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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

HolyStar said:
WHY THE FUCK CAN I NOT WATCH AMERICA'S NEXT TOP HOOKER? Dammit Rockstar, you actually make a good idea for a show, and we can't watch it, stupid bastards. It better be in the DLC man. Hate the fact man. Out of all of their fake programming, that is the one I wanted to watch the most.

:lol yep
Cardon said:
Does anyone have tips for
Derrick's last mission, the one where you need to block the tunnel and drive away with the prisoner in the cop truck
? I've managed to get close to getting rid of my Wanted level but at the last moment a cop spotted me. I was just wondering which island I should try driving around in order to get rid of my wanted level or if anyone had any crazy alternate ideas.
Just squeeze your vehicle through the barrier you made (between the truck you parked and the wall of the tunnel). The barrier itself prevents the cops from getting through quickly. By the time I exited the tunnel I was out of the wanted level. I talked my friend through the exact same mission because he was having the same problem. It's unnecessary to have to be chased around the city by the cops when you can be out of the wanted level(s) before you exit the tunnel.


I know it's probably somewhere in this thread but I don't have 3 hours to search for it. Does anyone have a stunt-jump map locater available?


Talladega Knight said:
Just squeeze your vehicle through the barrier you made (between the truck you parked and the wall of the tunnel). The barrier itself prevents the cops from getting through quickly. By the time I exited the tunnel I was out of the wanted level. I talked my friend through the exact same mission because he was having the same problem. It's unnecessary to have to be chased around the city by the cops when you can be out of the wanted level(s) before you exit the tunnel.

Cool. I'll try this out when I play this weekend. For some reason this mission was giving me alot of problems and I had an easier time with Snow Storm and in that instance I had to take a car since a boat didn't spawn for me.
Ok I have searched everywhere and can not find the full size of this pic


anyone have it? :D


just finished it.

can we talk about the last mission?

What is the consensus here on the better ending?

I got Kate killed, who cares?
so my punishment was
riding that stupid motorbike on the beach
. I just read what happens if you go the other route, and I think that's the better ending. Much more relevance to the overall story, and no
. I think I'll re-load an old save and give it a shot.
rhino4evr said:
just finished it.

can we talk about the last mission?

What is the consensus here on the better ending?

I got Kate killed, who cares?
so my punishment was
riding that stupid motorbike on the beach
. I just read what happens if you go the other route, and I think that's the better ending. Much more relevance to the overall story, and no
. I think I'll re-load an old save and give it a shot.
I didn't care for
Kate, got her killed too
, but I liked
Roman, so i didn't want him to die
but having
Roman die is a more meaningful ending, I played though both, and ended up for my open world "free play" I would rather have Roman around


MrTroubleMaker said:
I didn't care for
Kate, got her killed too
, but I liked
Roman, so i didn't want him to die
but having
Roman die is a more meaningful ending, I played though both, and ended up for my open world "free play" I would rather have Roman around

I can see your point, but I find calling for a taxi takes a lot longer then just finding one on the street. So ther service seems a little pointless.


I hear it's viral, it would certainly make sense -- i've heard about three people getting it in the last day -- so it should be making the rounds really quick now. Log in tonight, play a couple games, and I bet everyone will have it.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
It's viral for sure, I just joined a deathmatch and the first kill got me it. Either that or I just got incredibly lucky. :lol


Yeah, I got the achievement to. The guy was in his underwear that I killed. Kept talking about zombies and whatnot. I kept trying to talk, but no one would respond. I thought that my mike wasn't working but I could hear them fine. Also, does anyone feel like there should have been more strip clubs? 2 is ok, but 3 or 4 wouldn't hurt. That and going into the club and getting into random encounters would be sweet to.

Also, why is it that if you mess up on the first date with a girl, they hate you and there is no way to get them to go back out with you? It is annoying.
I got a question, why is it whenever I steal a Turismo I suddenly see them being driven by a greater number of Liberty City civillians? Its not just the luxury cars either, I nabbed a Dilletante the other day and suddenly they were appearing everywhere.

Is this a known bug, or just a way of pissing off the player when they finally manage to track down a Comet?


sionyboy said:
I got a question, why is it whenever I steal a Turismo I suddenly see them being driven by a greater number of Liberty City civillians? Its not just the luxury cars either, I nabbed a Dilletante the other day and suddenly they were appearing everywhere.

Is this a known bug, or just a way of pissing off the player when they finally manage to track down a Comet?

It's been in all GTA games. Probably since the car model is loaded into the memory, it's easier to duplicate the same car model instead of showing a gazillion of different models on screen.


sionyboy said:
I got a question, why is it whenever I steal a Turismo I suddenly see them being driven by a greater number of Liberty City civillians? Its not just the luxury cars either, I nabbed a Dilletante the other day and suddenly they were appearing everywhere.

