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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


BeeDog said:
Thanks for the counting. I have some way to go, but it will be a pain in the ass to find the last tracks.

and why would you do this exactly ?

I dont get it...

Someone explain to me what is the use of the ZIT beside buying the songs on ITunes ?


Beaulieu said:
and why would you do this exactly ?

I dont get it...

Someone explain to me what is the use of the ZIT beside buying the songs on ITunes ?
That's all, so I don't get it either..
EverSoTrendy said:
Worst ending in history. I beat the last mission in like 4 minutes. :/

not so much the worse, but more sad that Rockstar, after initially introducing what seemed was gonna be a completely unique character, fell flat on their character development....
By the end of the game, Niko was just a mess and had no bearing on anything
Then again, what can you do when the pretty much the ONLY mission your doing is killing people with no real remorse because the money pays well enough


AgentOtaku said:
not so much the worse, but more sad that Rockstar, after initially introducing what seemed was gonna be a completely unique character, fell flat on their character development....
By the end of the game, Niko was just a mess and had no bearing on anything
Then again, what can you do when the pretty much the ONLY mission your doing is killing people with no real remorse because the money pays well enough
Dude.. "Oscar worthy story"!

>insert lolz x infinity<


bish gets all the credit :)
Just finished, and I'm left with a feeling similar to when I completed/gave up on other GTA's. The main story was just too damn long to support itself. I'd really love an 15-20 hour main story with a great plot, rather than a 35-40 hour one that started out so well, but fell flat in the middle. The lack of checkpoints was a real pain in the ass as well, which made it more frustrating than it should have been. Was it fun? Definitely. Was it a 10/10? Absolutely not.


raYne said:
I really hate this excuse. Just because people can do x with the controls doesn't mean it's good or even passable. It's the same thing people use in FPS games that have aim lag or ridiculous magnetism or sensitivity/acceleration issues. "Well, I can pull off headshots, so the controls are great!"

The vehicle controls are "better" than the past games because they're more physics based, but Rockstar went past reality and exaggerated them too much. Too much rocking and way too much sliding.

You can get used to them and even come to like them, but in no way are they great.

It's not an excuse, and them being great is entirely subjective. By the same logic, I could just as easily say you're making excuses because you suck at driving.


Vaxadrin said:
It's not an excuse, and them being great is entirely subjective. By the same logic, I could just as easily say you're making excuses because you suck at driving.
Except it isn't subjective considering many games do driving far better. It's opinion and a wrong one at that.
That's another thing, I beat the game in fourteen hours, granted I only did the real story missions, but still I wish there was a little bit more meat. Some characters should have just been side missions.


he's Virgin Tight™
IGN should re-review. There is no way this game deserves anything near a 10. Then again, the guys who re review are Gamestop, but they gave it 9.5 originally and then changed to 10.... right. Agh


raYne said:
What car are you using? I hear it's much easier with a Turismo.

I've tried with the Turismo, taxi, Coquette, Feltzer, and cop cars of course. :lol I'll admit I only tried it once with the Turismo, so I'll give it another whirl later.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
AirBrian said:
I've tried with the Turismo, taxi, Coquette, Feltzer, and cop cars of course. :lol I'll admit I only tried it once with the Turismo, so I'll give it another whirl later.

Are you hitting the ramps dead on or hitting it with two wheels on and two off? I never did 5 in one jump but it eventually triggered for me, just try it a couple times with the same car.


raYne said:
That's all, so I don't get it either..

ZiT is fucking annoying. The one song i do want to buy isnt on iTunes and Amazon wont let me buy because i dont live in America. Stupid bleeding international copyright laws


bish gets all the credit :)
where's the best place to do that "Blow 10 cars up in 10 seconds" achievement? I've tried at the prison parking lot, but it doesn't seem to register.


Papercuts said:
Are you hitting the ramps dead on or hitting it with two wheels on and two off? I never did 5 in one jump but it eventually triggered for me, just try it a couple times with the same car.

I've been sliding so two wheels of the same side of the car hit the ramp (ex. front left and back left). So you're saying just have half the car on the ramp and half off without sliding? I'll have to try that later too. Thanks. :)


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
alr1ghtstart said:
where's the best place to do that "Blow 10 cars up in 10 seconds" achievement? I've tried at the prison parking lot, but it doesn't seem to register.

I stole a bus at Times Square and blocked off the nearby highway, waiting and counted the cars until about 12 or 13 were backed up, then let grenades and rockets fly. This is another that's kinda weird to register, but I eventually got it.


alr1ghtstart said:
where's the best place to do that "Blow 10 cars up in 10 seconds" achievement? I've tried at the prison parking lot, but it doesn't seem to register.

Oh, I loved this achievement. I stole a armored truck and took it into the tunnel where there's always a ton of traffic. I hit a couple of cars by the entrance/exit, which then blocked it creating a nice little pile-up. Whipped out the RPG and fired two shots (from a safe distance of course). BOOM!

