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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

So am I the only person who's just really taking their time with this game? I mean, there's suckers like "Dreamer" who are still doing missions for Vlad, and those people should be openly mocked, but I'm somewhere in the middle. There's tons of you who have finished everything and all that, and I'm just about halfway through it after something like 20 hours of playtime.

Did those of you who finished the game take the time for side missions and dates/hangouts? Sometimes, Little Jacob will call me up to hang out and I might be busy, but I make time for him anyway. Or I at least call him afterward and make it up to him. And with my dates, I won't answer the phone if I'm on my way to their house. Not unless its Roman or somebody really important to me. Dimitri called me while I was enroute to a date and I just hit ignore. Fuck that guy, y'know? I'm about to have my jimmy waxed, I don't need his shit right now.

I think last night I played for like 2 hours and all I did was go on 2 dates, hang with Dwayne, Little Jacob, and Brucie, and then
rescue Roman from an industrial zone
. Not a lot of story advancement in that 2 hours, but definitely a lot of character building. I think because of that, when stuff actually happens it has more impact for me.

Anyway, this game is pretty awesome. I wish it had better radio stations, but that's a hell of a small complaint to have for a huge game like this. And that spoilered mission I mentioned earlier was awesome. The shit coming out of Niko's mouth really went a long way to convincing me how beside himself he was.


Uno Ill Nino said:
So am I the only person who's just really taking their time with this game? I mean, there's suckers like "Dreamer" who are still doing missions for Vlad, and those people should be openly mocked, but I'm somewhere in the middle. There's tons of you who have finished everything and all that, and I'm just about halfway through it after something like 20 hours of playtime.

Did those of you who finished the game take the time for side missions and dates/hangouts? Sometimes, Little Jacob will call me up to hang out and I might be busy, but I make time for him anyway. Or I at least call him afterward and make it up to him. And with my dates, I won't answer the phone if I'm on my way to their house. Not unless its Roman or somebody really important to me. Dimitri called me while I was enroute to a date and I just hit ignore. Fuck that guy, y'know? I'm about to have my jimmy waxed, I don't need his shit right now.

I think last night I played for like 2 hours and all I did was go on 2 dates, hang with Dwayne, Little Jacob, and Brucie, and then
rescue Roman from an industrial zone
. Not a lot of story advancement in that 2 hours, but definitely a lot of character building. I think because of that, when stuff actually happens it has more impact for me.

Anyway, this game is pretty awesome. I wish it had better radio stations, but that's a hell of a small complaint to have for a huge game like this. And that spoilered mission I mentioned earlier was awesome. The shit coming out of Niko's mouth really went a long way to convincing me how beside himself he was.
:lol :lol You're roleplaying in Grand Theft Auto:lol :lol

Do you have a bracelet that says "WWND" ?

i blasted through the game so i could get the sp off my mind and do some multiplayer. worst idea ever
Chinner said:
hope we see more niko. i mean gta always has a new lead character for each game, but niko is just gold. PURE GOLD.

Well there's DLC but as much as I like Niko I think one game a piece for a lead is enough. Actually I wonder if Niko will be the lead of the DLC even, or if they will use a new character or maybe even interestingly enough somebody in the game. Like what if you became Packie for the DLC. His character seems pretty low at the moment.
On my Stats page I am pretty sure that it says ZERO next to Number of times Saved (I think that's what it says). Does that mean saving the game? Because I know I've saved quite a few times now and if it says zero it could be a bug or something.

I just finished the 'Harboring a Grudge' mission which was pretty cool. I just had the revelation that
Francis and Patrick are brothers.
Plot thickens. :D

I'd like to see a GTA based around Irish guys. Maybe in Boston or something.

Oh, and I missed a date with a girl, of course she was pissed and cancelled, but she isn't in the personal ads anymore and I never went on our first date so I didn't get her number. Will I have a second chance with her?
I can't remember her name, but I was emailed her info from the dating website. They said we were a perfect match or something.
I just finished the game's story and it was BRILLIANT. I have never had so much fun in a video game and I nearly rushed through it at 26 hours over a span of 2 weeks. I think it deserves the 10/10s that it got, imo. However, this was my first GTA so maybe my judgment is not clouded by superior other GTAs.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
The other day, i was at the first cut scene where Mikhail's wife and Niko were just talking....like, just talking ,s tuff not related to plot, but CHARACTER BUILDING and I was like "Wow...I;m not sure if I've ever seen this in a game before". That was a brilliant scene.