Is this a known bug, or just a way of pissing off the player when they finally manage to track down a Comet?

GTA has always worked that way. DAMN. Beaten. lol


Once, in the parking lot behind the dilapidated building on Colony Island, there were nothing but Turismos. I forgot how many I counted, but there were over 8.


Fuck. I'm on Mission:

I can't get up the ladder to continue my chase. Is this a glitch?
Any suggestions on what I am missing?

Got it. Nevermind.



_RT_ said:
Fuck. I'm on Mission:

I can't get up the ladder to continue my chase. Is this a glitch?
Any suggestions on what I am missing?

Got it. Nevermind.

:lol Yeah, ladder climbing is pretty wacky in GTAIV. Sometimes he'll just stand there like, "...What?"

If you want to see terrible, try climbing up a ladder from in the ocean with the waves pushing you up and down. Jesus Christ.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
dirtmonkey37 said:
I rather dislike the pacing of the story.

It starts off slow, builds atmosphere, then explodes into a flurry of interesting plot twists and turns (
The whole Vlad cutscene is when the main conflict is introduced
) and then it mellows out significantly for the remainder of the game. This mellow period has been very uneventful in regards to Nico's plot and character development and that upsets me greatly.

All of this praise about the game's story and most of it is speant developing other characters that you
end up killing after several missions anyways (although I'll admit that Francis was well developed before I popped one in his head

Rockstar: you crafted one of the most nuanced and interesting characters in the history of video games. Why did you slow the pacing of his development to a near-absolute crawl when the game's exposition comes to an end?

I totally agree.

The game really slows down after the backstabbing by Dmitri occurs and is really unfocused right up until the end of the game. The whole finding of Darko by the guys at U.L. Paper just seemed totally random and the mission where you kill him or choose to let him go wasn't very well done in my opinion either. The whole ending with Pegorino / Dmitri being the final enemies just seemed kind of forced as well. I think they should have done something a little more with Bulgarin and not just have him show up as deceased on a police computer. He would have made a much better boss character instead of some random italian mob boss who you had been working for.

I still love the game and it is one of my favorites of all time, but I think that they did such a good job on the first act and that left the rest of the game feeling a little lacking in terms of story.
So I got Kiki Jenkins up to 100% and got the Clear Wanted reward, which is pretty much the most useful thing ever. Anyway, during a mission I tried to clear my wanted level and accidentally clicked on "dump" instead, immediately hanging up and trying again. Everything seemed cool until I get a text message saying that she's dumping me. Is there any way to get her back? What's the point of even having a "dump" option so close to the actual reward if it's just going to disappear forever if you fuck it up.


Hi guys,

Two quick questions. About relationships, do they inform you that you reached the "maximum" level, so you dont have to go out with them anymore?

And second, is just me, os unlike previous GTA's the islands transition aren't "an event"? I just noticed that i got access to the last island because i saw the achieviement popup.
Tmac said:
Hi guys,

Two quick questions. About relationships, do they inform you that you reached the "maximum" level, so you dont have to go out with them anymore?

And second, is just me, os unlike previous GTA's the islands transition aren't "an event"? I just noticed that i got access to the last island because i saw the achieviement popup.

1. there are stats on relationships in your stats page, what percentage they are at and all of that. 100% = done, but it can still drop afterwards

2. they do announce it on the radio, and usualy offer a job somewhere on it directly after.


Tmac said:
Hi guys,

Two quick questions. About relationships, do they inform you that you reached the "maximum" level, so you dont have to go out with them anymore?

And second, is just me, os unlike previous GTA's the islands transition aren't "an event"? I just noticed that i got access to the last island because i saw the achieviement popup.
You can pause and check the level in the stats page:
-Like is for taking them out on dates, playing games with them, drinking etc.
-Respect is for completing missions for them.

The friend unlockable abilities vary per person so it's different percentages for each and there's no reason to max out the levels because you get the abilities between 60-75 percent.

Also, you can't just stop taking them out because if it drops below a certain level, you lose whatever ability they give you. That said, you really don't need any of them anyway.

..and yeah, unlocking the islands is pretty anticlimactic. Especially the last one.

GooseNeckn said:
So I got Kiki Jenkins up to 100% and got the Clear Wanted reward, which is pretty much the most useful thing ever. Anyway, during a mission I tried to clear my wanted level and accidentally clicked on "dump" instead, immediately hanging up and trying again. Everything seemed cool until I get a text message saying that she's dumping me. Is there any way to get her back? What's the point of even having a "dump" option so close to the actual reward if it's just going to disappear forever if you fuck it up.
As far as I know, she'll put her profile back up online after like an in-game week. You'll probably have to start dating her from scratch.


