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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

Fifty said:
:lol :lol
Yeah that's one of my favorite songs in the game for car chases. I really love this soundtrack.
I caught myself singing along with it into the mic during multiplayer as I calmly drove my car of teammates to their untimely deaths.


slept with Malkin
Maggot9 said:
Seems like it takes a lot of bullets to take even pedestrians down. I load em full of lead, run up to them on the ground, and they're still squirming there. wtf?

Use free aim and cap 'em in the head.


calder said:
I think it's part of their efforts to make the UI streamlined and as unobtrusive as possible. It's mostly a great idea, I hate cluttered HUDs in my games (except WoW which I play in a 50x50 pixel window completely surrounded by icons, grids and stat boxes) but the too-small map HUD and lack of an on-screen clock kind of annoy me a bit. I like to know what time it is without hitting pause.
Bring up your phone.


calder said:
I think it's part of their efforts to make the UI streamlined and as unobtrusive as possible. It's mostly a great idea, I hate cluttered HUDs in my games (except WoW which I play in a 50x50 pixel window completely surrounded by icons, grids and stat boxes) but the too-small map HUD and lack of an on-screen clock kind of annoy me a bit. I like to know what time it is without hitting pause.

Yeah I liked the next-gen streamlined HUD as much as the next guy, and hope other devs continue this path much like in a few other recent releases...however, I just dont see how people keep making icons so small these days :lol Even MGO beta test, the base icons have numbers on them...however you can hardly see them. Same with Lost Planet and its post numbers.

EDIT: 197 Pigeons to go.


Teknoman said:
Ack he's ON TV too?

One gripe to Rockstar: Who the HELL made the radar/GPS/map/whatever's icons SO DAMN SMALL? I mean jeez. half the time I only get where im going via yellow lines or maping waypoints, and even the sometimes the green line is hardly visible.

Same here, and Cops will arrest you...if you just stand still on one star.

Seriously there needs to be a patch for bigger icons on the radar and a better back light for the cellphone (unless that improves later) because im about to go blind.

I don't mind the small icons, but yeah, the cellphone is a BITCH to read on my SDTV. So dark.


i know 30 fps, and this game is not 30 fps. i'd say 24-25 tops. why is rockstar so frame rate challenged? its very disappointing. no way did this game deserve a 10 with the framerate it has.

(playin on a coworker's 360 all day, is the ps3 one any smoother?)


Well, after 10 hours of play, I just changed my controls to "Classic", fucking lifesaver when it comes to driving. Sooo much better. Now it's just like the previous games.

Use free aim and cap 'em in the head.

With classic controls, i dunno how to free aim properly. There's the lock on button, and fire. SInce theyre done with R1 and L1, you cant really hold them down halfway. hmm
The worst is when you can't tell whether the icon on the HUD is on another island then the one you are one. Especially during cops & robbers matches when you have that "oh shit" moment when you realized you drove over the bridge and the escape location is back on the other side.


M3wThr33 said:
I don't mind the small icons, but yeah, the cellphone is a BITCH to read on my SDTV. So dark.

Can this stuff even be patched though? I mean I had to turn on large print just to be able to half-way make out stuff from my couch.


diddlyD said:
i know 30 fps, and this game is not 30 fps. i'd say 24-25 tops. why is rockstar so frame rate challenged? its very disappointing. no way did this game deserve a 10 with the framerate it has.

(playin on a coworker's 360 all day, is the ps3 one any smoother?)

Nope framerate's what you are describing on the PS3 as well.


Teknoman said:
Can this stuff even be patched though? I mean I had to turn on large print just to be able to half-way make out stuff from my couch.
I'd love a patch that has an option to turn off "trails". Vice City had one.


Paper or plastic?
Maggot9 said:
Are you talking about viewing the cities in the distance/from above, or the "vaseline" effect that's going on. I rather like the distant painting effect when viewing another piece of land a long ways off, has a cool stylish quality, and a good way to save memory. The vaseline effect sucks though.
I guess you would call it "vaseline". It distracting to me and feels un natrual. I've always wondered why they always use filters in their GTA games.


