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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


The end to random encounter Jeff's story is hilarious.

I met Pathos the rapper once but I can't find him again. He's supposed to be in Star Junction but I never see him around there during the day or at night to trigger the second encounter.


kylej said:
The end to random encounter Jeff's story is hilarious.

I met Pathos the rapper once but I can't find him again. He's supposed to be in Star Junction but I never see him around there during the day or at night to trigger the second encounter.
Not sure of the exact time, but I found him around sunset.
Darunia said:
damn I sure am tired, yeah there's no RL in jacob's trunk, sorry everyone. I imagine a lot of things


womfalcs3 said:
I decided to kill
Playboy X because I felt bad for Dwayne. Playboy was a bad "friend" for even thinking to kill him. Dwayne was in a state of depression.

I couldn't help but compare
to the old guy from Shawshank Redemption. Once you're in for so long life on the outside must be really difficult. I thought I'd be doing him a favor by getting rid of him! Then
Playboy X's
reaction to the situation made me completely regret it. And THEN I saw
Dwayne's email
he sent to Niko after the fact and I felt really, genuinely bad. Definitely stuck with me and will probably end up being GTA4's emotional highpoint for me. Bioshock eat your heart out.


Does anyone know if the hidden weapons all over the islands have respawn times. I found a RL and was just going to leave the game on for a while so I could possibly get more ammo! so do they respawn by timer or do I have to reload or something.


I just started playing today, and holy wow, is it great. The characters are the best I've seen in a game for a while now. Although that's not saying much since most of I've played for the last several months has been TF2 and CoD4.


I just crashed my motorcycle into another dude's bike and we both flew off. I get up and steal his bike and instead of him throwing me off, he just hops on the back and precedes to scream his head off as if I was holding him hostage. I ended up taking him off a stunt jump, landing on a short wall and flinging both of us into the ocean as we held hands.


Orellio said:
I couldn't help but compare
to the old guy from Shawshank Redemption. Once you're in for so long life on the outside must be really difficult. I thought I'd be doing him a favor by getting rid of him! Then
Playboy X's
reaction to the situation made me completely regret it. And THEN I saw
Dwayne's email
he sent to Niko after the fact and I felt really, genuinely bad. Definitely stuck with me and will probably end up being GTA4's emotional highpoint for me. Bioshock eat your heart out.
Wow, what was in that email?
Exarchos said:
I just crashed my motorcycle into another dude's bike and we both flew off. I get up and steal his bike and instead of him throwing me off, he just hops on the back and precedes to scream his head off as if I was holding him hostage. I ended up taking him off a stunt jump, landing on a short wall and flinging both of us into the ocean as we held hands.
Speaking of "hostages", can you take someone as a "shield-hostage" like in San Andreas?
And if you couldn't do it in San Andreas, sorry but i have a really bad memory.:lol


A few random things:

I got to the mission where you save Roman for the first time about an hour ago or so. I took my time, was doing fine, but at the end I accidently shot Roman in the head. :lol I'll go back to try it again here shortly.

The deal with Michelle wasn't shocking, considering how she acted almost the entire game.

I was pissed with Manny went down. I actually liked him as a character, and to see him go like that actually did shock me. :(


Two quick tips

If you want to make the game a bit harder, turn off auto-aim. For whatever reason, it was disabled for me, and I played through 3/4ths of the game before a friend mentioned the lock on system and I had no idea what he was talking about. After I turned it on, I blitzed through the remaining missions, and all the interior shooting sections were boring lock-on, gentle squeeze to steady, aim up, headshot, over and over. Without lock enabled, you actually have to work a bit for your kills.

For racing/driving fast in general, tilt the camera up. This is incredibly annoying to maintain constantly, but the advantage it gives you for speeding is ridiculous. I can blitz through heavy traffic at full speed with the camera tilted, even over variable height terrain. With the camera at default height, you're praying you won't ram into something unseen in a lot of cases. Why they don't let you set the height of the camera automatically, I'll never know.
neoism said:
Does anyone know if the hidden weapons all over the islands have respawn times. I found a RL and was just going to leave the game on for a while so I could possibly get more ammo! so do they respawn by timer or do I have to reload or something.
yes they do, i do this all the time... they will spawn 3 game hours later, but you must be away from their area for it to work. be about a city block away for them to spawn.
Just completed all of Jacob's deliveries for the achievement. Played another round of multiplayer, and I just can't get into it. It's just like...OH HAI I SHOOT MANY MANS! LOL! That should be the GTA multiplayer slogan.

