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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


Tobor said:
Nobody has any ideas here? Do I have to start all over again?

I had this happening to me as well. For some reason the mission disappeared from the map. There's one way you can solve this, and that is by finding the mission start. Just google the location of Bernie's missions and go there. The mission will start and the icons will be back on the map.

Hopefully this will help you out.


MrTroubleMaker said:
I finally got all the flying rats and I have a question about the heli you get on top of the MeTV building. Some times when i go up the building the heli isn't there, and some times it is. Does it have a spawn time of day, like in the morning or something, cause it a little aggravating getting all the rats and not have the heli there every time I want to use it.

Wow, really? It's not always there? That's just brutal.

The reward is so shitty for the ridiculous task of finding all 200 that I almost think the developers are laughing at the people who go about doing that.


AgentOtaku said:
It's not the mission is particulary hard, it's that there are so many things wrong with the core game as a whole...that's what gets in the way

- No checkpoints
- shitty bike handling (like really unbelievably shitty)
- timed chases that if you fuck up do to some randomness associated with the world...that's it! redo the shit you did 10 mintues prior all over again mate!
- an almost completely broken camera/movement system
- A useless "restart mission" option

I've beat every GTA minus San Andreas, so I've seen these issues throughout the entire series and am still flabergasted that they STILL exist

Yea but if you do the restart on that mission if you fail it puts you right back at the start of the action so you don't have to drive all the way there again.. Kind of a checkpoint I guess. How can you call the restart mission option useless? people would be crying non-stop if it wasn't in the game.

The bike handling was meant to be bad on that mission.. Last mission spoiler
You're driving a bike on the beach you can't expect the handling to be perfect. Rockstar obviously wanted it that way otherwise you'd be chasing the heli on the side of a paved road.
Besides that yea the handling isn't the best for the bikes but its not as bad as you make it sound.

Timed chases? It's not timed you just have to keep up with the thing you're chasing. You can't go and say you've played ever GTA game and complain about the chase missions in this game. Its like night and day in terms of difficulty. GTA 4 makes these missions easy as fuck compared to past games.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
I completed the game in like 19 hours yesterday (second playthrough). So now I can focus on doing a whole bunch of boring sidemissions :p
ItsInMyVeins said:
I completed the game in like 19 hours yesterday (second playthrough). So now I can focus on doing a whole bunch of boring sidemissions :p

Boring? It's just as enveloping as the Story, only the character development is in the form of the city itself.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
BenjaminBirdie said:
Boring? It's just as enveloping as the Story, only the character development is in the form of the city itself.

Some of the stuff is more or less boring, yeah. I don't like the racing for example.


Finished the game last night, got the achievement for finishing it in under 30 hours as well. All I can say is that the ending
where you kill Pegorino
is pathetic, and left me feeling totally unfulfilled.

Seems like San Andreas will remain the best GTA (at least for me) for now :(

That being said, some good and bad points:

+ Some of the missions are amazing
+ As are the majority of the supporting characters and humour - good ol' Rockstar stuff
+ Online multiplayer is FANTASTIC
+ Niko is a great character

- Jerky controls
- Liberty City really isn't the most interesting place...
- Shallow feeling overall.

Still a 9.0+ game, all that being said. Just wish it didn't end so anticlimactically :(


My fantasy is that my girlfriend was actually a young high school girl.
I think I got to the end. I cant be bothered to do the whole section again when I die. should I bother?

Is this indeed the last mission?:
After a car chase, then a shoot out with his henchmen I chase Jimmy P (he on boat me on bike), i get on the chopper then crash it.


Graafke said:
I had this happening to me as well. For some reason the mission disappeared from the map. There's one way you can solve this, and that is by finding the mission start. Just google the location of Bernie's missions and go there. The mission will start and the icons will be back on the map.

Hopefully this will help you out.

Thanks very much. I'll give that a shot.


The game is amazing, but I'd take off a full point simply due to bugs.

I was kicking ass on Three Leaf Clover, made it up to the street with barely a scratch. Burst from the stairs,
jump into the truck, and hit the accelerator.

The game tells me I left
behind, so I scream "NOOOOO!" in frustration and go back to look for the bastard. I find him standing
in the subway
with a random pedestrian who I'm sure wasn't supposed to be there. The two are just standing there looking at each other. So I gun down the pedestrian in a poisonous rage and FINALLY
decides to follow me.

Too late though, cops were swarming and turned me into Swiss cheese before I could yell, "FUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKK!"

A bunch of goofy stuff happened to me yesterday (I put in a pretty long session). It's really hard to lose a mission like that simply because the AI bugs out.


voltron said:
I agree. Maybe not ALL, but heaps of stuff like safehouses / stuff to blow money one + more variety in the side missions (pizza delivery & paramedic say hi).

