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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

Catch the Wave is driving me mad, 1) Phil runs in and dies, 2) I die as I can't see anyone in the stupidly dark warehouse 3) I am so sick of having to drive to a truck then drive that across 2 islands to get to where the missions actually starts, 6 times so far, fuuuuuun. I got through to the boats once, then the stupid thing tipped over, are the people who shoot Phil in the boat indestructible or not, if they are I can concentrate more on not tipping the stupid boat over. Drive-bys with boats suck.


Mrs. Harvey
Stoney Mason said:
Do you have a special version of the game that has like no in game tutorial?

Sorry to be a smart ass but I'm just saying...

It's easier for me to ask people and annoy others.


Red Blaster said:
I did the nasty with Alex and got the clothing discount. Can I dump her now or will I lose the perk?

If you dump the girl who gives you a perk (Alex, Kiki, Carmen), you lose their number and thus their perk as well. Good news is you can attempt to date Kiki and Carmen repeatedly as their profiles will show up on love.net a few days (I still have no specifics on this, it will take a while, possibly up to a week..) after the player has dumped them. To be honest, by the time most players get Alex's perk, they will have cleaned out the clothing stores, so yeah this is one of those poorly constructed perks in GTA IV.

BenjaminBirdie said:
Mission: No Way But The Subway

Sorry, but fucking chasing the biker dude all the way over the bridge was fucking AMAZING. I'll pay for more body armor and bullets to play through that. Any fucking time.


This and "Three Leaf Clover" are missions I want to replay. When I blew shit up with the RPG in "To live and die in Alderney", my friend was going, "heh, that's some badboy behavior you have there!"

lawblob said:
Also, I don't know if I am doing it wrong, but I am almost finished with the main storyline and I am basically poor. I only have about $40,000. Shouldn't Niko be more rich by now? It feels like I have to spend all my money on new weapons all the time. At the rate I am buying new weapons, I will go broke before I finish the game. I am avoiding using any cheat codes, since I found that was partly what made me lose interest in previous GTA games; but I am sick of being so poor. -_-

I have 600G for my Niko; someone else said he has 1.5 million. @ Gamefaqs, people have around 500~700G... I spend a lot on cab rides up until the middle of the game, when I realized I was missing out on the talk shows and songs. Never buy a weapon in a GTA game, they are free! Although it seems that the hidden packages (pigeons I suppose...) only give the Black Hawk at the end without any starter or intermediate rewards ala Vice City/GTA 3(just started this...), weapons/armor and health packs are all over the place. Just learn their locations near each safe house and stock up on them before a mission > save > hit mission. You might find it strange, but people are actually complaining about the lack of things to spend $ on. After buying every outfit there is in the game, there is nothing worth blowing cash over, because

- Turismos are free from Grotti's automobiles
- the rare cars Sabre GT, Super GT, Infernus and Comet cannot be purchased (to the best of my knowledge)
- property is not available for sale in GTA IV


I'm having a lot of trouble with the Snow Storm mission. Once I get
in the truck and the cops start chasing me, I can't seem to lose them, and eventually just get owned by a bunch of suicidal cops. The radius seems to be my entire map. Anyone have any tips for that part?

EDIT: I suppose a faster car would help, I just hate driving all the way there, and I always assume my cars would disappear anyway.
Dez said:
I'm having a lot of trouble with the Snow Storm mission. Once I get
in the truck and the cops start chasing me, I can't seem to lose them, and eventually just get owned by a bunch of suicidal cops. The radius seems to be my entire map. Anyone have any tips for that part?

EDIT: I suppose a faster car would help, I just hate driving all the way there, and I always assume my cars would disappear anyway.

After i cleared out the first room (softening em up with the sniper rifle) i went back to the lot and backed the fastest car available up near the window. Don't miss the body armor in the back room near the coke.

Other people have taken the boat that apparently is parked nearby for a fast and easy get away.
There is a boat docked outside, once I knew about that it was much easier, would have been nice of the game to indicate it was there in some way

Ploid 3.0

Is there any hope of more codes surfacing? Or are the codes found at gamefaqs or cheatcc the full thing 16 codes most of them being a few of the vehicles. If it's all we got I hope for some hidden codes in patches or something.
Darkflight said:
There is a boat docked outside, once I knew about that it was much easier, would have been nice of the game to indicate it was there in some way

I think that's the beauty of it man, there's more then one way to play the mission. If you go out of your way to get a boat you get rewarded, otherwise you just gotta haul ass in some truck.


So, a two part question.

1. Is there an achievement for getting every girl possible in the game to sleep with you?

2. Is there anyone besides
Carmen and Kiki
to meet from the online dating thing. I swear the rest just stopped replying to me :lol


Darkflight said:
Catch the Wave is driving me mad, 1) Phil runs in and dies, 2) I die as I can't see anyone in the stupidly dark warehouse 3) I am so sick of having to drive to a truck then drive that across 2 islands to get to where the missions actually starts, 6 times so far, fuuuuuun. I got through to the boats once, then the stupid thing tipped over, are the people who shoot Phil in the boat indestructible or not, if they are I can concentrate more on not tipping the stupid boat over. Drive-bys with boats suck.