Illuminati said:
The worst is when you can't tell whether the icon is on another island then the one you are one. Especially during cops & robbers matches when you have that "oh shit" moment when you realized you drove over the bridge and the escape location is back on the other side.

Seriously. I know they say " Up arrow or Down arrow if objective is above/below you" but you cant even tell that. I wonder if there is a way to contact Rockstar and bug em about this...

diddlyD said:
i know 30 fps, and this game is not 30 fps. i'd say 24-25 tops. why is rockstar so frame rate challenged? its very disappointing. no way did this game deserve a 10 with the framerate it has.

(playin on a coworker's 360 all day, is the ps3 one any smoother?)

Pretty smooth. No real framerate drops for me yet. However the most chaos i've ever caused was 3 stars and police cars surrounding me.

ZiT works when you call during the song.


diddlyD said:
i know 30 fps, and this game is not 30 fps. i'd say 24-25 tops. why is rockstar so frame rate challenged? its very disappointing. no way did this game deserve a 10 with the framerate it has.

(playin on a coworker's 360 all day, is the ps3 one any smoother?)

I've only seen drops into the mid-20's during serious clusterf*cks. For the most part it's easily 30 FPS.


dedhead54 said:
It's always during a song when I try to call. When else would I try it?

Beats me then. Its worked for me several times, even while MP is down. I cant buy it irl yet because the club is down, but i've got an archive of several text messages for it.

Anyway heres Rockstar's US email. Dunno if this will help but im emailing about the small icons and cellphone.


Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
QUICK, I'm currently listening to an awesome song from the radio and I want to tag it so I can get it off of Amazon later on!

How do I do it!!??
G-Bus said:
I wonder if the amount of people who picked up the PS3 version caught Sony off guard and just weren't prepared to get hammered quite so hard.

how the well would anyone be surprised that millions of people would buy gta4? if that's the case sony is seriously run be fuckin idiots. gta's probably the biggest franchise on either console. here's hoping it gets fixed this week :(:(


dedhead54 said:
Electro Choc info !


Oh well fuck, I wasn't dialing the area code. Fuck me...

And while I was checking here/trying it I accidently stood Michelle up. She must hate me at this point.
bdizzle said:
how the well would anyone be surprised that millions of people would buy gta4? if that's the case sony is seriously run be fuckin idiots. gta's probably the biggest franchise on either console. here's hoping it gets fixed this week :(:(

No once in the console space, not one provider, ever, has correctly gauged network strain on a new release or popular download.

Not once.

Well, okay, before today. I really expected Xbox Live to be scrap metal by now.

But every other time by every other person, ever.


i havent been noticing any popin issues at all really. the framerate is pretty lacking though. its not horrible neough to distract from the game but it is definitely noticable. btw im playing the ps3 version. only got to play online for like 10 mins last night i was hoping to play tonight. come on rockstar fix the ps3 online


BenjaminBirdie said:

I've already tapped that twice, bro.

Sloppy Seconds, BYITCH!!

The first time I took her sorry ass out I took her the the Cabaret, which she didn't like, and thus refused to lay me. :(


Domino Theory said:
QUICK, I'm currently listening to an awesome song from the radio and I want to tag it so I can get it off of Amazon later on!

How do I do it!!??

Open your manual then hurry to the ZiT page. Once you dial it, its in your phonebook, so you can autodial later.

Oh and this is the email I sent to Rockstar USA support. Might not do anything, but hey:

GTA IV is an incredible game, but i've got a couple of problems (that im sure alot of other gamers are facing) with the radar and the cellphone.

Is there any way to make the icons on the radar larger or the the initial cellphone have some sort of back light or sharper text? Many gamers, including those with HDTV's, have had complaints about the radar icons being far too small to make out, or the cell phone text being hard to read (even when set to large print).

Is there any option in game that im missing to help with the radar icon problem, or could there be some sort of patch in the future to fix this? The radar icons mostly, since they seem so incredibly small, you can hardly tell which icon is what, without bringing up the map. Also this makes it harder to tell when an objective is above or below you.