Anybody else love how, when riding in a taxi (which I do all the time now), when characters talk, they're actually...animated? Like, practically lip synced and arms moving and everything! that's so cool. Totally unnecessary, and really cool.
That copy shop thing is pretty sweet:
Is the yellow Infernus you get from Bernie's politician friend invincible? I just watched my cousin drive around with it for like 20 minutes causing insane destruction and it wasn't even smoking, and the car was like half the size it was originally, it was so bent up. He drove it off a ledge and couldn't get back in.


revolverjgw said:
Is the yellow Infernus you get from Bernie's politician friend invincible? I just watched my cousin drive around with it for like 20 minutes causing insane destruction and it wasn't even smoking, and the car was like half the size it was originally, it was so bent up. He drove it off a ledge and couldn't get back in.

Engines in the back, just like the Turismo. Head on collisions do less damage.
revolverjgw said:
Is the yellow Infernus you get from Bernie's politician friend invincible? I just watched my cousin drive around with it for like 20 minutes causing insane destruction and it wasn't even smoking, and the car was like half the size it was originally, it was so bent up. He drove it off a ledge and couldn't get back in.

The engine is in rear I think so busting up the front won't damage the engine. Same with the Turismo.

EDIT: bah

Anyway, I think Niko really needs to learn how to buckle up. He's smart enough to put on a helmet when riding a motorcycle. I was in a convertible Banshee and I managed to flip the car, Niko fell out and then the car fell on him.


someone said that the scene from the trailer with the woman at the carnival saying "please, no more killing" was cut, but I just saw it.


Ok, let me ask this once again, please answer me or i'm not gonna sleep this night :lol
I unlocked ALL of the isles, and i CAN use Roman's cab service.
Problem is, i can't WORK FOR HIM like you could at the beginning of the game.

Is this normal?!



shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Wizpig said:
Ok, let me ask this once again, please answer me or i'm not gonna sleep this night :lol
I unlocked ALL of the isles, and i CAN use Roman's cab service.
Problem is, i can't WORK FOR HIM like you could at the beginning of the game.

Is this normal?!




Wizpig said:
Why IGN has a Video non-marked as spoiler called
Niko Bellic R.I.P.
i cannot understand.
What the fuck is wrong with them?
Now i'm not asking if that's a true spoiler or not, but anyone who watched that video?

Yeah I've seen it, it's just a a compilation of Niko dying during gameplay, the video doesn't have anything to do with the story.

But yeah it was a daft thing to call it.


Wizpig said:
Ok, let me ask this once again, please answer me or i'm not gonna sleep this night :lol
I unlocked ALL of the isles, and i CAN use Roman's cab service.
Problem is, i can't WORK FOR HIM like you could at the beginning of the game.

Is this normal?!


Are you asking if it's normal that there are no Roman missions where you are at in the game? If so, then yes that's normal.
neojubei said:
WHERE!!!!!! I want an infernus
It doesn't really work like that. I think it's like if you're driving a car and you go around that area the copy ship magically clones your car and places it all over the places. It's worked every time for me.


funkmastergeneral said:
and believe it or not, they're actually pretty fun unlike the other side missions

Yeah I just did 3 and they were enjoyable. I've actually become to love shootouts in this game. It's satisfying to use free-aim for head shots out of cover.


FFObsessed said:
Yeah I've seen it, it's just a a compilation of Niko dying during gameplay, the video doesn't have anything to do with the story.

But yeah it was a daft thing to call it.
Thanks dude.
Darunia said:
Struct09 said:
Are you asking if it's normal that there are no Roman missions where you are at in the game? If so, then yes that's normal.
Thanks you guys too.

I got to say, when i was at like 20 hours i almost got bored of the game, now i'm at more than 30 hours and i unlocked the third isle JUST NOW.
I'm taking my sweet time, and it's like a new beginning for my adventure in GTA 4! :lol

I love this game ... again.

Also, wtf @ that cloning place.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
btw people close to 100%: worth mentioning that they extended the time for the 'key to the city' thing. Last day is now may 19th.

I will never make that day, but I'm sure I'll get the 100% someday, love the game too much. Yesterday I spent an hour listening to the Fusion Jazz station tracking down cars for Stevie. It's pretty relaxing when you have no real places left to go and you can do anything you want.

Also awesome: I was driving in first person when I crashed head on against some other car. It immediately started burning and I watched the driver turn into a human torch behind the wheel in real time :lol . It was glorious.


bigswords said:
Yay! I completed my first GTA ever, coming in at 28 hours! I seriously hated the final mission

Where's it's scripted that you'll get hit by a rocket no matter what you do, once I got hit I just gave up...till I read the faq that you were suppose to get hit and just try to struggle to Happiness island.