Yep. I would actually like alot more missions with the U. L. Paper Company. There's tons of great storyline opportunities to be had there. The nameless man is a great character too.

raYne said:
If that actually does happen (and they charge for it), that's some shady bs on Rockstar's part. :/

I wouldn't call it shady. It's a matter of development time. The game that we got obviously took 4 years to make, and was well worth $60.

If they put out 3 or 4 DLC packs in a year or two, I would rather that be the case than having it on the disc and taking another year to ship the whole game.
yeah I really hope they'll listen to the criticisms ACTUAL GAMERS IE not the press, are having with the game and address them in DLC

I mean, I really wanna love this game but I just can't because there is still so much wrong with it


Struct09 said:
Rumble is actually pretty good in the 360 version IMO. I've only seen PS3 owners complain about it. I haven't tired the PS3 version, so I can't give a first hand comparison.
Yeah rumble on PS3 is quasi non-existent, or sometimes its apparent, and other times it isn't. It's the first game I tried with my DS3 as well, and probably is the worse justification for buying that controler! ;_;
Laurent said:
Yeah rumble on PS3 is quasi non-existent, or sometimes its apparent, and other times it isn't. It's the first game I tried with my DS3 as well, and probably is the worse justification for buying that controler! ;_;

never turned on 360 rumble when I had GTA on that console....threw in on the other night for PS3 and suprisingly added a bit of oomph to the firefights, so I dug it


Does one ending or another have a bearing on getting 100%?

I have finished one ending, and am now at the 2nd one on a second game save. Does it matter which one I use after the fact to do the auxiliary stuff?


Hehe, this game really is about multitasking.

I was on my way to take Alex on a date when Brucie called me up for some powerboating. Rather than turn the lovable roid-head down, I wanted to see if I could manage to fit them both within an hour. I grabbed Alex, took her to a bar, drove her, drunk, back to her house, then grabbed a taxi to Brucie's. + points for both of them. It was awesome


Vaxadrin said:
Hehe, this game really is about multitasking.

I was on my way to take Alex on a date when Brucie called me up for some powerboating. Rather than turn the lovable roid-head down, I wanted to see if I could manage to fit them both within an hour. I grabbed Alex, took her to a bar, drove her, drunk, back to her house, then grabbed a taxi to Brucie's. + points for both of them. It was awesome

were you still drunk when boating?

Jedeye Sniv

Had a great time playing controller-swap sp chaos with a mate today, trying to do some of the more out-there shit that you usually get up to, and has confirmed to me that this game is indeed a classic for all time in terms of fun. Like Benjamin, the 'emptiness' of the city doesn't get to me at all, there is tons and tons of shit to see and climb on and drive around. Things like the detail in the back alleys and the weird stuff you find hidden about is fantastic. I found a policeman standing above a wounded homeless person on the beach, he'd obviously killed the bum but didn't have a gun drawn, it was suspicious.

I've spent the past week doing nothing but police chases and exploration and I'm finally back in that sweet-spot where I was with the last-gen GTAs, when you're tooling about with cheats and really pushing the chaotic elements of the universe. A case in point:

When I left my safehouse in Alderney this morning, a cop was arresting a nearby asian gang member, but he put him in the back of my FIB car that I had inherited from it's deceased former-owners. Outraged, I jumped in the car before the cop could steal it in order to keep it safe from the sticky fingers of the law. Didn't get any stars for that so I thought I was safe but as I stopped to turn around and take the car back to my parking space the prisoner got out of the back and jacked me from the car. I looked at him in disbelief for a moment and popped him in the head, attracting the attention of his fellow gang members and the cop I had stolen the car from. Killed all of them, taking cover in the door of my car. Now at three stars but two more police cars arrive and try to box me in so I had to take them down as well. Before I know it reinforcements arrive and I'm in a battle for my fed car in the cramped Alderney streets. Mere seconds later, the fight had escalated to a 5-star charnel house thanks to my rather gleeful usage of an RPG and grenades. My fed car was a bit bullet-spettered but mostly fine, so I jump in and tear off in a vain bid to escape. This is when I remember that on 5 these guys don't fuck around any more and in about 2 minutes my prize FIB trophy was belching fire from it's wheels. Fuck this, I think, I'm taking these bastards with me. I grab a grenade and start cooking as I break to allow my persuers time to catch up. I drop the nade and jump from the car, hitting the ground just in time to spin the camera around to catch the massive chain of explosions from at least 5 police vehicles that kill all the cops and blast my battered copse across the street. 10/10

I only walked out of my door.