I mean usually SDTV owners may have problems seeing icons and text in next-gen games these days, however this problem is affecting both SDTV and HDTV users.

I'm using a 32inch CRT HDTV running at 720p if that helps.
dedhead54 said:
The first time I took her sorry ass out I took her the the Cabaret, which she didn't like, and thus refused to lay me. :(

You gotta just be nice! I totally tapped that after the Cabaret.

She was all like "Okay. Let's do this. Seeing all these ruffians and a weird dude in a cowboy outfit has made me appreciate your swarthiness. Take off my jeans."


dedhead54 said:

Oh well fuck, I wasn't dialing the area code. Fuck me...

And while I was checking here/trying it I accidently stood Michelle up. She must hate me at this point.

I stood her up once when Roman called me to start a mission. It still only took me like 3 dates to get to 100%. She's easy.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Quick question about auto-saving.

When you beat a mission, it supposedly auto-saves...yet it still asks me for a hard drive location.

I've had to do sporadic play, so I'm not sure how it works, but every time so far I've completed a mission, whether or not I've already beaten one, a blade pops up asking where I want to save.

I click my hard drive, and then it asks me if I want to overwrite a slot.....is it supposed to do this every time?

I have used the first two slots for manual saves, if that matters.
Metroidvania said:
Quick question about auto-saving.

When you beat a mission, it supposedly auto-saves...yet it still asks me for a hard drive location.

I've had to do sporadic play, so I'm not sure how it works, but every time so far I've completed a mission, whether or not I've already beaten one, a blade pops up asking where I want to save.

I click my hard drive, and then it asks me if I want to overwrite a slot.....is it supposed to do this every time?

I have used the first two slots for manual saves, if that matters.

I've only had it ask when I start playing the game again after having stopped for a while.
BenjaminBirdie said:
No once in the console space, not one provider, ever, has correctly gauged network strain on a new release or popular download.

Not once.

Well, okay, before today. I really expected Xbox Live to be scrap metal by now.

But every other time by every other person, ever.

halo 3 and gears of war i had on launch and had no problems playing on live. so far with xbl i havent had any issues, but im just so fucking unlucky with psn......i was hoping shit would be smoother so i can cancel my live subscription, but fuck it guess im gonna be getting raped for the rest of this gen


i feel sorry for roman :lol he just cant catch a break
vlad fucks his girl, gets shot in the stomach, house burned down, and business burned down

i dont know whether to laugh or cry at his situation. and bad man is my favorite character. lol niko's reaction when he was talking was priceless. reminds me when my friends hear my mom and me talk in patwa


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Yeah, Michelle is really easy. Does she have any perks though? If not I'll just ignore her, haha.

We had a memorable first date though, after losing badly at bowling I pushed some random people outside and a cop shot her in the leg, it said she was scared off and I just stole her car and drove off and had to redo the bowling. :lol

It only asks me to pick where to save everytime I start up the game again. I also completely forgot about saving at my house and just started the first file there just incase.


Was this posted already?

Pretty damn impressive. I only got to play for like an hour and a half today but I'm very impressed so far.

I have a bad feeling though I might have a bad disc because I have some epic loads at times but maybe that's the game also.

Also Kinda weird that I had to crank the brightness and contrast both up to max (in game settings I mean) to see any damn thing. I've never had to do that with any game before but whatever.

Controls are much better than before. I just got through with the multiplayer demo and I was actually a lit freaking intimidated. It's surprisingly complex. I think I'll play through it a few more times and play the single player so more before I subject anybody to my horrible skills but god damn it seems cool just from that multiplayer demo. I can imagine so much cool stuff happening.

One more little pet peeve with the single plauyer tutorial but I'm so anal I hate it how you can accidently bypass things just hitting a button or even bringing up the pause menu. I accidently did that during the first cop chase mission and I missed out exactly on how that mechanic works. It's probably just me but I wish it was a little harder to just skip over that stuff by accident.