Then the cops came and I ran like a MF. :lol


Okay, lame question time.

I just beat GTA4. I saw one of the two endings, but now I need to load my older save so I can see the other. However, I'm not sure how to do that since the game has always auto-loaded my most recent save for me. Do I just visit the bed?


WinFonda said:
Okay, lame question time.

I just beat GTA4. I saw one of the two endings, but now I need to load my older save so I can see the other. However, I'm not sure how to do that since the game has always auto-loaded my most recent save for me. Do I just visit the bed?
Pause > game > load.


Graafke said:
I had this happening to me as well. For some reason the mission disappeared from the map. There's one way you can solve this, and that is by finding the mission start. Just google the location of Bernie's missions and go there. The mission will start and the icons will be back on the map.

Hopefully this will help you out.

This worked. Thanks so much for your help. I want to play the game again, just not immediately.


bish gets all the credit :)
Does anyone have video of the 2nd ending, where
Roman dies, Dimitri dies
? I can't be arsed to play through it again.


guise said:
ZiT is fucking annoying. The one song i do want to buy isnt on iTunes and Amazon wont let me buy because i dont live in America. Stupid bleeding international copyright laws

For me, half the songs I call in about either don't show up on my Social Club profile, or come up like three or four days later. Is there a way to speed up the process? I haven't really dove that far into the multiplayer, so does the game send out your ZiT info when you log into that? :/

By the way... I'm sure this has been asked, but has anyone been able to find a REAL America's Next Top Hooker ringtone floating around anywhere? I would be 100% content with life if I had that beautiful work of art as my actual irl tone. :p
After 75 hours I've decided to take a long break from GTAIV. After completion it just feels to me like there's not a lot to do besides a few races and hunting pigeons. The fact that there isn't a single other mission to do post-game makes things boring. Couldn't there be another set of assassin missions or something? It's a great game, but man, I'm just running out of things to do.


Relix said:
IGN should re-review. There is no way this game deserves anything near a 10. Then again, the guys who re review are Gamestop, but they gave it 9.5 originally and then changed to 10.... right. Agh

GTA4 pretty much marks the point where I have to stop believing anything I read in reviews. It's sad, really.

Not to say I haven't enjoyed the game but jesus.


disappeared said:
After 75 hours I've decided to take a long break from GTAIV. After completion it just feels to me like there's not a lot to do besides a few races and hunting pigeons. The fact that there isn't a single other mission to do post-game makes things boring. Couldn't there be another set of assassin missions or something? It's a great game, but man, I'm just running out of things to do.

But you've played for 75 hours. If you're complaining about a lack of stuff to do, you should have said you quit after 40.


For some reason after I beat the game.. it started freezing like crazy. Walked around a little froze.. went online froze while going online... before going online decided to change my character.. froze while picking a character... finally made it into a room with friends and froze again :(


My final assessment, after finishing the story and ~85 hours playtime:

- The story is great at the beginning and into the middle, but once you get to Jersey and involved with the Italians it falls completely apart and becomes the same-old mobster game. Niko, Brucie, Packie, Florian, etc. are fantastic, distinct characters which will stick with me for a long time, but I couldn't name any of the Italians they all just blur together.

- Just screwing around and causing chaos is NO FUN in this game. That's all I did in the previous games, but something about this one doesn't click. Even with the addition of free mode online I can't keep interested. Perhaps because it's so realistic / not arcadey... which leads me to...

GTA4 is the Real Driving Simulator (tm) !!!

I'm completely and totally addicted to just cruising around in the game with the flow of traffic following the rules, chilling to the radio, soaking in the sights and being 'seen'!

I love cars, but I've never liked driving games AT ALL because I don't like racing. Gran Turismo (etc) give you these BEAUTIFUL cars and then force you to race them around sterile tracks: WHAT A BORING WASTE! I just want to CRUISE!!! GTA4 lets me do that!

It's quite challenging, particularly in the big American barges, to keep with the flow of traffic and drive smoothly without your shocks going crazy (and spilling your imaginary drink!). There are a few annoying quirks (why do the AI drivers change lanes for no reason constantly!), but I think GTA is at its best when you follow the rules!

edit -- I love how Algonquin is full of one-way streets and various rare/complicated intersection types which normally confuse/scare the hell out of a small town boy like me (from a place where all corners are 45* and every street goes both ways). All the road markers, signs, lights, etc. work the way they should so it's a great way to learn to manage big city driving!!! :D :D :D
Just finished the story. Very addictive gameplay wise. I liked the cover system but it seem like rockstar turned the game in building with stairs sim. Every other mission had u chasing ppl down in an apartment.
Totally depressing to read about everyone's disappointments with the way this game plays out. I'm at the mid-point [where things starts to get a bit stale] and I assumed that the story would pick up again [because of the "10" reviews] and redeem itself. But apparently not...

