For those of you shooting DSLR video., I wanted to really praise the Manfrotto 561 monopod. I'm shooting for a combat sports website and I didn't have a budget for a high end slider or a Steadicam Merlin. I read alot about this monopod so I bought it cause we had a shoot on short notice. Here's the video
Everything but the first interview was shot with the 561. I was really impressed with the moves I was able to simulate (with no prior experience using any kind of monopod) and it helped me be much more mobile than I usually am. All the footage is with a 5D MKII and Canon 50mm 1.4.
Everything but the first interview was shot with the 561. I was really impressed with the moves I was able to simulate (with no prior experience using any kind of monopod) and it helped me be much more mobile than I usually am. All the footage is with a 5D MKII and Canon 50mm 1.4.