Youre off to a great start. Youre going to love dripping into an LR atomizer. (They even make "bridge-less" atomizers just for dripping. The "bridge" is the piece inside the atty that touches the foam of the cartridge - entirely unnecessary and can over time be an impediment.)OK, starting to get into this. I immediately dropped from a half pack a day to like 3 cigs a day, and just now I smoked my first analog in 48 hours.. disgusting. Done.
I have a bunch of juice as mentioned above. I don't like the normal atomizer/cartridge combo, I was getting weird burny flavor (maybe it was just the polyfill in the included cartridges was cheap?) so I tried the CE4 clearomizer, but I didn't really like that either (required too hard of a draw, felt like it took a few seconds on the button to get up to heat, maybe it was just too high resistance). I'm currently using Joyetech cartomizers and it's working out for the most part, but I've got a drip tip and low-resistance atomizer on the way.
Quick question - I'm filling the cartomizers using the 'condom method' for the moment. But I always have like 5-6 drops left over in the cap afterwards, because of the shape of the battery connector. Do I just throw that out, or leave it lying around and hope I don't knock it over, ... ?
My latest batch of Boge cartomizers are garbage. I'd read online about problems lately but my first 5 worked well. These produce crappy flavour (not just weak but tainted by something... not unpleasant, but not pleasant), are harder to fill (they just doesn't seem to want to absorb much liquid) and they seem to go from working to burnt taste within 10 minutes.
I'm enjoying these and I have a Vivi Nova, does anyone have any recommendations instead of Boge cartomizers? I usually use them as a cheap way to carry around several flavours and try new ones.
I really really like the Vision V2 clearomizers, you should give one of those a shot.
Have you had any issues with liquid getting in your mouth? I had ones just like those with my 808 kit and if I wasn't hitting it while looking at the ground it would leak juice right into my mouth. Feel the BURN...
I haven't tried any for 510 batteries yet.
What I'd like to get is one of these:
I really really like the Vision V2 clearomizers, you should give one of those a shot.
Is that a DCT? Those are ok....I like to have some "back pressure" to my atty. It seems like all of the tank attys are very free flowing. Now my buddies Lambo mod battery works great with them, but not with my EGO batts.
Is that a DCT? Those are ok....I like to have some "back pressure" to my atty. It seems like all of the tank attys are very free flowing. Now my buddies Lambo mod battery works great with them, but not with my EGO batts.
Dont get me wrong, dripping on a bridge-less LR atty is still my favorite way to vape. But I do think Im going to do a little shopping soon.
My latest batch of Boge cartomizers are garbage. I'd read online about problems lately but my first 5 worked well. These produce crappy flavour (not just weak but tainted by something... not unpleasant, but not pleasant), are harder to fill (they just doesn't seem to want to absorb much liquid) and they seem to go from working to burnt taste within 10 minutes.
I just got the vision V2 clearomizer.
I like the tank size and the smooth draw but...
The thing hits super hard. Like too hard. I dont know why but the smoke it's producing seems very harsh.
I seriously can't say enough about this website. It's fucking amazing and the cheapest per ML I have seen. Do yourself a favor and spend fifteen bucks playing around on this site. I spent ~$19 and got 9 5 ml bottles shipped to my door.
edit: Use 10020 for 20% off
So have you tried any of it yet? What did you get?
I'm down to spend 15 on a new supplier. Sadly it's so difficult to get an order in to avejuice with their BS quota of X number of orders a day and there only open 8 hours a day.
But dat GORILLA JUICE nectar of the gods, seriously. It's sold out within about an hour of them opening. I NEED MY FIX!
If you order the Dragon blend line, it recommends steeping them for a while before trying them. 4 of my bottles were that so they are in that process.
Ah so you can create your own. I'll try to see how close I can come to creating gorilla juice. Checking the site now.
I've got $62.02 in the cart @ Alien Visions. If they would just ShutUpAndTakeMyMoney.jpg. Dude could make so much money if he had a competent payment system. From what I understand it's run solo by some dude.
I've always wondered what was behind the process of creating your own juice. I'm going to research it and do it one of these days.
AVE has resellers. For example:
And you should look at getting one of those genesis tanks so you don't have to drip all the time. You can get one of those knock-offs out of China for ~25 bucks.
Don't know if it's worth it with out the oxidized mesh. Isn't that what makes them work like magic?
Hell no the mesh is garbage. Thats why we remove them to make bridgeless attys. The only important part of an atty is the coil at the bottom.
I recently saw a vid where a woman was reviewing a fillerless bottom-coil clearomizer. I think it was the Phoenix from gotvapes. Anyway, they look pretty good and i was thinking of starting with those. Ive only really tried Vision Clearos so far.
Are bottom coils and fillerless common for cartomizers now? Like, your modern everyday Boge or Smoktek cartos arent bottom coil and fillerless now, are they?
I just got the vision V2 clearomizer.
I like the tank size and the smooth draw but...
The thing hits super hard. Like too hard. I dont know why but the smoke it's producing seems very harsh.
Are you getting a lot of vapor out of it? My first experience with them was when I bought two. One works great. Super cloudy, smooth vapor hits. The other is fucked. Weak vapor production and it burns my throat. I've since bought two more and they both function well.
Thermo Essence Technologies - AVA-HR Atomizer - 510 AdapterI'll go American made. MuricaFuckya. I don't want the atomizer to be made of lead
Anyway the point is I just placed an order for 5pc GotVapes Phoenix Bottom Coil Clearos and a Phoenix Bottom Coil eGo Tank Clearomizer and ill report back soon with initial impressions.
Here is the Youtube review of the Phoenix Bottom Coil Clearomizers that inspired the purchase. Once on their website i saw the Phoenix eGo Tank Clearo and had to try one as well. Especially since they all come in 2.6ohm which is perfect for my VV Twists.
Those look identical to the CE3's I talked about a couple of weeks ago. Probably just different branding in the US. I think they're great. I got 5, all of them worked. None of them leaked. All produced great taste and vapour. Still using them today!
What supplier? I'll indicate it in the opBroseybrose: your bridgeless 510 Cisco atomizers. Is there any wick inside the coil? I removed the bridge on mine but it's gonna be difficult to get the tiny but of wick that the coil is wrapped around. Pissed they sent me 4 atomizers with bridges when I ordered bridgeless. They told me removing them myself would give me the same result.
Broseybrose: your bridgeless 510 Cisco atomizers. Is there any wick inside the coil? I removed the bridge on mine but it's gonna be difficult to get the tiny but of wick that the coil is wrapped around. Pissed they sent me 4 atomizers with bridges when I ordered bridgeless. They told me removing them myself would give me the same result.
What supplier? I'll indicate it in the op
I've used these before, pretty good but they seemed to leak out the bottom a lot and get clogged up eventually. When they are fresh they are awesome. You can clean them and reuse them. They can be a little difficult to fill up if you don't have something to pick the rubber ring out in order to put your juice in there.
how about you just quit... PERIOD... willpower
I would love to give up, but I've always found it incredibly about you just quit... PERIOD... willpower