Complex Shadow
Cudi Lame
Many apologies guys. I think I am being misinterpreted when I say 4 k. I am not taking a about video. I ment photos that are 4k in resolution. Not 4k video. I'm mostly interested in still photos.
Many apologies guys. I think I am being misinterpreted when I say 4 k. I am not taking a about video. I ment photos that are 4k in resolution. Not 4k video. I'm mostly interested in still photos.
Many apologies guys. I think I am being misinterpreted when I say 4 k. I am not taking a about video. I ment photos that are 4k in resolution. Not 4k video. I'm mostly interested in still photos.
Everything above ~12MP will be 4k when cropped to 16:9 so you can safely buy a 10 year old DSLR.
I've heard that the Panasonic G4 or some such has some awesome 4k video, but I'm not sure of anything else about it (or even if that name is right).hmmm, not sure really. I don't have good info on cameras in that range with 4K. I always recommend to buy once. May be worth saving more for a good body. I shoot stills mostly. I bet someone here can point you in the right direction.
Many apologies guys. I think I am being misinterpreted when I say 4 k. I am not taking a about video. I ment photos that are 4k in resolution. Not 4k video. I'm mostly interested in still photos.
Again. Sorry.hmmm, not sure really. I don't have good info on cameras in that range with 4K. I always recommend to buy once. May be worth saving more for a good body. I shoot stills mostly. I bet someone here can point you in the right direction.
I kinda like this route except is it possible I spend a bit more and then buy a camera I could own for year's to come?IMO, spend 3-400 bucks to pick up an entry level kit and play around with it for a year to see if it's your cup of tea and learn the basics of photography. Then ditch it for something more proper, if you desire, once you are more knowledgeable to make better decisions for yourself. Cameras are tools, each with different compromise, and everyone has different needs.
I kinda like this route except is it possible I spend a bit more and then buy a camera I could own for year's to come?
then why does m4/3rds have so many good options?
Which would be the better lens for a beginner: Canon 40mm 2.8 or Nikon 35mm 1.8? I'm trying to decide whether to get a Nikon or Canon body based on this. I wanted a 50mm at first but now I realize it's too cropped for my taste.
Which would be the better lens for a beginner: Canon 40mm 2.8 or Nikon 35mm 1.8? I'm trying to decide whether to get a Nikon or Canon body based on this. I wanted a 50mm at first but now I realize it's too cropped for my taste.
e-mount continuing to be the absolute worst ecosystem to buy into.
Why have you narrowed it down to two completely different lenses like that?
I would get the Nikon. Close to what you are used to with 50mm, it's f/1.8 which gives you a bit more room for creativity and low light possibilities.
Also the entry level Nikon bodies seem to have better sensors than the entry level Canon bodies, with very good dynamic range.
How are they completely different? I want a <$200 lens that's good in low light.
Well I 'm not really used to anything since it will be my first camera. It will either be a Canon 30D or Nikon D50/D200.
That's 2 companies sharing the same mount.
and? Whats stopping sony from joining m4/3rds or starting their own coalition? The fact still remains m4/3rds has more lens options.
GAF.....should I go mirrorless
All I hear is pros
What are the cons
How do they compare with Fuji lenses? I doubt they're are as expensive.
right now all I have is a nikon d32, my father has a d55, we share lenses ect ect
I just feel like there really is no 'step up' for me from the d32 unless I go for a full frame camera or if I go mirrorless?
Either way I'm screwed, I don't want to use dx lenses on a full frame body, and if I go mirrorless, I'm going to be spending hundreds on getting the same range of lenses I currently have for my d32
Any suggestions GAF?
I just feel like there really is no 'step up' for me from the d32 unless I go for a full frame camera or if I go mirrorless?
How are they completely different? I want a <$200 lens that's good in low light.
GAF.....should I go mirrorless
All I hear is pros
What are the cons
I shoot for myself but I also shoot for money (real estate/sweet 16's/weddings ect ect) and the d32 seems basic? I could be wrongany specific reasons why you want to step up? what aren't you getting from your current equipment.?
and? Whats stopping sony from joining m4/3rds or starting their own coalition? The fact still remains m4/3rds has more lens options.