I may play through again sometime this summer when I get home to an HDTV. We'll see.


ToyMachine228 said:
Just completed all of Jacob's deliveries for the achievement. Played another round of multiplayer, and I just can't get into it. It's just like...OH HAI I SHOOT MANY MANS! LOL! That should be the GTA multiplayer slogan.

I may play through again sometime this summer when I get home to an HDTV. We'll see.
Multiplayer is boring, imo.
I'm not saying it sucks, but every time i play it for a little i think "i could've spent this time for the single-player, it's more fun"


ToyMachine228 said:
Just completed all of Jacob's deliveries for the achievement. Played another round of multiplayer, and I just can't get into it. It's just like...OH HAI I SHOOT MANY MANS! LOL! That should be the GTA multiplayer slogan.

I may play through again sometime this summer when I get home to an HDTV. We'll see.

Play modes that arent Deathmatch or Team Deathmatch.

Cops and Crooks, the co-op missions, GTA race, and Car Jack City are fun. The turf MP modes are fun too.


OK, I am playing right now and I am on the last mission (I think) for
Francis McReary
. I think that I am about to have to decide
who to kill, Derrick or Francis. Does anyone know what the benefit of killing either of these guys is?


daw840 said:
OK, I am playing right now and I am on the last mission (I think) for
Francis McReary
. I think that I am about to have to decide
who to kill, Derrick or Francis. Does anyone know what the benefit of killing either of these guys is?

I don't remember getting any benefit out of my choice, but the choice is clear either way
Teknoman said:
Play modes that arent Deathmatch or Team Deathmatch.

Cops and Crooks, the co-op missions, GTA race, and Car Jack City are fun. The turf MP modes are fun too.

Yeah. Pure Team Deathmatch is almost always bad in GTA unforutnately. It's too spastic for a game that big. You have to play the objective style games for it to kind of work imo.


sangreal said:
I don't remember getting any benefit out of my choice, but the choice is clear either way

Yeah I decided to kill
. Does anyone know what happens if you choose the other route?


85% done. Still haven't started the pigeon or unique jump hunt. Wish I had kept a checklist of what activities I've done with Brucie, LJ and Packie :/

I have no idea how some of you got 100% within the first week unless you pirated it early or poopsocked the hell out of the game.


About Jacob and his trunk of genocide intents...

I didn't see the RPG either, and I searched high and low through it. What I saw -

Body Armor
Sniper Rifle (PSG1)
Fragmentation grenade/Molotov Cocktail
pistol (should be Glock, not Desert Eagle)
Shotgun (Winchester Defender)

Maybe I need a new pair of contacts, but I seriously can't find the RPG inside Jacob's trunk! I seldom use his services and I never walked into a weapon shop, since every weapon can be found for free. The RPG takes some work to get though, they need some swimming to get to. While I have located 3 with IGN's interactive map, I always go for 2 at

i.) the rocks north of Northwood. There's a G3SG-1 at the top of the high tower as well
ii.) a half-sunken ship west of Acter Industrial Park, hike a cab, and swim out to it.

R* seems to have nerfed the RPG capacity, the maximum is 9 rounds this time... still as awesome as ever to use when reinforcements show up just to eat big bullet instead of making life hell for Niko. :lol

MrTroubleMaker said:
yes they do, i do this all the time... they will spawn 3 game hours later, but you must be away from their area for it to work. be about a city block away for them to spawn.

Awesome info! Thanks for the headsup!
Okay all of the sudden I can call up my cell phone, I know there's an option to toggle it off somewhere but I didn't (purposely) turn that on. I can't find any option to switch it on or off, but I can'tr access my damn phone either. It was working fine one minute, the next I can't access it.

The up on my d-pad works to navigate menus, I tried turning my controller on and off, nothing.

EDIT: All of the sudden I can use it, wtf.


j-wood said:
Crap. I only did like 2 cab drives for Roman, and I no longer have that option anymore from him. Does that mean I can't get 100%?

Doing those missions does not affect your 100% progress.


Wizpig said:
I just read on another forum that a guy or two don't think this is the best GTA game yet.
It may be a little off topic, sure, but what's your take?