Also, today I flew Brucie to the top of the tall building near middle park where i spawned a bike and then jumped off the building in glorious cinematic slo-mo. Brucie died on impact, shattered his pelvis, but I drove off after shooting him in the face a few times for good measure. Great times!
Jedeye Sniv said:
Had a great time playing controller-swap sp chaos with a mate today, trying to do some of the more out-there shit that you usually get up to, and has confirmed to me that this game is indeed a classic for all time in terms of fun. Like Benjamin, the 'emptiness' of the city doesn't get to me at all, there is tons and tons of shit to see and climb on and drive around. Things like the detail in the back alleys and the weird stuff you find hidden about is fantastic. I found a policeman standing above a wounded homeless person on the beach, he'd obviously killed the bum but didn't have a gun drawn, it was suspicious.

I've spent the past week doing nothing but police chases and exploration and I'm finally back in that sweet-spot where I was with the last-gen GTAs, when you're tooling about with cheats and really pushing the chaotic elements of the universe. A case in point:

When I left my safehouse in Alderney this morning, a cop was arresting a nearby asian gang member, but he put him in the back of my FIB car that I had inherited from it's deceased former-owners. Outraged, I jumped in the car before the cop could steal it in order to keep it safe from the sticky fingers of the law. Didn't get any stars for that so I thought I was safe but as I stopped to turn around and take the car back to my parking space the prisoner got out of the back and jacked me from the car. I looked at him in disbelief for a moment and popped him in the head, attracting the attention of his fellow gang members and the cop I had stolen the car from. Killed all of them, taking cover in the door of my car. Now at three stars but two more police cars arrive and try to box me in so I had to take them down as well. Before I know it reinforcements arrive and I'm in a battle for my fed car in the cramped Alderney streets. Mere seconds later, the fight had escalated to a 5-star charnel house thanks to my rather gleeful usage of an RPG and grenades. My fed car was a bit bullet-spettered but mostly fine, so I jump in and tear off in a vain bid to escape. This is when I remember that on 5 these guys don't fuck around any more and in about 2 minutes my prize FIB trophy was belching fire from it's wheels. Fuck this, I think, I'm taking these bastards with me. I grab a grenade and start cooking as I break to allow my persuers time to catch up. I drop the nade and jump from the car, hitting the ground just in time to spin the camera around to catch the massive chain of explosions from at least 5 police vehicles that kill all the cops and blast my battered copse across the street. 10/10

I only walked out of my door.

Also, today I flew Brucie to the top of the tall building near middle park where i spawned a bike and then jumped off the building in glorious cinematic slo-mo. Brucie died on impact, shattered his pelvis, but I drove off after shooting him in the face a few times for good measure. Great times!


Awesome story, man.


Unconfirmed Member
mileS said:
The bike handling was meant to be bad on that mission.. Last mission spoiler
You're driving a bike on the beach you can't expect the handling to be perfect. Rockstar obviously wanted it that way otherwise you'd be chasing the heli on the side of a paved road.
Besides that yea the handling isn't the best for the bikes but its not as bad as you make it sound.

No the bike handling sucked all round. There is not one part in the game where you can say "this handles decent". It is always shit. Worse than the bike handling in portable GTA's imo
Social Club updates much quicker now. I was at 99% dismorning and now, 100% in the evening. I got a question, I'm gonna play again for the under 30 hours achievement and the other ending.

Now, will Social Club reset the 100% i got when I play a new game or will it stay there?


he's Virgin Tight™
Fuck this game. How this POS ever got so many 10s is well beyond me. No checkpoints means a lot of time wasted. And those scripted chases are the worst thing ever, especially when the cars just spin around if they touch anything. I am on Right is Wrong, following that Russian dude, and I just can't. Earlier I was playing something with Undressed in the title, one of Dwayne's missions and I got frustrated and returned to playing other mission. Really, screw this game, its not worth the effort. At most this deserved an 8 because the graphics aren't even anything from other world.

//frustrated rant off.


NinjaFridge said:
No the bike handling sucked all round. There is not one part in the game where you can say "this handles decent". It is always shit. Worse than the bike handling in portable GTA's imo

I strongly disagree. I can pull off shit some crazy traffic swerving on an NRG that make my dates scream. It's awesome.
Vaxadrin said:
I strongly disagree. I can pull off shit some crazy traffic swerving on an NRG that make my dates scream. It's awesome.

yep, the bike and car handling is awesome, the only area where rockstar have improved over the other gta games.

the online racing and touring the city offline are the only things worth doing in gta 4

the game is my biggest gaming disappointment of all time.


Vaxadrin said:
I strongly disagree. I can pull off shit some crazy traffic swerving on an NRG that make my dates scream. It's awesome.
I really hate this excuse. Just because people can do x with the controls doesn't mean it's good or even passable. It's the same thing people use in FPS games that have aim lag or ridiculous magnetism or sensitivity/acceleration issues. "Well, I can pull off headshots, so the controls are great!"

