That 50 looks quite nice, it's actually better featured than the 1.4
The 50mm D lens is cheaper, noisier and softer wide open, but similar when stopped down.
What FF camera are you planning on getting? I want an old FF camera (they're so much cheaper) and have been eying the D700 which had really good low light performance for the time.
If you can live with DX then the 40mm micro look like great value with CFC (floating elements) and good reviews. There is a more expensive 85mm micro which has internal focus and VR and various FX 60mm micros. If you lack a standard lens I've seen some talk about the 18-70mm f3.5-4.5 which lacks VR, but is very cheap used (~150USD at KEH) and is much better built than the 18-55 with full time manual focus, much faster internal focus with SWM and good optical performance. It does vignette more at 18mm though.
I'm just rambling about other Nikon lenses that are good value and not trying to turn you off the 50 BTW