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The Official Daily Show Thread with Jon Stewart


There should be a thread for both of them, unless there is already one.

Fusebox said:
It's easy to be quick when your entire shtick is based around a single contrarian character with pre-established (albeit fake) opinions. Colbert is superb at it, but he has a much simpler job than Stewart who has to juggle his own genuine opinions with comedic delivery.

Yep, Colbert's comedy is usually always at the top of it's game because he knows what he is supposed to be and knows how to deliver it well. He's a centrist Catholic playing a super right-wing conservative. He has an inspiration from Bill O'Reilly, and he has the credibility to make the jokes so that it doesn't come off as hate (unlike some others), but as honest.

Jon Stewart however, always gets the biggest news and guests, and thanks to his correspondents (which Colbert has none), it is a lot more varied show with a bigger audience. I can very easily understand why people would prefer The Daily Show over Colbert, even if I am a bigger fan of Colbert.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Sarcasm is what separates human intelligence from other animals.

Colbert has more facetiousness in him, than Jon Stewart. Colbert makes more intelligent remarks every so often ( in a way that really makes you think). Jon Stewart has a broad knowledge, and is more experienced with dealing with serious topics. But Colbert doesn't get the chance to do the same. That's not his job. So we might never know how he might have done when put in the same conditions as Stewart.

Both are amazing. Stop trying to split us up. And yes, someone should make the Colbert thread.

If not you, then I shall.


minor effort said:
Looks like it's working once again for people outside the US. That's good.
Really? Because it's not working for me. It really sucks that they are doing this because pretty much my only other option for watching the episodes are torrents. Surely they'd gain more from me watching their ads...
Enkidu said:
Really? Because it's not working for me. It really sucks that they are doing this because pretty much my only other option for watching the episodes are torrents. Surely they'd gain more from me watching their ads...
It's working for me again here in Spain :)


Also working in The Netherlands again. The commercial breaks are long as shit now though.

I know it's extremely juvenile but I complete lost it at the Harry Baals community centre from last night.


I would rather keep it in the same thread, it concentrates the population. And most of us are probably watching both of them anyway.


dead souls said:
I don't even think I'd agree that Stewart is smarter. Colbert is just so much quicker on his feet that it makes me think he's got a lot more going for him than Jon.

Colbert is quite intelligent. It's more noticeable if you catch him in interviews when he's out of character, i.e. that fun interview he had on Neil DeGrasse Tyson's podcast some time back.


Stephen Colbert IS Anonymous!




Excellent episodes Colbert vs Fallon was great. Was almost a throwback to the Colbert/Stewart/Conan Huckabee bump rivalry. So was TDS' Banker vs Teacher montage of hypocrisy.
IrrelevantNotch said:
What makes you think Stewart's smarter? I mean, the guy agreed with Peter Schiff on the economy.

I'm not convinced that Stewart is smarter at all. The Daily Show is so terrible now that I finally deleted my season pass and am just watching Colbert. It's sad to see what was once a great show fall so far.


I'm not sure Rand Paul is really thinking through his argument, trying to argue against regulations but then constantly talking about how much better things are now than they were before the regulation.


Rand Paul Coal shilling like a pro. You'd think his entire campaign was financed by a coal billionaire with the way he talks.

Oliver's skit was great, best cameo for a segment like that ever. Also the most hilarious moment of zen I can remember.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
IrrelevantNotch said:
What makes you think Stewart's smarter? I mean, the guy agreed with Peter Schiff on the economy.

Well, Stewart is definitely smart, I think. I haven't seen the episode where he agreed with Peter Schiff, so I can't comment.


Tamanon said:
I'm not sure Rand Paul is really thinking through his argument, trying to argue against regulations but then constantly talking about how much better things are now than they were before the regulation.
"Who has a safer food supply than us! USA! USA! So WHY are we regulating it?!"


The "Freedom Packages" bit they did just now was amazing. Especially the huge disclaimer at the end. "Offer not valid in Gaza or West Bank" I laughed so hard haha.
KingK said:
The "Freedom Packages" bit they did just now was amazing. Especially the huge disclaimer at the end. "Offer not valid in Gaza or West Bank" I laughed so hard haha.
Yes. Just came in to post this. Saw the bit coming a few seconds before Oliver stood up.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So I've been watching episodes that were leading up to the Iraq War. I didn't start watching the Daily Show on a continuous basis until late 2008, and is it just me, but did Jon Stewart appear noticeably more pissed off back then?

Watching these episodes, I'm shocked that TDS even was allowed to broadcast during those times.
Oblivion said:
So I've been watching episodes that were leading up to the Iraq War. I didn't start watching the Daily Show on a continuous basis until late 2008, and is it just me, but did Jon Stewart appear noticeably more pissed off back then?

Watching these episodes, I'm shocked that TDS even was allowed to broadcast during those times.

Why would they not be allowed to broadcast it?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
NotTheGuyYouKill said:
Why would they not be allowed to broadcast it?

Cause I seem to recall that so much as criticizing Bush's hair cut meant you hated America and wished the troops would die in a volcano.


Oblivion said:
Cause I seem to recall that so much as criticizing Bush's hair cut meant you hated America and wished the troops would die in a volcano.
By Fox News / Middle America maybe. Not really's Jon's demographic though.
Oblivion said:
Cause I seem to recall that so much as criticizing Bush's hair cut meant you hated America and wished the troops would die in a volcano.

That was the reaction of the media and conservative America. Bush says he respected their right to criticize his decisions because they were allowed to say those things under the law of the land.

Colbert destroyed Bush in the WH Correspondents Dinner speech he gave and he was allowed to stay on the air.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
If Trump becomes POSUT. Then the America is truly lost.


Veidt said:
If Trump becomes POSUT. Then the America is truly lost.

I'm a Republican and even I wouldn't want him as President. Didn't he file for bankruptcy a couple of times? And he thinks he can fix our economy? Give me a break.


xxracerxx said:
The idea broadcast by republican/conservative demagogues at the time was that you absolutely do not question America, its leaders, or their intentions or actions, or else you were against America and the troops.

It may be ridiculous but it actually fucking happened!


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Dechaios said:
The idea broadcast by republican/conservative demagogues at the time was that you absolutely do not question America, its leaders, or their intentions or actions, or else you were against America and the troops.

It may be ridiculous but it actually fucking happened!
He seemed to me to be making a broad general statement that blanketed ALL the news broadcasting channels, not just the right.


xxracerxx said:
He seemed to me to be making a broad general statement that blanketed ALL the news broadcasting channels, not just the right.
He didn't really say who was criticizing the nay sayers but one can assume what he meant based on super basic knowledge of the politics of the time period.


Seeing the auctioneer dancing to "Snoopy" Dogg while Colbert busted a gut next to him was an awesome moment.

Everybody should check out the entire Raging Art On segment (Mon-Wed) if they haven't already.


Last night's Colbert Report was great. I'm not particularly interested in James Franco, but the interview Colbert had with him was really, really fun to watch.


Lionel Mandrake said:
Colbert learning etiquette was great.
Yeah, his segments where he goes on multi part adventures in places are always hilarious.

Also, I totally had a nerd-gasm last night when Colbert started explaining stuff from the Tolkien universe.
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