Your GTA Top 3?


1] IV
2] Vice City
3] San Andreas

1) San Andreas
2) 4
3) 3

honorable mention

hm) 2

I hate Vice City
raYne said:
You do know that you have a map that comes witht the game that has all the store locations pointed out right? ;)

No clothing stores in Alderny, Dukes or Bohan. 3 in Algonquin, 1 in Broker. Plus you get various clothes from missions that you get to keep and things like visiting the Statue of Happiness gives you a tourist t-shirt etc.

I'm decked out with a black and while motorcycle jacket, a pair of really dark blue denim jeans and some full white sneakers that I stole from a hospital. :lol But you can buy those in some store in Algonquin.
:lol cool!! which hospital and how?

thanks! :)

Ploid 3.0

Topher said:
Does anyone know the ped riot/ped weapons cheats?

Omg this is in the game?

As for the question.

1. San Andreas
2. Vice City
3. GTA3 / GTA4

Vice and San was just too fun. 3 also. They were full of crazy stuff to do. GTA4 is a mission focused game. This realism stuff takes away from my attempts at fun. I tried calling cops on the enemy but they kept walking up to gunfire dying left and right vs one dude. The dude never got over one star and I had to do the calling for back up (911). Useless.

GTA4 a bit over 3, which has superior fun codes (skin code even), because of graphics, and game controls. GTA4 scrapped too much of the fun stuff. 0 arena, 0 rc toys, 0 flame throwers, 100% more tv shows and stage performances that could have been saved for gta wii house games. Or EA The Sims GTA game.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
jaundicejuice said:
Okay all of the sudden I can call up my cell phone, I know there's an option to toggle it off somewhere but I didn't (purposely) turn that on. I can't find any option to switch it on or off, but I can'tr access my damn phone either. It was working fine one minute, the next I can't access it.

The up on my d-pad works to navigate menus, I tried turning my controller on and off, nothing.

EDIT: All of the sudden I can use it, wtf.
That sometimes happens to me right after I finish a mission and Nico is about to automatically call someone, but only for a split second. Perhaps it's a glitch related to that in some way. *shrug*
is there a good online map that shows the location and times of the random characters? i searched via google for about 20 mins but only came up with one map that wasn't very useful.


Stuck in PEST CONTROL. There are no mission points on the map, I've killed
and was told to wait for more calls. But there are no more calls. What should I do? A bug?


mxz said:
Stuck in PEST CONTROL. There are no mission points on the map, I've killed
and was told to wait for more calls. But there are no more calls. What should I do? A bug?

Thats the end of the mission assuming you killed the bodyguards too. You probably need to complete other open missions before getting new ones from jimmy
jaundicejuice said:
The up on my d-pad works to navigate menus, I tried turning my controller on and off, nothing.

EDIT: All of the sudden I can use it, wtf.

This happened to me (on the 360). I was able to use my phone again after getting into a car.


sangreal said:
Thats the end of the mission assuming you killed the bodyguards too. You probably need to complete other open missions before getting new ones from jimmy

That's the thing, there are no more mission icons on the maps. The only one that I have is the Assassin's icon.


sangreal said:
Have you tried saving to pass a lot of time quickly?

Yeah, I've been wandering & sleeping for 2-3 days now, hanging out with friends. Tried calling everybody, only get voice-mail.


I've Googled the hell out of this and can't find a solution. Stuck waiting for "Final Interview."

I have no more jobs to do for Playboy after "Photo Shoot."

Nothing left for Brucie after "No. 1"

I have no missions to do for Elizabeta after "Blow Your Cover." From what I've researched, I should've gotten a call from her after "Puerto Rico Connection" to initiate further jobs.

I got a call from Francis after submitting the resume but haven't heard from the lawyers. I have a suit, shoes, no glasses, whatever. This can't be the problem because I can't even get an appointment scheduled. I've waited several in-game days and nothing except one text message saying they were closed and would contact me later. Never called.

I've tried advancing time by sleeping (can you do this without saving?) with no luck.

I've gone out countless times with Roman and Michelle.

Phone is NOT in sleep mode and I can't call anyone anyway; I get their machine.

I've restarted from previous saves and done the last few missions in a different order but I still can't progress; there's nothing left to do!