Thumbs up! Now onto Brucie missions (I'm stuck at the race :( ).


Sorry about that, I just wish I would have known to try and limp it to the end.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Just received an email from Zit, so i checked out the social club and see i can purchase it on amazon and listen to a sample of it.


BobFromPikeCreek said:
I have found a new love in this game. Running into people with their cellphones out, picking their cellphone up off the ground, and throwing it in their face.

I thought I was the only person that did that. Though in my case, I'll watch someone eating or drinking something. Then wait till they toss the trash/item on the floor and when they start walking away, I'll pick it up and bust them in the back of the head with it.


keep your strippers out of my American football
funkmastergeneral said:
and believe it or not, they're actually pretty fun unlike the other side missions

I will try some of them out. I am kind of in a mission burnout mode right about now.
daw840 said:

Sorry about that, I just wish I would have known to try and limp it to the end.
What the hell, I finally get in the chopper, someone says I have to be hit by the rocket, HELICOPTER WAS DESTROYED, are you freaking kidding me? Who designed this stupid mission?


Yeah where's the store?

Also how the fuck do I date alex? I went to crapslist and clicked on Contact me but I've slept for days and she still hasn't contacted me..wtf?


MMaRsu said:
Yeah where's the store?

Also how the fuck do I date alex? I went to crapslist and clicked on Contact me but I've slept for days and she still hasn't contacted me..wtf?
Copy Shop IS the name of the store.

You just have to find it. But with those pics (and the fact that you play the game so much :p), it shouldn't be any trouble.

As for Alex, no idea... never tried.
Darkflight said:
What the hell, I finally get in the chopper, someone says I have to be hit by the rocket, HELICOPTER WAS DESTROYED, are you freaking kidding me? Who designed this stupid mission?
Heh, done it now, woo, finally, first GTA I've ever finished, I got to the 3rd island in GTA 3, I can't remember how far I got in Vice City, the last two things I remember of San Andreas are some forklift mission and the countryside, I never unlocked the 3rd city.

The game mechanics can still be annoying, but the story and characters were much better than the previous ones, I couldn't care less about the previous leads.

%: 85.50%
Time: 53:13:21
I was accidentally spoiled about some things thanks to google, so I spoiled myself some more and chose my own ending, Kate died, Roman alive, no way was I letting Roman die, Kate was annoying - I do wonder where Jacob got that chopper from. I thought the ending was a bit lame, coming down to a fight with a stupid mafia man, they should patch in a 3rd ending where they don't shit all over Niko at the end
I wonder how long it will take for the social club to realise I've finished it. It still says I'm at 50%, they need to get that sorted, what's the point of a stat tracking site if its days behind.


Darkflight said:
I wonder how long it will take for the social club to realise I've finished it. It still says I'm at 50%, they need to get that sorted, what's the point of a stat tracking site if its days behind.
More like weeks or not at all in some peoples cases.


not to step on any toes, but im kinda weirded out by the people talking about how much they feel for the characters and they like going on all the dates and chilling with the friends in the game... it just seems like you guys are trying to make the game real or something, trying to imagine that its your life? lol sorry kinda offtopic, well maybe not. ps how far into the story mode are you when you unlock the whole map? cuz i wanna be able to highlight all the spoilers on here so i wanna finish the story
btkadams said:
not to step on any toes, but im kinda weirded out by the people talking about how much they feel for the characters and they like going on all the dates and chilling with the friends in the game... it just seems like you guys are trying to make the game real or something, trying to imagine that its your life? lol sorry kinda offtopic, well maybe not. ps how far into the story mode are you when you unlock the whole map? cuz i wanna be able to highlight all the spoilers on here so i wanna finish the story

Not that I especially care or even went out on tons of the dates myself as I tend to stick mainly to the base story but some people identify with the characters and relationships more than others or find that aspect of the game interesting. People have different taste. Personally I'm not going to go out of my way to find packages or pigeons or go put out fires with a firetruck but that's why everybody has different interests.


BeeDog said:
So when can you start dating the Craplist chick? I contacted her while I was still on the second island, but now I have unlocked the third one (am around 53%, just unlocked
missions) and she still hasn't answered! Wtf is wrong?



will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I really can't believe how bungled the social club is. it might as well not exist, it's so fucked. my stats haven't been uploaded whatsoever.
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