I have really enjoyed this game, but I would SO rather have had 10-15 hours of stellar story, without filler [and better checkpoints].


more money than God
Mifune said:
GTA4 pretty much marks the point where I have to stop believing anything I read in reviews. It's sad, really.

Not to say I haven't enjoyed the game but jesus.
Same here, it's so disheartening, but it's true.
Papercuts said:
It'll reset, I made another file and finished it up real quick and the social club went from 85%(which was behind anyway) to 17%, but after you finish and switch back to your real file and save again it'll eventually catch back up and fix everything.
Ok, thanks for the reply.


Did anyone else have a problem with the 10 package delivery achievement? I have no more jobs from Jacob and didn't get it :(. and now im doing the bridges twice, the first time they didnt count..


stewacide said:
GTA4 is the Real Driving Simulator (tm) !!!

So true...

I'm on my 2nd playthrough now and I've likely logged around 20 hours of solely driving around Algonquin on an NRG blaring Electrochoc.


How u beat teh snowstorm? I can't lose teh bronze.


disappeared said:
After 75 hours I've decided to take a long break from GTAIV. After completion it just feels to me like there's not a lot to do besides a few races and hunting pigeons. The fact that there isn't a single other mission to do post-game makes things boring. Couldn't there be another set of assassin missions or something? It's a great game, but man, I'm just running out of things to do.
I left the assassin missions until post story and they were more fun than most of the final missions. But yeah least amount of stuff in a GTA it seems. I'm in the 80% range, done everything but two races list warz, and one most wanted (incase I want a 99.9% save that is easy to hit 100 again and again)


Kittonwy said:
How u beat teh snowstorm? I can't lose teh bronze.
Have a fast car lined up and ready to go when you start the mission and get lucky with a pay and spray rush. Some people had luck with a boat but I didn't even get one to spawn.

You also may be able to run/drive into the subway system and walk out of range, i am not sure where I pulled that trick off(three leaf clover maybe).
Vaxadrin said:
So true...

I'm on my 2nd playthrough now and I've likely logged around 20 hours of solely driving around Algonquin on an NRG blaring Electrochoc.
aside from the bikes, I will wholeheartedly agree that the driving model itself is rather brilliant
I just don't like how Rockstar implemented the controls...specifically the lack of used range in the triggers....
Fifty said:
But you've played for 75 hours. If you're complaining about a lack of stuff to do, you should have said you quit after 40.

Quite true. In fact this is the first time I've ever invested 75 hours into a game in under a month. Chalk it up to not having a job for the past four weeks. Christ, I can't believe I burned through the game this fast.
dork said:
Did anyone else have a problem with the 10 package delivery achievement? I have no more jobs from Jacob and didn't get it :(. and now im doing the bridges twice, the first time they didnt count..
Didn't have a problem with it. Out of curiosity, did you get a green huntley for the last delivery? I also remember Jacob phoning & explaining that there wouldn't be any more deliveries.

Sorry the bridge thing didn't work for you. Sounds like you're having rotten luck with the achievements.


voltron said:
Finally got the last pigeon. The one that was eluding me was the one on the support of the bridge that joins North Algonquin and Alderney. Its just back far enough on the support girder to be out of sight with a sniper rifle - unless you get an angle that you wouldnt normally think to try.

Sorry to quote myself, but Im just curious if anyone else had trouble with this pigeon? Its the one marked 85 on this map:


I had to redo the entire 200 locations because of that fucking pigeon. The spot you stand is back a bit on a jetty and using the sniper you just cant see it unless you go as far to the left as you can on the jetty - and even then only just.

So on my second run through the whole list I had one left at the end again but was more thorough with my recording and went back to the spot and eventually found it. So I load my other file with my first attempt and there it was.... the stupid thing is I searched so hard for it too... even hovering with a chopper.

Guess it serves me right for even bothering to do some a stupid, menial task.


This is the angle where your shown to shoot from:


(sorry the arrow is a bit small - but it shows where the pigeon is.... just back a bit form the edge of the concrete that support is attached to)

Anyway, maybe this will help someone who is also missing it and going insane.


Piggus said:
For me, half the songs I call in about either don't show up on my Social Club profile, or come up like three or four days later. Is there a way to speed up the process? I haven't really dove that far into the multiplayer, so does the game send out your ZiT info when you log into that? :/

None of the songs I have ZiT'd have shown up on social club at all. The best way I have found is to just remember the name of the track when it gets texted to you and then just search for it on iTunes. Either that or go to wikipedia and look at the radio station tracklistings and look them up one by one on iTunes until you find the right one.

ZiT is such a great concept in theory, too bad that Rockstar Social Club is just an absolute shambles.

On a comedy side note i experienced a comical death yesterday. After doing a stunt jump i started bailing out my car before it crash landed but just before i could roll to safety my car wedged into a small gap between some buildings and i got crushed in my car door :lol
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