculous.

What's ridiculous?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
BlueTsunami said:
Did you guys know that Tamron released a press release in March about a new lens? Apparently its a 60mm f/2 Macro designed specifically for crop sensor cameras. That's fricken ridiculous.
yea what am i missing?


there is joy in sucking dick
mrkgoo said:
What's ridiculous?

captive said:
yea what am i missing?

Its a Macro lens that does 1:1 and a maximum aperture of f/2, full stop faster than any Macro lens in this focal length. The only other one I can think of is the Zeiss 50/2 but it only does 1:2 magnification.

It isolation one could get from it would make it perfect for Portrait work. Mixed with the 1:1 magnification and its speed, its a very versatile lens.

Edit: Apparently Zuiko has a Macro at this caliber too!

Also this Tamron Macro is already out for the Canon mount.

Here's a review: http://www.photocrati.com/tamron-sp-af60mm-f20-di-ii-ld-11-macro-lens-review/


Looking for a suggestion on a flash.

I had an SB-400 that seemed to be fine for everything I shot, but it fell and broke. Nikon wants $90 to fix it.

So I'd rather just buy a new one. My budget is around $100 so I can't afford a SB-600.

So I either buy another SB-400 or another brand's flash? Any recommendations?


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
BlueTsunami said:
Its a Macro lens that does 1:1 and a maximum aperture of f/2, full stop faster than any Macro lens in this focal length. The only other one I can think of is the Zeiss 50/2 but it only does 1:2 magnification.

It isolation one could get from it would make it perfect for Portrait work. Mixed with the 1:1 magnification and its speed, its a very versatile lens.

Edit: Apparently Zuiko has a Macro at this caliber too!

Also this Tamron Macro is already out for the Canon mount.

Here's a review: http://www.photocrati.com/tamron-sp-af60mm-f20-di-ii-ld-11-macro-lens-review/

Looks like I should be saving my pennies. The next major lens I want to purchase is a Macro.


there is joy in sucking dick
aidan said:
Looks like I should be saving my pennies. The next major lens I want to purchase is a Macro.

I believe mrkgoo has the Canon 60/2.8 Macro. The Canon Macro has definitely be lauded as one of the best.

The Tamron though, I'm eying that one too.


I'm looking for a new "walk-around" lens for my XTi and I've narrowed it down to two:

Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM

Yeah, one is an L lens and the price difference is only about $200. I plan to purchase one of these lens in the next few weeks or months, which would be the best to get? Or is there something better out there that I should be looking at or wait for? My price range is, preferably, below $1400.


I picked up the new Panasonic Lumix GF-1 camera with 14-45 lens last friday. I have been having a fun time with it.

I'll post some shots to give you an idea of the camera.






All shots are straight out of the camera.


McHuj said:
Looking for a suggestion on a flash.

I had an SB-400 that seemed to be fine for everything I shot, but it fell and broke. Nikon wants $90 to fix it.

So I'd rather just buy a new one. My budget is around $100 so I can't afford a SB-600.

So I either buy another SB-400 or another brand's flash? Any recommendations?

are you using it full manual Strobist-style?

If so, I'd look into getting an older Nikon like an SB-26.

I have an SB-28 right now. I'd totally recommend it though it doesn't have a slave mode. I'm looking at getting an SB-600 next.


I was going to get the 850 but ended up with this (basically the same camera, but with 3fps vs 5fps, 98% OVF vs 100%, in US 2/3 of the price of A900, in Europe not so much)..

Got it 2 days ago so I have yet to use it any longer period, but very close to my A700 in terms of handling. Editing 25MP files almost killed my lappy. :(


Oh and I have seen the light when it comes to viewfinders. Jesus.


"Oh you stupid, stupid man."


there is joy in sucking dick
Forsete said:
Oh and I have seen the light when it comes to viewfinders. Jesus.

My man! If only the makers of these cameras would offer better viewfinder in the lower end (looks like Sony is leading this initiative).

I also love the look of Sony's DSLRs. Some people think they look ugly but I like how unique the body is.


:lol Yes the A900 has taken some flak for its pointy little hat.. But I dont mind, all I care about is the beautiful prism sitting beneath.

Personally I like Pentax design a lot, K-7 is beautiful.
Zyzyxxz said:
ouch that sucks. Hope you at least got the data off it, SD cards are cheap nowadays anyway
It's OK, it was just the free card with tiny memory that came with the camera, however many MB it was, I think it barely held 30 shots and I never used it. He got the card reader and the magazine on another occasion.


My brother and I got a Canon EOS 7D today, so we're pretty pumped. My bro says there is definitely a little more noise than the 5DmkII, but there's also $1000 difference between the two (and one is FF, while the other is APS-C). It's kind of crazy how addiciting photography can be just from a technological standpoint -- I want to find the cameras ins and outs and exploit the shit out of it (the more amazing the video/pictures, the better.)

Alas, I'm looking for some cheap ND filters, so if anyone can recommend me some that'd be sweet. OH, and some cheap 16, 32, or 64gig CF cards?


-Rogue5- said:
My brother and I got a Canon EOS 7D today, so we're pretty pumped. My bro says there is definitely a little more noise than the 5DmkII, but there's also $1000 difference between the two (and one is FF, while the other is APS-C). It's kind of crazy how addiciting photography can be just from a technological standpoint -- I want to find the cameras ins and outs and exploit the shit out of it (the more amazing the video/pictures, the better.)

Alas, I'm looking for some cheap ND filters, so if anyone can recommend me some that'd be sweet. OH, and some cheap 16, 32, or 64gig CF cards?

UK? I am actually pretty tempted in getting a 7D. If I walk into a store next week and they have one on the shelf.... I may just crack.


BlueTsunami said:
I believe mrkgoo has the Canon 60/2.8 Macro. The Canon Macro has definitely be lauded as one of the best.

The Tamron though, I'm eying that one too.

Yeah, I have one. It's ok. It's a nice versatile lens, so I can see the fun in an f/2 macro lens, but not 'friction' ridiculous' (I do understand that it gets harder and harder to make wide apertures with specialty lenses like macros and zooms).

The Canon EF-s 60mm is a really good lens, and rivals the L for image quality, but leaves something to be desired in the bokeh. It's not as sharp critically as I'd like, but that might be coming from the minimal processing I'm doing - I think technically speaking BlueTsunami gets more out of his reversed 50mm (or was that aidan?) than I do out of my 60mm.


Rodent Whores
mrkgoo said:
UK? I am actually pretty tempted in getting a 7D. If I walk into a store next week and they have one on the shelf.... I may just crack.
Do eeeeeeet! :)

You know what, though? While not having any hands on experience with the 7D yet, I think I'd still go out and get a 5D(the first one) if I had a $1,700 budget and needed another camera.

That camera still continues to impress me with its great image quality. Even after all these years and shutter depressions. I still use it at least once a week. The LCD sure does suck, though.


Seems the Nikon 35mm F1.8 are starting to drop back down.

It's on sale at crutchfield now for $230 shipped. Dang I should have gotten in on it when it was only $200 shipped a few months back.

Or I can get the Sigma 50mm F2.8 which is a little more and within my price range and is a macro lense which is what I need right now as well.

I dunno... so conflicted.
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