just got my em-5. kinda taken aback by the noise when the camera is in non movie mode. anyone who has em-5 here in gaf has experienced this?
Update the firmware. It goes away and also adds 5-Axis IS for legacy lenses in movie mode.
You are right that they dont compete with DSLR's right now, and probably never will compete with ones that have no body/weight/size limitations, and thats ok. What I want is equivilant to a 6d in a NEX body, which I feel we are getting VERY close to.
When I need to take commercial quality photos, I'll bring the 5d with me, and that will be on very specific, paid shoots, or ones where the goal is the photography, and not the experience.
When the goal is to have a good time and a new experience in life, while also wanting to be able to capture that in a better than "vacation quality" shoot, that's where I want this nice compact for, and am more then willing to pay for it. And the direction has already been established now its just a fight to see who gets there first. My money is on Sony as they seem to want to hit that market.
Bömb;51200706 said:It's great that fuji actually puts some effort in updating and improving their cameras.
*wonders what kind of filters one needs to get the most out of a camera and a lens*
(Polarizers, ND, and UV... hmm... I'm having fun with overexposed photos due to excessively bright outdoors that makes large aperture shots for portraits useless outdoors. Blinking shutter speed at ISO 100 = it can't go any faster (1/4000))
(I also need to get rid of glare in one way or another from certain water surfaces and glass)
Does anyone have the Fujifilm X20? I'm looking for a new compact camera and this one caught my eye. It seems like a good travel camera and it looks great aesthetically. I mostly want to use it for travelling, going to events, parties, and gatherings. Or something I can easily carry with me most of the time.
is there any quality loss when shutting with a super high shutter speed like 1/4000th? I always wondered if the sensors have a "sweet spot" for exposure time.
! Google is now offering all of the Nik plugins for $149
Fabulous deal. Color Efex / Silver Efex / HDR Efex are uhmazing.
I've been curious about these, do they offer much more then a lightroom/photoshop comobo?
Well, they are filters for Photoshop / Lightroom. Silver Efex, for example, has no peer when it comes to B/W conversion. Pretty much all of my photos will have gone through a Nik filter before they are done.
Viveza is also included, which uses Nik's U-Point tech to allow really incredible and quick selective adjustments to photos.
! Google is now offering all of the Nik plugins for $149
Fabulous deal. Color Efex / Silver Efex / HDR Efex are uhmazing.
! Google is now offering all of the Nik plugins for $149
Fabulous deal. Color Efex / Silver Efex / HDR Efex are uhmazing.
Just wanted to re-iterate how great Silver Efex Pro is. If you already owned one of their current-version products, check your email.
Okay, loving Silver Efex so far (especially the structure adjustment, going to have to be careful I don't go crazy with that), but I'm feeling it with Colour Efex. Is there some killer feature with it that I'm missing? because at the moment I think I'd prefer to stick with Lightroom 4's adjustments for my colour shots.
Quick edit: this could just be my lack of imagination with colour shots though so feel free to insult if I am just totally missing the point
Color Efex takes quite a bit of experimentation for you to get what you want out of it. My go to filters are Tonal Contrast, Pro Contrast, Glamour Glow, Cross Processing, and Film Effects - Modern. I can't get the sort of color toning I get from it anywhere else.
One thing that might not be apparent on a lot of filters is that they have many multiple versions of the filter in a type dropdown that can be hard to miss.
Thanks, will have a mooch and a proper play about later. I'm finding myself revisiting allot of my old raw files that I processed as black and white and re-editing them in Silver Efex, this may take a while...
Cant believe you guys are just talking about color efex and not mentioning Viveza, that plug in is amazing, most pros use it and it can change pictures in ridicolous ways without having to spend hours doing selection brushes in photoshop.
Cant believe you guys are just talking about color efex and not mentioning Viveza, that plug in is amazing, most pros use it and it can change pictures in ridicolous ways without having to spend hours doing selection brushes in photoshop.
Quick edit: this could just be my lack of imagination with colour shots though so feel free to insult if I am just totally missing the point
The nik filters are cool, but I hate that they are destructive. I don't see the point because you can do all the same things in Aperture or Lightroom non-destructivly.
Wait, so if you're working with a JPG in LR and make a change with one of the Nik plugins it's a destructive change that LR can't back out?
Wait, so if you're working with a JPG in LR and make a change with one of the Nik plugins it's a destructive change that LR can't back out?
The nik filters are cool, but I hate that they are destructive. I don't see the point because you can do all the same things in Aperture or Lightroom non-destructivly.
Yeah, you can set it to make a copy but the changes are permanent.
I don't like the destructive part either, but I certainly don't find I can achieve anything like Silver Efex Pro in Aperture.
isnt that the point of virtual copies in lightroom? To give a place for destructive editing while still keeping your original image and not creating additional files?
Like what? The only thing aperture is missing is adding noise (film grain). Lightrooms grain is better IMHO.
It can't edit a RAW file. A tiff or jpeg must be created for these plugins to work.
well hmm, I'm going to have to rethink my work flow method if I want to integrate that then.
it'll open the RAW file but Lightroom will automatically create a duplicate TIFF file and work from that. Its a pain when you find you don't want to edit the file which will then keep that unedited duplicate TIFF you have to manually delete yourself.
well hmm, I'm going to have to rethink my work flow method if I want to integrate that then.
Are you sure? It will not edit my .NEF or .CR2 files.
it says right there edit original is not applicable with raw or digital negative files.
What he said is exactly what that dialog describes?
What? Lightroom makes a copy then the plugin edits that (permanently) it does not allow for non-destructive editing on RAW files or on TIFFs.
What he is saying is you can delete the unedited TIFF copies if you choose not to apply any filters, which is duh....