I'd appreciate if you guys could help me out with a choice I need to make.
I've saved about $2.5k for a new camera as my T1i is about to truely die. Its been a great camera that I've enjoyed using through the years and truely helped me get a good grasp for photography and helped me in my video career (which is going great

) I've put about $1200 into lenses for it over the years but I am willing to just sell them when the time comes.
But now its time to retire it. A while ago I bought a canon s100 to have for the traveling/trips I've been doing with my family/gf. We love traveling and a full sized DSLR body is just too much to carry around when we are trying to maximize our fun. The s100 has been good for that, but honestly it makes me sorely miss my DSLR thanks to all its weaknesses, the biggest of which is very poor low light performance and the small sensor makes any shallow DOF shots basically impossible.
So here is the dilemma. I want to buy a new camera before I start taking more trips this spring summer, but I cant decide if I should go full DSLR again or go mirror-less. I'm very much leaning towards mirrorless so I can have a great travel cam that can also be used for my personal hobby shooting at home.
What would you guys recommend for a mirroless that will be used pirmarily for Portraits for my hobby and traveling with a lot of low light situations (Caverns, Camping, Around the world stuff eventually). And can you recommend me some good lenses that will fit (body and all) into the $2500 budget?
Ideally I'd like a fast pancake lense for travel, a high quality fast prime lense for shallow DOF shots, and a very sharp portrait lens if possible.