because it's an expensive piece of equipment! and I can just draw in the meantime....
so it's easy? What's the best kit?
I just threw up.
The cleaning runs every time you turn the camera off and I've done it through the menus a few times, but I've had the camera since 2009 and never cleaned it with a kit or sent it anywhere.
I guess it could be my lenses as well.
Christ it goes up to ISO 409,600? Wonder what that looks like....
because it's an expensive piece of equipment! and I can just draw in the meantime....
so it's easy? What's the best kit?
A7S sony video
I don't understand the market for this, anyone getting a Leica would get the M series, anyone wanting something small would get the X series
Leak of first aps-c leica mirrorless camera.
I don't understand the market for this, anyone getting a Leica would get the M series, anyone wanting something small would get the X series.
How "pocketable" is an X100? Obviously not likely to go into trouser pockets but a jacket pocket? Just noticed it's actually heaver than my Panasonic G10 (albeit without the kit lens) so not sure how great that'll be...
How "pocketable" is an X100? Obviously not likely to go into trouser pockets but a jacket pocket? Just noticed it's actually heaver than my Panasonic G10 (albeit without the kit lens) so not sure how great that'll be...
x100 is totally jacket-pocketable, probably more so than an X20 because the lens doesn't stick out as much. plus it looks cool if you wear it around your neck, unlike basically any other camera.
i'd never buy anything like an LX7 these days. get an RX100 if size is your priority.
Cheers. Looks like I'll get the LX7 from DigitalRev next week then.
That or the X20. A little concerned about the RX100 being TOO small to the point where, even with a Franiec grip, it's not great to hold and I'd be terrified passing the camera to someone in case they dropped it while taking the camera.
But then so many reviews and blogs are saying the RX100 is by far the best compact camera.
Decisions, decisions.
So how scared should I be about ordering lenses through eBay? Considering it's so much cheaper it's very tempting, but can things like these be trusted?
So how scared should I be about ordering lenses through eBay? Considering it's so much cheaper it's very tempting, but can things like these be trusted?
So how scared should I be about ordering lenses through eBay? Considering it's so much cheaper it's very tempting, but can things like these be trusted?
For the most part, I think so. I've been very pleased with my recent Sigma 30mm purchase.
I've never had a problem with it. Buy from someone with a lot of good feedback
Thanks for all the feedback guys! Guess I'll start looking into this more seriously then, it's crazy how much cheaper it from a reputable seller,
if its just a person and not a mega-store seller, i'd look for actual pictures of the lens instead of stock pics
Thanks for all the feedback guys! Guess I'll start looking into this more seriously then, it's crazy how much cheaper it is.
So how scared should I be about ordering lenses through eBay? Considering it's so much cheaper it's very tempting, but can things like these be trusted?
Sorry about the wife.
If you are getting the pro zooms anyway IMO the 14-24 "big light bulb" is still the best out of Nikon's zoom lineup.
This weekend just gone I had the strap on all day on Saturday and Sunday while going around Winchester and Beaulieu (UK) and it was so much more comfortable! It was a little weird just letting the camera go at my side at first but you gradually get used to it, and it was much easier on my shoulders and I could grab the camera at any time. Highly recommended.
i'm from winchester. just wanted to say that!
Let there be light!
Let there be light!
lol.... don't really know what else to say about this.
Just physically checked out some camera's at a local store. I knew the RX100 was small but wow, didn't expect THAT small. And then I saw the GM1....
I had a period where I considered the X20 and that felt really nice to hold but the RX100 is just that bit better. A shame the RX100 isn't as good ergonomically.
I need to have a fondle of the RX100 and the RX100 II. I've heard so many good things about those cameras and one would be great for those times when lumping an SLR around just ins't practical.