They're completely different because they are two separate brands, two separate focal lengths and two vastly different f-stops. I asked because your price point is more important than those two entirely different lenses which is what I expected but better to confirm that with you.
You should figure out what system you want to use first based on current lenses and possible future lenses and ergonomics which is the biggest difference between the two brands.
Have you ever taken photos before?
E-mount lenses are fully interchangeable regardless of body sensor size. So if you absolutely need AF I would advise you to buy FE lenses whenever possible (while taking crop factor into account) in case you want to upgrade to full frame down the road. For situations you don't need AF (ex: real estate) you can use old cheap manual legacy lenses using a basic adapter.I shoot for myself but I also shoot for money (real estate/sweet 16's/weddings ect ect) and the d32 seems basic? I could be wrong
Just got a Sony a6000 because it would be nice to have something with out having to lug around all my equipment
I've taken photos before with a friend's DSLR and it was fun to play with the settings. I'm not too serious about photography but I want something that's good in low light settings. Other factors aren't that important, I want to start cheap and I'll upgrade if I get serious about it.
and? Whats stopping sony from joining m4/3rds or starting their own coalition? The fact still remains m4/3rds has more lens options.
That sounds good, because if I fall in love with mirrorless like I expect myself to, I don't want to re-buy lenses when I go full frame a few years from nowE-moount lenses are fully interchangeable regardless of body sensor size. So if you absolutely need AF I would advise you to buy FE lenses whenever possible (while taking crop factor into account) in case you want to upgrade to full frame down the road. For situations you don't need AF (ex: real estate) you can use old cheap manual legacy lences using a basic adapter.
This is what I love about mirrorless. If you're willing to juggle crop factor and manual focus you can actually save a pretty penny and keep using the same lenses indefinetly regardless of your mirrorless body.
What E-mount lacks are cheap options more then anything, and even faster lenses for bragging rights.
The fact that M4/3rds is a smaller sensor means I certainly wouldn't want them to.
focus speed and focus tracking accuracy still can't compete with a DSLR focus system. Its getting better though. So if that's something you need its going to be limiting.GAF.....should I go mirrorless
All I hear is pros
What are the cons
Ok and? The conversation was about the lens ecosystem, not the sensor size. Radec, you posted comparing to "Nikon and Canons decades of lens ecosystems" yet m4/3rds is pretty mature for not having "Decades."
The best m4/3rds sesnsors are already sony sensors, if they wanted to they could have made their own camera at that size and had instant lens ecosystem. as it is they are pretty late to the game and thus far behind.
Move the goal posts all you want. I don't really care, I have a d800, and I'm selling my m4/3rds gear.
focus speed and focus tracking accuracy still can't compete with a DSLR focus system. Its getting better though. So if that's something you need its going to be limiting.
Ok and? The conversation was about the lens ecosystem, not the sensor size. Radec, you posted comparing to "Nikon and Canons decades of lens ecosystems" yet m4/3rds is pretty mature for not having "Decades."
The best m4/3rds sesnsors are already sony sensors, if they wanted to they could have made their own camera at that size and had instant lens ecosystem. as it is they are pretty late to the game and thus far behind.
Move the goal posts all you want. I don't really care, I have a d800, and I'm selling my m4/3rds gear.
focus speed and focus tracking accuracy still can't compete with a DSLR focus system. Its getting better though. So if that's something you need its going to be limiting.
Sensor size and lens size are intertwined. You can use glass designed for a larger sensor (albeit usually with some concessions), but you really can't use glass designed for a smaller sensor on a larger sensor. The reason why people are annoyed is because the FULL FRAME e mount lenses don't have any cheap options.... and you want them to try using glass designed for sensors that are like half the size!? That's not going to work! Not unless you want many of your photos to look like they were taken through a pringles can.
Not even counting, that the mount diameter may not even be ABLE to cover a full sized sensor... The emount has a hard enough time of that and it's already larger than the M4/3rds.
We didn't move goalposts. You just ignored one huge factor involved with the goalpost.
There's absolutely no problem about the e-mount diameter not allowing a complete exposure of the full-frame sensor. There is however increased complexity in creating lenses at certain focal lengths due to the very small flange focal distance. And that is something every future full-frame mirrorless camera will have to deal with.Not even counting, that the mount diameter may not even be ABLE to cover a full sized sensor... The emount has a hard enough time of that and it's already larger than the M4/3rds.
are you even reading my posts? No where did i say they should be using FF lenses on a m4/rds body. That would be asinine.