If you haven't beaten it already, you definitely want to go around the warehouse to the rear entrance, it made all the difference in the world for me. I agree that driving the stupid truck all the way to Charge Island every time really blows. As far as I know, the attackers in the boat are not invincible, so you should be able to cap them fairly easily.


TTG said:
So, a two part question.

1. Is there an achievement for getting every girl possible in the game to sleep with you?

2. Is there anyone besides
Carmen and Kiki
to meet from the online dating thing. I swear the rest just stopped replying to me :lol

1. No achievement like that I don't think.

2. Yes, try craplist.net.
Havok said:
If you haven't beaten it already, you definitely want to go around the warehouse to the rear entrance, it made all the difference in the world for me. I agree that driving the stupid truck all the way to Charge Island every time really blows. As far as I know, the attackers in the boat are not invincible, so you should be able to cap them fairly easily.
I did it now cheers,
Phil decided not to jump in front of some bullets for once, now I'm finding that shooting Feds makes their car blow up and block the alley I need to drive down :lol

Ploid 3.0

Just tried my last hope of fun, the codes. It seem like rock star don't want us using them. First it the weak selection of codes, then it's the fact that they're nearly impossibly to activate on the run. It's possible to memorise the button presses, but you would have to be exact or you'll enter a wrong number. Also you are in walk mode while entering the codes. Finally if you get shot before seeing cheat activated the process have to be restarted.

Maybe I play gta for the wrong reasons, but it seems like this gta took so many steps back that it feels like another dev made it. I'm not even considering getting the 100% to remove the ammo limitation. You can speed dial zit but not tier 2 weapons cheat, or wanted level 0 (where is the lock wanted level cheat?).

To say this is a story focused gta it still feel the same as the older gtas. Throw away characters. The good ones are there to nag you over phone calls and text messages. This darn phone.


Stoney Mason said:
Unfortunately you may be fucked. That bug seems to be cropping up on other forums as well. That is pretty bad and as I mentioned in an earlier post there is a different bug that manifests itself on that mission so that whole mission is pretty damn buggy.

Thanks for the reply. Very disappointing.
Ploid 3.0 said:
Just tried my last hope of fun, the codes. It seem like rock star don't want us using them. First it the weak selection of codes, then it's the fact that they're nearly impossibly to activate on the run. It's possible to memorise the button presses, but you would have to be exact or you'll enter a wrong number. Also you are in walk mode while entering the codes. Finally if you get shot before seeing cheat activated the process have to be restarted.

Maybe I play gta for the wrong reasons, but it seems like this gta took so many steps back that it feels like another dev made it. I'm not even considering getting the 100% to remove the ammo limitation. You can speed dial zit but not tier 2 weapons cheat, or wanted level 0 (where is the lock wanted level cheat?).

To say this is a story focused gta it still feel the same as the older gtas. Throw away characters. The good ones are there to nag you over phone calls and text messages. This darn phone.

There is a save menu for cheats, playa.


I think I may have missed some missions. Maybe someone can clear this up:
When "Karen" first calls, there's a mission that appears with a "?" on the map. I skipped it for awhile and when I finally went to go do it, it wasn't there. GFaqs seems to indicate it's for some kind of police/FBI thing, but I never got it. Did I miss it?
I refuse to read this thread since I'm scared of spoilers. But I am so frustrated . . . I just got 80% through a mission and then got a 'Disc unreadable' UGH!

Lovin' the game. The sound track blows compared to vice city and San Andreas through. :-/


speculawyer said:
Lovin' the game. The sound track blows compared to vice city and San Andreas through. :-/

Si, I spend about 50% of my game time exploring and messing around and the other half progressing the single player story and I am already sick of most of the songs.

Ploid 3.0

Pause menu has a cheats tab? Or are you saying to save after using the cheat and reload if I wan't the weapons, health, and 0 wanted level back?

I'm guessing it's the cheats tab. I'll check now. That would be nice. Better than the looking for a car to enter it on the phone.


Is it me, or are deathmatches extremely dodgy? This evening I played about four games. In each one I couldn't seem to walk two steps without having my head blown off. Now, I'm hardly the best gamer in the world, so I've come to accept that I'll have my share of deaths in any competitive game I play, but the experience I just had was...off-putting, to say the least. I got so frustrated that my heart rate still hasn't slowed. So much for fun.

Gun accuracy seems completely borked, with or without autoaim (which seems completely useless against strafing opponents, by the way), and enemy fire kills me far faster than that of any AI opponent I met while playing through the single player story. I don't understand how everyone I meet is capable of consistently landing headshots from many yards away. I've tried leading my targets and I've tried keeping the reticle dead center on their foreheads, but nothing seems to work for me. Even the times when I was able to get the drop on someone, I seldom got the kill. I've never played a game in which I almost always die so quickly after coming under fire (I'm talking less than a second here) that I hardly have a chance to get the enemy in my sights, much less retaliate.