Please tell me I'm overlooking something obvious.
junker said:
I've Googled the hell out of this and can't find a solution. Stuck waiting for "Final Interview."

I have no more jobs to do for Playboy after "Photo Shoot."

Nothing left for Brucie after "No. 1"

I have no missions to do for Elizabeta after "Blow Your Cover." From what I've researched, I should've gotten a call from her after "Puerto Rico Connection" to initiate further jobs.

I got a call from Francis after submitting the resume but haven't heard from the lawyers. I have a suit, shoes, no glasses, whatever. This can't be the problem because I can't even get an appointment scheduled. I've waited several in-game days and nothing except one text message saying they were closed and would contact me later. Never called.

I've tried advancing time by sleeping (can you do this without saving?) with no luck.

I've gone out countless times with Roman and Michelle.

Phone is NOT in sleep mode and I can't call anyone anyway; I get their machine.

I've restarted from previous saves and done the last few missions in a different order but I still can't progress; there's nothing left to do!

Please tell me I'm overlooking something obvious.

Hmmm... I was stuck here with a different bug. Occasionally after you submit your resume you get a call from the lawyer setting up an appointment but it doesn't show up on your map at the scheduled time so you have to miss the meeting and have them send you another one for the next day. But if they haven't even called you for an appointment that seems like a different issue. Are you sure you submitted the resume?


Definitely, the careers page says no openings are available and like I said, I did get a call from McCreary and a text from the lawyers.

Gonna go mess around with it some more.
Rockstar just updated their official page with (among other things) some new wallpapers:

Am I the only person who's pissed off that they don't even offer the wallpapers at resolutions that their PS3 customers can actually use (1280 x 720 or 1920 x 1080)? Yes, I can crop them, but then you're chopping off the GTA4 logo. I would think R* would want us to avoid doing that...

It's great that they're sized for PC. Unfortunately this game isn't available on a PC. You can get it on PS3 though, from what I hear.

It just seems strange to me that developers putting out PS3 games don't also put out wallpapers in 1280 x 720 or 1920 x 1080, along with XMB themes that use them. It's free advertising for them, and it helps build hype in the community.
Ploid 3.0 said:
I can't browse that site on my ps3. Screw them.
I can kind of forgive that, because let's face it the PS3 web browser ain't the greatest - I only ever use it as a last resort :D . But at least give us the option of taking the pics across on USB drives!
That happened to me tyler, a day ago. Everymode caused me to dissconnect and endure a reload.

QUESTION: Does the first guy you have a choice to kill or not kill come back as a stranger on the street? According to my map and memory, i should have completed every stranger mission but i havent and im wondering if maybe that first choice had anything to do with it/ He was the only person i killed that gave me a choice and i seriously dont want to hunt the hundreds of pigeons and jumps i completed.

Also, could someone point me to a good guide of Stevies text car side quest?
endlessflood said:
Rockstar just updated their official page with (among other things) some new wallpapers:

Am I the only person who's pissed off that they don't even offer the wallpapers at resolutions that their PS3 customers can actually use (1280 x 720 or 1920 x 1080)? Yes, I can crop them, but then you're chopping off the GTA4 logo. I would think R* would want us to avoid doing that...

It's great that they're sized for PC. Unfortunately this game isn't available on a PC. You can get it on PS3 though, from what I hear.

It just seems strange to me that developers putting out PS3 games don't also put out wallpapers in 1280 x 720 or 1920 x 1080, along with XMB themes that use them. It's free advertising for them, and it helps build hype in the community.
I agree. We need a GTAIV Theme. :)
Gamer @ Heart said:
That happened to me tyler, a day ago. Everymode caused me to dissconnect and endure a reload.

QUESTION: Does the first guy you have a choice to kill or not kill come back as a stranger on the street? According to my map and memory, i should have completed every stranger mission but i havent and im wondering if maybe that first choice had anything to do with it/ He was the only person i killed that gave me a choice and i seriously dont want to hunt the hundreds of pigeons and jumps i completed.

Also, could someone point me to a good guide of Stevies text car side quest?

Yes, he does. So far two of the three people I've spared gave me a mission
jaundicejuice said:
Yes, he does. So far two of the three people I've spared gave me a mission

So i screwed my self out of 100% unless i redo everything in a new game?

Dam, i wanted this to be my first GTA i fully completed but it looks like that wont be thecase.
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