Still I'm freaking pumped. First time in a damn long time (maybe years) where I absolutely can't wait to wake up early in the morning and play so more.
Here are my impressions after nearly 5 hours of playing:

I absolutely love it. I've always liked the GTA series, but GTA4 has places it among my favorites. Honestly, this has to be the most in depth game ever created. For a good 2 hours, I drove around and experimented with the physics, exploring new areas. I went through individual pages of the virtual web environment created by Rockstar (wow, the amont of fake web content is astonishing), and watched several episodes of TV in Nico's apartment (yes! Bas has his own show!). There's so much to do, and every aspect is oh so polished.

It's a lot different than the other GTA games, yet very similar. So far, the story seems like the biggest difference: it's incredibly engaging and the characters are awesome. The voice acting, during the vast majority of the cutscenes, rocks. The changes to the controls and the addition of the cover system greatly improve fire fights and maneuvering the city.

The atmosphere has a great deal of charm, too. The city looks incredible, and the shifts in weather really affect the mood of the setting. In full daylight, jaggies are present on some cars and building edges, but for the most part, they're not a distraction. I've been playing on the PS3 version, and I've only noticed pop-in when I use the cinematic camera- during some of the camera angles (such as a fast switch to a behind the car camera). These are the only instances, however, and I haven't noticed any while driving around or running. Frame rate has been really stable so far, too.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Played the PS3 ver. for about an hour (phew, it works perfectly on my 60GB)
Framerate has been really fine so far, it seemed even better than what I've seen in videos actually. Haven't noticed any obvious object popup either. The game feels so much more polished technically than any of the previous GTAs. Controls so much better, animates so much better, framerate is much, much better, and it's just so much fun to play - it's really proves who's the king in town when it comes to sandbox free roaming games.

What especially surprised me was that the game animates and controls so good. Coming from the recent Uncharted high, this doesn't feel that much inferior at all, which is a huge accomplishment for GTA series. Character control and animation is slightly more clumsy and inert, but just the fact that I can mention GTA game in the same breath as the game made by Naughty Dog, is mind blowing to me, considering how janky controls and animation has been in all GTAs so far.

Niko's character and his brother have both been nice highlights of the game so far. They don't seem nearly as one dimensional and thuggish as the other GTA lead characters so far. They are actually a lot more likable, especially Niko who seems to actually be a good, if a bit misguided guy, in search for better life, instead of someone who's been a criminal and who's looking to get back into that.

I found it funny that most of Niko - Roman native language chatter is not really in Russian but in what's almost certainly Croatian/Serbian/Bosnian, so I can understand everything they're talking about :lol (the actor's pronunciation is obviously not spot-on, but it's more than good enough) I really wasn't expecting that and it's making those funny moments even more funny for me.

Oh yeah, love all the little things you can do with the cellphone - that's definitely a nice touch.

My only concern so far is if the mission structure is going to be too similar to previous GTA games. So far it's been like that, but this is just the beginning, more like a tutorial part I guess.

Ranger X

3-4 hours tonight. Really nice game! I feel GTA "next-gen". Didn't try the multi yet.

My only complain is that it's the fucking buggiest game i've played so far on PS3. And i mean, it's even buggier than GTAs on PS2.
At least i didn't had a crash/freeze. *touches wood*
One of the best things about this game: When you fail a mission, oftentimes the dialogue changes. Keeps things fresh if you have to repeat a mission. Hell, sometimes I want to fail so I can see what else they will say.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Ranger X said:
My only complain is that it's the fucking buggiest game i've played so far on PS3. And i mean, it's even buggier than GTAs on PS2.
At least i didn't had a crash/freeze. *touches wood*
Completely opposite of my experience. I feel the game is many times more polished than previous GTAs. Other than the obvious mega-suck for people who can't even run it, I see nothing to complain about.


Ranger X said:
3-4 hours tonight. Really nice game! I feel GTA "next-gen". Didn't try the multi yet.

My only complain is that it's the fucking buggiest game i've played so far on PS3. And i mean, it's even buggier than GTAs on PS2.
At least i didn't had a crash/freeze. *touches wood*
then your copy is fucked


Michelle keeps dissing me for wearing the same clothes, even though she's been wearing the same outfit too on every date. Fucking bitch!
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