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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


Banzaiaap said:

Just tried it by myself (in party mode). The city was full of weapons and helicopters and stuff. Also fully populated (police seemed to be turned off.)

Ahhh, I actually do not like. I want to unlock the whole city myself. Boo!


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Beaulieu said:
can we actually free raom with cops activated ? :eek:
16 players?
Can you trigger more than one star ?
In GTA 2 in multiplayer you could only trigger 1 star in multi.
16 Players VS the army would be awesome.

Is the army even there in GTA4 ? Havent seen a video of it yet... any tanks ?

1) Yes you can, you can turn on cops, peds (light, medium, lots), same for vehicles...
2) Yup, highest we've gotten was 4, with a helicopter as well as a SWAT truck chasing us
3) Pretty sure after 4 stars some kind of army comes...

And for those who asked - EVERYTHING is unlocked for the city in free-roam, except you can't ride metros, etc...


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
YES, it's ok for me to take Wednesday off. Now, I just have to suffer waiting 24 hours from now to be home with the game :/
Grimm Fandango said:
About 8.5 hours for me. I'm going to take a nap soon so I can play longer into the night.
I forced myself to stay up till 6am last night, and then woke in the afternoon so that I could play through tonight :lol
Revengeance said:
I forced myself to stay up till 6am last night, and then woke in the afternoon so that I could play through tonight :lol

I tried that, but still woke up at 11am. got a good nights sleep though, and am ready to go.


I'm so glad! I just found out that I don't have to take my last exam tomorrow because my grade was within a certain range, so tomorrow will be all GTA! :D

disappeared said:
This question is aimed at PS3 owners, are most of you guys playing single player tonight, or are you jumping into multiplayer? I just don't want to be left out of some awesome matches.

I think for tonight at least I'm gonna stick with Single Player to get a feel for the game since this is my first GTA but tomorrow I'm gonna hop into multiplayer. (I got/accepted your friend request earlier btw).
Banzaiaap said:

Just tried it by myself (in party mode). The city was full of weapons and helicopters and stuff. Also fully populated (police seemed to be turned off.)

What do you mean "full of weapons"? Are weapons just lying on the ground so you need to only walk over them?

Ranger X

MercuryLS said:
I don't think there's any army in the game :(

I got the highest amount of stars in the game at one point and didn't see any army dudes or tanks.

Don't we see a tank in one of the trailers??

The Chef

Had to cancel my preorder at one gamestop and switch it to another that is doing the midnight launch tonight. The gamestop guy asks me if I'm planning on getting it at midnight to which he says "Ok so we start tonight at 8:00" "8:00?" i say "For what?" "Oh for the RC Car racing event" o_O
I went to gamestop earlier today and was laughed out of the store when I said I was going to pick it up tonight at walmart. =(

I got even with their magazine racks though.
SuperEnemyCrab said:
I went to gamestop earlier today and was laughed out of the store when I said I was going to pick it up tonight at walmart. =(

I got even with their magazine racks though.

GameStop employees are idiots.


So do you use your PSN or Gamertag as the name for your MP character? Or do you actually have to name it?

Also I had no idea you could actually buy clothes and stuff again in this GTA.
Game is great.

Played a little freeroam with the guys last night, then did a little bit of the single player.

Multi was good.

Single is awesome.


Just under an hour to go until launch here in the UK, but I'm going up to my local Asda without a preorder at 8am tomorrow to pick one up. Screw midnight openings (mainly because the store isn't a 24 hour one but meh).
So Im still in the first city and I did all the police missions (some of them were motherfuckers) and Im not getting any goodie? Like a super Winspector Police car or something?

Maybe later?

Oh and Im at 100 % with Michelle...am I geting any specials there?

This game is so fucking badass...Im more than impressed.

PS: The game is brutal. So realistic and brutal!


Himuro said:
Newsguy: No! :(

I'm considering cancelling my pre order tomorrow when I get there and getting the SE. But I dunno. I mean, I can wait for a better soundtrack to come out, and I'll rarely use the lock box or the case at all. And while the artbook could be cool, I'll just look at it once, and I could have easily just gotten all the art from scans online.

But at the same time, the words SPECIAL EDITION and Grand Theft Auto on the same box just makes me want to have it!

Sorry to hear it man, but at least you'll be well rested tomorrow. For the same reasons you listed I'm not going with the SE. I really wanted that limited soundtrack, but if worse comes to worse you can always go the ZIT route.


Skilotonn said:
1) Yes you can, you can turn on cops, peds (light, medium, lots), same for vehicles...
2) Yup, highest we've gotten was 4, with a helicopter as well as a SWAT truck chasing us
3) Pretty sure after 4 stars some kind of army comes...

And for those who asked - EVERYTHING is unlocked for the city in free-roam, except you can't ride metros, etc...

Thanks for the answers.
To bad theres no army.
I'm wondering if I should go wait in line at EBgames without a preorder. I called and the clerk told me one was not necessary but I don't want to stand in line for an hour just to be told to get bent.
I just went for a rampage and I think I got 4 or 5 stars. There was some type of special unit with brutal armor which kicked my ass. They got some M4 automatic weapons on their hands.

The hospital was full of dead cops...


How does Social Club link to our XBL or PSN accounts? I thought when we registered we would have to put that information in.

I was just wondering about that too. I just went to the site and don't see anything about adding in our PSN ID.


Was this posted?


After reporting on the hype and controversy surrounding the Tuesday release of Grand Theft Auto IV, I can't believe I'm going to write a "this game causes crime!" story, but here we go. I spoke to an employee of UPS over the weekend, and he told me that a surprising amount of workers were getting busted stealing the game from the shipment boxes. In one 24-hour period, three workers were fired, and more interviews were scheduled for today that would likely end in termination.

I asked if this was common when big-name games were released, and he told me no; the situation was novel, or he wouldn't have brought it up at all. The game was enticing enough for many workers to risk losing their job and, in typical fashion for low-level crimes like this, it has been easy to identify the workers stealing the games.
"When we have a [big name release], we communicate it to operations and security teams. We have security in place at the facilities, and we make sure they understand to keep an eye out for things to exit the building," he explained. How did they find where games were stolen? "We had tips from people inside, and some of them were discovered at intermediate hubs... it's easy to spot: flaps torn, some boxes are re-taped." In most cases, the bust is as easy as finding the last person who scanned the box as full and interviewing them.

"They're not selling them, these people are stealing one copy," he told me—all of the thefts seem to be for personal use. It seems many people think stealing a game a few days before release is worth it, and this is far from the perfect crime.

"As long as the people loading the packages are doing their jobs, it's easy to track down," our source told Ars. "It's kind of funny, isn't it? It's a game about theft, and people are stealing it." His eyes began to shine as he said, "and I get to terminate them."
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