I said two things:
A) sony should have formed their own coalition like m4/3 to help with lens design, its a lot of work to design sensors, bodies and lenses. Fuji and or Nikon come to mind since neither dominate the market. Its not like they don't already work with the entire camera industry since almost every DSLR manufacturer uses their sensors in some models.
B) they could have easily joined m4/3rds and made cameras there with instant lens ecosystem.
Instead they did neither, they came up with yet another lens mount system, probably the last thing the camera industry needed.
And yea, y'all did move the goal posts, I literally quoted one post, Radec's that said "canon and Nikon have had decades to develop their lens eco system" as an excuse for the sony e-mount not having a mature lens ecosystem. And the two responses I get are about sensor size. I'd say that's the definition of moving the goal posts.
There's absolutely no problem about the e-mount diameter not allowing a complete exposure of the full-frame sensor. There is however increased complexity in creating lenses at certain focal lengths due to the very small flange focal distance. And that is something every future full-frame mirrorless camera will have to deal with.
Sorry, I misinterpreted you.I'm saying that a M4/3rds wouldn't be able to cover it as well.
You definitely could especially if you are getting a DSLR as oppose to a mirrorless one. The tech in DSLR is pretty much plateaued. Any mid range ones can easily last 3-5 years or longer. Heck, even entry level ones are quite good these days. Mirrorless cameras are still more of a moving target, but they have matured a bit now compared to a couple years ago and are finally (imo) worth considering as starting point.
That said, it's very easy to over spend, spend on the wrong things, or simply making things more difficult than it needs to be when you are just starting out. (Like when I started out, people kept telling me I want to go with Canon, I want FF, etc. I'm glad that I didn't listen and went with Pentax.) You can make far better decisions in a year or two when you know what you like to shoot, your needs and understand the pros and cons of every little thing. I'd focus less on the gear and more on the photography itself and then expand from there...
For DSLR, Canon and Nikon are safe bets because their ecosystems are vast and mature. For mirrorless, you basically have Nikon for 1"; Panasonic or Olympus for micro 4/3; Fuji or Sony or Samsung or Canon for APS-C and Sony for full frame. (These are sensor sizes.) Go play with them in the store if possible and see whatever feels good.
edit: The only reason I don't typically recommend Pentax right off the bat is too many people easily feel insecure using an underdog brand. Otherwise, their cameras offer a lot of value.
I think the issues with making FE lenses is kinda overblown. Had it been a big issue with the mount width we would have seen it with adapted glass. Some very wide M-mount glass suffer from bad corners, but that's because they were designed for film and digital versions are on their way. The smallest lenses suffer vignetting, but all lenses are affected by the cosine fourth law. I'd rather have some tiny wide angle lenses with vignetting than only big wide angle lenses.
A lens mount with no mirror is very liberating for lens designers. Lens design is evolutionary so it'll take some time as designers have to start from scratch, but there are a lot of new possibilities. The 35mm f2.8 is probably the best example, super sharp and super tiny despite the reasonably fast f2.8 aperture. The 28mm f2 is a tiny bit heavier than the Canon 28mm f2.8 and much lighter than the Canon 28mm f2.8 IS. It suffers from barrel distortion, but has great price to performance.
What's good Cannon beginner class kit?
What's good Cannon beginner class kit?
GAF.....should I go mirrorless
All I hear is pros
What are the cons
right now all I have is a nikon d32, my father has a d55, we share lenses ect ect
FE primes are sharp but still have near double amount of vignetting without software correction. We still haven't seen a f2.8 zoom for the mount. FE lenses also tend to be longer and heavier than you would expect partly just to correct problems which is kind of taking 2 steps forward and 1 step back from weight and size point of view. It's not only going to take time to figure out new designs you are also going to be paying for it (R&D cost etc).
The Txis haven't really changed that much from 3-5 and 6 finally got some decent upgrade. So depends on how much you want to spend there I guess.
I'd recommend the T5i and get a refurbished kit. Here's a good one with two lenses that can help you decide what you like to shoot with. It's in your budget and lets you save money for better lenses once you figure out what focal lengths you like.