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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Does anybody know if there are an endless supply of 'current criminals' to kill on the computer, like Roman's cab fares, or are they limited? I love doing submissions, already did all of Jacob's package things and Brucie's car fetch stuff
Darunia said:
Does anybody know if there are an endless supply of 'current criminals' to kill on the computer, like Roman's cab fares, or are they limited? I love doing submissions, already did all of Jacob's package things and Brucie's car fetch stuff

There's an achievement for doing all of them iirc.
Oh man....FINALLY opened up Algonquin/Manhattan!

It kicks ass. Long, wide roads to blast down, some cool cars you don't see elsewhere, and FINALLY...THE ABILITY TO BUY SUITS!!!!!1111111


bloodforge said:
What differences do you see when you have to
kill either X or Dwayne? Not sure which I want to take out.
Take out X for real. I took out Dwayne, you'll get 25.000 for that but X won't talk to you no more.

I just read that if you take out X, you get his mansion, and Dwayne will give you some more missions.

I'll just have to kill X on my next playthrough heh.


Gold Member

Wow. I made the wrong choice.

bloodforge said:
What differences do you see when you have to
kill either X or Dwayne? Not sure which I want to take out.

Killing Dwayne will net you 25k, but Playboy X tells you that you're a sick, coldhearted mofo and never wants to speak to you again.

Not sure what happens if you go the other route.


I've never felt this sympathetic towards a GTA character before. It seems like after every plot twist so far, I just want to hug Niko and tell him it'll all be alright. I get the sinking feeling it won't be though ='(


Tokubetsu said:
I've never felt this sympathetic towards a GTA character before. It seems like after every plot twist so far, I just want to hug Niko and tell him it'll all be alright. I get the sinking feeling it won't be though ='(

Yeah, I'm now at a stage where I'm constantly expecting things to go wrong. Especially after
Roman's apartment and cab offices being burned down.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
If you ever want an easy way to lose the cops, just phone for a taxi and get it to take you miles away. You'll get to the destination and then lose the cops within a second or two :lol


Gold Member
Dwayne/Playboy X Spoiler warning.

Niko is a coldhearted son of a bitch.
After killing Dwayne, Niko responded to a mopy email of his that was asking about hanging out. Niko typed "Poor Dwayne, maybe it was for the best."



Ok, so how the fuck do you just create a room where you and some friends can play through different multiplayer modes? Setting up a custom match with 15 private slots works great... until you change the game mode, then half the people are booted out and you're slapped into a lobby with 8 strangers.


Andokuky said:
Ok, so how the fuck do you just create a room where you and some friends can play through different multiplayer modes? Setting up a custom match with 15 private slots works great... until you change the game mode, then half the people are booted out and you're slapped into a lobby with 8 strangers.

Go into party mode first, together with your friends, dude. Then when you're in Party Mode, you can set up a game and everybody automatically joins.
Acid08 said:
Well that's true, Cro-Mags are from NY. But Bad Brains are from DC and so are Minor Threat so it would make sense to have them in there as well.
The Bad Brains moved to NYC in like '81. Yes. they were from DC, but were also very important to the emerging NY scene. Probably even more so. They fall right in line with the rest of the LCHC (NYC) line up, although they are generally thought of as a pre-dated influence rather than a peer to the rest of those bands.


Tr4nce said:
Go into party mode first, together with your friends, dude. Then when you're in Party Mode, you can set up a game and everybody automatically joins.

Is it private though? Because the description for that says you go and battle other parties.


Tr4nce said:
Go into party mode first, together with your friends, dude. Then when you're in Party Mode, you can set up a game and everybody automatically joins.

arent people having problems with party mode. i know i am. every time i start a game...people get dropped?
Just got the
One Man Army
Achievement. (The one where you need to
survive for 5 minutes with 6 stars wanted level
:lol It was suprisingly easy and funny.
I was flying around in the chopper I stole from the Chopper tour platform and I was flying under the bridges for the achievement. But when I got to the bridge to the western island, I got 6 six stars of wanted, because of the terrorist threat I guess. I decided to fly around for a bit untill I realised it could be done very easily: Just fly towards the ocean for 5 minutes! The choppers that were pursuing me weren't getting close so this was pretty easy :lol

I also got the
(On a Faggio :lol. I got over 1.500 feet instead of the 300 needed.)


People in this thread need to spoiler tag a larger chunk of what they are saying. There is no point in spoiler tagging one sentence of your post if in the very next sentence you thinly allude to what you just spoiler tagged! Some of us have deductive powers sufficient enough to put things together. Instead of saying something like; "...just wait for so-and-so's plot twist..." why don't you either put that shit in spoiler tags and actually talk about the plot twist, or don't mention it at all!!



Question about multiplayer... Me and my friends were trying to play us vs. CPU cops. There really isn't a perfect set up for that, as far as I can tell. We did free mode, with traffic and peds heavy, FF off, spawn near, and no time limit... We had no problem getting 6 stars individually, but we wanted 6 stars as a team. Any way to do that?

Also, even with 6 stars, the police response was luke-warm. We only ever had like, 2 choppers and a swat van. No tanks.

\/\/\/ Are you fucking serious? Every day I find out about more and more shit ripped out of previous incarnations. Weak-fucking-sauce.
Without spoiling anything I'd just like to say that Manny is such an awesome fucking character.