The vehicle controls are "better" than the past games because they're more physics based, but Rockstar went past reality and exaggerated them too much. Too much rocking and way too much sliding.

You can get used to them and even come to like them, but in no way are they great.

Wax Free Vanilla said:
the game is my biggest gaming disappointment of all time
I'd pretty much go with this as well. Though in my case, it's the lack of content and SP features more than anything else.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Yeah, I'm really disappointed as well, I can't believe the lack of things to do.

Ugh, only 17 more stunt jumps left, damn the completionist in me. The cars popping out of nowhere makes so many of these way more annoying than they should be in the first place, not to mention if I see "Not good enough." one more time I'm going to punch someone in the face, because after pretty much all of these my car is totaled, I need to find a new one, and then I usually need to shake the police and go back to the ramp again.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
StickyFingers said:
Social Club updates much quicker now. I was at 99% dismorning and now, 100% in the evening. I got a question, I'm gonna play again for the under 30 hours achievement and the other ending.

Now, will Social Club reset the 100% i got when I play a new game or will it stay there?

It'll reset, I made another file and finished it up real quick and the social club went from 85%(which was behind anyway) to 17%, but after you finish and switch back to your real file and save again it'll eventually catch back up and fix everything.


I think you are an easy mark. I don't have the youthful imagination to create my own adventures. I want to buy more virtual clothes dammit!

Speaking of clothes..the way you browse your wardrobe is archaic as fuck. It can take minutes to select the right wardrobe, since it loads each and every piece instead of just letting you instantly use a list or something a little more 21st century.

Anyway, my favorite set of side missions are the stolen cars for Stevie. It's fun to be given just a neighborhood, street or landmark and a photo of the area and try to locate the car. They're a good way to get to know the city better. I wish more side missions were creative like this It's not that challenging, but it's a welcome break from the monotony of chases and shootouts.


The 'world' doesn't really feel big this game. It reminds me of Jak II, craploads of land and pedestrians/traffic, but like barely anywhere I can actually go. It's all just for show, and driving all the way to a mission and failing, then driving again makes me hate this over-sized, lifeless hub that they call an open world.

Although, I got tired of Vice City about half way in so I could be way off the mark with regards to how other people feel.


Fifty said:
Speaking of clothes..the way you browse your wardrobe is archaic as fuck. It can take minutes to select the right wardrobe, since it loads each and every piece instead of just letting you instantly use a list or something a little more 21st century.
That too.. and it still carries over into the Pay N Spray as well. Terrible terrible game design.


Kunan said:
The 'world' doesn't really feel big this game. It reminds me of Jak II, craploads of land and pedestrians/traffic, but like barely anywhere I can actually go. It's all just for show, and driving all the way to a mission and failing, then driving again makes me hate this over-sized, lifeless hub that they call an open world.

Although, I got tired of Vice City about half way in so I could be way off the mark with regards to how other people feel.

Use the cabs. They are a godsend.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
raYne said:
That too.. and it still carries over into the Pay N Spray as well. Terrible terrible game design.

I still can't believe you can't choose what color to change your car, it's the only form of car customization in the game and even that's worthless.


Has anyone ZiTed all the tracks? How many tracks are available in the soundtrack exactly? I've ZiTed 152 tracks, but it still seems like there's a hundred more.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Dave1988 said:
I wonder if some of the things you people mention here will get added later on via DLC.

Car customization would be sweet.

If it was free I'd get it, but no way in hell am I paying for any features that were in San Andreas and then stripped away for IV.


BeeDog said:
Has anyone ZiTed all the tracks? How many tracks are available in the soundtrack exactly? I've ZiTed 152 tracks, but it still seems like there's a hundred more.

Aren't all of the songs listed in the game manual? I thought that was the case.


Papercuts said:
If it was free I'd get it, but no way in hell am I paying for any features that were in San Andreas and then stripped away for IV.
This is exactly what I meant earlier with this post:
raYne said:
If that actually does happen (and they charge for it), that's some shady bs on Rockstar's part. :/

At this point, I'm convinced they left out everything they did in the past just to either have it as dlc or have "room to grow" in the sequel.

It certainly isn't because of any release pressure (delays coupled with the game being worked on since SA launched) or lack of funding.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
raYne said:
This is exactly what I meant earlier with this post:

At this point, I'm convinced they left out everything they did in the past just to either have it as dlc or have "room to grow" in the sequel.

It certainly isn't because of any release pressure (delays coupled with the game being worked on since SA launched) or lack of funding.

I'd say for room to grow in the sequel, that way it'll be easy to blow people away, even if it is a really cheap way to do so. I really can't see them seriously charging for that stuff, but if they do I'm selling this game in a heartbeat and won't be supporting them with a game purchase again.

DoctorWho said:
You counted?

It's laid out to count easily. :p
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