Am I unaware of some essential feature or tactic here? Would a more experienced player than I enlighten me about this game's bizarre intricacies so I can stand more than half a chance in deathmatches? I'm not going to give up on GTAIV's multiplayer after one sour experience, but god damn.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Ploid 3.0 said:
Pause menu has a cheats tab? Or are you saying to save after using the cheat and reload if I wan't the weapons, health, and 0 wanted level back?

I'm guessing it's the cheats tab. I'll check now. That would be nice. Better than the looking for a car to enter it on the phone.

The phone has a cheats menu, way at the bottom. Anything you enter can be instantly picked.
Gully State said:
Is there a secret location where I can find another Comet?
I totaled the one that I got from Brucie's mission early on
I don't think so, I found one while heading towards a race point in a Turismo, so maybe try starting some races and drive around seeing if they spawn. If you are after a fast car, try this Sultan RS someone posted before (which I'm grateful for, great car) - http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=8yFhgFeufUI&fmt=18

Ploid 3.0

Papercuts said:
The phone has a cheats menu, way at the bottom. Anything you enter can be instantly picked.

Finally noticed it while looking for what Jordan0386 was refering to. Time to go crazy, and I'm glad the codes are stored. I'm used to having the long tips & tricks magazine GTA[X] page at my side.


Gully State said:
Is there a secret location where I can find another Comet?
I totaled the one that I got from Brucie's mission early on

Theres one that spawns outside
apartment when you do the first mission for him. Not sure if theres one there all the time but its possible.
I saw one "friend" marker on the map. Went there. There was this dude telling me that he is rich and young, that he can do anything blah blah.... To prove that he is rich, he gave me $100 as a gift. :lol

How many friends like him are there in the game?
Ninja99 said:
Is it me, or are deathmatches extremely dodgy? This evening I played about four games. In each one I couldn't seem to walk two steps without having my head blown off. Now, I'm hardly the best gamer in the world, so I've come to accept that I'll have my share of deaths in any competitive game I play, but the experience I just had was...off-putting, to say the least. I got so frustrated that my heart rate still hasn't slowed. So much for fun.

Gun accuracy seems completely borked, with or without autoaim (which seems completely useless against strafing opponents, by the way), and enemy fire kills me far faster than that of any AI opponent I met while playing through the single player story. I don't understand how everyone I meet is capable of consistently landing headshots from many yards away. I've tried leading my targets and I've tried keeping the reticle dead center on their foreheads, but nothing seems to work for me. Even the times when I was able to get the drop on someone, I seldom got the kill. I've never played a game in which I almost always die so quickly after coming under fire (I'm talking less than a second here) that I hardly have a chance to get the enemy in my sights, much less retaliate.

Am I unaware of some essential feature or tactic here? Would a more experienced player than I enlighten me about this game's bizarre intricacies so I can stand more than half a chance in deathmatches? I'm not going to give up on GTAIV's multiplayer after one sour experience, but god damn.

Honestly I suck too on deathmatches. (I've gotten pretty decent at the races though). The problem is by the time I track down a decent gun that's taken a long time and then whenever I get remotely close to people they seem to have better aim than I do.
Chillin' on top of a rooftop celebrating 6 stars:



MirageDwarf said:
I saw one "friend" marker on the map. Went there. There was this dude telling me that he is rich and young, that he can do anything blah blah.... To prove that he is rich, he gave me $100 as a gift. :lol

How many friends like him are there in the game?

16 of them IIRC (depending on whether you killed certain characters during the story missions).
How do you get access to all the restaurants and bars? I went to a few that were listed on the fold-out map in the game case but you can't enter them.

Ploid 3.0

Red Blaster said:
How do you get access to all the restaurants and bars? I went to a few that were listed on the fold-out map in the game case but you can't enter them.

Some are only available on dates/hanging out events. And sometimes when on those events they are closed as an option.


Well, the "walk away from 4 stars" achievement was fun. I think I made it harder on myself because I don't have an RPG yet. I sniped down 2 helicopters from Playboy's roof(finally a place where the police don't have a clear shot at you while you're sniping). The first guy went down from one shot at the heli. He just happened to turn at a bad angle and it was a head shot. The second guy took almost a full clip but he went down, it was more for fun as I didn't need him at that point. After that it was a matter of shooting down a couple of more police and grabbing one of the cars I had parked.

I must say, getting away from 4 stars is just as easy as getting away from 2. get outside the radar and stay away from the main roads. Chances are, you'll be out of pocket just enough for them to lose you.

I would try the 6 star achievement but I'm afraid I don't have the firepower yet. Sniping down one helicopter, then driving around in their reinforced SWAT trucks while dropping granades laying waste to everything behind was enough for 5... but that was it.

Sniping down a helicopter was almost like taking out a tank on foot in Halo:CE. Good times indeed :lol :lol


Oh and another thing I noticed. If you guys are having difficulty getting rid of a helicopter. Just take out your AK/M4 and shoot down the guys sitting at either side. It will fall back to pick up more police giving you time to get away.
MobiusPigeon said:
so has anyone found any of the areas from gta3 yet?

yea when you go pick up brucie to go hang later on in the game I said....uhhh wow this is looking familiar for some reason. I think many know EXACTLY what im talking about. I was like wooow.

The street is VERY recognizable from GTA III almost instantly.
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