Loving the game though - the character and dialogue is pretty much nailed - I love the way there's no black and white, the characters aren't cartoony pastiches (unless they're intended to be ...
). The whole
Playboy X / Dwayne
line is really epic - the characters and plot choices contained in it are really nuanced, and I came out of that not proud of the decision I made, but I think it was the right one. Epic stuff.


raYne said:
You can pause and check the level in the stats page:
-Like is for taking them out on dates, playing games with them, drinking etc.
-Respect is for completing missions for them.

I do not agree fully with you on this. Becasue every time you take one of your friends for an activity, the respect percentage goes up as well.


Oh, not seen this mentioned in this thread yet, but get on the internet and use the lucky hit search function to bring up a list of 5 or so random search results - keep clicking 'more' until you get a link for some beauty pageant website - click on it :D
Something just semi-weird just happened, I took Dwayne out for food but rather than him saying "Yo homie, can you take me back to Northwood" he just said thanks and wandered off on his own....

Never happened before. Was he embarrassed by my 4 door family saloon? Does he not like my driving? Why can't more 'friends' find their own way home?
sionyboy said:
Something just semi-weird just happened, I took Dwayne out for food but rather than him saying "Yo homie, can you take me back to Northwood" he just said thanks and wandered off on his own....

Never happened before. Was he embarrassed by my 4 door family saloon? Does he not like my driving? Why can't more 'friends' find their own way home?

I've had most of the "friends" do this at least once, yep its a little strange, but the like % didn't go down , so all is good :)


sionyboy said:
Something just semi-weird just happened, I took Dwayne out for food but rather than him saying "Yo homie, can you take me back to Northwood" he just said thanks and wandered off on his own....

Never happened before. Was he embarrassed by my 4 door family saloon? Does he not like my driving? Why can't more 'friends' find their own way home?

I hope that happens to me. I still have Brucie and Packie to have like me to get the 100%... It's a pain to to go through the process of going to their location, driving them to the venue, then driving them to their homes.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
mh56 said:
so whats the status on the kill a rocklstar employee achievement? viral or not?

Still undecided... I did get it tonight... so throw that on the potentially viral pile.

I'm 95% done this game... all that's left is getting all my friends to 100% (I slacked on being a buddy and let some flounder throughout the game) and the pidgeons... :( I am not looking forward to killing the pidgeons. I think I've only found/killed 4 or 5 because I didn't think I was going to go for 100%.

For anyone that's done it... does it try your soul?


mh56 said:
so whats the status on the kill a rocklstar employee achievement? viral or not?

Totally viral. People have been getting it like mad the past 2 or 3 days. Last night I hopped on and got the achievement literally with my very first kill.


El_TigroX said:
Still undecided... I did get it tonight... so throw that on the potentially viral pile.

I'm 95% done this game... all that's left is getting all my friends to 100% (I slacked on being a buddy and let some flounder throughout the game) and the pidgeons... :( I am not looking forward to killing the pidgeons. I think I've only found/killed 4 or 5 because I didn't think I was going to go for 100%.

For anyone that's done it... does it try your soul?

Not really. There's twice as many as there should be though.
Finally finished the game Sat. but at the worst possible moment. The credits started rolling but I had to leave the house imediately for something. Doh!!
I don't want to know exactly what happens but did I miss enough where I should really go back and play the last mission? Otherwise I'm done with the game.


Steroid Distributor
womfalcs3 said:
I hope that happens to me. I still have Brucie and Packie to have like me to get the 100%... It's a pain to to go through the process of going to their location, driving them to the venue, then driving them to their homes.

Your stats with them aren't effected as much by what you drive as the girls do. Just grab a cab to pick them up, whistle the cab to stop as soon as you get out of it, grab Brucie or Packie and then take the cab to where ever you guys are headed. Same with going home, just grab a cab and call it a day. So much quicker.




.....God am I so glad this is over. Bought the game exactly one month ago. Have 100hrs playing time logged, and have all the single player achievements except LCM. I'm ready to move on. Back to Ridge Racer 7 :D


The online interface for this game sucks ass.

It's getting to the point where I don't even want to play online anymore. I give it 3 tries every time, and after 3 times of loading the single player again when I'm disconnected, or having it drop people in my party, I give up and play something else.


I think
Zombie Kate
finally dumped me. I didn't do anything wrong and took her out whenever she called, but she called me up and said she needed to move on with her life.

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