I really can't get enough of this guy. Definitely one of the best characters in GTA history.
MMaRsu said:
Take out X for real. I took out Dwayne, you'll get 25.000 for that but X won't talk to you no more.

I just read that if you take out X, you get his mansion, and Dwayne will give you some more missions.

I'll just have to kill X on my next playthrough heh.

I went ahead and took out X, you do get his mansion


Not Wario
Maggot9 said:
fuck me, shouldnt have read that

Same :(

Even if I hadn't, Chigg's post made something like that seem pretty obvious as well, even without reading the spoilers. I think I'll bail out of this thread entirely until I've completed the campaign.


I just won a race with brucie and he gave me this nice car, is there a garage or something where I can store it? It sometimes disapears when I leave it in the parking spot near my safe house.


Is there some kind of glitch where the 'saved game's stat resets? I fired the game up today and it has reset to zero, and I've saved on the bed a few times so far. It was at 3 for a while, now it's zilch.


Jtwo said:
OMG XD :lol
I'm trying to get the evade 4 stars achievement, and I'm driving a stretch.
Right as I get the four stars and start to make my getaway an instrumental version of that Dre song "The Next Episode" starts to play. :lol :lol :lol

So awesome.

That shit is awesome, god i love this game.


y'all should be ashamed
Really though, what could you have done against a tank in this game. Heck, lots of other cars act as tanks since you can pump thousands of rounds in them now. :p


GAF's Bob Woodward
Just unlocked Aloquin :D

I'm now just going around seeing if the places I know are in there..

I can't see if the sign is on top of the building, but am I to take it that "The Majestic" on Central Park South is meant to be a take on The Essex hotel?

Also, nice to see Columbus Circle in there..but again, kind :| that you can't go inside.
I shot the first gun shop owner and his friends to steal their weapons and now I can't buy from him anymore. Am I forever fucked over or will he forget the next time I start playing? I'm at work right now so I can't exactly go check.


Sylar said:
It's not shit if you don't like it. What are you expecting? For it to tell you the entire route of the car? That's not realistic in the slightest.
What are you talking about?
I was expressing my distaste in having to redo all of the petty introductory stuff in a mission instead of being able to reload from the point where I failed. In other words, if a mission ends with me having to chase someone in a car and I fail, I should be able to restart from the point of the chase. To be forced to do all of the talking and fetching and collecting that comes before it is plain retarded.


Just got this sweet ass baby :D :D


One Man Army 40G
Survive 5 minutes on 6 star wanted level.

How it all went down...

So I'm in South Bohan, and there is this HUGE crane over there..I climbed all the way to the top, maxed out with guns and armor bought from my good friend Little Jacob. I call 911 and wait for the cops to arrive, I pull out my sniper rifle and shoot these bastards in the face, they both die right away.

So three stars right off the bat, this is going to be sweet I'm thinking to myself. Choppers are flying over, I shoot a pilot in his head and the chopper goes down, right onto a cop car with 3 or 4 cops surrounding it at the same time. Now it's 4 stars! Things are getting crazy, swat vans pulling up and trying to take me down. I throw down some grenades and wipe the swat out with my carbine assault rifle..things are getting heated and they are sending out more and more choppers. I keep killing the fuckers untill I get the achievement, by this time I'm down to three quarters of my health, with no armor.

I climb down, and get in the Banshee I parked right beside the crane for the getaway. At this point I'm determined to escape these bastards, so I hightail it out of there. On the way out I do a stuntjump which totally goes right..and I'm like this is the most awesome shit ever. I'm getting shot at and the Banshee only has 2 working weels at that point. I drive over to my safehouse which is pretty nearby, because I always have 2 great cars parked there..so I get in my other Banshee ( haha bitches :D ) and try to get the fuck out of there.

Choppers are coming in hot, shooting at me and not letting go. I pull up my mobile phone and give brucie a call, I tell him to get me a fucking chopper! I was already driving to the point where he normally lands when in South Bohan, right near the exit of the freeway. At that point I've got three cop cars on my tail so I jump out, Brucie just landed like 20ft away from me. I jump in the chopper and he says " Hey NB lets get the fuck outta here man!" ..Haha crazy Brucie, always brings a smile to my face.

We head over to the big city and land on a building, and now I've only got three stars. I'm thinking I can outrun that, so I go down to streetlevel and jack a car. Going over the bridges smashing through police blockades I finally escape the cops, and right now I'm in my car outside a Pier near the carnival.

Now i'm pretty sure Michelle is a
. because who ask for some
after the date. :lol

Don't care but i still get my breath to smell like titties in the end.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Fifth Avenue is a lot less busy than it should be :| The crowd sizes were fine in Broker etc. but the same density won't work in Manhattan..

I'm hoping Times Square isn't so sparesly populated..!
Are there high res images of the maps that show all the hidden guns, armors and other goodies out from whattheydonotwantyoutoknow.com?

EDIT: nvm. Just saw it.
Can you have two separate single player games going on at the same time for the 360? I mean my brother wants to start his own single player story but every time it try's to auto save it says it will overwrite my first game? little confused, I think it means it will erase my quick save file but I want to be positive before I do that.


GhostRidah said:
Can you have two separate single player games going on at the same time for the 360? I mean my brother wants to start his own single player story but every time it try's to auto save it says it will overwrite my first game? little confused, I think it means it will erase my quick save file but I want to be positive before I do that.
I think you can just go lay down in bed, and choose a different save slot... OR... make sure he's signed in under his own profile. Not 100% sure though.
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