For those people who are interested in use remote/manual flash on NEX or Fuji bodies, I got a couple Yongnuo toys today. Here are my findings:
I got a JJC brand NEX hotshot adapter because its reviews on amazon are some what more favorable than the other ones.
It didn't work the first day, so I thought I threw 13 bux down the toilet. Today I decided to try it again and it worked. I *think* it didn't work yesterday because the flash was not in the M mode. I tried it a few times, as long as I set my flash to M, or M-multi, it worked on top on the hotshoe adapter.

The shutter speed on my NEX-3 can go as high as 1/320s without the partial black bar.
However, it doesn't trigger the RF-603c remote trigger. I was not able to test my other set of no-name flash remote trigger because the battery ran out. The reason I got the RF-603 is that it uses normal AAA batteries.
The good news is the
flash trigger S1 mode of the YN560 III flash work. Keep in mind that when NEX uses its tiny flash, it has a unnoticeable preflash you can not turn off. So I guess the people from Yongnuo was able to build the function into the YN560III and ignore the preflash. When the tiny Sony flash is used, the shutter speed is fixed to 1/160s.
I don't plan to use this thing alot because there is no case and I don't know how to carry it, plus you have to carry the screwdriver all the time.
The more important thing is the
Canon version of the RF-603c remote flash trigger work on the Fuji XE-1 beautifully.
I know from internet posts, the Nikon version of the trigger RF-603n doesn't work on the XE-1, and the older RF-602c does work on the XE-1. So I took a gamble and ordered the RF-603c.
I took me a bit to figure out how to set the channels. After that you are good to go. Just plug the RF-603c on the XE-1 and you can trigger the YN560III up to 1/200s. The reason I got the YN560III instead of the II was that I wanted the build in flash trigger inside the flash and also audio confirmation. Both are very handy features.
Flash trigger also work, I can use the build-in XE-1 flash to trigger the flash at as high as 1/200s. I have to set it to the S2 mode, S1 mode on the flash doesn't work.